
Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group Teleconference

Minutes of 28 April 2014

Cody Burleson, Arnaud Le Hors, Steve Speicher, John Arwe, Alexandre Bertails, Roger Menday, Sandro Hawke, Ashok Malhotra, Ted Thibodeau, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, Andrei Sambra
Sergio Fernández
Arnaud Le Hors
Cody Burleson
  1. Approved minutes of April 7th link
  2. Minutes for April 15, 16, 17th approved. link
  3. Plan on finalizing the spec and exit LC and go for CR on next Monday. link
13:57:55 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/04/28-ldp-irc

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/04/28-ldp-irc

13:57:57 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be LDP

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be LDP

13:57:57 <Zakim> ok, trackbot, I see SW_LDP()10:00AM already started

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot, I see SW_LDP()10:00AM already started

13:57:58 <trackbot> Meeting: Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group Teleconference
13:57:58 <trackbot> Date: 28 April 2014
13:58:00 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

13:58:02 <Zakim> -[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: -[IPcaller]

13:58:02 <Zakim> SW_LDP()10:00AM has ended

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_LDP()10:00AM has ended

13:58:02 <Zakim> Attendees were [IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were [IPcaller]

13:58:33 <Zakim> SW_LDP()10:00AM has now started

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_LDP()10:00AM has now started

13:58:39 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

13:58:46 <codyburleson> Zakim, IPcaller is me.

Cody Burleson: Zakim, IPcaller is me.

13:58:46 <Zakim> +codyburleson; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +codyburleson; got it

14:00:51 <Zakim> +Arnaud

Zakim IRC Bot: +Arnaud

14:00:55 <Zakim> +Steve_Speicher

Zakim IRC Bot: +Steve_Speicher

14:01:11 <SteveS> Zakim, Steve_Speicher is me

Steve Speicher: Zakim, Steve_Speicher is me

14:01:11 <Zakim> +SteveS; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +SteveS; got it

14:01:30 <Zakim> +JohnArwe

Zakim IRC Bot: +JohnArwe

14:01:37 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

14:01:39 <betehess> Zakim, IPcaller is betehess

Alexandre Bertails: Zakim, IPcaller is betehess

14:01:39 <Zakim> +betehess; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +betehess; got it

14:02:20 <Zakim> +Roger

Zakim IRC Bot: +Roger

14:02:56 <Arnaud> zakim, who's on the phone?

Arnaud Le Hors: zakim, who's on the phone?

14:02:56 <Zakim> On the phone I see codyburleson, Arnaud, SteveS, JohnArwe, betehess, Roger

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see codyburleson, Arnaud, SteveS, JohnArwe, betehess, Roger

14:03:01 <Zakim> +Sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: +Sandro

14:03:48 <Zakim> +Ashok_Malhotra

Zakim IRC Bot: +Ashok_Malhotra

14:05:38 <Zakim> +OpenLink_Software

Zakim IRC Bot: +OpenLink_Software

14:05:44 <TallTed> Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me

14:05:45 <Zakim> +TallTed; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +TallTed; got it

<codyburleson> scribe: cody

(Scribe set to Cody Burleson)

<codyburleson> chair: Arnaud
<codyburleson> agenda: https://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2014.04.28
<codyburleson> present: codyburleson, Arnaud, SteveS, JohnArwe, betehess, Roger, Sandro, Ashok_Malhotra, TallTed, pchampin, nmihindu, deiu
<codyburleson> topic: Admin

1. Admin

14:05:56 <codyburleson> Resolved: Approved minutes of April 7th

RESOLVED: Approved minutes of April 7th

14:06:22 <Zakim> +??P19

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P19

14:06:26 <codyburleson> Arnaud: April 15, 16 17, there are 3 days worth of minutes (for the Face to Face)

Arnaud Le Hors: April 15, 16 17, there are 3 days worth of minutes (for the Face to Face)

14:06:28 <betehess> if Arnaud didn't change much since the meeting, should be fine :-)

Alexandre Bertails: if Arnaud didn't change much since the meeting, should be fine :-)

14:07:17 <codyburleson> RESOLVED: Minutes for April 15, 16, 17th approved.

RESOLVED: Minutes for April 15, 16, 17th approved.

<codyburleson> TOPIC: Tracking of Actions and Issues

2. Tracking of Actions and Issues

14:07:50 <codyburleson> subTOPIC: Actions

2.1. Actions

14:08:15 <Zakim> +??P20

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P20

14:08:23 <nmihindu> Zakim, ??P20 is me

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: Zakim, ??P20 is me

14:08:23 <Zakim> +nmihindu; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +nmihindu; got it

14:08:34 <nmihindu> Zakim, mute me

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: Zakim, mute me

14:08:34 <Zakim> nmihindu should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: nmihindu should now be muted

14:09:01 <codyburleson> Arnaud: How about Action 104? Roger?

Arnaud Le Hors: How about ACTION-104? Roger?

14:09:18 <codyburleson> Arnaud: I will close Action 104.

Arnaud Le Hors: I will close ACTION-104.

14:09:47 <JohnArwe> scribe: cody
14:09:48 <codyburleson> Arnaud: Cody you had action 134.

Arnaud Le Hors: Cody you had ACTION-134.

14:10:19 <sandro> action-137?

Sandro Hawke: ACTION-137?

14:10:19 <trackbot> action-137 -- Sandro Hawke to Contact yves and erik to make confirm with them that http-wg is okay with this reading of the link context -- due 2014-04-07 -- OPEN

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-137 -- Sandro Hawke to Contact yves and erik to make confirm with them that http-wg is okay with this reading of the link context -- due 2014-04-07 -- OPEN

14:10:19 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/actions/137

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/actions/137

14:10:19 <codyburleson> Cody: I did a bunch of updates this weekend, but I do not know if that one was included; I'll have to go back and look at that one.

Cody Burleson: I did a bunch of updates this weekend, but I do not know if that one was included; I'll have to go back and look at that one.

14:10:22 <JohnArwe> regrets: ericp
14:10:29 <codyburleson> Arnaud: Sandro, you had 137 and 138.

Arnaud Le Hors: Sandro, you had 137 and 138.

14:10:40 <sandro> action-138?

Sandro Hawke: ACTION-138?

14:10:40 <trackbot> action-138 -- Sandro Hawke to Follow up on resolution about moving rel=describedby text -- due 2014-04-22 -- OPEN

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-138 -- Sandro Hawke to Follow up on resolution about moving rel=describedby text -- due 2014-04-22 -- OPEN

14:10:40 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/actions/138

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/actions/138

14:10:49 <JohnArwe> regrets: sergio
14:11:20 <betehess> no victory for ACTION-139 yet, but good progress

Alexandre Bertails: no victory for ACTION-139 yet, but good progress

14:12:12 <codyburleson> subTOPIC: Issues

2.2. Issues

14:13:16 <codyburleson> Which issue # are we talking about?

Which issue # are we talking about?

14:13:26 <Arnaud> ISSUE-98

Arnaud Le Hors: ISSUE-98

14:13:26 <trackbot> ISSUE-98 -- HTTP status code for application specific errors -- raised

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-98 -- HTTP status code for application specific errors -- raised

14:13:26 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/issues/98

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/issues/98

14:13:33 <codyburleson> Arnaud: We either add something to the BP doc or postpone it. Adding a MUST on anything changes the compliance which would take us back to Last Call; and that's no good.

Arnaud Le Hors: We either add something to the BP doc or postpone it. Adding a MUST on anything changes the compliance which would take us back to Last Call; and that's no good.

14:14:24 <SteveS> My suggestions were not for LDP 1.0, just ideas for future improvements

Steve Speicher: My suggestions were not for LDP 1.0, just ideas for future improvements

14:14:29 <betehess> fine with adding something in BP + postponing

Alexandre Bertails: fine with adding something in BP + postponing

14:14:31 <codyburleson> Arnaud: ? was asking which HTTP status code we should return in case of an error. We can postpone it and add something in the BP doc for the time being. What does everybody else think?

Arnaud Le Hors: ? was asking which HTTP status code we should return in case of an error. We can postpone it and add something in the BP doc for the time being. What does everybody else think?

14:14:37 <SteveS> option 1 seems like good BP material

Steve Speicher: option 1 seems like good BP material

14:14:40 <JohnArwe> q+

John Arwe: q+

14:14:47 <Arnaud> ack JohnArwe

Arnaud Le Hors: ack JohnArwe

14:16:21 <codyburleson> Zakim, who is talking?

Zakim, who is talking?

14:16:32 <Zakim> codyburleson, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: betehess (34%), Sandro (9%), TallTed (41%)

Zakim IRC Bot: codyburleson, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: betehess (34%), Sandro (9%), TallTed (41%)

14:16:46 <Ashok> Cody, this is Alexandre

Ashok Malhotra: Cody, this is Alexandre

14:17:04 <TallTed> Zakim, mute me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, mute me

14:17:04 <Zakim> TallTed should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: TallTed should now be muted

14:17:06 <codyburleson> Name on the forum is not Alexandre though; I was looking for the login name.

Name on the forum is not Alexandre though; I was looking for the login name.

14:18:03 <codyburleson> Alexandre: Can we propose which of 3 we want to put in the BP doc?

Alexandre Bertails: Can we propose which of 3 we want to put in the BP doc?

14:18:11 <betehess> [[

Alexandre Bertails: [[

14:18:11 <betehess> I am totally fine with the 3 following solutions:

Alexandre Bertails: I am totally fine with the 3 following solutions:

14:18:11 <betehess> 1. 400 + rel=describedby

Alexandre Bertails: 1. 400 + rel=describedby

14:18:11 <betehess> 2. new status code

Alexandre Bertails: 2. new status code

14:18:11 <betehess> 3. 400 + specialized link relation

Alexandre Bertails: 3. 400 + specialized link relation

14:18:12 <betehess> ]]

Alexandre Bertails: ]]

14:18:35 <codyburleson> Arnaud: Can we close this as adding option 1 in the Best Practice doc?

Arnaud Le Hors: Can we close this as adding option 1 in the Best Practice doc?

14:18:40 <JohnArwe> option 1 best of the 3 IMO

John Arwe: option 1 best of the 3 IMO

14:18:53 <pchampin> I prefer option 1 as well

Pierre-Antoine Champin: I prefer option 1 as well

14:18:53 <TallTed> "400 Bad Request" seems a fine response code...

Ted Thibodeau: "400 Bad Request" seems a fine response code...

14:18:57 <codyburleson> Arnaud: Maybe it is too quick. I will put it as a proposal for next week; that way people have time to think about it,.

Arnaud Le Hors: Maybe it is too quick. I will put it as a proposal for next week; that way people have time to think about it,.

14:19:07 <Ashok> Yeah, option 1 seems right

Ashok Malhotra: Yeah, option 1 seems right

14:19:18 <JohnArwe> ... new status code would be met with skepticism (well founded IMO) in IETF; if "209" wasn't easy, this would be MUCH harder

John Arwe: ... new status code would be met with skepticism (well founded IMO) in IETF; if "209" wasn't easy, this would be MUCH harder

14:19:27 <codyburleson> TOPIC: LDP Specification

3. LDP Specification

14:19:35 <TallTed> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p2-semantics-26#section-6.5.1

Ted Thibodeau: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p2-semantics-26#section-6.5.1

14:19:35 <TallTed> "The 400 (Bad Request) status code indicates that the server cannot or will not process the request due to something which is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing)."

Ted Thibodeau: "The 400 (Bad Request) status code indicates that the server cannot or will not process the request due to something which is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing)."

14:20:10 <codyburleson> Arnaud: Is there any more the editors are working on in regard to the spec itself. Are we done with handling editorial based on recent comments?

Arnaud Le Hors: Is there any more the editors are working on in regard to the spec itself. Are we done with handling editorial based on recent comments?

14:20:31 <codyburleson> JohnArwe: Some of what Joe raised in his comments, I fixed, but I'm sure we haven't gotten them all.

John Arwe: Some of what Joe raised in his comments, I fixed, but I'm sure we haven't gotten them all.

14:21:10 <codyburleson> SteveS: And there is a couple of editorial items I wanted to do based on exchange with Sergio and my own implementation findings. So, those things are pending. One I completed this morning.

Steve Speicher: And there is a couple of editorial items I wanted to do based on exchange with Sergio and my own implementation findings. So, those things are pending. One I completed this morning.

14:21:45 <codyburleson> Arnaud: Can we have the spec ready to go to CR by next Monday?

Arnaud Le Hors: Can we have the spec ready to go to CR by next Monday?

14:22:10 <codyburleson> Arnaud: Editors? Next monday? Or do you need more time?

Arnaud Le Hors: Editors? Next monday? Or do you need more time?

14:22:26 <codyburleson> SteveS: I think it can be ready by next Monday./

Steve Speicher: I think it can be ready by next Monday./

14:23:22 <codyburleson> JohnArwe: I wasn't planning on spending much time on it this week, but I will do my best. Presumably, we have to respond to Joe, but I don't think these are any normative changes.

John Arwe: I wasn't planning on spending much time on it this week, but I will do my best. Presumably, we have to respond to Joe, but I don't think these are any normative changes.

14:24:42 <codyburleson> RESOLVED: Plan on finalizing the spec and exit LC and go for CR on next Monday.

RESOLVED: Plan on finalizing the spec and exit LC and go for CR on next Monday.

14:24:53 <codyburleson> TOPIC: Test Suite

4. Test Suite

14:26:08 <codyburleson> SteveS: Update on the test suite is - a couple of folks from IBM are working on it and working on getting approval to publish / provide it. Hopefully it will be cleared in a day or two. Remind me that I need to respond to some of the other impls we were looking at. It's going fine except that we don't have it in GetHub yet.

Steve Speicher: Update on the test suite is - a couple of folks from IBM are working on it and working on getting approval to publish / provide it. Hopefully it will be cleared in a day or two. Remind me that I need to respond to some of the other impls we were looking at. It's going fine except that we don't have it in GetHub yet.

14:26:32 <codyburleson> Arnaud: As of now, it seems like it's just a framework; there isn't any single test yet. Right?

Arnaud Le Hors: As of now, it seems like it's just a framework; there isn't any single test yet. Right?

14:26:36 <codyburleson> SteveS: That's right.

Steve Speicher: That's right.

14:26:50 <codyburleson> Arnaud: What about Sergio? Is he bringing in some test that he has?

Arnaud Le Hors: What about Sergio? Is he bringing in some test that he has?

14:28:18 <codyburleson> Arnaud: So the plan is that when we go to CR, we can point to the test suite. We need it to be ready in at least a first-shot kind of thing on Monday. Actually, as long as we have a link to the repo and by the time it is published (a week or two later), it should be fine.

Arnaud Le Hors: So the plan is that when we go to CR, we can point to the test suite. We need it to be ready in at least a first-shot kind of thing on Monday. Actually, as long as we have a link to the repo and by the time it is published (a week or two later), it should be fine.

14:29:35 <codyburleson> TOPIC: Paging

5. Paging

14:30:01 <codyburleson> Arnaud: We made a whole bunch of decisions at the F2F; I'd like to know what the status of the draft is.

Arnaud Le Hors: We made a whole bunch of decisions at the F2F; I'd like to know what the status of the draft is.

14:30:48 <codyburleson> Arnaud: I'm thinking very strongly that Sandro should step in as an editor of this spec module. Who is working on this spec today who can give an update? Has the draft changed?

Arnaud Le Hors: I'm thinking very strongly that Sandro should step in as an editor of this spec module. Who is working on this spec today who can give an update? Has the draft changed?

14:30:50 <JohnArwe> not it (i.e. not working on paging since f2f, aside from typo fixing)

John Arwe: not it (i.e. not working on paging since f2f, aside from typo fixing)

14:31:13 <codyburleson> SteveS: Other things are taking priority; can't see where I'll be able to jump in within the next two weeks.

Steve Speicher: Other things are taking priority; can't see where I'll be able to jump in within the next two weeks.

14:31:25 <JohnArwe> once main ldp spec is out of our hands, I'd shift onto paging

John Arwe: once main ldp spec is out of our hands, I'd shift onto paging

14:31:30 <codyburleson> Arnaud: Understand. Sandro, how about you? Can you start editing?

Arnaud Le Hors: Understand. Sandro, how about you? Can you start editing?

14:32:14 <codyburleson> Sandro: I'm having a hard time figuring out how to justify that. As we have worked it, it doesn't turn out to be as useful to the work I am doing that I was expecting it to be.

Sandro Hawke: I'm having a hard time figuring out how to justify that. As we have worked it, it doesn't turn out to be as useful to the work I am doing that I was expecting it to be.

14:32:44 <codyburleson> Arnaud: I welcome any one else to chime in; otherwise - that spec is at a loss of man power right now.

Arnaud Le Hors: I welcome any one else to chime in; otherwise - that spec is at a loss of man power right now.

14:33:26 <codyburleson> Arnaud: I always hoped this would follow the main spec very closely. I did not want this to start dragging far behind. But I guess there is only so much we can do. Please all, think about it.

Arnaud Le Hors: I always hoped this would follow the main spec very closely. I did not want this to start dragging far behind. But I guess there is only so much we can do. Please all, think about it.

14:33:46 <codyburleson> TOPIC: Access Control Document

6. Access Control Document

14:34:01 <codyburleson> +q


14:34:36 <Arnaud> https://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/AccessControlTake2

Arnaud Le Hors: https://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/AccessControlTake2

14:34:45 <codyburleson> Ashok: I started a completely different wiki page with a sort of different mind-set. It has use cases and requirements. It's quite small.

Ashok Malhotra: I started a completely different wiki page with a sort of different mind-set. It has use cases and requirements. It's quite small.

14:35:21 <TallTed> Zakim, unmute me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, unmute me

14:35:21 <Zakim> TallTed should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: TallTed should no longer be muted

14:35:24 <codyburleson> Ashok: I have 1 question which turned up when Sandro and I were in discussion. Are we speaking about access control only for RDF?

Ashok Malhotra: I have 1 question which turned up when Sandro and I were in discussion. Are we speaking about access control only for RDF?

14:35:50 <codyburleson> Sandro: That was not my intention, but I was assuming we would EXPRESS access control in RDF.

Sandro Hawke: That was not my intention, but I was assuming we would EXPRESS access control in RDF.

14:36:20 <Arnaud> ack codyburleson

Arnaud Le Hors: ack codyburleson

14:37:17 <codyburleson> -q


14:37:41 <codyburleson> Cody: We will have a requirement to do bot: secure at collection level, but also sometimes at an item level.

Cody Burleson: We will have a requirement to do bot: secure at collection level, but also sometimes at an item level.

14:38:33 <codyburleson> Ashok: All the talk about other implementations, we took out. Also, all the stuff about other authentication and authorization stuff, we took out. And people said we want to start with very simple use cases.

Ashok Malhotra: All the talk about other implementations, we took out. Also, all the stuff about other authentication and authorization stuff, we took out. And people said we want to start with very simple use cases.

14:39:51 <codyburleson> TallTed: I haven't looked at the new doc yet, but did throw some stuff into the discussion thread recently.

Ted Thibodeau: I haven't looked at the new doc yet, but did throw some stuff into the discussion thread recently.

14:40:44 <codyburleson> Arnaud: I think you're in the right direction with the new document. Did you go for all the UCs and Reqs in the old doc?

Arnaud Le Hors: I think you're in the right direction with the new document. Did you go for all the UCs and Reqs in the old doc?

14:41:09 <codyburleson> Ashok: Yes. I've got them all.

Ashok Malhotra: Yes. I've got them all.

14:42:16 <codyburleson> Arnaud: OK. Team, it's open for review, comments, additional use cases. I just did not want to go into details of solutions we might come up with. But it is an important point that we want to control all types of resources, not just RDF resources./

Arnaud Le Hors: OK. Team, it's open for review, comments, additional use cases. I just did not want to go into details of solutions we might come up with. But it is an important point that we want to control all types of resources, not just RDF resources./

14:42:39 <codyburleson> TOPIC: Best Practices and Guidelines Document

7. Best Practices and Guidelines Document

14:44:30 <codyburleson> Arnaud: Let's identify 2 reviewers

Arnaud Le Hors: Let's identify 2 reviewers

14:44:54 <SteveS> I would be happy to review

Steve Speicher: I would be happy to review

14:44:57 <codyburleson> Arnaud: This will be published as a Working group Note, so we don't have to kill ourselves. But at the same time, we need to be sure it's worth publishing./

Arnaud Le Hors: This will be published as a Working group Note, so we don't have to kill ourselves. But at the same time, we need to be sure it's worth publishing./

14:46:10 <codyburleson> Cody: It has had SOME review by others besides me (Nandana and Miguel)

Cody Burleson: It has had SOME review by others besides me (Nandana and Miguel)

14:46:31 <codyburleson> Roger: I will do my best to try to review.

Roger Menday: I will do my best to try to review.

14:46:53 <codyburleson> Arnaud: Action 83 kind of already puts you on the hook for this one. Ensure that Issue 62 is addressed/

Arnaud Le Hors: ACTION-83 kind of already puts you on the hook for this one. Ensure that ISSUE-62 is addressed/

14:47:16 <codyburleson> Arnaud: Keep us updated, Cody. When the document is totally ready - send an email to the list.

Arnaud Le Hors: Keep us updated, Cody. When the document is totally ready - send an email to the list.

14:47:29 <codyburleson> TOPIC: Primer

8. Primer

14:48:22 <codyburleson> Roger: We have done a lot of changes in the last 4 days. We've ALMOST gotten there, but we're not 100% ready. I think we need a few more days and then we will be ready for review.

Roger Menday: We have done a lot of changes in the last 4 days. We've ALMOST gotten there, but we're not 100% ready. I think we need a few more days and then we will be ready for review.

14:48:40 <codyburleson> Arnaud: Wer had Ashok and Henry in the Q for reviewers. I am not sure of Henry's status.

Arnaud Le Hors: Wer had Ashok and Henry in the Q for reviewers. I am not sure of Henry's status.

14:48:52 <Ashok> Roger, send mail when the primer is ready for review

Ashok Malhotra: Roger, send mail when the primer is ready for review

14:49:19 <Zakim> +??P2

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P2

14:49:22 <codyburleson> Arnaud: Let the group know as soon as you are done. Then Ashok can review so we can close Action 70. Then if anyone else can review it, that would be good. If you could finish by midweek, that would be good.

Arnaud Le Hors: Let the group know as soon as you are done. Then Ashok can review so we can close ACTION-70. Then if anyone else can review it, that would be good. If you could finish by midweek, that would be good.

14:49:26 <deiu> Zakim: P2 is me
14:49:29 <deiu> Zakim, P2 is me

Andrei Sambra: Zakim, P2 is me

14:49:29 <Zakim> sorry, deiu, I do not recognize a party named 'P2'

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, deiu, I do not recognize a party named 'P2'

14:49:34 <deiu> Zakim, ??P2 is me

Andrei Sambra: Zakim, ??P2 is me

14:49:34 <Zakim> +deiu; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +deiu; got it

14:49:35 <codyburleson> Roger: OK, I'll ping Henry to see if is available to review as well.

Roger Menday: OK, I'll ping Henry to see if is available to review as well.

14:49:40 <deiu> Zakim, mute me

Andrei Sambra: Zakim, mute me

14:49:40 <Zakim> deiu should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: deiu should now be muted

14:50:10 <codyburleson> TOPIC: Any Other Business

9. Any Other Business

<codyburleson> Arnaud: anything else?

Arnaud Le Hors: anything else?

14:50:20 <codyburleson> Arnaud: Sounds like we can close early.

Arnaud Le Hors: Sounds like we can close early.

14:50:39 <codyburleson> MEETING ADJOURNED


14:50:42 <Zakim> -Ashok_Malhotra

Zakim IRC Bot: -Ashok_Malhotra

14:50:46 <Zakim> -SteveS

Zakim IRC Bot: -SteveS

14:50:48 <Zakim> -JohnArwe

Zakim IRC Bot: -JohnArwe

14:50:48 <Zakim> -betehess

Zakim IRC Bot: -betehess

14:50:49 <Zakim> -Roger

Zakim IRC Bot: -Roger

14:50:51 <Zakim> -nmihindu

Zakim IRC Bot: -nmihindu

14:50:52 <Zakim> -codyburleson

Zakim IRC Bot: -codyburleson

14:50:53 <Zakim> -TallTed

Zakim IRC Bot: -TallTed

14:50:53 <Zakim> -Arnaud

Zakim IRC Bot: -Arnaud

14:50:55 <Zakim> -Sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: -Sandro

14:51:08 <Zakim> -deiu

Zakim IRC Bot: -deiu

15:35:00 <Zakim> disconnecting the lone participant, pchampin, in SW_LDP()10:00AM

(No events recorded for 43 minutes)

Zakim IRC Bot: disconnecting the lone participant, pchampin, in SW_LDP()10:00AM

15:35:01 <Zakim> SW_LDP()10:00AM has ended

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_LDP()10:00AM has ended

15:35:01 <Zakim> Attendees were codyburleson, Arnaud, SteveS, JohnArwe, betehess, Roger, Sandro, Ashok_Malhotra, TallTed, pchampin, nmihindu, deiu

Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were codyburleson, Arnaud, SteveS, JohnArwe, betehess, Roger, Sandro, Ashok_Malhotra, TallTed, pchampin, nmihindu, deiu

Formatted by CommonScribe