An overview of the current status of the PAQ TF was given by Simon Miles. The discussions focused on the access of provenance. A number of high level issues were resolved related to the expectations on provenance access. New terminology referring to the different URIs with respect to provenance access was introduced and was adopted during the discussion. The group endorsed limiting the scope of the first draft of the access document.
The definitions of concepts "time", "agent", and "ivp of" in the consolidated document were reviewed and revised according to the new terminology adopted in previous sessions. Issues for discussion that were identified in the consolidated document were discussed. Either issues were resolved, dropped, or raised in the tracker for future resolution (some comments were also added on the discussion page of the consolidated document).
In this session, a plan for developing an access document was developed and a mechanism for helping to decide upon proposals was agreed upon. It was agreed to start with Graham's document as a starting point and to raise issues against that document once it was transferred to the W3C version control system. In order to evaluate various proposals, a use case scenario at was agreed upon.
Plans for each of the Task Forces were confirmed from other sessions. For the Model Task Force and PAQ Task Force the following process is adopted: each task force will create a draft document in W3C style, issues will then be raised against those documents, those issues will then be iteratively resolved until the public working drafts are due. The documents being produced are the conceptual model, formal model (i.e. owl ontology), and an initial provenance access document. Additionally, in this session it was decided that the formal model would take the form of a light weight OWL ontology that also is "natural rdf". Finally, it was discussed that we need better connections to the RDF working group to ensure that Named Graphs are properly supported. Sandro will initiate this discussion and we aim to find a member that participates in both working groups to actively convey the Provenance WG's point-of-view in the RDF Working Group.
12:41:55 <RRSAgent> logging to
RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to ←
12:41:57 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world
Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world ←
12:41:59 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be
Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be ←
12:41:59 <Zakim> I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot
Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot ←
12:42:00 <trackbot> Meeting: Provenance Working Group Teleconference
12:42:00 <trackbot> Date: 07 July 2011
12:42:13 <Luc> Zakim, this will be PROV
Luc Moreau: Zakim, this will be PROV ←
12:42:13 <Zakim> ok, Luc; I see SW_(PROV1)8:00AM scheduled to start 42 minutes ago
Zakim IRC Bot: ok, Luc; I see SW_(PROV1)8:00AM scheduled to start 42 minutes ago ←
12:42:40 <Luc> Chair: Paul Groth
12:42:59 <Luc> Agenda:
12:43:23 <Luc> rrsagent, make logs public
Luc Moreau: rrsagent, make logs public ←
12:43:45 <Luc> Scribe: Paolo Missier
(Scribe set to Paolo Missier)
12:49:18 <Luc> TOPIC: Session 5: PAQ TF
(No events recorded for 5 minutes)
Summary: An overview of the current status of the PAQ TF was given by Simon Miles. The discussions focused on the access of provenance. A number of high level issues were resolved related to the expectations on provenance access. New terminology referring to the different URIs with respect to provenance access was introduced and was adopted during the discussion. The group endorsed limiting the scope of the first draft of the access document.
<pgroth> Summary: An overview of the current status of the PAQ TF was given by Simon Miles. The discussions focused on the access of provenance. A number of high level issues were resolved related to the expectations on provenance access. New terminology referring to the different URIs with respect to provenance access was introduced and was adopted during the discussion. The group endorsed limiting the scope of the first draft of the access document.
12:58:49 <Zakim> SW_(PROV1)8:00AM has now started
(No events recorded for 9 minutes)
Zakim IRC Bot: SW_(PROV1)8:00AM has now started ←
12:58:55 <Zakim> +Meeting_Room
Zakim IRC Bot: +Meeting_Room ←
13:01:56 <sandro> RRSAgent, pointer?
Sandro Hawke: RRSAgent, pointer? ←
13:01:56 <RRSAgent> See
RRSAgent IRC Bot: See ←
13:02:04 <sandro> rrsagent, make logs public
Sandro Hawke: rrsagent, make logs public ←
13:02:55 <sandro> meeting: Prov F2F1 Day 2
13:03:17 <sandro> sandro has changed the topic to: PROV F2F1 - Conference Code is DIFFERENT: 77681# (note the "1") Webcam:
Sandro Hawke: sandro has changed the topic to: PROV F2F1 - Conference Code is DIFFERENT: 77681# (note the "1") Webcam: ←
13:04:17 <Zakim> +zednik
Zakim IRC Bot: +zednik ←
13:06:40 <Paolo> Scribe: Paolo
13:06:41 <smiles>
Simon Miles: ←
13:07:26 <pgroth> going through the slides
Paul Groth: going through the slides ←
13:07:28 <pgroth> slide 1
Paul Groth: slide 1 ←
13:08:42 <Paolo> slide 2
slide 2 ←
13:09:39 <JimMcCusker> Can someone re-post the link to the slides?
James McCusker: Can someone re-post the link to the slides? ←
13:09:41 <Paolo> 3
3 ←
13:09:50 <Zakim> +??P1
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P1 ←
13:09:51 <sandro>
Sandro Hawke: ←
13:09:52 <Paolo> ←
13:10:02 <GK> zakim, ??p1 is me
Graham Klyne: zakim, ??p1 is me ←
13:10:02 <Zakim> +GK; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +GK; got it ←
13:10:12 <JimMcCusker> thanks
James McCusker: thanks ←
13:10:31 <Paolo> 4
4 ←
13:11:01 <Paolo> slide 5
slide 5 ←
13:11:13 <RyanGolden> can you post the URL to the slides again?
Ryan Golden: can you post the URL to the slides again? ←
13:11:35 <Paolo> ←
13:12:07 <Paolo> slide 6
slide 6 ←
13:13:47 <pgroth> pausing for the projector...
Paul Groth: pausing for the projector... ←
13:14:22 <Paolo> (third option is proposal from Luc)
(third option is proposal from Luc) ←
13:14:28 <Paolo> on this slide
on this slide ←
13:14:38 <Zakim> +olaf
Zakim IRC Bot: +olaf ←
13:14:48 <Paolo> 4 was a proposal from GK
4 was a proposal from GK ←
13:15:06 <Paolo> bullet 5 was proposed by Stian
bullet 5 was proposed by Stian ←
13:15:50 <Paolo> so slide 6 summarize proposals on first question
so slide 6 summarize proposals on first question ←
13:16:07 <Paolo> that was "Given information regarding where to access data on the provenance of a resource state representation, what form does that information take and how do we obtain the provenance data? "
that was "Given information regarding where to access data on the provenance of a resource state representation, what form does that information take and how do we obtain the provenance data? " ←
13:16:41 <Paolo> slide 7
slide 7 ←
13:17:05 <Paolo> proposals for Q2, embedding provenance into an HTML doc: "How can a browser find the information on where to access provenance data, referred to above, for an HTML document that was downloaded, so that its provenance may be retrieved? "
proposals for Q2, embedding provenance into an HTML doc: "How can a browser find the information on where to access provenance data, referred to above, for an HTML document that was downloaded, so that its provenance may be retrieved? " ←
13:17:24 <Paolo> bullet entry 1 from GK
bullet entry 1 from GK ←
13:17:31 <Paolo> bullet 2 from Luc
bullet 2 from Luc ←
13:18:02 <Paolo> 3 also proposed by Luc
3 also proposed by Luc ←
13:18:21 <olaf> is that the slideset Simon sent on Tuesday?
Olaf Hartig: is that the slideset Simon sent on Tuesday? ←
13:18:30 <pgroth> no it's from today
Paul Groth: no it's from today ←
13:18:30 <Paolo> bullet 4: from Khalid
bullet 4: from Khalid ←
13:18:36 <pgroth> can someone paste the url again
Paul Groth: can someone paste the url again ←
13:18:50 <Paolo> @olaf: this is the set:
@olaf: this is the set: ←
13:19:05 <olaf> thanks!
Olaf Hartig: thanks! ←
13:19:06 <Paolo> slide 8
slide 8 ←
13:20:04 <GK> That's pretty close to what I meant
Graham Klyne: That's pretty close to what I meant ←
13:20:11 <Paolo> GK: remember KISS :-)
Graham Klyne: remember KISS :-) ←
13:20:25 <GK> :)
Graham Klyne: :) ←
13:20:29 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
13:21:15 <Paolo> slide 9: hopefully uncontroversial suggestions for decisions
slide 9: hopefully uncontroversial suggestions for decisions ←
13:21:27 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
13:21:37 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
13:21:50 <sandro> "There may be data regarding the provenance of a thing accessible from multiple sources."
Sandro Hawke: "There may be data regarding the provenance of a thing accessible from multiple sources." ←
13:22:18 <Paolo> item 1 -- there may be multiple services providing provenance, or multiple prov URIs for an entity state
item 1 -- there may be multiple services providing provenance, or multiple prov URIs for an entity state ←
13:22:39 <Paolo> this has implications for access
this has implications for access ←
13:23:12 <sandro> smiles: not the intent to suggest the data is the same.
Simon Miles: not the intent to suggest the data is the same. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ] ←
13:23:23 <GK> Different provenance from different sources could be different, even inconsistent. IMO.
Graham Klyne: Different provenance from different sources could be different, even inconsistent. IMO. ←
13:24:00 <pgroth> Proposal: Provenance of a thing can be found at multiple sources
PROPOSED: Provenance of a thing can be found at multiple sources ←
13:24:13 <olaf> +1 to "There may be data regarding the provenance of a thing accessible from multiple sources." (and this provenance information may differ)
Olaf Hartig: +1 to "There may be data regarding the provenance of a thing accessible from multiple sources." (and this provenance information may differ) ←
13:27:58 <Paolo> Tim: can we just state provenance without referring "of ...(Bob etc)"?
Timothy Lebo: can we just state provenance without referring "of ...(Bob etc)"? ←
13:28:30 <Paolo> Tim: main point is multiplicity
Timothy Lebo: main point is multiplicity ←
13:28:53 <GK> I would say that (provenance data) is a web *resource* - the state representation is what is actually transferred.
Graham Klyne: I would say that (provenance data) is a web *resource* - the state representation is what is actually transferred. ←
13:29:04 <zednik> provenance metadata may be available from many sources and need not be globaly consistent?
Stephan Zednik: provenance metadata may be available from many sources and need not be globaly consistent? ←
13:29:29 <pgroth> Proposal: Provenance of a "bob" can be found at multiple sources
PROPOSED: Provenance of a "bob" can be found at multiple sources ←
13:29:36 <smiles> +1
Simon Miles: +1 ←
13:29:45 <Satya> +1
Satya Sahoo: +1 ←
13:29:46 <khalidbelhajjame> +1
Khalid Belhajjame: +1 ←
13:29:49 <olaf> +1
Olaf Hartig: +1 ←
13:29:49 <JimMcCusker> +1
James McCusker: +1 ←
13:29:50 <Yogesh> +1
Yogesh Simmhan: +1 ←
13:29:50 <ericstephan> +1
Eric Stephan: +1 ←
13:29:50 <SamCoppens> +1
Sam Coppens: +1 ←
13:29:52 <zednik> +1
Stephan Zednik: +1 ←
13:29:54 <RyanGolden> +1
Ryan Golden: +1 ←
13:29:54 <IlkayAltintas> +1
Ilkay Altintas: +1 ←
13:29:56 <GK> +1
Graham Klyne: +1 ←
13:29:58 <StephenCresswell> +1
Stephen Cresswell: +1 ←
13:30:02 <jcheney> +1
James Cheney: +1 ←
13:30:15 <Paolo> +1
+1 ←
13:30:22 <tlebo> -1 : should be "provenance of EntityState" OR we remove terms from the model.
Timothy Lebo: -1 : should be "provenance of EntityState" OR we remove terms from the model. ←
13:30:27 <zednik> I redact the use of consistent in the earlier comment
Stephan Zednik: I redact the use of consistent in the earlier comment ←
13:30:44 <Paolo> this is about location. the point of consistency to be addressed later
this is about location. the point of consistency to be addressed later ←
13:31:22 <tlebo> I retract (we are not talking about the model)
Timothy Lebo: I retract (we are not talking about the model) ←
13:31:31 <tlebo> 0
Timothy Lebo: 0 ←
13:31:44 <Paulo> is this source in the "real world" or it does not matter?
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: is this source in the "real world" or it does not matter? ←
13:32:10 <Luc> accepted: Provenance of a "bob" can be found at multiple sources
RESOLVED: Provenance of a "bob" can be found at multiple sources ←
13:32:44 <Paolo> Smiles: we are not discussing nature of source just now
Simon Miles: we are not discussing nature of source just now ←
13:33:05 <GK> Anyone can say anything about anything... including provenance.
Graham Klyne: Anyone can say anything about anything... including provenance. ←
13:33:25 <JimMcCusker> +1 to AAAP
James McCusker: +1 to AAAP ←
<pgroth> ACCEPTED Provenance of a "bob" can be found at multiple sources
Paul Groth: ACCEPTED Provenance of a "bob" can be found at multiple sources ←
13:34:43 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
13:34:54 <GK> Remember KISS: start with easy cases, then address identified gaps.
Graham Klyne: Remember KISS: start with easy cases, then address identified gaps. ←
13:35:31 <Paolo> Paulo: whatever the solution to provenance encoding, it should be non intrusive wrt the underlying data
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: whatever the solution to provenance encoding, it should be non intrusive wrt the underlying data ←
13:35:49 <tlebo> paulo: not changing a bit of a BOB while still being able express provenance of a BOB.
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: not changing a bit of a BOB while still being able express provenance of a BOB. [ Scribe Assist by Timothy Lebo ] ←
13:36:09 <Paolo> smiles: we are agnostic, some encodings may be intrusive
Simon Miles: we are agnostic, some encodings may be intrusive ←
13:36:26 <Paolo> Paulo: at least one encoding should not be intrusive
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: at least one encoding should not be intrusive ←
13:36:39 <Paolo> smiles: the opposite may also be true
Simon Miles: the opposite may also be true ←
13:36:54 <smiles> Proposed: The information required to obtain access to some provenance of a thing may be supplied in many different ways, and we do not aim to enumerate them all.
PROPOSED: The information required to obtain access to some provenance of a thing may be supplied in many different ways, and we do not aim to enumerate them all. ←
13:36:59 <jcheney> +1
James Cheney: +1 ←
13:37:01 <Yogesh> +1
Yogesh Simmhan: +1 ←
13:37:03 <olaf> +1
Olaf Hartig: +1 ←
13:37:06 <Satya> +1
Satya Sahoo: +1 ←
13:37:07 <zednik> +1
Stephan Zednik: +1 ←
13:37:09 <SamCoppens> +1
Sam Coppens: +1 ←
13:37:11 <GK> +1
Graham Klyne: +1 ←
13:37:13 <IlkayAltintas> +1
Ilkay Altintas: +1 ←
13:37:16 <Paulo> +1
13:37:16 <StephenCresswell> +1
Stephen Cresswell: +1 ←
13:37:17 <Paolo> +1
+1 ←
13:37:18 <RyanGolden> +1
Ryan Golden: +1 ←
13:37:23 <Deborah> +1
Deborah McGuinness: +1 ←
13:37:28 <JimMcCusker> +1
James McCusker: +1 ←
13:37:29 <khalidbelhajjame> +1
Khalid Belhajjame: +1 ←
13:37:38 <tlebo> +1
Timothy Lebo: +1 ←
13:37:59 <Luc> ACCEPTED: The information required to obtain access to some provenance of a thing may be supplied in many different ways, and we do not aim to enumerate them all.
RESOLVED: The information required to obtain access to some provenance of a thing may be supplied in many different ways, and we do not aim to enumerate them all. ←
13:39:49 <Paolo> Ilkay: change "thing" in previously accepted point
Ilkay Altintas: change "thing" in previously accepted point ←
13:40:00 <olaf> q+
Olaf Hartig: q+ ←
13:40:15 <tlebo> q+ protocols that allow third parties to submit pointers to provenance of a BOB.
Timothy Lebo: q+ protocols that allow third parties to submit pointers to provenance of a BOB. ←
13:40:24 <Luc> PROPOSED: The WG effort will concern how the provider of a BOB can supply information required to obtain access to some provenance of that BOB (which may, as a side effect, include recommendations on how others can do the same).
PROPOSED: The WG effort will concern how the provider of a BOB can supply information required to obtain access to some provenance of that BOB (which may, as a side effect, include recommendations on how others can do the same). ←
13:41:10 <Paolo> on third point
on third point ←
13:41:40 <Luc> ACCEPTED: The information required to obtain access to some provenance of a BOB may be supplied in many different ways, and we do not aim to enumerate them all.
RESOLVED: The information required to obtain access to some provenance of a BOB may be supplied in many different ways, and we do not aim to enumerate them all. ←
13:42:01 <Paolo> olaf: this is focused on apporaches to provide provenance, but it is also important to allow provider to associate provenance /as part of the "thing"/
Olaf Hartig: this is focused on apporaches to provide provenance, but it is also important to allow provider to associate provenance /as part of the "thing"/ ←
13:43:05 <Paolo> pgroth: propose to replace supply with obtain
Paul Groth: propose to replace supply with obtain ←
13:43:16 <Paolo> luc: or "embed"?
Luc Moreau: or "embed"? ←
13:44:31 <tlebo> pgroth: first-party ONLY providing access. OUT OF SCOPE: third party providing information about accessing provenance.
Paul Groth: first-party ONLY providing access. OUT OF SCOPE: third party providing information about accessing provenance. [ Scribe Assist by Timothy Lebo ] ←
13:44:38 <Paolo> pgroth: example: WG is concerned with how a /data provider/ supplies provenance about it
Paul Groth: example: WG is concerned with how a /data provider/ supplies provenance about it ←
13:44:48 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
13:44:49 <tlebo> q?
Timothy Lebo: q? ←
13:45:16 <Satya> q+
Satya Sahoo: q+ ←
13:45:22 <tlebo> q+ to ask about third parties submitting pointers to first parties (which first parties can choose to include in their access descriptions)
Timothy Lebo: q+ to ask about third parties submitting pointers to first parties (which first parties can choose to include in their access descriptions) ←
13:45:28 <Paolo> smiles: alternative is not to restrict on who supplies provenance, but that's too broad
Simon Miles: alternative is not to restrict on who supplies provenance, but that's too broad ←
13:46:01 <pgroth> ack loaf
Paul Groth: ack loaf ←
13:46:07 <pgroth> ack ola
Paul Groth: ack ola ←
13:46:08 <olaf> q-
Olaf Hartig: q- ←
13:46:26 <tlebo> (e.g. First Party is New York Times that makes article)
Timothy Lebo: (e.g. First Party is New York Times that makes article) ←
13:46:44 <Paolo> satya: do we need a distinction between first party and third parties (as in ex. above)
Satya Sahoo: do we need a distinction between first party and third parties (as in ex. above) ←
13:47:39 <tlebo> are we failing to support "down stream" provenance of a BOB created?
Timothy Lebo: are we failing to support "down stream" provenance of a BOB created? ←
13:48:04 <Paolo> satya: eg embedded HTML link may not be from first party -- distinction may be difficult to make in practice
Satya Sahoo: eg embedded HTML link may not be from first party -- distinction may be difficult to make in practice ←
13:48:17 <tlebo> luc: provider vs author.
Luc Moreau: provider vs author. [ Scribe Assist by Timothy Lebo ] ←
13:48:19 <GK> Third party provenance: NYT vs blogger not distinguished - trust is an orthogonal issue. The resource provider has privileged access for indicating provenance sources - I think that's unavoidable.
Graham Klyne: Third party provenance: NYT vs blogger not distinguished - trust is an orthogonal issue. The resource provider has privileged access for indicating provenance sources - I think that's unavoidable. ←
13:48:26 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
13:48:27 <tlebo> satya: "first party" gets blurry
Satya Sahoo: "first party" gets blurry [ Scribe Assist by Timothy Lebo ] ←
13:48:42 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
13:48:42 <pgroth> ack Satya
Paul Groth: ack Satya ←
13:48:42 <Satya> q-
Satya Sahoo: q- ←
13:48:44 <Paolo> satya: need to clarify "author", "first party", third party, "provider" as they may get blurred
Satya Sahoo: need to clarify "author", "first party", third party, "provider" as they may get blurred ←
13:48:48 <pgroth> ack tlebo
Paul Groth: ack tlebo ←
13:48:48 <Zakim> tlebo, you wanted to ask about third parties submitting pointers to first parties (which first parties can choose to include in their access descriptions)
Zakim IRC Bot: tlebo, you wanted to ask about third parties submitting pointers to first parties (which first parties can choose to include in their access descriptions) ←
13:49:06 <Luc> q+
Luc Moreau: q+ ←
13:49:31 <Paolo> tlebo: WG effort seems to be focused on first parties -- does this allow us to accept third party provenance of Bob's?
Timothy Lebo: WG effort seems to be focused on first parties -- does this allow us to accept third party provenance of Bob's? ←
13:49:34 <GK> The point of the scope is to simplify things: so initially, make choices that simplify. Later consider alternatives.
Graham Klyne: The point of the scope is to simplify things: so initially, make choices that simplify. Later consider alternatives. ←
13:50:20 <Yogesh> q+
Yogesh Simmhan: q+ ←
13:50:29 <Paolo> tlebo: a provider should be able to accept additional provenance of its Bob from a third party. this is key to establish a web of provenance
Timothy Lebo: a provider should be able to accept additional provenance of its Bob from a third party. this is key to establish a web of provenance ←
13:50:46 <GK> It's not up to the provider to "accept" third party provenance assertions. The web allows anybody to say...
Graham Klyne: It's not up to the provider to "accept" third party provenance assertions. The web allows anybody to say... ←
13:50:49 <Satya> How is defining the scope of the user affecting the workload of the PAQTF?
Satya Sahoo: How is defining the scope of the user affecting the workload of the PAQTF? ←
13:51:06 <pgroth> ack Luc
Paul Groth: ack Luc ←
13:51:22 <GK> It avoids having to initially consider problems of third party discovery.
Graham Klyne: It avoids having to initially consider problems of third party discovery. ←
13:51:30 <GK> ^^ @satya
Graham Klyne: ^^ @satya ←
13:51:54 <Satya> @GK How? What are the problems of third party discovery?
Satya Sahoo: @GK How? What are the problems of third party discovery? ←
13:52:09 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
13:52:15 <pgroth> ack Yog
Paul Groth: ack Yog ←
13:52:22 <tlebo> smiles: first party provenance-of-BOB publishers accepting third party provenance-of-BOBs and choosing to include them is NOT out of scope.
Simon Miles: first party provenance-of-BOB publishers accepting third party provenance-of-BOBs and choosing to include them is NOT out of scope. [ Scribe Assist by Timothy Lebo ] ←
13:52:24 <tlebo> q-
Timothy Lebo: q- ←
13:52:38 <tlebo> q+
Timothy Lebo: q+ ←
13:52:40 <GK> @Satya: I have a resource without provenance. You publish provenance about that resource. How does someone else discover that provenance?
Graham Klyne: @Satya: I have a resource without provenance. You publish provenance about that resource. How does someone else discover that provenance? ←
13:52:58 <Paolo> Luc, smiles: w elmit the scope for the first draft only
Luc, smiles: we limit the scope for the first draft only ←
13:53:15 <Paolo> s/w elmit/we limit
13:53:40 <GK> Sure, first draft only.
Graham Klyne: Sure, first draft only. ←
13:53:56 <Satya> @GK They either query the resource itslef (for embedded link) or they "llok it up on the web"
Satya Sahoo: @GK They either query the resource itslef (for embedded link) or they "llok it up on the web" ←
13:54:08 <Satya> itslef> itself
Satya Sahoo: itslef> itself ←
13:54:09 <tlebo> "letting third parties do what they want" is insufficient, because we are failing to support DISCOVERABILITY (which is part of ACCESS).
Timothy Lebo: "letting third parties do what they want" is insufficient, because we are failing to support DISCOVERABILITY (which is part of ACCESS). ←
13:54:30 <GK> @Satya: first approach requires provider to cooperate. Latter is default - what more to specify?
Graham Klyne: @Satya: first approach requires provider to cooperate. Latter is default - what more to specify? ←
13:54:38 <tlebo> q?
Timothy Lebo: q? ←
13:55:05 <Paolo> yogesh: starting point for discovering provenance is the provider
Yogesh Simmhan: starting point for discovering provenance is the provider ←
13:55:19 <pgroth> ack tl
Paul Groth: ack tl ←
13:55:45 <Satya> @GK why as a WG we are mandating "bob" providers to give access to the provenance of "bob"?
Satya Sahoo: @GK why as a WG we are mandating "bob" providers to give access to the provenance of "bob"? ←
13:56:32 <GK> @Satya, we're not. Just focusing first on those that want to.
Graham Klyne: @Satya, we're not. Just focusing first on those that want to. ←
13:56:44 <Paolo> tlebo: NYT should be able to supply provenance of its own image, but also of new versions of that image that may have been manipulated by somebody else
Timothy Lebo: NYT should be able to supply provenance of its own image, but also of new versions of that image that may have been manipulated by somebody else ←
13:56:50 <SamCoppens> q+
Sam Coppens: q+ ←
13:57:28 <tlebo> q-
Timothy Lebo: q- ←
13:57:29 <Paolo> pgroth: the example is orthogonal to this proposal
Paul Groth: the example is orthogonal to this proposal ←
13:57:49 <GK> Nothing is being excluded as an eventual possibility...
Graham Klyne: Nothing is being excluded as an eventual possibility... ←
13:58:03 <Paolo> provenance being downstream etc is not the point here
provenance being downstream etc is not the point here ←
13:58:08 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
13:58:08 <Satya> @GK Anybody may want to - why should we discriminate between "first", "second" etc. providers?
Satya Sahoo: @GK Anybody may want to - why should we discriminate between "first", "second" etc. providers? ←
13:58:14 <GK> ... my view (an experience) is that when a simple solution is on the table, it's much easier to see how tio engibneer more advanced solutions.
Graham Klyne: ... my view (an experience) is that when a simple solution is on the table, it's much easier to see how tio engibneer more advanced solutions. ←
13:58:30 <GK> @SDatya. Who said anything about disciminating.
Graham Klyne: @SDatya. Who said anything about disciminating. ←
13:59:26 <Paolo> Luc: should the draft editors be free to decide, as per previous point just accepted
Luc Moreau: should the draft editors be free to decide, as per previous point just accepted ←
13:59:50 <Satya> @GK We are trying to categorize "bob" providers as first, second, etc parties
Satya Sahoo: @GK We are trying to categorize "bob" providers as first, second, etc parties ←
13:59:54 <GK> We rule out nothing in the longer term.
Graham Klyne: We rule out nothing in the longer term. ←
14:00:27 <sandro> [[ Apologies, I need to step out for ~60 minutes, with my laptop, so no webcams either. Very sorry. ]]
Sandro Hawke: [[ Apologies, I need to step out for ~60 minutes, with my laptop, so no webcams either. Very sorry. ]] ←
14:00:55 <GK> @Satya - I think one must recognize that the provider of a resource has control over metadata that accompanies that provision. I see that is a given. Beyond that, not attempting to categorize.
Graham Klyne: @Satya - I think one must recognize that the provider of a resource has control over metadata that accompanies that provision. I see that is a given. Beyond that, not attempting to categorize. ←
14:01:30 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
14:01:35 <Satya> @GK ok - then we don't have to specify this explicitly since it is open/implicit anyway
Satya Sahoo: @GK ok - then we don't have to specify this explicitly since it is open/implicit anyway ←
14:01:38 <SamCoppens> q-
Sam Coppens: q- ←
14:01:38 <Paolo> just moving on from here
just moving on from here ←
14:01:40 <GK> Moive on?
Graham Klyne: Moive on? ←
14:01:48 <Paolo> slide 10
slide 10 ←
14:03:44 <Paolo> point 1: 3 options
point 1: 3 options ←
14:03:49 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
14:03:56 <Luc> q+
Luc Moreau: q+ ←
14:03:57 <Yogesh> q+
Yogesh Simmhan: q+ ←
14:04:06 <tlebo> q?
Timothy Lebo: q? ←
14:04:51 <GK> I think you meant to say "How do you find what it is provenance _of_"?
Graham Klyne: I think you meant to say "How do you find what it is provenance _of_"? ←
14:05:00 <Paolo> is this for this TF? the model has a notion of "prov container"
is this for this TF? the model has a notion of "prov container" ←
14:05:41 <Paolo> smiles: question is, what do you need (I,L, etc.) to gain access to provenance
Simon Miles: question is, what do you need (I,L, etc.) to gain access to provenance ←
14:05:48 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
14:06:56 <GK> @paolo - I agree it's a model issue, but I think it's highly desirable that retrieved provenance data identifies what it is referring to.
Graham Klyne: @paolo - I agree it's a model issue, but I think it's highly desirable that retrieved provenance data identifies what it is referring to. ←
14:07:04 <pgroth> ack Yogesh
Paul Groth: ack Yogesh ←
14:07:07 <pgroth> ack Luc
Paul Groth: ack Luc ←
14:07:53 <Paolo> satya: is the question how you associate P and I?
Satya Sahoo: is the question how you associate P and I? ←
14:08:45 <GK> That is an assumption.
Graham Klyne: That is an assumption. ←
14:09:14 <Paolo> satya: realistic scenario is that you don't start from provenance, you start from the data (entity state)
Satya Sahoo: realistic scenario is that you don't start from provenance, you start from the data (entity state) ←
14:10:43 <GK> One could imagine doing a web search to provide the most accurate available instance of some some data: in this case one might find provenance first, then use that lo locate the resource.
Graham Klyne: One could imagine doing a web search to provide the most accurate available instance of some some data: in this case one might find provenance first, then use that lo locate the resource. ←
14:10:59 <Paolo> clarification is needed: I is the URI (reference to) an entity state, not the entity state itself
clarification is needed: I is the URI (reference to) an entity state, not the entity state itself ←
14:11:33 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
14:11:44 <JimMcCusker> I think we've found another Bob...
James McCusker: I think we've found another Bob... ←
14:12:02 <Paolo> satya: not clear how we identify entity states in the first place
Satya Sahoo: not clear how we identify entity states in the first place ←
14:12:08 <GK> My assumption is that BOBs have URIs (or may have URIs)
Graham Klyne: My assumption is that BOBs have URIs (or may have URIs) ←
14:12:50 <GK> For a genuinely static resource, it's possible R == I (resource URI == BOBN URI)
Graham Klyne: For a genuinely static resource, it's possible R == I (resource URI == BOBN URI) ←
14:13:39 <Zakim> -zednik
Zakim IRC Bot: -zednik ←
14:13:40 <Paolo> GK maybe you should get in the queue?
GK maybe you should get in the queue? ←
14:14:14 <Satya> q+
Satya Sahoo: q+ ←
14:14:19 <Luc> q+
Luc Moreau: q+ ←
14:15:44 <JimMcCusker> q+
James McCusker: q+ ←
14:16:18 <GK> (I'd get on the queue, but the conversation seems to keep jumping around - not sure what I really want to respond to.)
Graham Klyne: (I'd get on the queue, but the conversation seems to keep jumping around - not sure what I really want to respond to.) ←
14:16:27 <Zakim> +zednik
Zakim IRC Bot: +zednik ←
14:17:00 <pgroth> zakim, close the queue
Paul Groth: zakim, close the queue ←
14:17:00 <Zakim> ok, pgroth, the speaker queue is closed
Zakim IRC Bot: ok, pgroth, the speaker queue is closed ←
14:17:00 <Paolo> yogesh: difference b/w options a) and b) seems to be one of granularity
Yogesh Simmhan: difference b/w options a) and b) seems to be one of granularity ←
14:17:39 <tlebo> q?
Timothy Lebo: q? ←
14:17:40 <Paolo> q?
q? ←
14:18:43 <Paolo> satya: are we assuming we have a "provenance container" with a single URI P for a set of provenance assertions?
Satya Sahoo: are we assuming we have a "provenance container" with a single URI P for a set of provenance assertions? ←
14:19:44 <GK> My default position is that provenance is on the web, and as such may be a resource, and as such may (and often should) have a URI. That deals (IMO) with 80-90% of the access mechanism.
Graham Klyne: My default position is that provenance is on the web, and as such may be a resource, and as such may (and often should) have a URI. That deals (IMO) with 80-90% of the access mechanism. ←
14:20:21 <Paolo> smiles: either you need the ID (I) of a specific Bob, or the association is apparent and that's not needed
Simon Miles: either you need the ID (I) of a specific Bob, or the association is apparent and that's not needed ←
14:20:47 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
14:21:15 <Paolo> pgroth: we seem to be discussing the phrasing of the issue, rather than any specific solution
Paul Groth: we seem to be discussing the phrasing of the issue, rather than any specific solution ←
14:21:27 <Luc> ack satya
Luc Moreau: ack satya ←
14:21:44 <Luc> i think the problem is important but not well posed
Luc Moreau: i think the problem is important but not well posed ←
14:22:11 <pgroth> ack Luc
Paul Groth: ack Luc ←
14:22:21 <Paolo> satya: don't think we should get into the "inverse relationship" P -> I
Satya Sahoo: don't think we should get into the "inverse relationship" P -> I ←
14:23:21 <GK> I would say that for the purpose of provenance *interchange*, it should be explicit what the provenance is about, even if it's implicit in its original form.
Graham Klyne: I would say that for the purpose of provenance *interchange*, it should be explicit what the provenance is about, even if it's implicit in its original form. ←
14:25:09 <Paolo> pgroth: it must be an issue, cannot just be ignored.
Paul Groth: it must be an issue, cannot just be ignored. ←
14:25:34 <GK> I can easily imagine a single RDF graph (provenance resource) that actually contains provenance of several BOBs.
Graham Klyne: I can easily imagine a single RDF graph (provenance resource) that actually contains provenance of several BOBs. ←
14:26:01 <GK> Ah, it's not about saying the resource is about one subject *only*...
Graham Klyne: Ah, it's not about saying the resource is about one subject *only*... ←
14:26:27 <tlebo> what slide is option B on?
Timothy Lebo: what slide is option B on? ←
14:26:31 <GK> ... just requiring that any given provenance information is explicit about what it's about.
Graham Klyne: ... just requiring that any given provenance information is explicit about what it's about. ←
14:26:37 <pgroth> slide 10
Paul Groth: slide 10 ←
14:26:48 <pgroth> @tlebo slide 10
Paul Groth: @tlebo slide 10 ←
14:27:01 <GK> The problem with (a) is the "single"
Graham Klyne: The problem with (a) is the "single" ←
14:27:28 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
14:28:17 <GK> Drop the *only*
Graham Klyne: Drop the *only* ←
14:28:32 <GK> Yes, it is many-to-many
Graham Klyne: Yes, it is many-to-many ←
14:29:21 <Paolo> thanks GK :-)
thanks GK :-) ←
14:29:42 <GK> (Actually, solutions that solve single issues cleanly often scale up very well.)
Graham Klyne: (Actually, solutions that solve single issues cleanly often scale up very well.) ←
14:29:58 <Paolo> paolo: Bob-to-provenance is a M-M relataionship and we need a mechanism to traverse it in both directions
Paolo Missier: Bob-to-provenance is a M-M relationship and we need a mechanism to traverse it in both directions ←
14:30:16 <Paolo> s/relataionship/relationship
14:30:48 <Paolo> satya: Bob->provenance is the only direction we can hope to traverse it
Satya Sahoo: Bob->provenance is the only direction we can hope to traverse it ←
14:30:49 <jcheney> q+
James Cheney: q+ ←
14:30:54 <jcheney> q-
James Cheney: q- ←
14:31:04 <pgroth> sorry james
Paul Groth: sorry james ←
14:31:44 <JimMcCusker> q-
James McCusker: q- ←
14:32:49 <Paolo> (break)
(break) ←
14:32:56 <Zakim> -olaf
Zakim IRC Bot: -olaf ←
14:33:30 <pgroth> back in 15 minutes
Paul Groth: back in 15 minutes ←
14:34:14 <GK> @smiles: your slide 10, bullet 1, (a), suggest rephrase "(a) It is apparent from the data itself what thing(s) it describes the provenance of"
Graham Klyne: @smiles: your slide 10, bullet 1, (a), suggest rephrase "(a) It is apparent from the data itself what thing(s) it describes the provenance of" ←
14:35:00 <Zakim> -zednik
Zakim IRC Bot: -zednik ←
14:45:05 <olaf> @GK , @smiles I like that rephrase
(No events recorded for 10 minutes)
Olaf Hartig: @GK , @smiles I like that rephrase ←
14:45:39 <Zakim> +zednik
Zakim IRC Bot: +zednik ←
14:45:51 <olaf> I have to go now; will try to tune in later again.
Olaf Hartig: I have to go now; will try to tune in later again. ←
14:49:53 <SamCoppens> topic: Session 6: Model Task Force
Summary: The definitions of concepts "time", "agent", and "ivp of" in the consolidated document were reviewed and revised according to the new terminology adopted in previous sessions. Issues for discussion that were identified in the consolidated document were discussed. Either issues were resolved, dropped, or raised in the tracker for future resolution (some comments were also added on the discussion page of the consolidated document).
<luc>Summary: The definitions of concepts "time", "agent", and "ivp of" in the consolidated document were reviewed and revised according to the new terminology adopted in previous sessions. Issues for discussion that were identified in the consolidated document were discussed. Either issues were resolved, dropped, or raised in the tracker for future resolution (some comments were also added on the discussion page of the consolidated document).
<luc>subtopic: Time
14:50:42 <SamCoppens> Scribe: SamCoppens
(Scribe set to Sam Coppens)
14:51:34 <Luc> PROPOSED: assertions about time are useful but are optional
PROPOSED: assertions about time are useful but are optional ←
14:52:10 <JimMcCusker> +1
James McCusker: +1 ←
14:52:12 <khalidbelhajjame> +1
Khalid Belhajjame: +1 ←
14:52:14 <tlebo> +1
Timothy Lebo: +1 ←
14:52:16 <smiles> +1
Simon Miles: +1 ←
14:52:17 <zednik> +1
Stephan Zednik: +1 ←
14:52:18 <jcheney> +1
James Cheney: +1 ←
14:52:18 <SamCoppens> +1
+1 ←
14:52:21 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
14:52:23 <IlkayAltintas> 0
Ilkay Altintas: 0 ←
14:52:25 <Deborah> +1
Deborah McGuinness: +1 ←
14:52:31 <GK2> +1
Graham Klyne: +1 ←
14:53:03 <ericstephan> +1
Eric Stephan: +1 ←
14:53:10 <Yogesh> +1
Yogesh Simmhan: +1 ←
14:53:12 <StephenCresswell> +1
Stephen Cresswell: +1 ←
14:53:23 <Vinh> +1
Vinh Nguyen: +1 ←
14:53:36 <RyanGolden> +1
Ryan Golden: +1 ←
14:53:49 <edsu> +1
Ed Summers: +1 ←
14:53:51 <Satya> +1
Satya Sahoo: +1 ←
14:53:53 <Paulo> +1
14:54:06 <Paolo_> +1
Paolo Missier: +1 ←
14:54:21 <Luc> ACCEPTED: Assertions about time are useful but are optional
RESOLVED: Assertions about time are useful but are optional ←
14:55:32 <SamCoppens> luc: Ordering of events
Luc Moreau: Ordering of events ←
14:56:01 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
14:56:47 <SamCoppens> Paolo: it is important to have an understanding of the ordering of events, but it may be left out of the provenance
Paolo Missier: it is important to have an understanding of the ordering of events, but it may be left out of the provenance ←
14:57:09 <Paolo_> S/paolo/Paulo
Paolo Missier: S/paolo/Paulo ←
14:58:44 <GK> (Saying that a resource is used before it is generated is not the same as saying nothing about ordering.)
Graham Klyne: (Saying that a resource is used before it is generated is not the same as saying nothing about ordering.) ←
14:58:59 <Luc> PROPOSED: separate Time from (Event) Ordering
PROPOSED: separate Time from (Event) Ordering ←
14:59:59 <SamCoppens> SimonM: what is the reason to include Ordering
Simon Miles: what is the reason to include Ordering ←
14:59:59 <IlkayAltintas> +q
Ilkay Altintas: +q ←
15:00:24 <Paulo> q+
15:00:28 <Luc> zakim, open the queue
Luc Moreau: zakim, open the queue ←
15:00:35 <Zakim> ok, Luc, the speaker queue is open
Zakim IRC Bot: ok, Luc, the speaker queue is open ←
15:00:42 <Luc> Chair: Luc Moreau
15:00:47 <Paulo> q+
15:00:47 <Luc> zakim, open the queue
Luc Moreau: zakim, open the queue ←
15:01:01 <Deborah> q?
Deborah McGuinness: q? ←
15:01:07 <IlkayAltintas> +q
Ilkay Altintas: +q ←
15:01:15 <Zakim> ok, Luc, the speaker queue is open
Zakim IRC Bot: ok, Luc, the speaker queue is open ←
15:01:16 <SamCoppens> Luc: it is explanatory
Luc Moreau: it is explanatory ←
15:01:45 <pgroth> akk Paulo
Paul Groth: akk Paulo ←
15:01:50 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:03:18 <GK> Yes. Not all metadata is provenance (but may still be useful, and provenance should not exclude non-provenance information)
Graham Klyne: Yes. Not all metadata is provenance (but may still be useful, and provenance should not exclude non-provenance information) ←
15:03:24 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:03:38 <Satya> time dimension is the only criteria differentiating provenance and non-provenance metadata (my 2cs)
Satya Sahoo: time dimension is the only criteria differentiating provenance and non-provenance metadata (my 2cs) ←
15:04:10 <Luc> ack Paulo
Luc Moreau: ack Paulo ←
15:04:14 <smiles> q+
Simon Miles: q+ ←
15:04:21 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:04:31 <IlkayAltintas> -q
Ilkay Altintas: -q ←
15:04:50 <IlkayAltintas> q-\
Ilkay Altintas: q-\ ←
15:04:52 <IlkayAltintas> q-
Ilkay Altintas: q- ←
15:05:32 <SamCoppens> Luc: will ordering of events be considered
Luc Moreau: will ordering of events be considered ←
15:05:33 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
15:05:53 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:06:09 <Luc> ack smi
Luc Moreau: ack smi ←
15:06:55 <SamCoppens> SimonM: is this explanatory or a constraint
Simon Miles: is this explanatory or a constraint ←
15:06:56 <Satya> @SimonM It needs to be a constraint
Satya Sahoo: @SimonM It needs to be a constraint ←
15:07:24 <Paulo> time issue 6 would lead us to talk about ccs, csp, temporal logics and dynamic logics among others.
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: time ISSUE-6 would lead us to talk about ccs, csp, temporal logics and dynamic logics among others. ←
15:07:36 <smiles> @Satya oh, does it now?
Simon Miles: @Satya oh, does it now? ←
15:09:45 <Satya> @SimonM ;)
Satya Sahoo: @SimonM ;) ←
15:09:51 <Luc> Issue: consider ordering of event in model and semantics
ISSUE: consider ordering of event in model and semantics ←
15:09:51 <trackbot> Created ISSUE-27 - Consider ordering of event in model and semantics ; please complete additional details at .
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ISSUE-27 - Consider ordering of event in model and semantics ; please complete additional details at . ←
15:10:30 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:10:40 <pgroth> q+
Paul Groth: q+ ←
15:10:42 <SamCoppens> Agent definition
Agent definition ←
15:10:49 <JimMcCusker> q+
James McCusker: q+ ←
15:10:53 <Luc> Subtopic: Agent
15:10:57 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:10:58 <zednik> q+
Stephan Zednik: q+ ←
15:11:06 <Luc> ack pgroth
Luc Moreau: ack pgroth ←
15:11:07 <Paolo_> q+
Paolo Missier: q+ ←
15:11:42 <Satya> q+ respond to Paul
Satya Sahoo: q+ respond to Paul ←
15:11:46 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:11:56 <Deborah> +1 to paul's view- agents should be able to stand alone
Deborah McGuinness: +1 to paul's view- agents should be able to stand alone ←
15:12:02 <SamCoppens> PaulG: Agents just being able to exist in provenance description. Agents should be able to stand alone
Paul Groth: Agents just being able to exist in provenance description. Agents should be able to stand alone ←
15:13:10 <SamCoppens> PaulG: Agents should not always be bound to process execution
Paul Groth: Agents should not always be bound to process execution ←
15:13:13 <Luc> ack Jim
Luc Moreau: ack Jim ←
15:13:44 <SamCoppens> JimMc: Agent is entity that can perform activity, but they must not be bound to activity
James McCusker: Agent is entity that can perform activity, but they must not be bound to activity ←
15:14:01 <Luc> ack zed
Luc Moreau: ack zed ←
15:14:51 <Luc> ack paolo
Luc Moreau: ack paolo ←
15:14:51 <Satya> @Stephan, JimMc: "Capable of action" is provenance? - hypothetical scenario?
Satya Sahoo: @Stephan, JimMc: "Capable of action" is provenance? - hypothetical scenario? ←
15:15:02 <JimMcCusker> "An Agent is an Entity that can perform activities. Agency can be inferred from the performance of an activity, but is not necessary."
James McCusker: "An Agent is an Entity that can perform activities. Agency can be inferred from the performance of an activity, but is not necessary." ←
15:15:17 <Zakim> +[ISI]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[ISI] ←
15:15:54 <SamCoppens> Paolo: Agents do not depend on processes. If process execution includes participants, then you could have agents with a specific role related to a process execution
Paolo Missier: Agents do not depend on processes. If process execution includes participants, then you could have agents with a specific role related to a process execution ←
15:15:57 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:16:26 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:16:42 <khalidbelhajjame> +q
Khalid Belhajjame: +q ←
15:16:53 <Deborah> so this is just an optional property - that they can but are not required to perform anything..... so in something like an OWL encoding, there would not be any constraint in the ontology - it would just have a min cardinality 0 on any role associated with hasActivity or something like it
Deborah McGuinness: so this is just an optional property - that they can but are not required to perform anything..... so in something like an OWL encoding, there would not be any constraint in the ontology - it would just have a min cardinality 0 on any role associated with hasActivity or something like it ←
15:17:55 <Deborah> +q
Deborah McGuinness: +q ←
15:17:56 <JimMcCusker> "Capable of action" simply means that they can participate in a process execution. This isn't provenance, but is used in provenance.
James McCusker: "Capable of action" simply means that they can participate in a process execution. This isn't provenance, but is used in provenance. ←
15:18:05 <Paulo> q+
15:18:33 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:18:48 <Luc> ack respond
Luc Moreau: ack respond ←
15:18:48 <Zakim> respond, you wanted to Paul
Zakim IRC Bot: respond, you wanted to Paul ←
15:19:00 <zednik> q+
Stephan Zednik: q+ ←
15:19:17 <JimMcCusker> q+
James McCusker: q+ ←
15:19:23 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:20:11 <SamCoppens> Satya: agent is defined in respect to process execution
Satya Sahoo: agent is defined in respect to process execution ←
15:20:18 <tlebo> Isn't "Paul" and "Paul at MIT" just Entities being described in a BOB?
Timothy Lebo: Isn't "Paul" and "Paul at MIT" just Entities being described in a BOB? ←
15:20:22 <zednik> What do we gain from differentiating paul the agent from paul the person?
Stephan Zednik: What do we gain from differentiating paul the agent from paul the person? ←
15:20:23 <pgroth> q+
Paul Groth: q+ ←
15:21:10 <smiles> q+
Simon Miles: q+ ←
15:21:53 <SamCoppens> Khalid: is Agent entity or Bob
Khalid Belhajjame: is Agent entity or Bob ←
15:22:31 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:22:44 <Luc> ack khal
Luc Moreau: ack khal ←
15:23:11 <Luc> ack Debo
Luc Moreau: ack Debo ←
15:23:15 <Deborah> Agent is a class One can be stated to be an agent COMPLETELY independent of performing any action or participating in any activity. (supporting Paul’s statement). Independently there may be potentially multiple sufficient conditions for membership in the class agent. One such example of a sufficient condition for membership in the class agent: If something performs an particular kinds of activities (such as a process execution), then it will be inferred to
Deborah McGuinness: Agent is a class One can be stated to be an agent COMPLETELY independent of performing any action or participating in any activity. (supporting Paul’s statement). Independently there may be potentially multiple sufficient conditions for membership in the class agent. One such example of a sufficient condition for membership in the class agent: If something performs an particular kinds of activities (such as a process execution), then it will be inferred to ←
15:23:15 <JimMcCusker> Do you lose agency when you finish a process execution?
James McCusker: Do you lose agency when you finish a process execution? ←
15:24:29 <GK> To the extent that an agent/agency is part of the provenance record, I think its "agency" (with respect to a given BOB) should be enduring.
Graham Klyne: To the extent that an agent/agency is part of the provenance record, I think its "agency" (with respect to a given BOB) should be enduring. ←
15:24:39 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:25:04 <SamCoppens> Deborah: agents can be inferred from a process execution, but they can also exist on their own
Deborah McGuinness: agents can be inferred from a process execution, but they can also exist on their own ←
15:25:09 <Luc> ack paulo
Luc Moreau: ack paulo ←
15:25:16 <JimMcCusker> +1 to deborah's proposal
James McCusker: +1 to deborah's proposal ←
15:26:35 <Paolo_> +1 to deb's def
Paolo Missier: +1 to deb's def ←
15:26:57 <zednik> EntityState could be valid for an interval
Stephan Zednik: EntityState could be valid for an interval ←
15:26:59 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:27:00 <JimMcCusker> Isn't an assertion (verb) a kind of action? I don't see how you can assert an action, except to state that it happened.
James McCusker: Isn't an assertion (verb) a kind of action? I don't see how you can assert an action, except to state that it happened. ←
15:27:50 <SamCoppens> Paulo: Agent a something that can assert things, asserting being an action.
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: Agent a something that can assert things, asserting being an action. ←
15:27:54 <Luc> ack zedn
Luc Moreau: ack zedn ←
15:28:19 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:28:21 <khalidbelhajjame> +q
Khalid Belhajjame: +q ←
15:28:38 <tlebo> +1 EntityState spans interval, NOT instant in time.
Timothy Lebo: +1 EntityState spans interval, NOT instant in time. ←
15:28:51 <JimMcCusker> +1 EntityState spans interval, NOT instant in time.
James McCusker: +1 EntityState spans interval, NOT instant in time. ←
15:29:16 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
15:29:19 <Paulo> q+
15:29:33 <SamCoppens> StephanZ: Agent is an entity state
Stephan Zednik: Agent is an entity state ←
15:29:34 <zednik> q-
Stephan Zednik: q- ←
15:29:39 <Luc> ack Jim
Luc Moreau: ack Jim ←
15:31:02 <zednik> clarification \: if agent status is dependent on process execution, then agent would seem (to me) to be an entity state - BUT most communities have not taken this path in using the term agent
Stephan Zednik: clarification \: if agent status is dependent on process execution, then agent would seem (to me) to be an entity state - BUT most communities have not taken this path in using the term agent ←
15:31:37 <zednik> clarification \: so I think for clarity and synergy with existing terminologies it would be easier to use Deborah's definition of agent
Stephan Zednik: clarification \: so I think for clarity and synergy with existing terminologies it would be easier to use Deborah's definition of agent ←
15:31:51 <tlebo> +1 assertion is an event that produces a BOB
Timothy Lebo: +1 assertion is an event that produces a BOB ←
15:32:06 <tlebo> q?
Timothy Lebo: q? ←
15:32:53 <Luc> ack pgro
Luc Moreau: ack pgro ←
15:33:13 <Satya> @PaulG: is an asserter an agent?
Satya Sahoo: @PaulG: is an asserter an agent? ←
15:34:31 <zednik> if an agent is an entity than it would naturally have an entitystate
Stephan Zednik: if an agent is an entity than it would naturally have an entitystate ←
15:34:48 <Luc> ack smil
Luc Moreau: ack smil ←
15:35:09 <SamCoppens> PaulG: agent is an entity capable of activity, it can be asserted to be an agent or it can be inferred from a process exectution. Introducing Agent State
Paul Groth: agent is an entity capable of activity, it can be asserted to be an agent or it can be inferred from a process exectution. Introducing Agent State ←
15:35:59 <SamCoppens> SimonM: Agent is Entity state, with invariant properties
Simon Miles: Agent is Entity state, with invariant properties ←
15:36:22 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:36:43 <pgroth> q+
Paul Groth: q+ ←
15:36:48 <IlkayAltintas> +q
Ilkay Altintas: +q ←
15:36:51 <SamCoppens> SimonM: must Agent be included into the model
Simon Miles: must Agent be included into the model ←
15:36:58 <Satya> q+
Satya Sahoo: q+ ←
15:37:17 <zednik> audio is very quiet
Stephan Zednik: audio is very quiet ←
15:37:28 <SamCoppens> SimonM: defining Agent in the model, can make it problematic to link to e.g. foaf:Agent, dcterms:Agent
Simon Miles: defining Agent in the model, can make it problematic to link to e.g. foaf:Agent, dcterms:Agent ←
15:38:25 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:38:26 <SamCoppens> Khalid: Agent can be involved in multiple process exections, which can be exectuted in overlapping time intervals
Khalid Belhajjame: Agent can be involved in multiple process exections, which can be exectuted in overlapping time intervals ←
15:38:29 <Luc> ack khal
Luc Moreau: ack khal ←
15:38:35 <pgroth> I think I've been convinced that agent = entity state
Paul Groth: I think I've been convinced that agent = entity state ←
15:38:54 <pgroth> the point is that state keeps having this connotation of moment
Paul Groth: the point is that state keeps having this connotation of moment ←
15:38:59 <SamCoppens> Khalid: this would entity states with overlapping time intervals
Khalid Belhajjame: this would entity states with overlapping time intervals ←
15:39:02 <pgroth> which clearly it's not
Paul Groth: which clearly it's not ←
15:39:35 <JimMcCusker> Still not convinced that agent = entity state. State is not the thing itself.
James McCusker: Still not convinced that agent = entity state. State is not the thing itself. ←
15:39:38 <Luc> ack paulo
Luc Moreau: ack paulo ←
15:40:21 <pgroth> @Jim - but you agree that agents have a fixed property right? (their being an agent)
Paul Groth: @Jim - but you agree that agents have a fixed property right? (their being an agent) ←
15:40:37 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:41:15 <JimMcCusker> @Paul, yes, but a description of that state is not the entity itself.
James McCusker: @Paul, yes, but a description of that state is not the entity itself. ←
15:41:46 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:41:51 <Luc> ack pg
Luc Moreau: ack pg ←
15:41:53 <SamCoppens> Paulo: Agent as en entity because e.g. trust is related to entities (agent) not entity states (agent states)
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: Agent as en entity because e.g. trust is related to entities (agent) not entity states (agent states) ←
15:42:22 <zednik> @Jim, so how do (or should) we say that an entity is an agent for a given interval associated to an entity state?
Stephan Zednik: @Jim, so how do (or should) we say that an entity is an agent for a given interval associated to an entity state? ←
15:42:32 <JimMcCusker> And as Paulo is discussing, it would be important to be able to say that my FOAF identity is me, and then the AgentState is the reference to my identity PLUS contextualization.
James McCusker: And as Paulo is discussing, it would be important to be able to say that my FOAF identity is me, and then the AgentState is the reference to my identity PLUS contextualization. ←
15:42:33 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:42:34 <Deborah> one of paulo's points was that if we have an agent as a subclass of entity state rather than entity, it is problematic to model a number of things including reputation
Deborah McGuinness: one of paulo's points was that if we have an agent as a subclass of entity state rather than entity, it is problematic to model a number of things including reputation ←
15:42:40 <JimMcCusker> q+
James McCusker: q+ ←
15:43:35 <SamCoppens> PaulG: Agent is bob, but it does not mean it cannot have a lifetime
Paul Groth: Agent is bob, but it does not mean it cannot have a lifetime ←
15:43:37 <Luc> ack Ilk
Luc Moreau: ack Ilk ←
15:43:59 <Paulo> q+
15:44:24 <smiles> q+
Simon Miles: q+ ←
15:44:31 <SamCoppens> Ilkay: Agent in the context of bob is a role
Ilkay Altintas: Agent in the context of bob is a role ←
15:44:37 <smiles> q-
Simon Miles: q- ←
15:45:06 <SamCoppens> Ilkay: Agents as an entity, its roles as a bob in the context of provenance
Ilkay Altintas: Agents as an entity, its roles as a bob in the context of provenance ←
15:45:15 <Luc> ack Sat
Luc Moreau: ack Sat ←
15:45:53 <pgroth> q+
Paul Groth: q+ ←
15:49:17 <YolandaGil> I am wondering why we need to state that a participant in a process is an agent. Why do we need to distinguish other participants from the "agents" in a process? I think we only care if we want to ask for accoutability, if so we should have that term in the definition of agent.
Yolanda Gil: I am wondering why we need to state that a participant in a process is an agent. Why do we need to distinguish other participants from the "agents" in a process? I think we only care if we want to ask for accoutability, if so we should have that term in the definition of agent. ←
15:50:08 <smiles> q+
Simon Miles: q+ ←
15:51:12 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:52:25 <Luc> ack Jim
Luc Moreau: ack Jim ←
15:54:44 <Luc> PROPOSED: An agent is a SOMETHING (TBD) capable of activity. It can be asserted to be an agent or can be inferred to be an agent by involvement in a process execution.
PROPOSED: An agent is a SOMETHING (TBD) capable of activity. It can be asserted to be an agent or can be inferred to be an agent by involvement in a process execution. ←
15:54:52 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:54:55 <JimMcCusker> +1
James McCusker: +1 ←
15:55:04 <smiles> 0 (if we have to define it, this is good; I still believe it will lead less problems to exclude it from the model and let others use their own agency concepts)
Simon Miles: 0 (if we have to define it, this is good; I still believe it will lead less problems to exclude it from the model and let others use their own agency concepts) ←
15:55:31 <YolandaGil> I agree with Simon's comment!
Yolanda Gil: I agree with Simon's comment! ←
15:56:19 <SamCoppens> Paulo: is *asserting* a process execution? If so, asserters are agents, otherwise not.
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: is *asserting* a process execution? If so, asserters are agents, otherwise not. ←
15:56:49 <Satya> +1
Satya Sahoo: +1 ←
15:56:53 <khalidbelhajjame> +1
Khalid Belhajjame: +1 ←
15:57:02 <RyanGolden> +1
Ryan Golden: +1 ←
15:57:06 <Paulo> -1
15:57:07 <SamCoppens> +1
+1 ←
15:57:07 <ericstephan> +1
Eric Stephan: +1 ←
15:57:09 <IlkayAltintas> +1
Ilkay Altintas: +1 ←
15:57:09 <JimMcCusker> @smiles: If we push "Agent" off of BOB to something else, then we can express agency indirectly and let other ontologies address it.
James McCusker: @smiles: If we push "Agent" off of BOB to something else, then we can express agency indirectly and let other ontologies address it. ←
15:57:18 <jcheney> +1
James Cheney: +1 ←
15:57:25 <Paolo_> +1
Paolo Missier: +1 ←
15:57:26 <Deborah> possibly at least 2 things need to be addressed in followon to this - what is something ? should we refine "involvement in a process execution"? and is it related to assertion?
Deborah McGuinness: possibly at least 2 things need to be addressed in followon to this - what is something ? should we refine "involvement in a process execution"? and is it related to assertion? ←
15:57:39 <zednik> +1
Stephan Zednik: +1 ←
15:57:43 <tlebo> 0 concern about "involvement" not being "agency enough"
Timothy Lebo: 0 concern about "involvement" not being "agency enough" ←
15:57:56 <YolandaGil> 0 for the same reason as Simon
Yolanda Gil: 0 for the same reason as Simon ←
15:58:06 <zednik> involvement -> participation?
Stephan Zednik: involvement -> participation? ←
15:58:16 <GK2> +0.5 (I think I agree, but don't know enough to be sure)
Graham Klyne: +0.5 (I think I agree, but don't know enough to be sure) ←
15:58:26 <JimMcCusker> @tlebo: involvement can be role-based, which would clarify what kind of agency.
James McCusker: @tlebo: involvement can be role-based, which would clarify what kind of agency. ←
15:58:26 <tlebo> (paulo hit me, we're both involved but Paulo was the agent and not me)
Timothy Lebo: (paulo hit me, we're both involved but Paulo was the agent and not me) ←
15:58:28 <Deborah> 0 also because we may want more refinement on "involvement"
Deborah McGuinness: 0 also because we may want more refinement on "involvement" ←
15:58:42 <zednik> change vote to 0 for same reasons as tim and deborah
Stephan Zednik: change vote to 0 for same reasons as tim and deborah ←
15:58:51 <Satya> +1 for involvement -> participation
Satya Sahoo: +1 for involvement -> participation ←
15:59:07 <GK2> I'm assuming it will be useful in provenance record to say things like "Dr Spock collected this dataset"
Graham Klyne: I'm assuming it will be useful in provenance record to say things like "Dr Spock collected this dataset" ←
15:59:28 <GK2> (My experience w/scientists suggests this is v important to them)
Graham Klyne: (My experience w/scientists suggests this is v important to them) ←
15:59:33 <JimMcCusker> Actually, @tlebo, I think @Paulo was the only agent. You had your BOB changed to a new one. He hit you in your BOB.
James McCusker: Actually, @tlebo, I think @Paulo was the only agent. You had your BOB changed to a new one. He hit you in your BOB. ←
15:59:54 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:59:55 <JimMcCusker> +1 for involvement -> participation
James McCusker: +1 for involvement -> participation ←
15:59:58 <Paulo> An agent can be involved with a process execution and if the process execution is an assertion that the agent is the asserter of any output of the process execution.
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: An agent can be involved with a process execution and if the process execution is an assertion that the agent is the asserter of any output of the process execution. ←
16:00:09 <smiles> q-
Simon Miles: q- ←
16:02:18 <Deborah> discussion point - is an assertion a type of process execution?
Deborah McGuinness: discussion point - is an assertion a type of process execution? ←
16:02:25 <Luc> if the process execution is an assertion, then the agent is the asserter of any output of the process execution.
Luc Moreau: if the process execution is an assertion, then the agent is the asserter of any output of the process execution. ←
16:02:49 <GK2> @Paolo, who do you suggest this cannot be incorprated later?
Graham Klyne: @Paolo, why do you suggest this cannot be incorprated later? ←
16:02:55 <GK2> s/who/why/
16:03:01 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
16:03:21 <pgroth> q-
Paul Groth: q- ←
16:03:25 <tlebo> roled involvements in a process execution: Tim is punch victim, Paulo is puncher (in another example: Paulo is asserter)
Timothy Lebo: roled involvements in a process execution: Tim is punch victim, Paulo is puncher (in another example: Paulo is asserter) ←
16:05:21 <Luc> Action to smiles to explain how data journalism example works without a concept of agent
Luc Moreau: Action to smiles to explain how data journalism example works without a concept of agent ←
16:05:21 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - to
Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - to ←
16:05:53 <Luc> Action: smiles to explain how data journalism example works without a concept of agent
ACTION: smiles to explain how data journalism example works without a concept of agent ←
16:05:53 <trackbot> Created ACTION-17 - Explain how data journalism example works without a concept of agent [on Simon Miles - due 2011-07-14].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-17 - Explain how data journalism example works without a concept of agent [on Simon Miles - due 2011-07-14]. ←
16:06:28 <Luc> Action: paulo to formulate a proposal for agent and asserter
ACTION: paulo to formulate a proposal for agent and asserter ←
16:06:28 <trackbot> Created ACTION-18 - Formulate a proposal for agent and asserter [on Paulo Pinheiro da Silva - due 2011-07-14].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-18 - Formulate a proposal for agent and asserter [on Paulo Pinheiro da Silva - due 2011-07-14]. ←
16:07:18 <Luc> Action: paulo to formulate a proposal for agent and asserter
ACTION: paulo to formulate a proposal for agent and asserter ←
16:07:18 <trackbot> Created ACTION-19 - Formulate a proposal for agent and asserter [on Paulo Pinheiro da Silva - due 2011-07-14].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-19 - Formulate a proposal for agent and asserter [on Paulo Pinheiro da Silva - due 2011-07-14]. ←
16:07:53 <Luc> action: zednik to reformulate definition of agent with participation instead of involvement
ACTION: zednik to reformulate definition of agent with participation instead of involvement ←
16:07:53 <trackbot> Created ACTION-20 - Reformulate definition of agent with participation instead of involvement [on Stephan Zednik - due 2011-07-14].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-20 - Reformulate definition of agent with participation instead of involvement [on Stephan Zednik - due 2011-07-14]. ←
16:07:54 <YolandaGil> @tlebo: Remember our process is generating a bob, so we already implicitly identifying one of the participants as having a special status. Your example I find is right but agency there is domain specific. I'd rather keep the model as lean as possible.
Yolanda Gil: @tlebo: Remember our process is generating a bob, so we already implicitly identifying one of the participants as having a special status. Your example I find is right but agency there is domain specific. I'd rather keep the model as lean as possible. ←
16:08:31 <Luc> action: jimmckcusker to provide justification for why agent is entity
ACTION: jimmckcusker to provide justification for why agent is entity ←
16:08:31 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - jimmckcusker
Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - jimmckcusker ←
16:08:46 <Luc> action: jimmcusker to provide justification for why agent is entity
ACTION: jimmcusker to provide justification for why agent is entity ←
16:08:46 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - jimmcusker
Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - jimmcusker ←
16:09:00 <Luc> action: jimmccusker to provide justification for why agent is entity
ACTION: jimmccusker to provide justification for why agent is entity ←
16:09:00 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - jimmccusker
Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - jimmccusker ←
16:09:21 <JimMcCusker> <- This is my handle
James McCusker: <- This is my handle ←
16:09:33 <Luc> action: JimMcCusker to provide justification for why agent is entity
ACTION: JimMcCusker to provide justification for why agent is entity ←
16:09:33 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - JimMcCusker
Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - JimMcCusker ←
16:09:48 <sandro> trackbot, list users
Sandro Hawke: trackbot, list users ←
16:09:48 <trackbot> Sorry, sandro, I don't understand 'trackbot, list users'. Please refer to for help
Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, sandro, I don't understand 'trackbot, list users'. Please refer to for help ←
16:10:03 <sandro> action: Jim to provide justification for why agent is entity
ACTION: Jim to provide justification for why agent is entity ←
16:10:03 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Jim
Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - Jim ←
16:10:11 <sandro> action: Jim to provide justification for why agent is entity
ACTION: Jim to provide justification for why agent is entity ←
16:10:11 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Jim
Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - Jim ←
16:10:20 <Luc> action: smiles to provide justification for why agent is entity state
ACTION: smiles to provide justification for why agent is entity state ←
16:10:20 <trackbot> Created ACTION-21 - to provide justification for why agent is entity state [on Simon Miles - due 2011-07-14].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-21 - to provide justification for why agent is entity state [on Simon Miles - due 2011-07-14]. ←
16:10:38 <Luc> subtopic: IVP of
16:10:57 <sandro> action: James to provide justification for why agent is entity
ACTION: James to provide justification for why agent is entity ←
16:10:57 <trackbot> Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - James
Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - James ←
16:10:57 <trackbot> Try using a different identifier, such as family name or username (eg. jcheney, jmyers4, jfrew, jmccuske)
Trackbot IRC Bot: Try using a different identifier, such as family name or username (eg. jcheney, jmyers4, jfrew, jmccuske) ←
16:11:28 <sandro> action: jmccuske to provide justification for why agent is entity
ACTION: jmccuske to provide justification for why agent is entity ←
16:11:28 <trackbot> Created ACTION-22 - Provide justification for why agent is entity [on James McCusker - due 2011-07-14].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-22 - Provide justification for why agent is entity [on James McCusker - due 2011-07-14]. ←
16:12:32 <sandro> action: jimmc to provide justification for why agent is entity
ACTION: jimmc to provide justification for why agent is entity ←
16:12:32 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - jimmc
Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - jimmc ←
16:13:49 <smiles> q+
Simon Miles: q+ ←
16:13:51 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
16:14:01 <khalidbelhajjame> +q
Khalid Belhajjame: +q ←
16:14:02 <JimMcCusker> q+
James McCusker: q+ ←
16:14:07 <Luc> ack Paulo
Luc Moreau: ack Paulo ←
16:14:11 <Luc> ack smiles
Luc Moreau: ack smiles ←
16:14:16 <GK2> Is there anything I can look at online to see this reviewed definition?
Graham Klyne: Is there anything I can look at online to see this reviewed definition? ←
16:14:47 <GK2> Ah, the webcam's back :)
Graham Klyne: Ah, the webcam's back :) ←
16:15:20 <pgroth> q+
Paul Groth: q+ ←
16:15:53 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
16:16:17 <jcheney> @GK2: revised defn is at:
James Cheney: @GK2: revised defn is at: ←
16:16:18 <GK2> I'm uncomfortable about defining invariant perspective in terms of properties... I suppose it works from a DL perspective, but I think of it more like a contextual constraint.
Graham Klyne: I'm uncomfortable about defining invariant perspective in terms of properties... I suppose it works from a DL perspective, but I think of it more like a contextual constraint. ←
16:17:14 <JimMcCusker> For reference:
James McCusker: For reference: ←
16:17:45 <JimMcCusker> Sorry, for reference
James McCusker: Sorry, for reference ←
16:18:29 <Satya> Khalid: The two points regarding properties of IVP entities is not enough for ensuring consistency
Khalid Belhajjame: The two points regarding properties of IVP entities is not enough for ensuring consistency [ Scribe Assist by Satya Sahoo ] ←
16:18:43 <Zakim> -[ISI]
Zakim IRC Bot: -[ISI] ←
16:19:20 <Satya> Luc: Consistency is responsibility of asserter (outside PIL scope)
Luc Moreau: Consistency is responsibility of asserter (outside PIL scope) [ Scribe Assist by Satya Sahoo ] ←
16:19:24 <Paulo> @JimMcCusker: thanks
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: @JimMcCusker: thanks ←
16:20:08 <JimMcCusker> One change from previous discussions: Work in FRBR (I think) corresponds to Entity in PIL.
James McCusker: One change from previous discussions: Work in FRBR (I think) corresponds to Entity in PIL. ←
16:20:40 <GK2> I don't think FRBR patterns help here
Graham Klyne: I don't think FRBR patterns help here ←
16:20:57 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
16:20:59 <zednik> @Jim, I think FRBR:Entity corresponds to PIL:Entity
Stephan Zednik: @Jim, I think FRBR:Entity corresponds to PIL:Entity ←
16:21:54 <Paulo> @JimMcCusker: One issue with your last statement is that it may be a work of God
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: @JimMcCusker: One issue with your last statement is that it may be a work of God ←
16:22:33 <zednik> q+
Stephan Zednik: q+ ←
16:22:39 <Luc> ack khali
Luc Moreau: ack khali ←
16:23:23 <GK> I don't agree that BOBs are manifestations/expressions to resource/subject as Work
Graham Klyne: I don't agree that BOBs are manifestations/expressions to resource/subject as Work ←
16:23:27 <Satya> JimMc: current definition of IVP satisfies scenario in FRBR
James McCusker: current definition of IVP satisfies scenario in FRBR [ Scribe Assist by Satya Sahoo ] ←
16:23:32 <SamCoppens> JimMc: referenced document justifies the proposed definition
James McCusker: referenced document justifies the proposed definition ←
16:23:39 <jcheney> q+
James Cheney: q+ ←
16:23:56 <Luc> ack Jim
Luc Moreau: ack Jim ←
16:24:08 <Luc> ack pgro
Luc Moreau: ack pgro ←
16:24:40 <GK> I think a BOB is essentially the same kind of thing as the original resource, but constrained in some way so that certain assertions are enduringly true where they would not be so for the original. E.g. in a particular period or place.
Graham Klyne: I think a BOB is essentially the same kind of thing as the original resource, but constrained in some way so that certain assertions are enduringly true where they would not be so for the original. E.g. in a particular period or place. ←
16:25:04 <zednik> @GK, I agree, think ownership of a physical object
Stephan Zednik: @GK, I agree, think ownership of a physical object ←
16:25:05 <Satya> PaulG: Why should two entities participating in IVP need to share properties (?)
Paul Groth: Why should two entities participating in IVP need to share properties (?) [ Scribe Assist by Satya Sahoo ] ←
16:25:12 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
16:25:21 <smiles> q+
Simon Miles: q+ ←
16:25:32 <khalidbelhajjame> +1 I agree with Paul
Khalid Belhajjame: +1 I agree with Paul ←
16:25:32 <SamCoppens> PaulG: Role of IVP is to relate entity states, declaring they are the same
Paul Groth: Role of IVP is to relate entity states, declaring they are the same ←
16:25:58 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
16:26:01 <SamCoppens> PaulG: Why need additional contraints
Paul Groth: Why need additional contraints ←
16:26:04 <Luc> ack zednik
Luc Moreau: ack zednik ←
16:26:06 <JimMcCusker> +1 to @pgroth's point.
James McCusker: +1 to @pgroth's point. ←
16:26:55 <GK> Nice example.
Graham Klyne: Nice example. ←
16:27:04 <SamCoppens> Stephen: disagree with Work in FRBR corresponds to Entity in PIL
Stephen Cresswell: disagree with Work in FRBR corresponds to Entity in PIL ←
16:27:06 <Deborah> +1 for paul's comment - about 1 - why do we need to require the additional constraints and 2 I would like to be able to say that A and B can replace each other (possibly for a given context)
Deborah McGuinness: +1 for paul's comment - about 1 - why do we need to require the additional constraints and 2 I would like to be able to say that A and B can replace each other (possibly for a given context) ←
16:27:21 <tlebo> zednik: the owner history of a book. The book is an Entity. The book owned by different owners over time are different EntityStates.
Stephan Zednik: the owner history of a book. The book is an Entity. The book owned by different owners over time are different EntityStates. [ Scribe Assist by Timothy Lebo ] ←
16:27:22 <GK> (Nice example = book changing ownership.)
Graham Klyne: (Nice example = book changing ownership.) ←
16:27:53 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
16:27:59 <pgroth> q+
Paul Groth: q+ ←
16:28:09 <Luc> ack jcheney
Luc Moreau: ack jcheney ←
16:28:34 <Satya> q+
Satya Sahoo: q+ ←
16:28:53 <JimMcCusker> I guess any level in FRBR can be considered an Entity in itself, and then there are IPV relations between any if their entity states.
James McCusker: I guess any level in FRBR can be considered an Entity in itself, and then there are IPV relations between any if their entity states. ←
16:29:06 <zednik> @Jim - I agree
Stephan Zednik: @Jim - I agree ←
16:29:17 <GK> @jim +1
Graham Klyne: @jim +1 ←
16:29:22 <JimMcCusker> Good thing I didn't change the PDF, then. :-)
James McCusker: Good thing I didn't change the PDF, then. :-) ←
16:29:29 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
16:30:09 <Luc> ack smiles
Luc Moreau: ack smiles ←
16:30:38 <GK> @smiles +1 entities (turtles) all the way down
Graham Klyne: @smiles +1 entities (turtles) all the way down ←
16:31:30 <khalidbelhajjame> +q
Khalid Belhajjame: +q ←
16:32:32 <JimMcCusker> Deborah, Tim, and I all represent RPI. :-)
James McCusker: Deborah, Tim, and I all represent RPI. :-) ←
16:33:03 <Luc> ack pgro
Luc Moreau: ack pgro ←
16:34:24 <Luc> issue: we need a mechanism to assert two entity states refer to the same entity
ISSUE: we need a mechanism to assert two entity states refer to the same entity ←
16:34:24 <trackbot> Created ISSUE-28 - We need a mechanism to assert two entity states refer to the same entity ; please complete additional details at .
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ISSUE-28 - We need a mechanism to assert two entity states refer to the same entity ; please complete additional details at . ←
16:34:40 <Deborah> and do we want to refine that for a particular purpose?
Deborah McGuinness: and do we want to refine that for a particular purpose? ←
16:35:33 <GK> When A is an IVP of B, assertions that are enduringly true of B are also enduringly true of A. Further there may be some additional assertions that are only transiently true of B but are enduringly true of A.
Graham Klyne: When A is an IVP of B, assertions that are enduringly true of B are also enduringly true of A. Further there may be some additional assertions that are only transiently true of B but are enduringly true of A. ←
16:35:48 <pgroth> @GK you like enduring truth don't you :-)
Paul Groth: @GK you like enduring truth don't you :-) ←
16:36:02 <Luc> action: zednik to formulate your definition of ivp of (including example of book)
ACTION: zednik to formulate your definition of ivp of (including example of book) ←
16:36:02 <trackbot> Created ACTION-23 - Formulate your definition of ivp of (including example of book) [on Stephan Zednik - due 2011-07-14].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-23 - Formulate your definition of ivp of (including example of book) [on Stephan Zednik - due 2011-07-14]. ←
16:36:29 <GK> @pgroth - I suppose :) -- I think it is (close to) something that is key to provenance vs other metadata.
Graham Klyne: @pgroth - I suppose :) -- I think it is (close to) something that is key to provenance vs other metadata. ←
16:37:03 <smiles> @GK definitely agreed - coz what has happened has happened
Simon Miles: @GK definitely agreed - coz what has happened has happened ←
16:37:52 <Luc> action: smiles to clarify ivp of, emphasis on invariant (and not sameness of entities)
ACTION: smiles to clarify ivp of, emphasis on invariant (and not sameness of entities) ←
16:37:52 <trackbot> Created ACTION-24 - Clarify ivp of, emphasis on invariant (and not sameness of entities) [on Simon Miles - due 2011-07-14].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-24 - Clarify ivp of, emphasis on invariant (and not sameness of entities) [on Simon Miles - due 2011-07-14]. ←
16:38:22 <zednik> do we have a distinction between IVP and EntityState?
Stephan Zednik: do we have a distinction between IVP and EntityState? ←
16:38:28 <tlebo> @smiles, if it's not about sameness of entities, what is IVP about?
Timothy Lebo: @smiles, if it's not about sameness of entities, what is IVP about? ←
16:39:04 <Luc> action to pgroth to formulate a mechanism for issue-28
Luc Moreau: action to pgroth to formulate a mechanism for ISSUE-28 ←
16:39:04 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - to
Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - to ←
16:39:18 <JimMcCusker> action pgroth to formulate a mechanism for issue-28
James McCusker: action pgroth to formulate a mechanism for ISSUE-28 ←
16:39:18 <trackbot> Created ACTION-25 - Formulate a mechanism for issue-28 [on Paul Groth - due 2011-07-14].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-25 - Formulate a mechanism for ISSUE-28 [on Paul Groth - due 2011-07-14]. ←
16:39:22 <smiles> @tlebo it is about relation between what is invariant about one bob and what is invariant about another - specifically that if one is the subset of another, then the provenance of one includes the provenance of another
Simon Miles: @tlebo it is about relation between what is invariant about one bob and what is invariant about another - specifically that if one is the subset of another, then the provenance of one includes the provenance of another ←
16:39:43 <GK> (Maybe "enduring truth" -> "invariant truth")
Graham Klyne: (Maybe "enduring truth" -> "invariant truth") ←
16:39:44 <Satya> @zednick - exactly the question I wanted to ask
Satya Sahoo: @zednick - exactly the question I wanted to ask ←
16:40:20 <GK> "tlebo - problem is that sameness can be hard to pin down, so appealing to it creates problem. At some intuitive level, there is a degree of sameness.
Graham Klyne: "tlebo - problem is that sameness can be hard to pin down, so appealing to it creates problem. At some intuitive level, there is a degree of sameness. ←
16:41:05 <pgroth> @zednick @Satya - yes absolutely, entity state is just a way to identify entities through some invariant properties, no?
Paul Groth: @zednick @Satya - yes absolutely, entity state is just a way to identify entities through some invariant properties, no? ←
16:41:06 <GK> "corerespondence" assumes discrete properties to refer to. This is why I prefer definition in terms of assertions rather than interms of properties.
Graham Klyne: "corerespondence" assumes discrete properties to refer to. This is why I prefer definition in terms of assertions rather than interms of properties. ←
16:41:14 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
16:42:00 <GK> @pgroth the way we use it, yes, but I worry about implications of "state"
Graham Klyne: @pgroth the way we use it, yes, but I worry about implications of "state" ←
16:42:04 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
16:42:08 <Luc> ack satya
Luc Moreau: ack satya ←
16:42:47 <zednik> q+
Stephan Zednik: q+ ←
16:42:51 <GK> For example, some models of "state" are strictly sequential, and invariants are not necessarily sequentially related.
Graham Klyne: For example, some models of "state" are strictly sequential, and invariants are not necessarily sequentially related. ←
16:43:30 <smiles> @GK I find a problem with defining in terms of assertions - in that it is not the assertions which need invariance. I agree that properties are invariant to some perspective/for some asserter.
Simon Miles: @GK I find a problem with defining in terms of assertions - in that it is not the assertions which need invariance. I agree that properties are invariant to some perspective/for some asserter. ←
16:44:42 <zednik> q-
Stephan Zednik: q- ←
16:45:23 <Satya> q-
Satya Sahoo: q- ←
16:45:27 <tlebo> what does IVP provide that doesn't fall out of overlapping descriptions of multiple EntityStates?
Timothy Lebo: what does IVP provide that doesn't fall out of overlapping descriptions of multiple EntityStates? ←
16:45:32 <Luc> action: satya to comment on future definitions of ivp of
ACTION: satya to comment on future definitions of ivp of ←
16:45:32 <trackbot> Created ACTION-26 - Comment on future definitions of ivp of [on Satya Sahoo - due 2011-07-14].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-26 - Comment on future definitions of ivp of [on Satya Sahoo - due 2011-07-14]. ←
16:45:35 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
16:45:48 <GK> @smiles, I can live with properties, as that's what we generally deal with in Web descriptions. But philosophically, I feel assertions are more fundamental. (I think Quine wrote something about this.)
Graham Klyne: @smiles, I can live with properties, as that's what we generally deal with in Web descriptions. But philosophically, I feel assertions are more fundamental. (I think Quine wrote something about this.) ←
16:46:17 <zednik> @tlebo agreed, is there a constraint that an entity may only have one defined entitystate at a time?
Stephan Zednik: @tlebo agreed, is there a constraint that an entity may only have one defined entitystate at a time? ←
16:46:41 <tlebo> to be continue :-)
Timothy Lebo: to be continue :-) ←
16:46:44 <pgroth> @zednik I don't think so --- well it doesn't say it
Paul Groth: @zednik I don't think so --- well it doesn't say it ←
16:46:45 <zednik> :)
Stephan Zednik: :) ←
16:46:45 <tlebo> d
Timothy Lebo: d ←
16:46:49 <Luc> action: khalid to comment on future definitions of ivp of
ACTION: khalid to comment on future definitions of ivp of ←
16:46:49 <trackbot> Created ACTION-27 - Comment on future definitions of ivp of [on Khalid Belhajjame - due 2011-07-14].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-27 - Comment on future definitions of ivp of [on Khalid Belhajjame - due 2011-07-14]. ←
16:46:53 <pgroth> anyway, lunch time!
Paul Groth: anyway, lunch time! ←
16:47:01 <GK> OK -- that's me done here for the day. I need to be elsewhere very soon, so good luck with the rest of the meeting.
Graham Klyne: OK -- that's me done here for the day. I need to be elsewhere very soon, so good luck with the rest of the meeting. ←
16:47:02 <pgroth> back at 1:30pm EST
Paul Groth: back at 1:30pm EST ←
16:47:09 <pgroth> Thanks GK!!
Paul Groth: Thanks GK!! ←
16:47:21 <Zakim> -zednik
Zakim IRC Bot: -zednik ←
16:47:41 <Luc> action: jamesM to revisit the definition of ivp of in the light of the new terminology adopted at F2F1
ACTION: jamesM to revisit the definition of ivp of in the light of the new terminology adopted at F2F1 ←
16:47:41 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - jamesM
Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - jamesM ←
16:47:57 <Luc> action: myers to revisit the definition of ivp of in the light of the new terminology adopted at F2F1
ACTION: myers to revisit the definition of ivp of in the light of the new terminology adopted at F2F1 ←
16:47:57 <trackbot> Created ACTION-28 - Revisit the definition of ivp of in the light of the new terminology adopted at F2F1 [on James Myers - due 2011-07-14].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-28 - Revisit the definition of ivp of in the light of the new terminology adopted at F2F1 [on James Myers - due 2011-07-14]. ←
16:48:54 <GK> (Watching Luc stretch on webcam is amusing - looks a bit robo-pop)
Graham Klyne: (Watching Luc stretch on webcam is amusing - looks a bit robo-pop) ←
16:50:23 <Zakim> -GK
Zakim IRC Bot: -GK ←
17:32:01 <pgroth> Chair: pgroth, luc
17:33:36 <Zakim> +??P3
(No events recorded for 43 minutes)
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P3 ←
17:33:48 <Zakim> +zednik
Zakim IRC Bot: +zednik ←
17:33:49 <dgarijo> Zakim, ??P3 is me
Daniel Garijo: Zakim, ??P3 is me ←
17:33:49 <Zakim> +dgarijo; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +dgarijo; got it ←
17:35:21 <dgarijo> Zakim, who is here?
Daniel Garijo: Zakim, who is here? ←
17:35:21 <Zakim> On the phone I see Meeting_Room, dgarijo, zednik
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Meeting_Room, dgarijo, zednik ←
17:35:22 <Zakim> On IRC I see dgarijo, olaf, IlkayAltintas, Yogesh, edsu, zednik, Satya, Paulo, GK2, JimMcCusker, Vinh, smiles, jcheney, tlebo, khalidbelhajjame, pgroth, GK, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc,
Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see dgarijo, olaf, IlkayAltintas, Yogesh, edsu, zednik, Satya, Paulo, GK2, JimMcCusker, Vinh, smiles, jcheney, tlebo, khalidbelhajjame, pgroth, GK, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, ←
17:35:24 <Zakim> ... ericP, stain, sandro, trackbot
Zakim IRC Bot: ... ericP, stain, sandro, trackbot ←
17:36:34 <Luc> Scribe: Satya Sahoo
(Scribe set to Satya Sahoo)
12:49:18 <Luc> TOPIC: Session 7: PAQ TF
Summary: In this session, a plan for developing an access document was developed and a mechanism for helping to decide upon proposals was agreed upon. It was agreed to start with Graham's document as a starting point and to raise issues against that document once it was transferred to the W3C version control system. In order to evaluate various proposals, a use case scenario at was agreed upon.
<pgroth> Summary: In this session, a plan for developing an access document was developed and a mechanism for helping to decide upon proposals was agreed upon. It was agreed to start with Graham's document as a starting point and to raise issues against that document once it was transferred to the W3C version control system. In order to evaluate various proposals, a use case scenario at was agreed upon.
17:38:01 <Satya> SimonM: Reconcile the PAQTF proposals - review and document the issues
(No events recorded for 288 minutes)
Simon Miles: Reconcile the PAQTF proposals - review and document the issues ←
17:38:44 <tlebo> smiles: will need to enumerate requirements.
Simon Miles: will need to enumerate requirements. [ Scribe Assist by Timothy Lebo ] ←
17:39:02 <Satya> SimonM: Requirements for the proposals should include reasons
Simon Miles: Requirements for the proposals should include reasons ←
17:39:29 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
17:39:30 <tlebo> smiles: 1) plan for document and 2) proposals stating their requirements and why important.
Simon Miles: 1) plan for document and 2) proposals stating their requirements and why important. [ Scribe Assist by Timothy Lebo ] ←
17:39:33 <khalidbelhajjame> -q
Khalid Belhajjame: -q ←
17:40:21 <Satya> Yogesh: Need to discuss the metrics or guidelines for defining the proposals and the reasons associated with the proposals
Yogesh Simmhan: Need to discuss the metrics or guidelines for defining the proposals and the reasons associated with the proposals ←
17:40:41 <tlebo> yogesh: metrics would be used to evaluate each proposal.
Yogesh Simmhan: metrics would be used to evaluate each proposal. [ Scribe Assist by Timothy Lebo ] ←
17:40:45 <Luc> q+
Luc Moreau: q+ ←
17:40:57 <pgroth> ack Luc
Paul Groth: ack Luc ←
17:41:06 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
17:41:58 <Satya> Luc: Consider a scenario to identify the requirements
Luc Moreau: Consider a scenario to identify the requirements ←
17:42:07 <tlebo> luc: example scenarios to support. e.g. getting something over email and browsing the web
Luc Moreau: example scenarios to support. e.g. getting something over email and browsing the web [ Scribe Assist by Timothy Lebo ] ←
17:43:41 <Satya> PaulG: The proposals are not too distinct and can be reconciled easily
Paul Groth: The proposals are not too distinct and can be reconciled easily ←
17:44:21 <Satya> PaulG: Disagreements demonstrated with specific examples for given proposal
Paul Groth: Disagreements demonstrated with specific examples for given proposal ←
17:45:50 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
17:45:53 <Satya> PaulG: Should start requirement gathering
Paul Groth: Should start requirement gathering ←
17:46:05 <Satya> Should > should not
Should > should not ←
17:46:31 <Satya> SimonM: requirement gathering is in specific context of proposal
Simon Miles: requirement gathering is in specific context of proposal ←
17:46:43 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
17:46:54 <Satya> Sandro: focus should be on use cases, which lead to indentification of requirements
Sandro Hawke: focus should be on use cases, which lead to indentification of requirements ←
17:46:59 <Satya> q+
q+ ←
17:47:08 <dgarijo> don't we have already a lot of requirements from the incubator?
Daniel Garijo: don't we have already a lot of requirements from the incubator? ←
17:48:13 <SamCoppens> @dgarijo indeed and they were gathered from the use cases
Sam Coppens: @dgarijo indeed and they were gathered from the use cases ←
17:49:21 <Luc> Consider the following scenario. A user gains access to an online resource through browsing the web and downloading it, by receiving by email, transferring it via FTP, or by some other protocol. The client software (browser, email client etc.) offers an "Oh yeah?" button, by which the provenance of the resource will be retrieved and displayed. What does the client do on the button being clicked, what information does it need in order to perform the retrieval, and w
Luc Moreau: Consider the following scenario. A user gains access to an online resource through browsing the web and downloading it, by receiving by email, transferring it via FTP, or by some other protocol. The client software (browser, email client etc.) offers an "Oh yeah?" button, by which the provenance of the resource will be retrieved and displayed. What does the client do on the button being clicked, what information does it need in order to perform the retrieval, and w ←
17:49:34 <Satya> q-
q- ←
17:51:02 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
17:52:39 <Satya> PaulG: A document is created that receives comments/raise issue against the document
Paul Groth: A document is created that receives comments/raise issue against the document ←
17:52:57 <Satya> SimonM: Graham has already created such a document
Simon Miles: Graham has already created such a document ←
17:53:51 <Satya> Yogesh: Should the document include all proposals or one proposal?
Yogesh Simmhan: Should the document include all proposals or one proposal? ←
17:54:12 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
17:54:55 <Luc> q+ can we agree to on the scenario to support
Luc Moreau: q+ can we agree to on the scenario to support ←
17:55:22 <Satya> Paul/SimonM: Graham's proposal may be used as starting point
Paul/SimonM: Graham's proposal may be used as starting point ←
17:55:36 <Satya> Luc: Define a scenario today?
Luc Moreau: Define a scenario today? ←
17:56:23 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
17:56:48 <Luc> A user obtains an html document. The client software (browser, email client etc.) offers an "Oh yeah?" button, by which the provenance of the document will be retrieved and displayed. Provenance is retrieved from the provider site of the document and from a third-party site. What does the client do on the button being clicked, what information does it need in order to perform the retrieval, and where does that information come from? We should consider that the htm
Luc Moreau: A user obtains an html document. The client software (browser, email client etc.) offers an "Oh yeah?" button, by which the provenance of the document will be retrieved and displayed. Provenance is retrieved from the provider site of the document and from a third-party site. What does the client do on the button being clicked, what information does it need in order to perform the retrieval, and where does that information come from? We should consider that the htm ←
17:57:28 <GK2> I really have to go soon, but I notuce Simon mentioned something I drafted as an example:
Graham Klyne: I really have to go soon, but I notuce Simon mentioned something I drafted as an example: ←
17:57:42 <dgarijo> @GK2 thanks!
Daniel Garijo: @GK2 thanks! ←
17:57:56 <Luc>
Luc Moreau: ←
17:58:00 <GK2> The point was to use something like this as a focus for discussion, throw out stuff we don't want, add stuff we need, etc.
Graham Klyne: The point was to use something like this as a focus for discussion, throw out stuff we don't want, add stuff we need, etc. ←
17:58:05 <Satya> Try and agree on a scenario for use by the PAQ TF
Try and agree on a scenario for use by the PAQ TF ←
17:58:43 <GK2> (It uses ReSpec - seems to require browser console to fully geberate ToC -- dunno why)
Graham Klyne: (It uses ReSpec - seems to require browser console to fully geberate ToC -- dunno why) ←
17:59:39 <Satya> Luc: A specific example initially - html document
Luc Moreau: A specific example initially - html document ←
18:00:15 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
18:00:19 <IlkayAltintas> q+
Ilkay Altintas: q+ ←
18:00:30 <sandro> q+
Sandro Hawke: q+ ←
18:00:33 <Satya> Luc: Describes the provenance access scenario
Luc Moreau: Describes the provenance access scenario ←
18:01:18 <Satya> SimonM: If link is embedded in the html page, may not have to cover http-related issues (?)
Simon Miles: If link is embedded in the html page, may not have to cover http-related issues (?) ←
18:01:43 <Satya> Ilkay: Is the content public or requires consideration of access control
Ilkay Altintas: Is the content public or requires consideration of access control ←
18:01:59 <zednik> q+
Stephan Zednik: q+ ←
18:02:43 <pgroth> ack Ilkay
Paul Groth: ack Ilkay ←
18:02:52 <Satya> SimonM: Mention that provenance available in multiple format
Simon Miles: Mention that provenance available in multiple format ←
18:03:44 <Satya> Sandro: The scenario should be described without using the term "provenance"
Sandro Hawke: The scenario should be described without using the term "provenance" ←
18:03:53 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
18:03:53 <zednik> q-
Stephan Zednik: q- ←
18:04:01 <pgroth> ack sandro
Paul Groth: ack sandro ←
18:04:45 <Satya> StephanZ: If we are using http get, then we don't need to explicitly mention access control
Stephan Zednik: If we are using http get, then we don't need to explicitly mention access control ←
18:04:48 <sandro> sandro: It would be very nice, some day, to have this scenario given, without deference to the word "provenance", to explain why this WG is doing such cool stuff.
Sandro Hawke: It would be very nice, some day, to have this scenario given, without deference to the word "provenance", to explain why this WG is doing such cool stuff. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ] ←
18:04:52 <Yogesh> q+
Yogesh Simmhan: q+ ←
18:05:22 <zednik> q-
Stephan Zednik: q- ←
18:05:26 <Satya> simonM: We want consider only proposals and not specific solutions
Simon Miles: We want consider only proposals and not specific solutions ←
18:05:41 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
18:05:45 <pgroth> ack Yogesh
Paul Groth: ack Yogesh ←
18:05:56 <Satya> Yogesh: Is this provenance w.r.t entire document or parts of the document?
Yogesh Simmhan: Is this provenance w.r.t entire document or parts of the document? ←
18:06:11 <Satya> SimonM: Will it have impact on the access mechanism?
Simon Miles: Will it have impact on the access mechanism? ←
18:06:18 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
18:06:43 <Luc> q+
Luc Moreau: q+ ←
18:06:55 <Paulo> q+
18:07:02 <Satya> q+
q+ ←
18:07:09 <pgroth> ack Luc
Paul Groth: ack Luc ←
18:07:37 <sandro> q+
Sandro Hawke: q+ ←
18:07:47 <IlkayAltintas> q+
Ilkay Altintas: q+ ←
18:07:56 <sandro> q-
Sandro Hawke: q- ←
18:08:00 <jcheney> q+
James Cheney: q+ ←
18:08:01 <Satya> Luc: We should review the scenario bullet points and leave the issues for later discussion
Luc Moreau: We should review the scenario bullet points and leave the issues for later discussion ←
18:08:30 <pgroth> ack Paulo
Paul Groth: ack Paulo ←
18:08:58 <Deborah> +1 to allowing more flexibility on document type
Deborah McGuinness: +1 to allowing more flexibility on document type ←
18:09:05 <Satya> Paulo: Consider issue related to visualization of the provenance
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: Consider issue related to visualization of the provenance ←
18:09:27 <Satya> Paulo: Provenance visualization is not part of "access"
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: Provenance visualization is not part of "access" ←
18:09:29 <Deborah> +1 to allowing "oh yeah" functionality BUT not including display of it as part of the scope
Deborah McGuinness: +1 to allowing "oh yeah" functionality BUT not including display of it as part of the scope ←
18:09:54 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
18:10:27 <Satya> Luc: We consider only access and not visualization etc.
Luc Moreau: We consider only access and not visualization etc. ←
18:11:05 <Satya> Deborah: Replace "oh yeah" button with "oh yeah" functionality
Deborah McGuinness: Replace "oh yeah" button with "oh yeah" functionality ←
18:11:15 <JimMcCusker>
James McCusker: ←
18:11:19 <Satya> Luc: Modified scenario
Luc Moreau: Modified scenario ←
18:11:26 <dgarijo> :D
Daniel Garijo: :D ←
18:11:36 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
18:11:47 <pgroth> ack Satya
Paul Groth: ack Satya ←
18:12:16 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
18:12:28 <khalidbelhajjame> Satya: Does access have to reconcile information from multiple sources
Satya Sahoo: Does access have to reconcile information from multiple sources [ Scribe Assist by Khalid Belhajjame ] ←
18:12:36 <khalidbelhajjame> luc: outside of scope
Luc Moreau: outside of scope [ Scribe Assist by Khalid Belhajjame ] ←
18:13:06 <Paulo> q+
18:14:20 <tlebo> smiles: secure access and formats are "allowed"
Simon Miles: secure access and formats are "allowed" [ Scribe Assist by Timothy Lebo ] ←
18:14:21 <pgroth> ack Ilka
Paul Groth: ack Ilka ←
18:14:25 <Yogesh> q+
Yogesh Simmhan: q+ ←
18:14:33 <zednik> +1 detailing access control is out of scope
Stephan Zednik: +1 detailing access control is out of scope ←
18:14:54 <tlebo> ilkayaltintas: is provenance of document different from the scientific data? perhaps same scenario for two different usages?
Ilkay Altintas: is provenance of document different from the scientific data? perhaps same scenario for two different usages? [ Scribe Assist by Timothy Lebo ] ←
18:15:20 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
18:15:22 <Luc> q+
Luc Moreau: q+ ←
18:15:34 <dgarijo> I'm just wondering... Why would you want to publish provenance if you are going to restrict the access to it?
Daniel Garijo: I'm just wondering... Why would you want to publish provenance if you are going to restrict the access to it? ←
18:15:38 <Deborah> +1 to keeping acces control out of scope of this working group
Deborah McGuinness: +1 to keeping acces control out of scope of this working group ←
18:15:56 <tlebo> q?
Timothy Lebo: q? ←
18:16:07 <Luc> @dgarijo because you may want to have a paying service
Luc Moreau: @dgarijo because you may want to have a paying service ←
18:16:36 <Satya> SimonM: Don't have make it domain specific
Simon Miles: Don't have make it domain specific ←
18:16:49 <dgarijo> @Luc true.
Daniel Garijo: @Luc true. ←
18:17:09 <Satya> q+ to respond to Ilkay
q+ to respond to Ilkay ←
18:17:25 <pgroth> ack jcheney
Paul Groth: ack jcheney ←
18:17:36 <Deborah> what if we change "html document" to web-based document minimally...... i would prefer to have no modifier on document though
Deborah McGuinness: what if we change "html document" to web-based document minimally...... i would prefer to have no modifier on document though ←
18:17:45 <Satya> @ILkay HTML pages and data (on the web) are not necessarily distinct
@ILkay HTML pages and data (on the web) are not necessarily distinct ←
18:17:53 <tlebo> Can pick up from by having it s/A user obtains an html document. /A user obtains an html encoding of art1/ ?
Timothy Lebo: Can pick up from by having it s/A user obtains an html document. /A user obtains an html encoding of art1/ ? ←
18:18:26 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
18:18:27 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
18:18:37 <pgroth> ack Paulo
Paul Groth: ack Paulo ←
18:18:38 <tlebo> newspaper (news) publishes the incidence map (map1), chart (c1) and the image (img1) within a document (art1)
Timothy Lebo: newspaper (news) publishes the incidence map (map1), chart (c1) and the image (img1) within a document (art1) ←
18:18:48 <Satya> James Cheney: We can replace html document with only document
James Cheney: We can replace html document with only document ←
18:19:06 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
18:20:31 <tlebo> q+ to propose the "document" that the access scenario "obtains" is the Data Journalism Example's "art1" (newspaper (news) publishes the incidence map (map1), chart (c1) and the image (img1) within a document (art1) written by (joe) using license (li2))
Timothy Lebo: q+ to propose the "document" that the access scenario "obtains" is the Data Journalism Example's "art1" (newspaper (news) publishes the incidence map (map1), chart (c1) and the image (img1) within a document (art1) written by (joe) using license (li2)) ←
18:20:40 <IlkayAltintas> @satya Agreed
Ilkay Altintas: @satya Agreed ←
18:21:21 <dgarijo> +1 to tlebo's proposal. It would be nice to see how the current approaches adapt to the proposed example.
Daniel Garijo: +1 to tlebo's proposal. It would be nice to see how the current approaches adapt to the proposed example. ←
18:21:54 <Satya> Paulo: Order of provenance documents to be retrieved should be out of scope of WG
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: Order of provenance documents to be retrieved should be out of scope of WG ←
18:21:59 <pgroth> ack Yogesh
Paul Groth: ack Yogesh ←
18:22:16 <Satya> +1 to tlebo proposal
+1 to tlebo proposal ←
18:22:54 <tlebo> q?
Timothy Lebo: q? ←
18:23:08 <pgroth> ack tlebo
Paul Groth: ack tlebo ←
18:23:08 <Zakim> tlebo, you wanted to propose the "document" that the access scenario "obtains" is the Data Journalism Example's "art1" (newspaper (news) publishes the incidence map (map1), chart
Zakim IRC Bot: tlebo, you wanted to propose the "document" that the access scenario "obtains" is the Data Journalism Example's "art1" (newspaper (news) publishes the incidence map (map1), chart ←
18:23:11 <Zakim> ... (c1) and the image (img1) within a document (art1) written by (joe) using license (li2))
Zakim IRC Bot: ... (c1) and the image (img1) within a document (art1) written by (joe) using license (li2)) ←
18:23:38 <Satya> Tim: Can we reuse specific entity from journalism example - chart, document, report
Timothy Lebo: Can we reuse specific entity from journalism example - chart, document, report ←
18:24:30 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
18:24:38 <Satya> q-
q- ←
18:25:34 <pgroth> ack Luc
Paul Groth: ack Luc ←
18:25:46 <Satya> Luc: Agrees with Tim, but is concerned that this will require embedding provenance link in the document
Luc Moreau: Agrees with Tim, but is concerned that this will require embedding provenance link in the document ←
18:26:17 <sandro> +1 luc Lets focus on "html document" for now.
Sandro Hawke: +1 luc Lets focus on "html document" for now. ←
18:26:29 <Satya> Luc: Taking the deadline for first document prepared by end of month, need to keep scenario as simple
Luc Moreau: Taking the deadline for first document prepared by end of month, need to keep scenario as simple ←
18:26:39 <Deborah> what if we modify it to "the user obtains a document. The initial scenario will focus on an html document"
Deborah McGuinness: what if we modify it to "the user obtains a document. The initial scenario will focus on an html document" ←
18:27:23 <Satya> Tim: We can pick a single entity from the journalism example
Timothy Lebo: We can pick a single entity from the journalism example ←
18:27:33 <sandro> Maybe restrict HTML in this example to not be using script or img or object.
Sandro Hawke: Maybe restrict HTML in this example to not be using script or img or object. ←
18:27:43 <Deborah> q+
Deborah McGuinness: q+ ←
18:27:48 <sandro> q+
Sandro Hawke: q+ ←
18:28:18 <sandro> +1 deborah, "initial scenario is html"
Sandro Hawke: +1 deborah, "initial scenario is html" ←
18:28:33 <Satya> Deborah: What if we modify scenario to "document" from "html document"
Deborah McGuinness: What if we modify scenario to "document" from "html document" ←
18:28:57 <pgroth> ack sandro
Paul Groth: ack sandro ←
18:29:00 <pgroth> ack Debo
Paul Groth: ack Debo ←
18:29:10 <Satya> Sandro: We don't consider anything to be embedded in the html document
Sandro Hawke: We don't consider anything to be embedded in the html document ←
18:30:05 <Satya> Luc: Clarified that this is initial scenario and documented on wiki page
Luc Moreau: Clarified that this is initial scenario and documented on wiki page ←
18:30:07 <dgarijo> @Sandro and what about the proposals which propose to embedd provenance in the html?
Daniel Garijo: @Sandro and what about the proposals which propose to embedd provenance in the html? ←
18:30:19 <dgarijo> +q
Daniel Garijo: +q ←
18:30:58 <pgroth> ack dgarijo
Paul Groth: ack dgarijo ←
18:31:32 <Satya> DanielG: Are we going to extend the initial example?
Daniel Garijo: Are we going to extend the initial example? ←
18:31:56 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
18:32:18 <Satya> PaulG: First point of the scenario is accepted
Paul Groth: First point of the scenario is accepted ←
18:33:45 <Satya> Yogesh: Add retrieval to access (for second point in example)
Yogesh Simmhan: Add retrieval to access (for second point in example) ←
18:35:22 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
18:35:55 <Satya> PaulG: Second point accepted with modification
Paul Groth: Second point accepted with modification ←
18:36:15 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
18:36:52 <Deborah> what about Provenance may be accessed from the document provider as well as from third-parties.
Deborah McGuinness: what about Provenance may be accessed from the document provider as well as from third-parties. ←
18:37:19 <Deborah> q+
Deborah McGuinness: q+ ←
18:37:49 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
18:38:43 <Paulo> q+
18:38:47 <Yogesh> q+
Yogesh Simmhan: q+ ←
18:38:55 <pgroth> ack Deborah
Paul Groth: ack Deborah ←
18:39:13 <Satya> Deborah: Modification to acessibility from multiple sources
Deborah McGuinness: Modification to acessibility from multiple sources ←
18:39:17 <pgroth> ack Yogesh
Paul Groth: ack Yogesh ←
18:39:24 <pgroth> ack Paulo
Paul Groth: ack Paulo ←
18:39:43 <Satya> Yogesh: Defer issue of partial access to after publication of first draft
Yogesh Simmhan: Defer issue of partial access to after publication of first draft ←
18:41:45 <Satya> PaulG: Third point is accepted
Paul Groth: Third point is accepted ←
18:42:35 <Paulo> provenance may be represented as a distributed graph and accessing the graph may imply accessing the graph fully or partially
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: provenance may be represented as a distributed graph and accessing the graph may imply accessing the graph fully or partially ←
18:43:08 <Paulo> ... and accessing the provenance my imply accessing the graph...
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: ... and accessing the provenance my imply accessing the graph... ←
18:43:17 <Satya> q+
q+ ←
18:44:08 <pgroth> ack Saty
Paul Groth: ack Saty ←
18:44:11 <Yogesh> q+
Yogesh Simmhan: q+ ←
18:44:58 <IlkayAltintas> q+
Ilkay Altintas: q+ ←
18:45:11 <pgroth> ack Yogesh
Paul Groth: ack Yogesh ←
18:47:35 <Yogesh> q+
Yogesh Simmhan: q+ ←
18:47:42 <pgroth> ack Ilkay
Paul Groth: ack Ilkay ←
18:49:29 <pgroth> action: Yogesh to rephrase into user scenario and questions about access
ACTION: Yogesh to rephrase into user scenario and questions about access ←
18:49:29 <trackbot> Created ACTION-29 - Rephrase into user scenario and questions about access [on Yogesh Simmhan - due 2011-07-14].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-29 - Rephrase into user scenario and questions about access [on Yogesh Simmhan - due 2011-07-14]. ←
18:49:33 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
18:50:41 <Deborah> +1 to satya's point - where it comes from is not part of the access task force. the form of the query to get the information should be but not where it is from
Deborah McGuinness: +1 to satya's point - where it comes from is not part of the access task force. the form of the query to get the information should be but not where it is from ←
18:51:27 <pgroth> ack Yogesh
Paul Groth: ack Yogesh ←
18:52:29 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
18:54:35 <Satya> PaulG: Point 4 accepted
Paul Groth: Point 4 accepted ←
18:54:49 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
18:55:30 <Satya> Ilkay: Document can be received in multiple ways
Ilkay Altintas: Document can be received in multiple ways ←
18:56:10 <dgarijo> @Satya. Has it been rephrased finally? (sorry, the quality of the sound isn't pretty good)
Daniel Garijo: @Satya. Has it been rephrased finally? (sorry, the quality of the sound isn't pretty good) ←
18:56:45 <Zakim> +[ISI]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[ISI] ←
18:57:05 <Satya> @DanielG - the fourth point?
@DanielG - the fourth point? ←
18:57:14 <dgarijo> @Staya yes
Daniel Garijo: @Staya yes ←
18:57:27 <dgarijo> *Satya
Daniel Garijo: *Satya ←
18:57:42 <Satya> yes,
yes, ←
18:57:58 <Satya> @DanielG - we now have two sub points
@DanielG - we now have two sub points ←
18:58:38 <dgarijo> @Satya thanks!
Daniel Garijo: @Satya thanks! ←
19:00:12 <Satya> SimonM: The method of obtaining the document has implication for access
Simon Miles: The method of obtaining the document has implication for access ←
19:00:42 <Satya> Sandro: email based mechanism to obtain document illustrates that document may not have stable URL
Sandro Hawke: email based mechanism to obtain document illustrates that document may not have stable URL ←
19:01:05 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
19:01:53 <Satya> PaulG: point 5 is accepted
Paul Groth: point 5 is accepted ←
19:02:33 <Satya> Sandro: Email method for obtaining document does not include URL, but may have metadata
Sandro Hawke: Email method for obtaining document does not include URL, but may have metadata ←
19:12:55 <pgroth> q?
(No events recorded for 10 minutes)
Paul Groth: q? ←
19:13:15 <Satya> PaulG: We should consider that provenance providers can make provenance available in different formats
Paul Groth: We should consider that provenance providers can make provenance available in different formats ←
19:13:28 <sandro> maybe... "Provenance information might, potentially, be allowed to be published/consumed using various different formats and protocols"
Sandro Hawke: maybe... "Provenance information might, potentially, be allowed to be published/consumed using various different formats and protocols" ←
19:14:24 <sandro> Paul wants us to consider that the provenance might be provided in a Word Document, identified by content type.
Sandro Hawke: Paul wants us to consider that the provenance might be provided in a Word Document, identified by content type. ←
19:14:34 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
19:14:43 <sandro> (that is, that the same mechanism can be used in many ways.(
Sandro Hawke: (that is, that the same mechanism can be used in many ways.( ←
19:15:20 <Satya> point 6 modified: "Multiple formats for provenance may be available from the provider or third parties. The "Oh yeah?" feature may want to select which format to retrieve. "
point 6 modified: "Multiple formats for provenance may be available from the provider or third parties. The "Oh yeah?" feature may want to select which format to retrieve. " ←
19:15:33 <Satya> PaulG: point 6 accepted
Paul Groth: point 6 accepted ←
<pgroth> ACCEPTED: To use as a scenario to compare various proposals
RESOLVED: To use as a scenario to compare various proposals ←
19:15:46 <dgarijo> I have to leave. See you!
Daniel Garijo: I have to leave. See you! ←
19:15:53 <Zakim> -dgarijo
Zakim IRC Bot: -dgarijo ←
19:16:01 <Zakim> -[ISI]
Zakim IRC Bot: -[ISI] ←
19:16:06 <Zakim> -zednik
Zakim IRC Bot: -zednik ←
19:35:25 <Zakim> +zednik
(No events recorded for 19 minutes)
Zakim IRC Bot: +zednik ←
19:36:16 <Yogesh> smiles: start with GK's document as starting point
Simon Miles: start with GK's document as starting point [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:36:45 <Yogesh> identify ibg issues to resolve. Others who have given proposals to pick holes in it.
Yogesh Simmhan: identify ibg issues to resolve. Others who have given proposals to pick holes in it. ←
19:37:06 <Yogesh> GK's document not in wiki.
Yogesh Simmhan: GK's document not in wiki. ←
19:37:27 <pgroth> action: GK to move his paq document to the w3c site
ACTION: GK to move his paq document to the w3c site ←
19:37:27 <trackbot> Created ACTION-30 - Move his paq document to the w3c site [on Graham Klyne - due 2011-07-14].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-30 - Move his paq document to the w3c site [on Graham Klyne - due 2011-07-14]. ←
19:38:20 <pgroth> action: smiles to enact the plan for the paq
ACTION: smiles to enact the plan for the paq ←
19:38:20 <trackbot> Created ACTION-31 - Enact the plan for the paq [on Simon Miles - due 2011-07-14].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-31 - Enact the plan for the paq [on Simon Miles - due 2011-07-14]. ←
19:38:53 <Yogesh>
Yogesh Simmhan: ←
14:49:11 <Luc> TOPIC: Session 8: Planning
Summary: Plans for each of the Task Forces were confirmed from other sessions. For the Model Task Force and PAQ Task Force the following process is adopted: each task force will create a draft document in W3C style, issues will then be raised against those documents, those issues will then be iteratively resolved until the public working drafts are due. The documents being produced are the conceptual model, formal model (i.e. owl ontology), and an initial provenance access document. Additionally, in this session it was decided that the formal model would take the form of a light weight OWL ontology that also is "natural rdf". Finally, it was discussed that we need better connections to the RDF working group to ensure that Named Graphs are properly supported. Sandro will initiate this discussion and we aim to find a member that participates in both working groups to actively convey the Provenance WG's point-of-view in the RDF Working Group.
<pgroth> Summary: Plans for each of the Task Forces were confirmed from other sessions. For the Model Task Force and PAQ Task Force the following process is adopted: each task force will create a draft document in W3C style, issues will then be raised against those documents, those issues will then be iteratively resolved until the public working drafts are due. The documents being produced are the conceptual model, formal model (i.e. owl ontology), and an initial provenance access document. Additionally, in this session it was decided that the formal model would take the form of a light weight OWL ontology that also is "natural rdf". Finally, it was discussed that we need better connections to the RDF working group to ensure that Named Graphs are properly supported. Sandro will initiate this discussion and we aim to find a member that participates in both working groups to actively convey the Provenance WG's point-of-view in the RDF Working Group.
19:40:08 <Yogesh> pgroth: Model TF document put in W3C style. All open issues to be raised against it.
(No events recorded for 290 minutes)
Paul Groth: Model TF document put in W3C style. All open issues to be raised against it. [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:40:38 <pgroth> action: Paolo to make consolidated concepts + updates from F2F into w3c style
ACTION: Paolo to make consolidated concepts + updates from F2F into w3c style ←
19:40:38 <trackbot> Created ACTION-32 - Make consolidated concepts + updates from F2F into w3c style [on Paolo Missier - due 2011-07-14].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-32 - Make consolidated concepts + updates from F2F into w3c style [on Paolo Missier - due 2011-07-14]. ←
19:41:17 <Yogesh> Luc: To start writing a schema. Included as part of Model TF effort.
Luc Moreau: To start writing a schema. Included as part of Model TF effort. [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:41:44 <Yogesh> PaulG: other two TF's identified their plan yesterday
Paul Groth: other two TF's identified their plan yesterday [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:42:22 <jcheney> (Following on IRC from airport; can't get through on Skype.)
James Cheney: (Following on IRC from airport; can't get through on Skype.) ←
19:42:45 <Deborah> I would like to do one in OWL
Deborah McGuinness: I would like to do one in OWL ←
19:43:00 <Yogesh> pgroth: Not yet talked about designing schema. People responsible for working on schema need to consider rfds, riff, etc. To decide an initial schema language
Paul Groth: Not yet talked about designing schema. People responsible for working on schema need to consider rfds, riff, etc. To decide an initial schema language [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:43:00 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
19:43:02 <Deborah> +1
Deborah McGuinness: +1 ←
19:43:36 <Yogesh> smiles: any real objection to using owl?
Simon Miles: any real objection to using owl? [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:44:11 <Yogesh> sandro: only reason is that there is some "anti-owl".
Sandro Hawke: only reason is that there is some "anti-owl". [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:44:38 <Yogesh> Deborah: start with a smaller profile of owl. Not require reasoner. No rule extensions.
Deborah McGuinness: start with a smaller profile of owl. Not require reasoner. No rule extensions. [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:45:30 <jcheney> As someone who is not anti-OWL but also not familiar with OWL, I hope we can minimize the amount that I (and people with similar background) have to learn...
James Cheney: As someone who is not anti-OWL but also not familiar with OWL, I hope we can minimize the amount that I (and people with similar background) have to learn... ←
19:45:39 <Yogesh> pgroth: can we do this in owl and have an rdf-s schema?
Paul Groth: can we do this in owl and have an rdf-s schema? [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:47:15 <Yogesh> Deborah: start in owl to ensure ontology modeling mindset. But try and use only parts that can map to RDF-S and flag those portions that do not map.
Deborah McGuinness: start in owl to ensure ontology modeling mindset. But try and use only parts that can map to RDF-S and flag those portions that do not map. [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:47:27 <Yogesh> sandro: is there a tool to flag this difference automatically?
Sandro Hawke: is there a tool to flag this difference automatically? [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:48:35 <Yogesh> sandro: we could have full interchange between owl and rdf-s
Sandro Hawke: we could have full interchange between owl and rdf-s [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:50:26 <Yogesh> pgroth: is there lite weight owl? owl-lite!
Paul Groth: is there lite weight owl? owl-lite! [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:50:49 <Yogesh> Deborah: write owl-lite in sleep
Deborah McGuinness: write owl-lite in sleep [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:51:37 <Yogesh> Paulo: have been collecting provenance examples. not much reasoning happening.
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: have been collecting provenance examples. not much reasoning happening. [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:51:44 <sandro> sandro: We can do a big OWL ontology, and people can still use our Provenance Vocab that know and care nothing about that ontology.
Sandro Hawke: We can do a big OWL ontology, and people can still use our Provenance Vocab that know and care nothing about that ontology. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ] ←
19:52:54 <Yogesh> Paulo: most work on pmhas been on cardinalty constraints aand alue restriction
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: most work on pmhas been on cardinalty constraints aand alue restriction [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:53:24 <Yogesh> pgroth: concern about 3 months time constraint
Paul Groth: concern about 3 months time constraint [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:53:58 <Yogesh> JimMcCusker: scoff has ambiguity
James McCusker: skos has ambiguity [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:54:27 <Luc> s/scoff/skos
19:54:54 <Yogesh> Paulo: enough expertise in the table. learning curve can be addressed.
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: enough expertise in the table. learning curve can be addressed. [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:55:04 <khalidbelhajjame> +q
Khalid Belhajjame: +q ←
19:55:13 <Luc> q+
Luc Moreau: q+ ←
19:55:31 <Yogesh> Deborah: can work on own encoding for initial terminology. attempt to no go beyond owl-lite and simple profilkes of owl2
Deborah McGuinness: can work on own encoding for initial terminology. attempt to no go beyond owl-lite and simple profilkes of owl2 [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:56:12 <Yogesh> khalidbelhajjame: can we start from concepts rather than language? what is the expresiveness required for these concepts?
Khalid Belhajjame: can we start from concepts rather than language? what is the expresiveness required for these concepts? [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:56:44 <Deborah> good point from khalid - from what i have heard, i think we need subclass, subrole, cardinality restrictions, value restrictions
Deborah McGuinness: good point from khalid - from what i have heard, i think we need subclass, subrole, cardinality restrictions, value restrictions ←
19:56:51 <Yogesh> khalidbelhajjame: even owl may not end up being expressive enough. e.g. specifying mapping, correspondence betwen properties of different entity states
Khalid Belhajjame: even owl may not end up being expressive enough. e.g. specifying mapping, correspondence betwen properties of different entity states [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:56:57 <pgroth> q?
Paul Groth: q? ←
19:57:10 <pgroth> ack kh
Paul Groth: ack kh ←
19:57:21 <pgroth> ack Luc
Paul Groth: ack Luc ←
19:57:31 <Deborah> agree that ivp may not have all of its constraints (and I am not sure I understand the nuances of ivp)
Deborah McGuinness: agree that ivp may not have all of its constraints (and I am not sure I understand the nuances of ivp) ←
19:57:45 <Yogesh> Luc: stephen is user of provenance for does he have requirement for owl/rdf as a user?
Luc Moreau: stephen is user of provenance for does he have requirement for owl/rdf as a user? [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:58:43 <Yogesh> Stephen: would like to use inference. had to add restrictions into opm.
Stephen Cresswell: would like to use inference. had to add restrictions into opm. [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:59:27 <Yogesh> Luc: is Stephen happy with owl lite profile as a user?
Luc Moreau: is Stephen happy with owl lite profile as a user? [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
19:59:38 <Paulo> q+
19:59:48 <Yogesh> Stephen: if it allows us to make the inferences we make, but doubt it will
Stephen Cresswell: if it allows us to make the inferences we make, but doubt it will [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:00:16 <Yogesh> JimMcCusker: some things best described using swrl rules
James McCusker: some things best described using swrl rules [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:00:28 <Yogesh> Satya: swrl superceeded by rif
Satya Sahoo: swrl superceeded by rif [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:00:59 <Yogesh> Stephen: dont expect end user to make inferences.
Stephen Cresswell: dont expect end user to make inferences. [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:01:16 <Luc> q+
Luc Moreau: q+ ←
20:01:17 <pgroth> ack Paulo
Paul Groth: ack Paulo ←
20:01:36 <Luc> q-
Luc Moreau: q- ←
20:01:39 <Yogesh> Paulo: learnt that its difficult to generate consistent provenance
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: learnt that its difficult to generate consistent provenance [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:02:02 <JimMcCusker> Q=
James McCusker: Q= ←
20:02:04 <Yogesh> Paulo: using just triple store to avoid breaking provenance
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: using just triple store to avoid breaking provenance [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:02:04 <JimMcCusker> q+
James McCusker: q+ ←
20:02:35 <JimMcCusker> q?
James McCusker: q? ←
20:02:53 <Yogesh> Paulo: nice to have consistent view, but enforcing can cause problems on how provenance is captured and stored
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: nice to have consistent view, but enforcing can cause problems on how provenance is captured and stored [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:03:02 <Yogesh> Satya: ths is about logical consistency
Satya Sahoo: ths is about logical consistency [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:03:43 <Yogesh> JimMcCusker: catch things that may be wrong vs. expand realm of what is known
James McCusker: catch things that may be wrong vs. expand realm of what is known [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:03:56 <Deborah> Jim mcc tries not to focus on catching inconsistencies but instead on "expanding the realm" using things like hasValue
Deborah McGuinness: Jim mcc tries not to focus on catching inconsistencies but instead on "expanding the realm" using things like hasValue ←
20:04:11 <Deborah> +q
Deborah McGuinness: +q ←
20:04:18 <pgroth> ack Ji
Paul Groth: ack Ji ←
20:04:33 <pgroth> q+
Paul Groth: q+ ←
20:04:37 <Yogesh> JimMcCusker: should focus on expanding knowledge than constraining it
James McCusker: should focus on expanding knowledge than constraining it [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:05:24 <Yogesh> Deborah: focus on maximizing reuse. minimize restrictions, use more general value restrictions. Were using restrictions in our owl model over time.
Deborah McGuinness: focus on maximizing reuse. minimize restrictions, use more general value restrictions. Were using restrictions in our owl model over time. [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:05:45 <Deborah> I also focus on maximizing reuse in my modeling style - thus i err on the side of having weaker restrictions rather than tighter restrictions
Deborah McGuinness: I also focus on maximizing reuse in my modeling style - thus i err on the side of having weaker restrictions rather than tighter restrictions ←
20:06:30 <Yogesh> pgroth: only concern is to ensure that when we release first draft in the sem web and linked data groups, the modeling using predicate/objects will be more natural
Paul Groth: only concern is to ensure that when we release first draft in the sem web and linked data groups, the modeling using predicate/objects will be more natural [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:06:33 <Satya> q+
q+ ←
20:06:54 <pgroth> ack Deborah
Paul Groth: ack Deborah ←
20:06:56 <Deborah> ? was the "unnaturalness of the RDF serialization" due to the modeling or just the use of RDF?
Deborah McGuinness: ? was the "unnaturalness of the RDF serialization" due to the modeling or just the use of RDF? ←
20:06:57 <Yogesh> pgroth: make things simple to drive adoption
Paul Groth: make things simple to drive adoption [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:07:00 <pgroth> ack pgroth
Paul Groth: ack pgroth ←
20:07:10 <JimMcCusker> q+
James McCusker: q+ ←
20:07:14 <GK> [Reviewing] I notice Created ACTION-30 - Move his paq document to the w3c site [on Graham Klyne - due 2011-07-14], which I'm happy to accept. But will need help, as I *really* want the document source to be version-controlled. I believe W3C site has SCM facilities, but I'd need to know what they are and how to use them. I have a definite preference for Hg/Git over Svn. @sandro, can you help with details.
Graham Klyne: [Reviewing] I notice Created ACTION-30 - Move his paq document to the w3c site [on Graham Klyne - due 2011-07-14], which I'm happy to accept. But will need help, as I *really* want the document source to be version-controlled. I believe W3C site has SCM facilities, but I'd need to know what they are and how to use them. I have a definite preference for Hg/Git over Svn. @sandro, can you help with details. ←
20:07:42 <Yogesh> Luc: i wrote owl, so it seemed unnatural
Luc Moreau: i wrote owl, so it seemed unnatural [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:08:45 <Yogesh> Luc: owl that was not readable by humans. Had to reconcile opm-v and opm-o.
Luc Moreau: owl that was not readable by humans. Had to reconcile opm-v and opm-o. [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:09:06 <StephenCresswell> +q
Stephen Cresswell: +q ←
20:09:12 <pgroth> ack Sat
Paul Groth: ack Sat ←
20:09:48 <Yogesh> Satya: issue was not about how the owl representation looks like. graph to owl causes n-ary relationships.
Satya Sahoo: issue was not about how the owl representation looks like. graph to owl causes n-ary relationships. [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:10:23 <Yogesh> Satya: jun interepreted n-ary relationships as binary to make it compatible with owl
Satya Sahoo: jun interepreted n-ary relationships as binary to make it compatible with owl [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:10:49 <pgroth> ack Jim
Paul Groth: ack Jim ←
20:11:34 <Yogesh> JimMcCusker: n-ary relationships show everywhere i go. But owl2 seems to be able to add annotations to statements (Deborah: yes).
James McCusker: n-ary relationships show everywhere i go. But owl2 seems to be able to add annotations to statements (Deborah: yes). [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:11:50 <Yogesh> Satya: no verification in owl2
Satya Sahoo: no verification in owl2 [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:12:05 <Yogesh> reification
Yogesh Simmhan: reification ←
20:12:06 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
20:12:08 <Luc> q+
Luc Moreau: q+ ←
20:12:19 <pgroth> ack Step
Paul Groth: ack Step ←
20:12:57 <Yogesh> StephenCresswell: opm-o was not readable to humans, but opm-v was. Also, some inferences were more easily doable.
Stephen Cresswell: opm-o was not readable to humans, but opm-v was. Also, some inferences were more easily doable. [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:13:28 <pgroth> ack Luc
Paul Groth: ack Luc ←
20:13:56 <Yogesh> Luc: we will want named graphs in provenance serialization. will owl route help?
Luc Moreau: we will want named graphs in provenance serialization. will owl route help? [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:14:05 <Yogesh> sandro: we dont need graphs, but graph literals
Sandro Hawke: we dont need graphs, but graph literals [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:14:19 <Yogesh> sandro: we dont need *named* graphs, but graph literals
Sandro Hawke: we dont need *named* graphs, but graph literals [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:14:47 <Yogesh> pgroth: tried to make a persuasive case before. can i come to that call again?
Paul Groth: tried to make a persuasive case before. can i come to that call again? [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:15:08 <Yogesh> Luc: need to come up with a usecase for named graphs to convince them
Luc Moreau: need to come up with a usecase for named graphs to convince them [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:15:40 <Yogesh> sandro: groups will review each others drafts. it will be clunky. human overlap between the two groups will be more smooth.
Sandro Hawke: groups will review each others drafts. it will be clunky. human overlap between the two groups will be more smooth. [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:16:20 <Yogesh> pgroth: Pat Hayes from rdf WG is an invited expert to facilitate coordination with our group
Paul Groth: Pat Hayes from rdf WG is an invited expert to facilitate coordination with our group [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:16:45 <Yogesh> sandro: have a joint task force beween two groups?
Sandro Hawke: have a joint task force beween two groups? [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:17:04 <Yogesh> Luc: can bring issue up to coord WG as co-chairs
Luc Moreau: can bring issue up to coord WG as co-chairs [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:17:16 <Yogesh> sandro: quite WGs get ignored
Sandro Hawke: quite WGs get ignored [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:17:52 <Yogesh> sandro: will take writeup to rdf WG and will call for backup if i cannot convince
Sandro Hawke: will take writeup to rdf WG and will call for backup if i cannot convince [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:18:24 <Yogesh> pgroth: make decision in interest of time?
Paul Groth: make decision in interest of time? [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:18:47 <Luc> q+
Luc Moreau: q+ ←
20:19:20 <Yogesh> pgroth: attempt a light weight, usable, natural RDF, easy to write sparql queries?
Paul Groth: attempt a light weight, usable, natural RDF, easy to write sparql queries? [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:20:04 <Yogesh> Satya: linked open data do not follow schema.
Satya Sahoo: linked open data do not follow schema. [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:20:14 <Yogesh> pgroth: we cant ignore them
Paul Groth: we cant ignore them [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:20:48 <Deborah> I have a clear picture of what lightweight OWL is. I understand layering issues with respect to reasoning. I do not have a clear operationalization of what "natural RDF is or easy to write sparql" is
Deborah McGuinness: I have a clear picture of what lightweight OWL is. I understand layering issues with respect to reasoning. I do not have a clear operationalization of what "natural RDF is or easy to write sparql" is ←
20:21:00 <Yogesh> pgroth: design schema with a thought to the instance data being simple
Paul Groth: design schema with a thought to the instance data being simple [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:21:08 <Luc> q+ to document provenance feature requirements in terms of OWL profiles
Luc Moreau: q+ to document provenance feature requirements in terms of OWL profiles ←
20:22:03 <Yogesh> Luc: provenance features: reasoning over transitive closure, event order, time, prov statements being compatible, etc. People working on schema need to document these features
Luc Moreau: provenance features: reasoning over transitive closure, event order, time, prov statements being compatible, etc. People working on schema need to document these features [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:22:39 <Yogesh> Tim: can help with readability
Timothy Lebo: can help with readability [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:23:16 <Yogesh> Stephen: natural => graph on whiteboard is same as rdf graph
Stephen Cresswell: natural => graph on whiteboard is same as rdf graph [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:23:19 <Zakim> -zednik
Zakim IRC Bot: -zednik ←
20:23:23 <Deborah> +1
Deborah McGuinness: +1 ←
20:23:58 <Zakim> +zednik
Zakim IRC Bot: +zednik ←
20:24:23 <Yogesh> Luc: point raised before. need to discuss for 5mins. model has to be described in natural language and illustrated graphically. Not abt graphical notation.
Luc Moreau: point raised before. need to discuss for 5mins. model has to be described in natural language and illustrated graphically. Not abt graphical notation. [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:24:54 <Yogesh> Luc: this requirement is in the charter. do we still need it?
Luc Moreau: this requirement is in the charter. do we still need it? [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:25:06 <Yogesh> All in the group responded Yes
Yogesh Simmhan: All in the group responded Yes ←
20:25:23 <Yogesh> Luc: will start using graphical notation to illustrate examples
Luc Moreau: will start using graphical notation to illustrate examples [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:25:39 <pgroth> ACCEPTED: use owl for the schema deliverable but with the reminders to try to have "lightweight" owl and to make it "natural rdf"
RESOLVED: use owl for the schema deliverable but with the reminders to try to have "lightweight" owl and to make it "natural rdf" ←
20:25:42 <Yogesh> Paulo: have graphical tool that will help with opm-like illustration
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: have graphical tool that will help with opm-like illustration [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:26:34 <Yogesh> Luc: can we define a minimal set of conventions? e.g. edges for derivation, process are boxes, entity states are ellipses, etc.
Luc Moreau: can we define a minimal set of conventions? e.g. edges for derivation, process are boxes, entity states are ellipses, etc. [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:26:47 <Yogesh> pgroth: *illustrations* better than notation
Paul Groth: *illustrations* better than notation [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:27:11 <Yogesh> Luc: not a "full language" since there are too many things
Luc Moreau: not a "full language" since there are too many things [ Scribe Assist by Yogesh Simmhan ] ←
20:28:15 <pgroth> no a full language
Paul Groth: no a full language ←
20:28:20 <pgroth> not a full language
Paul Groth: not a full language ←
20:28:49 <zednik> *clap clap clap*
Stephan Zednik: *clap clap clap* ←
20:30:17 <Zakim> -zednik
Zakim IRC Bot: -zednik ←
20:35:55 <Zakim> SW_(PROV1)8:00AM has ended
(No events recorded for 5 minutes)
Zakim IRC Bot: SW_(PROV1)8:00AM has ended ←
20:35:57 <Zakim> Attendees were Meeting_Room, zednik, GK, olaf, [ISI], dgarijo
Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were Meeting_Room, zednik, GK, olaf, [ISI], dgarijo ←
Formatted by CommonScribe