Minutes of last two weeks of meetings approved.
Prov-constraints document to be available Friday, July 20th for review by the group for release as last call. Simon, Stian, Tim, and Paul agreed to review. One week was given for the review period. August 2nd would be the vote on releasing as last call.
Daniel is working on putting the mappings in W3C Note style is hopeful to have this done by next week. Daniel will make this available as an Editor's draft. A more formal review of the document for release as a working draft will be done in September.
From a note in the agenda, Hook, Stephan and Curt will be reviewing the current version of the xml schema July 20. Luc will get in touch with them to see what they aim to do. He will also make the xml schema available and request comments.
A rough editor's draft of the Dictionary Note has been made. Stian will be editing the Note and working on it at the end of August/beginning of September. Paolo, Tim agreed to help.
For the month of August volunteers were signed up for handling incoming public comments on the last call releases.
The group adopted a resolution on an approach for handling what owl gets returned on dereferencing the provenance namespace.
A discussion on exit criteria was delayed to next week. The group was asked to think about their implementations. In addition, Tim asked about the process of editing after Last Call. Paul agreed to check on the process.
15:03:05 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/07/19-prov-irc
RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/07/19-prov-irc ←
15:03:07 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world
Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world ←
15:03:09 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be
Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be ←
15:03:10 <Zakim> I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot
Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot ←
15:03:10 <trackbot> Meeting: Provenance Working Group Teleconference
15:03:11 <trackbot> Date: 19 July 2012
15:03:13 <pgroth> Zakim, this will be PROV
Paul Groth: Zakim, this will be PROV ←
15:03:13 <Zakim> ok, pgroth, I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM already started
Zakim IRC Bot: ok, pgroth, I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM already started ←
15:03:28 <pgroth> Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2012.07.19
15:03:36 <Zakim> +??P30
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P30 ←
15:03:41 <pgroth> Chair: Paul Groth
15:03:42 <TomDN> Zakim, who is on the phone?
Tom De Nies: Zakim, who is on the phone? ←
15:03:42 <Zakim> On the phone I see TomDN, ??P2, Luc, ??P11, stain, ??P25, ??P27, ??P30
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see TomDN, ??P2, Luc, ??P11, stain, ??P25, ??P27, ??P30 ←
15:03:47 <pgroth> Scribe: TomDN
(Scribe set to Tom De Nies)
15:03:49 <Zakim> -??P25
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P25 ←
15:03:57 <pgroth> Zakim, ??P25 is me
Paul Groth: Zakim, ??P25 is me ←
15:03:57 <Zakim> I already had ??P25 as ??P25, pgroth
Zakim IRC Bot: I already had ??P25 as ??P25, pgroth ←
15:04:11 <pgroth> rrsagent, make logs public
Paul Groth: rrsagent, make logs public ←
15:04:28 <Zakim> +??P25
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P25 ←
15:04:32 <stain> I'm amazed - Zakim recognized me today..
Stian Soiland-Reyes: I'm amazed - Zakim recognized me today.. ←
15:04:37 <dgarijo> Zakim, ??P25 is me
Daniel Garijo: Zakim, ??P25 is me ←
15:04:37 <Zakim> + +44.131.467.aaaa - is perhaps jcheney?
Zakim IRC Bot: + +44.131.467.aaaa - is perhaps jcheney? ←
15:04:37 <Zakim> +dgarijo; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +dgarijo; got it ←
15:04:52 <TomDN> zakim, mute me
zakim, mute me ←
15:04:52 <Zakim> TomDN should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: TomDN should now be muted ←
15:04:59 <pgroth> Regrets: Curt Tilmes, Hook Hua, Stephan Zednik, Graham Klyne, Sandro Hawke
15:05:06 <jcheney> zakim, aaaa is me
James Cheney: zakim, aaaa is me ←
15:05:07 <pgroth> Topic: Admin
Summary: Minutes of last two weeks of meetings approved.
<pgroth> Summary: Minutes of last two weeks of meetings approved.
15:05:11 <Zakim> sorry, jcheney, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa'
Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, jcheney, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa' ←
15:05:18 <pgroth> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/meeting/2012-07-05
Paul Groth: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/meeting/2012-07-05 ←
15:05:21 <jcheney> zakim, +44.131.467.aaaa is me
James Cheney: zakim, +44.131.467.aaaa is me ←
15:05:23 <pgroth> Minutes of the July 05, 2012 Telecon
Paul Groth: Minutes of the July 05, 2012 Telecon ←
15:05:24 <Zakim> sorry, jcheney, I do not recognize a party named '+44.131.467.aaaa'
Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, jcheney, I do not recognize a party named '+44.131.467.aaaa' ←
15:05:27 <Luc> zakim, who is here?
Luc Moreau: zakim, who is here? ←
15:05:29 <Zakim> On the phone I see TomDN (muted), ??P2, Luc, ??P11, stain, ??P27, ??P30, dgarijo, jcheney?
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see TomDN (muted), ??P2, Luc, ??P11, stain, ??P27, ??P30, dgarijo, jcheney? ←
15:05:34 <Zakim> On IRC I see christine, RRSAgent, dgarijo, jcheney, Zakim, Paolo, smiles, Luc, Dong, pgroth, TomDN, MacTed, trackbot, stain, sandro
Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see christine, RRSAgent, dgarijo, jcheney, Zakim, Paolo, smiles, Luc, Dong, pgroth, TomDN, MacTed, trackbot, stain, sandro ←
15:05:36 <TomDN> +0 (did not attend)
+0 (did not attend) ←
15:05:41 <smiles> 0
Simon Miles: 0 ←
15:05:42 <dgarijo> +0
Daniel Garijo: +0 ←
15:05:49 <Paolo> +1
Paolo Missier: +1 ←
15:05:51 <jcheney> +1
James Cheney: +1 ←
15:05:59 <stain> +1
Stian Soiland-Reyes: +1 ←
15:06:19 <pgroth> accepted: Minutes of the July 05, 2012 Telecon
RESOLVED: Minutes of the July 05, 2012 Telecon ←
15:06:26 <pgroth> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/meeting/2012-07-12
Paul Groth: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/meeting/2012-07-12 ←
15:06:39 <pgroth> Minutes of the July 12, 2012 Telecon
Paul Groth: Minutes of the July 12, 2012 Telecon ←
15:06:51 <smiles> 0
Simon Miles: 0 ←
15:06:53 <Paolo> +1
Paolo Missier: +1 ←
15:06:59 <dgarijo> 0
Daniel Garijo: 0 ←
15:07:00 <jcheney> +1
James Cheney: +1 ←
15:07:06 <stain> +1
Stian Soiland-Reyes: +1 ←
15:07:31 <Zakim> +??P38
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P38 ←
15:07:50 <pgroth> accepted: Minutes of the July 12, 2012 Telecon
RESOLVED: Minutes of the July 12, 2012 Telecon ←
15:07:52 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
15:08:21 <TomDN> pgroth: Paolo and Paul still have an action
Paul Groth: Paulo and Paul still have an action ←
15:08:34 <pgroth> s/Paolo/Paulo/
15:08:41 <Zakim> + +238055aabb
Zakim IRC Bot: + +238055aabb ←
15:08:48 <pgroth> Topic: Prov-Constraints
Summary: Prov-constraints document to be available Friday, July 20th for review by the group for release as last call. Simon, Stian, Tim, and Paul agreed to review. One week was given for the review period. August 2nd would be the vote on releasing as last call.
<pgroth> Summary: Prov-constraints document to be available Friday, July 20th for review by the group for release as last call. Simon, Stian, Tim, and Paul agreed to review. One week was given for the review period. August 2nd would be the vote on releasing as last call.
15:09:11 <TomDN> pgroth: There has been a lot of email traffic on the constraints, and we're trying to get something out for review
Paul Groth: There has been a lot of email traffic on the constraints, and we're trying to get something out for review ←
15:09:39 <TomDN> jcheney: There's a clear plan to release something for review in the next day or two
James Cheney: There's a clear plan to release something for review in the next day or two ←
15:09:49 <jcheney> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/model/prov-constraints.html
James Cheney: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/model/prov-constraints.html ←
15:09:55 <TomDN> luc: aim for release for internal review is tomorrow
Luc Moreau: aim for release for internal review is tomorrow ←
15:10:48 <TomDN> jcheney: There's been some discussion on the mailing list and some off-line discussion, but most results will be incorporated in the document for review
James Cheney: There's been some discussion on the mailing list and some off-line discussion, but most results will be incorporated in the document for review ←
15:11:09 <TomDN> pgroth: By when would this be reviewed?
Paul Groth: By when would this be reviewed? ←
15:11:37 <TomDN> jcheney: goal is to get release LC on august 2nd
James Cheney: goal is to vote on release LC on august 2nd ←
15:11:48 <TomDN> s/get/vote on
15:12:10 <TomDN> luc: reviews would be due by next Friday (July 27th)
Luc Moreau: reviews would be due by next Friday (July 27th) ←
15:12:42 <TomDN> jcheney: hopefully minor things after review can be fixed by august 2nd
James Cheney: hopefully minor things after review can be fixed by august 2nd ←
15:13:07 <TomDN> ... Hopefully no problems that are too big arise
... Hopefully no problems that are too big arise ←
15:13:10 <Luc> could we ask GK to do it?
Luc Moreau: could we ask GK to do it? ←
15:13:14 <smiles> I will
Simon Miles: I will ←
15:13:16 <stain> I will
Stian Soiland-Reyes: I will ←
15:13:37 <christine> Not sure I am suitably technically qualified to do a review.
Christine Runnegar: Not sure I am suitably technically qualified to do a review. ←
15:14:00 <Luc> q+
Luc Moreau: q+ ←
15:14:06 <stain> @christine - why not give it a go - that might be a good position to review from as well?
Stian Soiland-Reyes: @christine - why not give it a go - that might be a good position to review from as well? ←
15:14:57 <pgroth> ack Luc
Paul Groth: ack Luc ←
15:15:13 <TomDN> luc: I'm a bit concerned about the timetable. We will have to discuss off-line that it's possible.
Luc Moreau: I'm a bit concerned about the timetable. We will have to discuss off-line that it's possible. ←
15:15:19 <pgroth> reviewers - simon, stain, paul for prov-constraints
Paul Groth: reviewers - simon, stain, paul for prov-constraints ←
15:15:27 <Dong> Zakim, who is on the phone?
Trung Huynh: Zakim, who is on the phone? ←
15:15:27 <Zakim> On the phone I see TomDN (muted), ??P2, Luc, ??P11, stain, ??P27, ??P30, dgarijo, jcheney?, ??P38, +238055aabb
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see TomDN (muted), ??P2, Luc, ??P11, stain, ??P27, ??P30, dgarijo, jcheney?, ??P38, +238055aabb ←
15:15:28 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
15:15:32 <Zakim> +tlebo
Zakim IRC Bot: +tlebo ←
15:15:45 <TomDN> pgroth: thanks to all who are working on it
Paul Groth: thanks to all who are working on it ←
15:15:45 <pgroth> Topic: Draft of Dublin Core Mappings
Summary: Daniel is working on putting the mappings in W3C Note style is hopeful to have this done by next week. Daniel will make this available as an Editor's draft. A more formal review of the document for release as a working draft will be done in September.
<pgroth> Summary: Daniel is working on putting the mappings in W3C Note style is hopeful to have this done by next week. Daniel will make this available as an Editor's draft. A more formal review of the document for release as a working draft will be done in September.
15:16:24 <TomDN> dgarijo: I'm working on it, will deliver it in the next days
Daniel Garijo: I'm working on it, will deliver it in the next days ←
15:17:02 <TomDN> ... By beginning of next week. I'd like some people to review it then
... By beginning of next week. I'd like some people to review it then ←
15:17:56 <TomDN> pgroth: It would be nice to have it as a working draft (note) before august, but might not be possible
Paul Groth: It would be nice to have it as a working draft (note) before august, but might not be possible ←
15:18:16 <TomDN> dgarijo: Should be no problem, since I am working on it alone
Daniel Garijo: Should be no problem, since I am working on it alone ←
15:18:42 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
15:18:59 <Luc> q+
Luc Moreau: q+ ←
15:19:00 <TomDN> pgroth: We need to get it into W3C format, include a link in the working draft list, and then get people's reviews/comments on it
Paul Groth: We need to get it into W3C format, include a link in the working draft list, and then get people's reviews/comments on it ←
15:19:09 <TomDN> ... Comments on this?
... Comments on this? ←
15:19:11 <pgroth> ack Luc
Paul Groth: ack Luc ←
15:19:56 <pgroth> plan is to have an editor's draft early next week
Paul Groth: plan is to have an editor's draft early next week ←
15:20:00 <TomDN> Luc: Sounds good. If we get a document ready for internal release by early September, that's good.
Luc Moreau: Sounds good. If we get a document ready for internal release by early September, that's good. ←
15:20:12 <pgroth> a formal review process in sept
Paul Groth: a formal review process in sept ←
15:20:45 <TomDN> pgroth: We have a number of other working drafts
Paul Groth: We have a number of other working drafts ←
15:21:22 <stain> I would want to talk about Dictionary draft afterwards to figure out the who/when bit
Stian Soiland-Reyes: I would want to talk about Dictionary draft afterwards to figure out the who/when bit ←
15:21:24 <TomDN> ... First: Working draft XML
... First: Working draft XML ←
15:21:34 <TomDN> ... Has this team been in contact with Luc?
... Has this team been in contact with Luc? ←
15:21:46 <pgroth> Topic: XML Schema
Summary: From a note in the agenda, Hook, Stephan and Curt will be reviewing the current version of the xml schema July 20. Luc will get in touch with them to see what they aim to do. He will also make the xml schema available and request comments.
<pgroth> Summary: From a note in the agenda, Hook, Stephan and Curt will be reviewing the current version of the xml schema July 20. Luc will get in touch with them to see what they aim to do. He will also make the xml schema available and request comments.
15:21:58 <TomDN> Luc: Stephan has been in touch to ask for draft XML schema. I don't know what the next step is.
Luc Moreau: Stephan has been in touch to ask for draft XML schema. I don't know what the next step is. ←
15:22:27 <TomDN> pgroth: Let's talk about this next week, hopefully they will be on the call then.
Paul Groth: Let's talk about this next week, hopefully they will be on the call then. ←
15:22:28 <stain> feedback on what.. where is it?
Stian Soiland-Reyes: feedback on what.. where is it? ←
15:22:56 <TomDN> Luc: Maybe also ask for feedback on the draft XML schema by then as well
Luc Moreau: Maybe also ask for feedback on the draft XML schema by then as well ←
15:23:09 <TomDN> ... We will put it on the wiki
... We will put it on the wiki ←
15:23:09 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
15:23:24 <pgroth> Topic: Dictionary
Summary: A rough editor's draft of the Dictionary Note has been made. Stian will be editing the Note and working on it at the end of August/beginning of September. Paolo, Tim agreed to help.
<pgroth> Summary: A rough editor's draft of the Dictionary Note has been made. Stian will be editing the Note and working on it at the end of August/beginning of September. Paolo, Tim agreed to help.
15:23:55 <stain> zakim, who is noisy?
Stian Soiland-Reyes: zakim, who is noisy? ←
15:24:01 <TomDN> pgroth: We agreed to put dictionaries into a separate note
Paul Groth: We agreed to put dictionaries into a separate note ←
15:24:03 <stain> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/model/prov-dictionary.html
Stian Soiland-Reyes: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/model/prov-dictionary.html ←
15:24:08 <Zakim> stain, listening for 12 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P27 (83%)
Zakim IRC Bot: stain, listening for 12 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P27 (83%) ←
15:24:15 <TomDN> ... Who's working on it, and what's the timeline?
... Who's working on it, and what's the timeline? ←
15:24:51 <TomDN> (sorry, who is speaking?)
(sorry, who is speaking?) ←
15:25:01 <TomDN> thanks
thanks ←
15:25:14 <tlebo> Stian is speaking
Timothy Lebo: Stian is speaking ←
15:25:25 <tlebo> stain ?
Timothy Lebo: stain ? ←
15:25:42 <TomDN> stain: I volunteered to be editor on this, but nothing has really lifted off yet
Stian Soiland-Reyes: I volunteered to be editor on this, but nothing has really lifted off yet ←
15:25:56 <TomDN> ... I would have time in august, and could use some people to help on this.
... I would have time in august, and could use some people to help on this. ←
15:26:10 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
15:26:22 <TomDN> pgroth: Sounds good. Having something in mid September would be ideal.
Paul Groth: Sounds good. Having something in mid September would be ideal. ←
15:26:23 <tlebo> sounds good
Timothy Lebo: sounds good ←
15:26:23 <stain> Zakim, who is on the phone?
Stian Soiland-Reyes: Zakim, who is on the phone? ←
15:26:23 <Zakim> On the phone I see TomDN (muted), ??P2, Luc, ??P11, stain, ??P27, ??P30, dgarijo, jcheney?, ??P38, +238055aabb, tlebo
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see TomDN (muted), ??P2, Luc, ??P11, stain, ??P27, ??P30, dgarijo, jcheney?, ??P38, +238055aabb, tlebo ←
15:26:36 <Paolo> I would like to help
Paolo Missier: I would like to help ←
15:26:37 <stain> Right - I wondered who could volunteer..
Stian Soiland-Reyes: Right - I wondered who could volunteer.. ←
15:26:50 <Luc> happy to review
Luc Moreau: happy to review ←
15:26:54 <tlebo> I'm on it :-/
Timothy Lebo: I'm on it :-/ ←
15:26:59 <TomDN> pgroth: any volunteers to help?
Paul Groth: any volunteers to help? ←
15:27:08 <stain> sounds good
Stian Soiland-Reyes: sounds good ←
15:27:11 <TomDN> ... thanks Paolo, Luc, Tim
... thanks Paolo, Luc, Tim ←
15:27:31 <pgroth> Topic: Timetable
Summary: For the month of August volunteers were signed up for handling incoming public comments on the last call releases.
<pgroth> Summary: For the month of August volunteers were signed up for handling incoming public comments on the last call releases.
15:27:43 <pgroth> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Tracking_Public_Comments
Paul Groth: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Tracking_Public_Comments ←
15:28:07 <TomDN> pgroth: We need someone coordinating incoming public comments
Paul Groth: We need someone coordinating incoming public comments ←
15:28:19 <TomDN> ... Please sign up through this link
... Please sign up through this link ←
15:28:51 <smiles> Yes
Simon Miles: Yes ←
15:28:53 <stain> yes
Stian Soiland-Reyes: yes ←
15:28:56 <dgarijo> Me too
Daniel Garijo: Me too ←
15:29:00 <smiles> OK
Simon Miles: OK ←
15:29:02 <TomDN> ... It's 1 week/person. Just keeping track of emails and providing replies
... It's 1 week/person. Just keeping track of emails and providing replies ←
15:29:41 <smiles> If needs be, I can do that too
Simon Miles: If needs be, I can do that too ←
15:29:51 <TomDN> I can do 6-12
I can do 6-12 ←
15:29:57 <TomDN> (needed to check agenda)
(needed to check agenda) ←
15:29:58 <dgarijo> I'm all august available
Daniel Garijo: I'm all august available ←
15:30:05 <dgarijo> ok
Daniel Garijo: ok ←
15:30:16 <tlebo> (I already took Aug 20 - Aug 26)
Timothy Lebo: (I already took Aug 20 - Aug 26) ←
15:30:32 <Luc> have got to go, bye bye
Luc Moreau: have got to go, bye bye ←
15:30:33 <stain> I can do 26th-
Stian Soiland-Reyes: I can do 26th- ←
15:30:39 <Zakim> -Luc
Zakim IRC Bot: -Luc ←
15:31:00 <TomDN> pgroth: good, that covers most of august for public comments, thanks.
Paul Groth: good, that covers most of august for public comments, thanks. ←
15:31:26 <pgroth> Topic: Prov Namespace
Summary: The group adopted a resolution on an approach for handling what owl gets returned on dereferencing the provenance namespace.
<pgroth> Summary: The group adopted a resolution on an approach for handling what owl gets returned on dereferencing the provenance namespace.
15:32:00 <TomDN> pgroth: What do we do with dereferencability, especially if you have multiple nodes
Paul Groth: What do we do with dereferencability, especially if you have multiple nodes ←
15:32:15 <pgroth> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/ProvNamespaceManagement
Paul Groth: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/ProvNamespaceManagement ←
15:32:27 <TomDN> pgroth: This documents the various approaches
Paul Groth: This documents the various approaches ←
15:32:35 <TomDN> ... We need to settle on one.
... We need to settle on one. ←
15:33:20 <TomDN> pgroth: Solution 1: Merge all owl files into one namespace owl
Paul Groth: Solution 1: Merge all owl files into one namespace owl ←
15:33:34 <TomDN> ... Here the idea is that each note would maintain a separate owl file.
... Here the idea is that each note would maintain a separate owl file. ←
15:33:45 <TomDN> ... Solution 2.1 Use owl:import, but return only PROV-O
... Solution 2.1 Use owl:import, but return only PROV-O ←
15:33:58 <TomDN> ... This hybrid solution is a single OWL file with the content of ProvenanceOntology.owl (PROV-O) - but with the additional owl:imports for the modules. It will include provenance to the OWL of the official REC that it is derived from.
... This hybrid solution is a single OWL file with the content of ProvenanceOntology.owl (PROV-O) - but with the additional owl:imports for the modules. It will include provenance to the OWL of the official REC that it is derived from. ←
15:34:24 <TomDN> ... There were some modifications to this, which lead to Solution 2.2 Use owl:import and return full merge of PROV-O and all Notes
... There were some modifications to this, which lead to Solution 2.2 Use owl:import and return full merge of PROV-O and all Notes ←
15:34:52 <TomDN> ... and lastly: Solution 3 Define all terms in a single OWL file
... and lastly: Solution 3 Define all terms in a single OWL file ←
15:35:17 <TomDN> ... Terms that are not formally part of PROV-O would be described using just annotation properties (rdfs:label, rdfs:comment), so they don't show up in Ontology processing tools, but are still present for documentary purposes when the namespace is dereferenced.
... Terms that are not formally part of PROV-O would be described using just annotation properties (rdfs:label, rdfs:comment), so they don't show up in Ontology processing tools, but are still present for documentary purposes when the namespace is dereferenced. ←
15:35:20 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
15:35:30 <TomDN> pgroth: So which do you guys think is best?
Paul Groth: So which do you guys think is best? ←
15:35:44 <tlebo> +1 to the one I suggested :-) http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/ProvNamespaceManagement#Solution_2.2_Use_owl:import_and_return_full_merge_of_PROV-O_and_all_Notes
Timothy Lebo: +1 to the one I suggested :-) http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/ProvNamespaceManagement#Solution_2.2_Use_owl:import_and_return_full_merge_of_PROV-O_and_all_Notes ←
15:36:01 <stain> In preference: 2.2, 2.1, 2, 3, 1
Stian Soiland-Reyes: In preference: 2.2, 2.1, 2, 3, 1 ←
15:36:35 <TomDN> pgroth: I would be inclined to do 2.2 as well, which is basically the concatenation of everything
Paul Groth: I would be inclined to do 2.2 as well, which is basically the concatenation of everything ←
15:36:41 <dgarijo> I like 2.1 better, in case you don't want to handle everything at once.
Daniel Garijo: I like 2.1 better, in case you don't want to handle everything at once. ←
15:36:47 <TomDN> ... Are there any objections to this?
... Are there any objections to this? ←
15:36:50 <stain> you are just restating what is true - if you saved that file again from protege the merged things should disappear as they are implied by the import
Stian Soiland-Reyes: you are just restating what is true - if you saved that file again from protege the merged things should disappear as they are implied by the import ←
15:37:06 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
15:37:08 <tlebo> @dgarijo but what makes provo so special?
Timothy Lebo: @dgarijo but what makes provo so special? ←
15:37:43 <stain> @dgarijo, if you don't want to, then import the version IRI of PROV-O (or whatever) instead
Stian Soiland-Reyes: @dgarijo, if you don't want to, then import the version IRI of PROV-O (or whatever) instead ←
15:37:48 <Dong> I prefer to see all the terms defined by the WG
Trung Huynh: I prefer to see all the terms defined by the WG ←
15:37:59 <dgarijo> @stian, tim:I see.
Daniel Garijo: @stian, tim:I see. ←
15:38:16 <pgroth> for the owl file that comes back from the prov namespace - (solution 2.2. ) Use owl:import and return full merge of PROV-O and all Notes
Paul Groth: for the owl file that comes back from the prov namespace - (solution 2.2. ) Use owl:import and return full merge of PROV-O and all Notes ←
15:38:28 <pgroth> proposed: for the owl file that comes back from the prov namespace - (solution 2.2. ) Use owl:import and return full merge of PROV-O and all Notes
PROPOSED: for the owl file that comes back from the prov namespace - (solution 2.2. ) Use owl:import and return full merge of PROV-O and all Notes ←
15:38:34 <smiles> +0.5 (fine as far as I understand, but not my expertise)
Simon Miles: +0.5 (fine as far as I understand, but not my expertise) ←
15:38:35 <tlebo> @stain right to @dgarijo , just grab the owl:imports and take those that you want (ignore everything else that comes back).
Timothy Lebo: @stain right to @dgarijo , just grab the owl:imports and take those that you want (ignore everything else that comes back). ←
15:38:42 <stain> +1
Stian Soiland-Reyes: +1 ←
15:38:43 <TomDN> +1
+1 ←
15:38:45 <dgarijo> +1
Daniel Garijo: +1 ←
15:38:50 <Dong> +1
Trung Huynh: +1 ←
15:38:54 <tlebo> +1
Timothy Lebo: +1 ←
15:39:04 <stain> if it does not actually work we can change it, right? This is not part of a REC
Stian Soiland-Reyes: if it does not actually work we can change it, right? This is not part of a REC ←
15:39:20 <TomDN> pgroth: Indeed
Paul Groth: Indeed ←
15:39:27 <pgroth> accepted: for the owl file that comes back from the prov namespace - (solution 2.2. ) Use owl:import and return full merge of PROV-O and all Notes
RESOLVED: for the owl file that comes back from the prov namespace - (solution 2.2. ) Use owl:import and return full merge of PROV-O and all Notes ←
15:39:42 <stain> I'm sure Tim has some tricks up his sleeve for that
Stian Soiland-Reyes: I'm sure Tim has some tricks up his sleeve for that ←
15:39:54 <TomDN> pgroth: Tim, do you have anything laying around to do this?
Paul Groth: Tim, do you have anything laying around to do this? ←
15:40:20 <TomDN> tlebo: I'll look in my box of owl-magic tricks
Timothy Lebo: I'll look in my box of owl-magic tricks ←
15:40:42 <TomDN> ... (yes, I will look into it)
... (yes, I will look into it) ←
15:40:48 <stain> here's one implementation: https://github.com/wf4ever/taverna-prov - it would not cover a big % as of today
Stian Soiland-Reyes: here's one implementation: https://github.com/wf4ever/taverna-prov - it would not cover a big % as of today ←
<pgroth> Topic: Etc
Summary: A discussion on exit criteria was delayed to next week. The group was asked to think about their implementations. In addition, Tim asked about the process of editing after Last Call. Paul agreed to check on the process.
<pgroth> Summary: A discussion on exit criteria was delayed to next week. The group was asked to think about their implementations. In addition, Tim asked about the process of editing after Last Call. Paul agreed to check on the process.
15:41:01 <pgroth> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/ProvCRExitCriteria
Paul Groth: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/ProvCRExitCriteria ←
15:41:15 <TomDN> pgroth: If you are thinking about implementations of PROV, this is a good time to start talking about them
Paul Groth: If you are thinking about implementations of PROV, this is a good time to start talking about them ←
15:41:17 <tlebo> @stain add it to http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/ProvImplementations
Timothy Lebo: @stain add it to http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/ProvImplementations ←
15:41:17 <Dong> @pgroth, do we have a timetable for the implementation todos?
Trung Huynh: @pgroth, do we have a timetable for the implementation todos? ←
15:41:45 <TomDN> ... Please take a look at the exit criteria, and see if you can implement (some of) them
... Please take a look at the exit criteria, and see if you can implement (some of) them ←
15:42:02 <TomDN> ... Implementation period will be 4-6 weeks
... Implementation period will be 4-6 weeks ←
15:42:23 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
15:42:30 <TomDN> ... But we'd like to start way before that, and definitely think about the report as well
... But we'd like to start way before that, and definitely think about the report as well ←
15:42:47 <tlebo> q+
Timothy Lebo: q+ ←
15:43:12 <jcheney> q+
James Cheney: q+ ←
15:43:24 <TomDN> tlebo: Now that stuff is released for LC, how do we deal with change management?
Timothy Lebo: Now that stuff is released for LC, how do we deal with change management? ←
15:43:37 <TomDN> pgroth: Same as always, just create a new editor's draft
Paul Groth: Same as always, just create a new editor's draft ←
15:44:15 <TomDN> ... but do be careful about technical changes (since this is LC), but we can still make editorial changes.
... but do be careful about technical changes (since this is LC), but we can still make editorial changes. ←
15:44:26 <tlebo> e.g. http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/track/issues/456 ?
Timothy Lebo: e.g. http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/track/issues/456 ? ←
15:44:56 <stain> @dgarijo would the PROV mapping for roevo and wfprov in wf4ever count for application page? Will we formalize those into the OWLs?
Stian Soiland-Reyes: @dgarijo would the PROV mapping for roevo and wfprov in wf4ever count for application page? Will we formalize those into the OWLs? ←
15:45:00 <TomDN> tlebo: I have a request to change the domain. Is this too much change, or not?
Timothy Lebo: I have a request to change the domain. Is this too much change, or not? ←
15:45:18 <TomDN> pgroth: I'll email sandro to make sure we don't make mistakes
Paul Groth: I'll email sandro to make sure we don't make mistakes ←
15:45:32 <pgroth> ack tlebo
Paul Groth: ack tlebo ←
15:45:59 <TomDN> jcheney: Will Tim review the constraints as well?
James Cheney: Will Tim review the constraints as well? ←
15:46:05 <TomDN> tlebo: Absolutely
Timothy Lebo: Absolutely ←
15:46:36 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
15:46:39 <pgroth> ack jcheney
Paul Groth: ack jcheney ←
15:46:48 <tlebo> bye bye
Timothy Lebo: bye bye ←
15:46:51 <Zakim> -dgarijo
Zakim IRC Bot: -dgarijo ←
15:46:52 <Zakim> -tlebo
Zakim IRC Bot: -tlebo ←
15:46:53 <Zakim> -??P11
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P11 ←
15:46:53 <Zakim> -??P30
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P30 ←
15:46:55 <TomDN> bye
bye ←
15:47:01 <Zakim> -??P2
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P2 ←
15:47:01 <Zakim> -??P27
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P27 ←
15:47:03 <TomDN> zakim, unmute me
zakim, unmute me ←
15:47:03 <Zakim> TomDN should no longer be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: TomDN should no longer be muted ←
15:47:05 <Zakim> -??P38
Zakim IRC Bot: -??P38 ←
15:47:10 <stain> bye
Stian Soiland-Reyes: bye ←
15:47:13 <Zakim> -TomDN
Zakim IRC Bot: -TomDN ←
15:47:14 <Zakim> -stain
Zakim IRC Bot: -stain ←
15:47:25 <pgroth> rrsagent, set log public
Paul Groth: rrsagent, set log public ←
15:47:30 <pgroth> rrsagent, draft minutes
Paul Groth: rrsagent, draft minutes ←
15:47:30 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/07/19-prov-minutes.html pgroth
RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/07/19-prov-minutes.html pgroth ←
15:47:36 <pgroth> trackbot, end telcon
Paul Groth: trackbot, end telcon ←
15:47:36 <trackbot> Zakim, list attendees
Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, list attendees ←
15:47:36 <Zakim> As of this point the attendees have been TomDN, Luc, stain, +44.131.467.aaaa, dgarijo, +238055aabb, tlebo
Zakim IRC Bot: As of this point the attendees have been TomDN, Luc, stain, +44.131.467.aaaa, dgarijo, +238055aabb, tlebo ←
15:47:44 <trackbot> RRSAgent, please draft minutes
Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, please draft minutes ←
15:47:44 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/07/19-prov-minutes.html trackbot
RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/07/19-prov-minutes.html trackbot ←
15:47:45 <trackbot> RRSAgent, bye
Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, bye ←
15:47:45 <RRSAgent> I see no action items
RRSAgent IRC Bot: I see no action items ←
Formatted by CommonScribe