
Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group Teleconference

Minutes of 07 October 2013

Alexandre Bertails, Arnaud Le Hors, Ashok Malhotra, Bart van Leeuwen, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Henry Story, John Arwe, Kevin Page, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Roger Menday, Sandro Hawke, Steve Battle, Steve Speicher, Ted Thibodeau
Bart van Leeuwen, Steve Speicher, Steve Battle, Sandro Hawke
Arnaud Le Hors
Pierre-Antoine Champin
  1. approve minutes from 2013-09-30 link
  2. Publish the latest editor's draft of the Use Cases & Requirements link
  3. change 5.3.5 SHOULD to MUST per John's email: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Oct/0004.html link
  4. changes to 5.6.2 (container delete) per John's email: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Oct/0006.html link
13:57:42 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/10/07-ldp-irc

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/10/07-ldp-irc

13:57:44 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs public

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs public

13:57:46 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be LDP

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be LDP

13:57:46 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see SW_LDP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see SW_LDP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes

13:57:47 <trackbot> Meeting: Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group Teleconference
13:57:47 <trackbot> Date: 07 October 2013
13:59:46 <Zakim> SW_LDP()10:00AM has now started

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_LDP()10:00AM has now started

13:59:48 <Zakim> +Arnaud

Zakim IRC Bot: +Arnaud

14:00:17 <ericP> Zakim, please dial ericP-mobile

Eric Prud'hommeaux: Zakim, please dial ericP-mobile

14:00:17 <Zakim> ok, ericP; the call is being made

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, ericP; the call is being made

14:00:19 <Zakim> +EricP

Zakim IRC Bot: +EricP

14:00:45 <Zakim> +JohnArwe

Zakim IRC Bot: +JohnArwe

14:00:45 <Zakim> -JohnArwe

Zakim IRC Bot: -JohnArwe

14:00:45 <Zakim> +JohnArwe

Zakim IRC Bot: +JohnArwe

14:01:17 <JohnArwe> zakim, who's here?

John Arwe: zakim, who's here?

14:01:17 <Zakim> On the phone I see Arnaud, EricP, JohnArwe

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Arnaud, EricP, JohnArwe

14:01:18 <Zakim> On IRC I see betehess_, JohnArwe, pchampin, Zakim, RRSAgent, davidwood, bhyland, TallTed, betehess, jmvanel, deiu, Arnaud, Yves, thschee, trackbot, sandro, ericP

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see betehess_, JohnArwe, pchampin, Zakim, RRSAgent, davidwood, bhyland, TallTed, betehess, jmvanel, deiu, Arnaud, Yves, thschee, trackbot, sandro, ericP

14:01:20 <Zakim> +EricM

Zakim IRC Bot: +EricM

14:02:18 <betehess_> Zakim, EricM is Alexandre

Alexandre Bertails: Zakim, EricM is Alexandre

14:02:18 <Zakim> +Alexandre; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Alexandre; got it

14:04:14 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

14:05:09 <Zakim> +Ashok_Malhotra

Zakim IRC Bot: +Ashok_Malhotra

14:05:19 <Arnaud> zakim, IPcaller is roger

Arnaud Le Hors: zakim, IPcaller is roger

14:05:19 <Zakim> +roger; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +roger; got it

14:05:47 <Zakim> +bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: +bblfish

14:06:48 <Zakim> +OpenLink_Software

Zakim IRC Bot: +OpenLink_Software

14:06:54 <TallTed> Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me

14:06:54 <Zakim> +TallTed; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +TallTed; got it

14:06:55 <TallTed> Zakim, mute me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, mute me

14:06:55 <Zakim> TallTed should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: TallTed should now be muted

14:07:20 <Arnaud> zakim, who's on the phone?

Arnaud Le Hors: zakim, who's on the phone?

14:07:20 <Zakim> On the phone I see Arnaud, EricP, JohnArwe, Alexandre, roger, Ashok_Malhotra, bblfish, TallTed (muted)

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Arnaud, EricP, JohnArwe, Alexandre, roger, Ashok_Malhotra, bblfish, TallTed (muted)

14:07:55 <Zakim> +??P25

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P25

14:08:14 <Zakim> +??P24

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P24

14:08:25 <bblfish> hi

Henry Story: hi

14:08:27 <Arnaud> zakim, P25 is pchampin

Arnaud Le Hors: zakim, P25 is pchampin

14:08:27 <Zakim> sorry, Arnaud, I do not recognize a party named 'P25'

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, Arnaud, I do not recognize a party named 'P25'

14:08:38 <TallTed> zakim, ??P25 is pchampin

Ted Thibodeau: zakim, ??P25 is pchampin

14:08:38 <Zakim> +pchampin; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +pchampin; got it

14:08:39 <krp> zakim, ??P24 is me

Kevin Page: zakim, ??P24 is me

14:08:39 <Arnaud> zakim, ??P25 is pchampin

Arnaud Le Hors: zakim, ??P25 is pchampin

14:08:40 <Zakim> +krp; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +krp; got it

14:08:40 <Zakim> I already had ??P25 as pchampin, Arnaud

Zakim IRC Bot: I already had ??P25 as pchampin, Arnaud

14:09:44 <pchampin> scribe: pchampin

(Scribe set to Pierre-Antoine Champin)

<pchampin> chair: Arnaud
<pchampin> agenda: http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2013.10.07
14:09:52 <pchampin> topic: Administrative

1. Administrative

14:10:09 <pchampin> PROPOSED: approve minutes from 2013-09-30

PROPOSED: approve minutes from 2013-09-30

14:09:51 <Arnaud> http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/ldp/2013-09-30

Arnaud Le Hors: http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/ldp/2013-09-30

14:10:10 <ericP> second approving last week's minutes

Eric Prud'hommeaux: second approving last week's minutes

14:10:10 <bblfish> I looked at them, but don't know if they reflect what was said

Henry Story: I looked at them, but don't know if they reflect what was said

14:10:26 <pchampin> RESOLVED: approve minutes from 2013-09-30

RESOLVED: approve minutes from 2013-09-30

<pchampin> Arnaud: next meeting is october 14, same time, same place

Arnaud Le Hors: next meeting is october 14, same time, same place

14:10:45 <TallTed> Zakim, unmute me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, unmute me

14:10:45 <Zakim> TallTed should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: TallTed should no longer be muted

14:10:46 <pchampin> arnaud: next meeting will be next week, same time

Arnaud Le Hors: next meeting will be next week, same time

14:10:51 <TallTed> Zakim, mute me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, mute me

14:10:51 <Zakim> TallTed should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: TallTed should now be muted

14:10:54 <pchampin> topic: Tracking of open actions and issues

2. Tracking of open actions and issues

14:11:17 <pchampin> arnaud: anyone claiming victory?

Arnaud Le Hors: anyone claiming victory?

14:12:25 <bblfish> action-47?

Henry Story: ACTION-47?

14:12:25 <trackbot> action-47 -- Eric Prud'hommeaux to Review the Use Cases section of the document -- due 2013-03-21 -- OPEN

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-47 -- Eric Prud'hommeaux to Review the Use Cases section of the document -- due 2013-03-21 -- OPEN

14:12:25 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/actions/47

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/actions/47

14:12:53 <pchampin> arnaud: Erik was supposed to review the UC a long time ago

Arnaud Le Hors: Erik was supposed to review the UC a long time ago

14:13:07 <pchampin> ... it has been reviewed by other in the meantime; can close it

... it has been reviewed by other in the meantime; can close it

14:13:19 <Arnaud> s/erik/eric/

Arnaud Le Hors: s/erik/eric/ (warning: replacement failed)

14:13:25 <pchampin> close action-47

close ACTION-47

14:13:25 <trackbot> Closed action-47.

Trackbot IRC Bot: Closed ACTION-47.

14:13:29 <Arnaud> regrets: bart, steves, stevebattl, sandro
14:14:57 <pchampin> arnaud: I tried to make it clear in the agenda what would be discussed, and the decisions that would be made

Arnaud Le Hors: I tried to make it clear in the agenda what would be discussed, and the decisions that would be made

<pchampin> topic: Publication of Use Cases & Requirements document

3. Publication of Use Cases & Requirements document

14:15:32 <pchampin> ... Steve Battle has updated the UC&R with comments.

... Steve Battle has updated the UC&R with comments.

14:15:57 <sandro> (I did send that.   in meeting another meeting.)

Sandro Hawke: (I did send that. in meeting another meeting.)

14:16:27 <Arnaud> Proposal: Publish the latest editor's draft of the Use Cases & Requirements

PROPOSED: Publish the latest editor's draft of the Use Cases & Requirements

14:16:34 <ericP> +1

Eric Prud'hommeaux: +1

14:16:35 <TallTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

14:16:37 <roger> +1

Roger Menday: +1

14:16:38 <pchampin> +1


14:16:38 <krp> +1

Kevin Page: +1

14:16:40 <betehess_> +1

Alexandre Bertails: +1

14:16:40 <JohnArwe> +1

John Arwe: +1

14:16:54 <pchampin> RESOLVED: Publish the latest editor's draft of the Use Cases & Requirements

RESOLVED: Publish the latest editor's draft of the Use Cases & Requirements

14:17:14 <pchampin> topic: Proposal: change 5.3.5 SHOULD to MUST

4. Proposal: change 5.3.5 SHOULD to MUST

14:17:36 <bblfish> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Oct/0004.html

Henry Story: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Oct/0004.html

14:18:06 <pchampin> arnaud: it is an important change, as it impacts all implementations

Arnaud Le Hors: it is an important change, as it impacts all implementations

14:18:22 <pchampin> ... but there seem to be consensus that we should make this change

... but there seem to be consensus that we should make this change

14:18:30 <Arnaud> Proposal: change 5.3.5 SHOULD to MUST per John's email: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Oct/0004.html

PROPOSED: change 5.3.5 SHOULD to MUST per John's email: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Oct/0004.html

14:18:31 <JohnArwe> MOI calls them vanilla/chocolate?  WG came up with that.

John Arwe: MOI calls them vanilla/chocolate? WG came up with that.

14:18:46 <JohnArwe> +1

John Arwe: +1

14:18:47 <ericP> +1

Eric Prud'hommeaux: +1

14:18:49 <krp> +1

Kevin Page: +1

14:18:49 <Ashok> +1

Ashok Malhotra: +1

14:18:52 <TallTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

14:18:54 <betehess> +1

Alexandre Bertails: +1

14:18:56 <roger> +1

Roger Menday: +1

14:19:10 <JohnArwe> I think Steve S would also agree with it, FWIW, since he originally suggested it to me.

John Arwe: I think Steve S would also agree with it, FWIW, since he originally suggested it to me.

14:19:10 <Arnaud> Resolved: change 5.3.5 SHOULD to MUST per John's email: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Oct/0004.html

RESOLVED: change 5.3.5 SHOULD to MUST per John's email: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Oct/0004.html

14:19:31 <bblfish> 5.3.5 -> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/default/ldp.html#ldpc-HTTP_PUT

Henry Story: 5.3.5 -> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/default/ldp.html#ldpc-HTTP_PUT

14:19:32 <pchampin> topic: Proposal: changes to 5.6.2 (container delete)

5. Proposal: changes to 5.6.2 (container delete)

14:19:43 <pchampin> arnaud: this is in relation with a comment from Mark Baker

Arnaud Le Hors: this is in relation with a comment from Mark Baker

14:20:01 <pchampin> ... about us redefining HTTP

... about us redefining HTTP

14:20:18 <bblfish> this is the article: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Oct/0006.html

Henry Story: this is the article: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Oct/0006.html

14:20:32 <Arnaud> Proposal: changes to 5.6.2 (container delete) per John's email: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Oct/0006.html

PROPOSED: changes to 5.6.2 (container delete) per John's email: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Oct/0006.html

14:20:43 <pchampin> ... not that we are contradicting it, but merely being redundant

... not that we are contradicting it, but merely being redundant

14:20:55 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

14:20:55 <JohnArwe> +1

John Arwe: +1

14:20:56 <betehess> +1

Alexandre Bertails: +1

14:21:20 <TallTed> +1

Ted Thibodeau: +1

14:21:25 <krp> +1

Kevin Page: +1

14:21:27 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

14:21:34 <bblfish> +1

Henry Story: +1

14:21:47 <Ashok> +1

Ashok Malhotra: +1

14:21:53 <pchampin> +1


14:22:05 <Arnaud> Resolved: changes to 5.6.2 (container delete) per John's email: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Oct/0006.html

RESOLVED: changes to 5.6.2 (container delete) per John's email: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Oct/0006.html

14:23:27 <pchampin> arnaud: the next points in the agenda are more controversial

Arnaud Le Hors: the next points in the agenda are more controversial

14:23:36 <pchampin> ... anyone wanting to push one of them forward?

... anyone wanting to push one of them forward?

14:24:04 <Arnaud> topic: Discuss Proposal: Change following to informative (re: redefining HTTP)

6. Discuss Proposal: Change following to informative (re: redefining HTTP)

14:24:42 <Arnaud> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Sep/0052.html

Arnaud Le Hors: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Sep/0052.html

14:24:44 <pchampin> john: this is still related to Mark Baker's remark

John Arwe: this is still related to Mark Baker's remark

14:25:13 <pchampin> ... out intend was not to redefine HTTP, but informatively restate information from other specs

... our intent was not to redefine HTTP, but informatively restate information from other specs

14:25:37 <pchampin> s/out intend/our intent/
14:26:29 <TallTed> Zakim, unmute me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, unmute me

14:26:29 <Zakim> TallTed should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: TallTed should no longer be muted

14:26:54 <pchampin> tallted: we will need a restatement of the proposed change, after the discussions in the mailing list

Ted Thibodeau: we will need a restatement of the proposed change, after the discussions in the mailing list

14:27:24 <pchampin> john: I did a mockup of the new sections in the respec draft

John Arwe: I did a mockup of the new sections in the respec draft

14:27:34 <JohnArwe> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/default/ldp.html#base-specs

John Arwe: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/default/ldp.html#base-specs

14:27:43 <JohnArwe> that's a mockup in the editor's draft

John Arwe: that's a mockup in the editor's draft

14:28:33 <bblfish> did you post the correct URL?

Henry Story: did you post the correct URL?

14:29:48 <JohnArwe> bblfish: I pulled it from a live browser henry

Henry Story: I pulled it from a live browser henry [ Scribe Assist by John Arwe ]

14:30:16 <pchampin> tallted: having it in the mailing list archive (not in a mutable draft) would be better to track our decision

Ted Thibodeau: having it in the mailing list archive (not in a mutable draft) would be better to track our decision

14:30:38 <pchampin> arnaud: I agree; can you send such an e-mail, so that we can vote on it next week?

Arnaud Le Hors: I agree; can you send such an e-mail, so that we can vote on it next week?

14:30:53 <pchampin> john: I can paste it in the IRC right now

John Arwe: I can paste it in the IRC right now

14:31:34 <pchampin> eric: it might be too big, you would get kicked off; better send a mail and copy the URL right afterwards

Eric Prud'hommeaux: it might be too big, you would get kicked off; better send a mail and copy the URL right afterwards

14:31:50 <pchampin> arnaud: in the meantime, let's move to another topic

Arnaud Le Hors: in the meantime, let's move to another topic

14:32:34 <Arnaud> topic: Discuss Proposals for PUT ignoring triples ACTION-93

7. Discuss Proposals for PUT ignoring triples ACTION-93

14:32:44 <Arnaud> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Sep/0051.html

Arnaud Le Hors: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Sep/0051.html

14:33:22 <bblfish> is that the one or not?

Henry Story: is that the one or not?

14:34:14 <bblfish> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Sep/0051.html

Henry Story: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Sep/0051.html

14:35:00 <bblfish> q+ is there a list of server managed properties somewhere?

Henry Story: q+ is there a list of server managed properties somewhere?

14:35:28 <JohnArwe> @bblfish: no list; implementation-defined

John Arwe: @bblfish: no list; implementation-defined

14:36:15 <JohnArwe> ...IIRC our running assumption was that future work like rdf-val would provide a way for clients to introspect them at run time

John Arwe: ...IIRC our running assumption was that future work like rdf-val would provide a way for clients to introspect them at run time

14:36:24 <bblfish> Is there a way to tell what the implementation-defined list is automatically?

Henry Story: Is there a way to tell what the implementation-defined list is automatically?

14:36:46 <JohnArwe> @bblfish: no

John Arwe: @bblfish: no

14:36:54 <JohnArwe> ...at least not in LDP, not today

John Arwe: ...at least not in LDP, not today

14:36:57 <pchampin> arnaud: this relates to TimBL's concern about the current spec allowing the server to silently ignore some of the PUT triples

Arnaud Le Hors: this relates to TimBL's concern about the current spec allowing the server to silently ignore some of the PUT triples

14:38:59 <pchampin> eric: shouldn't it happen for all operations altering triples (POST, PUT, PATCH) that they return an error if triples will be dropped?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: shouldn't it happen for all operations altering triples (POST, PUT, PATCH) that they return an error if triples will be dropped?

14:39:01 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

14:39:35 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

14:39:44 <pchampin> john: that's what Steve's distinction between "server managed properties" and "unknown properties" is about.

John Arwe: that's what Steve's distinction between "server managed properties" and "unknown properties" is about.

14:40:18 <pchampin> ... which is a problem because we give the client no way to tell the difference

... which is a problem because we give the client no way to tell the difference

14:42:15 <pchampin> arnaud: the problem seems to be the unclear boundary between the protocol and the data

Arnaud Le Hors: the problem seems to be the unclear boundary between the protocol and the data

14:42:28 <bblfish> bblfish: There is way for a client to know what the "server defined server managed properties are". So the proposal currently makes no sense for the client, since it cannot distinguish a vanilla or chocolate server.

Henry Story: There is no way for a client to know what the "server defined server managed properties are". So the proposal currently makes no sense for the client, since it cannot distinguish a vanilla or chocolate server. [ Scribe Assist by Henry Story ]

14:42:46 <bblfish> s/is way/is no way/
14:42:48 <pchampin> ... we try to be good citizen by reusing existing vocabularies (e.g. dc:modified), but this may be a mistake

... we try to be good citizen by reusing existing vocabularies (e.g. dc:modified), but this may be a mistake

14:43:11 <ericP> q?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: q?

14:43:38 <ericP> q+ ask how bad it would be if a client were simply given an error if it sent triples that would be rejected

Eric Prud'hommeaux: q+ ask how bad it would be if a client were simply given an error if it sent triples that would be rejected

14:43:43 <ericP> q+ to ask how bad it would be if a client were simply given an error if it sent triples that would be rejected

Eric Prud'hommeaux: q+ to ask how bad it would be if a client were simply given an error if it sent triples that would be rejected

14:43:48 <pchampin> ... we have neither a pre-defined list of server-managed properties, nor a mean for the server to dynamically expose such a list

... we have neither a pre-defined list of server-managed properties, nor a mean for the server to dynamically expose such a list

14:44:22 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

14:44:28 <JohnArwe> @ericp: doing so means a typical "patch via put" set of interactions, i.e. GET+ change + PUT, fails

John Arwe: @ericp: doing so means a typical "patch via put" set of interactions, i.e. GET+ change + PUT, fails

14:44:28 <Arnaud> ack ericP

Arnaud Le Hors: ack ericP

14:44:28 <Zakim> ericP, you wanted to ask how bad it would be if a client were simply given an error if it sent triples that would be rejected

Zakim IRC Bot: ericP, you wanted to ask how bad it would be if a client were simply given an error if it sent triples that would be rejected

14:45:16 <pchampin> eric: how bad would it be to say that the server issues an error whenever it drops triples?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: how bad would it be to say that the server issues an error whenever it drops triples?

14:45:45 <betehess> I agree with ericP's view: reject with an error when some triples cannot be accepted

Alexandre Bertails: I agree with ericP's view: reject with an error when some triples cannot be accepted

14:46:29 <bblfish> q-

Henry Story: q-

14:46:51 <pchampin> john: a problem is that PATCH would fail whenever you don't change the server-managed properties that would automatically change

John Arwe: a problem is that PATCH would fail whenever you don't change the server-managed properties that would automatically change

14:47:35 <pchampin> q+


14:47:38 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

14:47:52 <ericP> JohnArwe: the prob with ericP's proposal is the GET/PUT mode of patch where the client GET's data which includes server-managed properties

John Arwe: the prob with ericP's proposal is the GET/PUT mode of patch where the client GET's data which includes server-managed properties [ Scribe Assist by Eric Prud'hommeaux ]

14:49:17 <betehess> well, it just means that some data is meant to be modified by the user, some data has to be managed by the application (maintained by the server), they should not belong to the same LDPR

Alexandre Bertails: well, it just means that some data is meant to be modified by the user, some data has to be managed by the application (maintained by the server), they should not belong to the same LDPR

14:49:20 <pchampin> bblfish: some properties are statements by the server rather than statements by the document

Henry Story: some properties are statements by the server rather than statements by the document

14:49:29 <ericP> q+ to say supposed the server rejects POSTs/PUTs with *unrecognized* properties.

Eric Prud'hommeaux: q+ to say supposed the server rejects POSTs/PUTs with *unrecognized* properties.

14:49:36 <betehess> q+

Alexandre Bertails: q+

14:49:54 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

14:49:56 <pchampin> arnaud: it touches what I was saying earlier about the boundary between protocol and data

Arnaud Le Hors: it touches what I was saying earlier about the boundary between protocol and data

14:50:11 <Arnaud> ack pchampin

Arnaud Le Hors: ack pchampin

14:50:31 <ericP> pchampin: in my implementation, the client is not supposed to modify server-managed properties.

Pierre-Antoine Champin: in my implementation, the client is not supposed to modify server-managed properties. [ Scribe Assist by Eric Prud'hommeaux ]

14:51:16 <ericP> ... if there is no attempt to modify those properties, the server accepts and returns a 20x½

Eric Prud'hommeaux: ... if there is no attempt to modify those properties, the server accepts and returns a 20x½

14:51:27 <ericP> Arnaud: so that's your way of doing a PATCH

Arnaud Le Hors: so that's your way of doing a PATCH [ Scribe Assist by Eric Prud'hommeaux ]

14:51:46 <JohnArwe> It's not clear to me that doing what Pierre does (while logical) conforms with the normative language.

John Arwe: It's not clear to me that doing what Pierre does (while logical) conforms with the normative language.

14:51:51 <Arnaud> ack ericP

Arnaud Le Hors: ack ericP

14:51:51 <Zakim> ericP, you wanted to say supposed the server rejects POSTs/PUTs with *unrecognized* properties.

Zakim IRC Bot: ericP, you wanted to say supposed the server rejects POSTs/PUTs with *unrecognized* properties.

14:51:55 <bblfish> pchampin: how does the client know what it is not allowed to touch?

Pierre-Antoine Champin: how does the client know what it is not allowed to touch? [ Scribe Assist by Henry Story ]

14:52:31 <pchampin> pchampin: my solution to this problem is to disallow the client to *modify* the server-managed properties

Pierre-Antoine Champin: my solution to this problem is to disallow the client to *modify* the server-managed properties

14:53:07 <Arnaud> ack betehess

Arnaud Le Hors: ack betehess

14:53:13 <pchampin> ... *then* the server changes the values

... *then* the server changes the values

14:54:12 <bblfish> cool idea: put server managed properties in a meta file

Henry Story: cool idea: put server managed properties in a meta file

14:54:13 <pchampin> eric: but then the server has to check that the values are actually not modified

Eric Prud'hommeaux: but then the server has to check that the values are actually not modified

14:54:13 <bblfish> +1

Henry Story: +1

14:54:34 <bblfish> meta file is linked to from the original file in a link header

Henry Story: meta file is linked to from the original file in a link header

14:54:55 <pchampin> betehess: in our solution, there are two kinfs of LDPR : those entirely managed by the clients, and those partly managed by the server

Alexandre Bertails: in our solution, there are two kinds of LDPR : those entirely managed by the clients, and those partly managed by the server

14:54:57 <Arnaud> q?

Arnaud Le Hors: q?

14:55:03 <pchampin> ... a header field is used to tell the difference

... a header field is used to tell the difference

14:55:17 <JohnArwe> informative/diffs reminder before we break

John Arwe: informative/diffs reminder before we break

14:55:27 <pchampin> arnaud: this was a useful discussion

Arnaud Le Hors: this was a useful discussion

14:55:48 <pchampin> ... please post yout proposals to the mailing list in response to steve's message

... please post yout proposals to the mailing list in response to steve's message

14:55:58 <pchampin> ... so that we can look at them and think about them

... so that we can look at them and think about them

14:56:17 <betehess> s/kinfs/kinds/
14:56:37 <JohnArwe> link to diffs: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/rev/eeff2a51723d

John Arwe: link to diffs: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/rev/eeff2a51723d

14:56:56 <Zakim> -bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: -bblfish

14:56:58 <TallTed> Zakim, mute me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, mute me

14:56:58 <Zakim> TallTed should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: TallTed should now be muted

14:57:11 <pchampin> topic: Discuss Proposal: Change following to informative (re: redefining HTTP) again

8. Discuss Proposal: Change following to informative (re: redefining HTTP) again

14:57:31 <JohnArwe> link to diffs: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/rev/eeff2a51723d

John Arwe: link to diffs: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/rev/eeff2a51723d

14:59:47 <pchampin> arnaud: it is almost the end of the hour

Arnaud Le Hors: it is almost the end of the hour

15:00:03 <pchampin> ... do we have the time for a quick vote? or do you need more time?

... do we have the time for a quick vote? or do you need more time?

15:00:37 <Zakim> -roger

Zakim IRC Bot: -roger

15:00:51 <pchampin> ... I'll put it on the agenda for next week, then.

... I'll put it on the agenda for next week, then.

15:00:52 <Zakim> -JohnArwe

Zakim IRC Bot: -JohnArwe

15:00:59 <pchampin> ADJOURNED


15:01:01 <Zakim> -Ashok_Malhotra

Zakim IRC Bot: -Ashok_Malhotra

15:01:09 <Zakim> -Alexandre

Zakim IRC Bot: -Alexandre

15:01:10 <Zakim> -EricP

Zakim IRC Bot: -EricP

15:01:12 <Zakim> -TallTed

Zakim IRC Bot: -TallTed

15:01:33 <Zakim> -Arnaud

Zakim IRC Bot: -Arnaud

15:01:40 <Arnaud> trackbot, end meeting

Arnaud Le Hors: trackbot, end meeting

15:01:40 <trackbot> Zakim, list attendees

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, list attendees

15:01:40 <Zakim> As of this point the attendees have been Arnaud, EricP, JohnArwe, Alexandre, Ashok_Malhotra, roger, bblfish, TallTed, pchampin, krp

Zakim IRC Bot: As of this point the attendees have been Arnaud, EricP, JohnArwe, Alexandre, Ashok_Malhotra, roger, bblfish, TallTed, pchampin, krp

15:01:48 <trackbot> RRSAgent, please draft minutes

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, please draft minutes

15:01:48 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/10/07-ldp-minutes.html trackbot

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/10/07-ldp-minutes.html trackbot

15:01:49 <trackbot> RRSAgent, bye

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, bye

15:01:49 <RRSAgent> I see no action items

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I see no action items

15:01:49 <Zakim> -krp

Zakim IRC Bot: -krp

Formatted by CommonScribe