15:16:52 <RRSAgent> logging to
RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to ←
15:16:54 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs public
Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs public ←
<ivan> Guest: Liza (lizadaly) Daly, Pearson
<ivan> Guest: Karen (karen) Myers, W3C
<ivan> Guest: Richard (richarschwerdtfeger) Schwerdtfeger, IBM
<ivan> Present: tzviya, dauwhe, ivan, brady, mgylling, plinss, madi, bert, benjaminsko, azaroth, fjh, vlad, gcapiel
15:16:56 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be dpub
Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be dpub ←
15:16:56 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see SW_DPUB-IG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 44 minutes
Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see SW_DPUB-IG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 44 minutes ←
15:16:57 <trackbot> Meeting: Digital Publishing Interest Group Teleconference
15:16:57 <trackbot> Date: 04 November 2013
15:53:30 <azaroth> Morning all :)
(No events recorded for 36 minutes)
Robert Sanderson: Morning all :) ←
15:56:52 <Zakim> SW_DPUB-IG()11:00AM has now started
Zakim IRC Bot: SW_DPUB-IG()11:00AM has now started ←
15:56:58 <Zakim> +Tzviya
Zakim IRC Bot: +Tzviya ←
15:57:18 <Zakim> +dauwhe
Zakim IRC Bot: +dauwhe ←
15:59:20 <ivan> zakim, dial ivan-voip
Ivan Herman: zakim, dial ivan-voip ←
15:59:20 <Zakim> ok, ivan; the call is being made
Zakim IRC Bot: ok, ivan; the call is being made ←
15:59:22 <Zakim> +Ivan
Zakim IRC Bot: +Ivan ←
15:59:40 <Zakim> +duga
Zakim IRC Bot: +duga ←
15:59:50 <Zakim> +mgylling
Zakim IRC Bot: +mgylling ←
15:59:58 <Zakim> + +1.917.447.aaaa
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.917.447.aaaa ←
16:00:10 <Zakim> + +1.617.453.aabb
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.617.453.aabb ←
16:00:23 <Zakim> +plinss
Zakim IRC Bot: +plinss ←
16:01:15 <Zakim> +madi
Zakim IRC Bot: +madi ←
16:01:17 <mgylling> regrets: Laura Fowler, Jean Kaplansky, Suzanne Taylor, Bill Kasdorf
16:01:23 <Zakim> + +1.503.887.aacc
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.503.887.aacc ←
16:01:41 <Zakim> +Bert
Zakim IRC Bot: +Bert ←
16:01:47 <lizadaly> I'm on the call
16:02:08 <dauwhe> zakim, aaaa is benjaminsko
Dave Cramer: zakim, aaaa is benjaminsko ←
16:02:08 <Zakim> +benjaminsko; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +benjaminsko; got it ←
16:02:12 <Zakim> +??P15
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P15 ←
16:02:28 <Zakim> +azaroth
Zakim IRC Bot: +azaroth ←
16:02:40 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller] ←
16:02:42 <Zakim> +Karen_Myers
Zakim IRC Bot: +Karen_Myers ←
16:02:47 <fjh> zakim, [IPcaller] is me
Frederick Hirsch: zakim, [IPcaller] is me ←
16:02:47 <Zakim> +fjh; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +fjh; got it ←
16:02:57 <fjh> Present+ Frederick_Hirsch
Frederick Hirsch: Present+ Frederick_Hirsch ←
16:03:25 <ivan> zakim, aabb is lizadaly
Ivan Herman: zakim, aabb is lizadaly ←
16:03:25 <Zakim> +lizadaly; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +lizadaly; got it ←
16:04:00 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller] ←
16:04:01 <ivan> zakim, aacc is Sharad
Ivan Herman: zakim, aacc is Sharad ←
16:04:01 <Zakim> +Sharad; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +Sharad; got it ←
16:04:01 <mgylling> zakim, who is here?
Markus Gylling: zakim, who is here? ←
16:04:01 <Zakim> On the phone I see Tzviya, dauwhe, Ivan, duga, mgylling, benjaminsko, lizadaly, plinss, madi, Sharad, Bert, ??P15, azaroth, fjh, Karen_Myers, [IPcaller]
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Tzviya, dauwhe, Ivan, duga, mgylling, benjaminsko, lizadaly, plinss, madi, Sharad, Bert, ??P15, azaroth, fjh, Karen_Myers, [IPcaller] ←
16:04:05 <Zakim> On IRC I see gcapiel, Vlad, Bert, karen, benjaminsko, lizadaly, Sharad, brady_duga, tzviya, madi, azaroth, fjh, mgylling, astearns, Zakim, RRSAgent, ivan, dauwhe, liam, trackbot,
Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see gcapiel, Vlad, Bert, karen, benjaminsko, lizadaly, Sharad, brady_duga, tzviya, madi, azaroth, fjh, mgylling, astearns, Zakim, RRSAgent, ivan, dauwhe, liam, trackbot, ←
16:04:05 <Zakim> ... plinss
Zakim IRC Bot: ... plinss ←
16:04:33 <Vlad> that was me
Vladimir Levantovsky: that was me ←
16:04:46 <Vlad> zakim, IPcaller is me
Vladimir Levantovsky: zakim, IPcaller is me ←
16:04:46 <Zakim> +Vlad; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +Vlad; got it ←
16:05:11 <ivan> zakim, ??p15 is gcapiel
Ivan Herman: zakim, ??p15 is gcapiel ←
16:05:11 <Zakim> +gcapiel; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +gcapiel; got it ←
16:05:36 <tzviya> scribe: Tzviya
(Scribe set to Tzviya Siegman)
16:05:58 <tzviya> Markus: topic: CSS3 text and agenda for TPAC
Markus Gylling: topic: CSS3 text and agenda for TPAC ←
16:06:16 <tzviya> .topic last week's minutes
16:06:20 <mgylling>
Markus Gylling: ←
16:06:32 <ivan> s/.topic/topic:/
16:06:39 <tzviya> markus: approved
Markus Gylling: approved ←
16:06:54 <tzviya> ...topic: 2 new members
...topic: 2 new members ←
16:06:54 <ivan> Topic: two new members
16:07:29 <tzviya> Liza: VP of engineering at safari books online
Liza Daly: VP of engineering at safari books online ←
16:07:42 <tzviya> ...involved in EPUB from beginning
...involved in EPUB from beginning ←
16:08:20 <tzviya> ben: BEn ko, know @dauwhe and involved in pub and pub consulting for many years
Ben Ko: Ben Ko, know @dauwhe and involved in pub and pub consulting for many years ←
16:08:37 <tzviya> markus: many task forces involved in areas related to your areas
Markus Gylling: many task forces involved in areas related to your areas ←
16:08:47 <dauwhe> s/BEn ko/Ben Ko/
16:08:56 <tzviya> ...pagination will be of interest to ben, especially
...pagination will be of interest to ben, especially ←
16:09:15 <tzviya> ...we will try to schedule meetings at times of day when US/Europe can call in
...we will try to schedule meetings at times of day when US/Europe can call in ←
16:09:42 <tzviya> ...Gerardo has been a guest, but is now here to stay
...Gerardo has been a guest, but is now here to stay ←
16:10:10 <tzviya> Gerardo: will be at TPAC as well. Runs engineering at benetech
Gerardo Capiel: will be at TPAC as well. Runs engineering at benetech ←
16:10:46 <tzviya> ...runs DIAGRAM with NCAM, more cost effective production for image descriptions, math, etc
...runs DIAGRAM with NCAM, more cost effective production for image descriptions, math, etc ←
16:11:01 <ivan> Topic: Comments on CSS Text
16:11:15 <tzviya> Markus: received review of CSS3 text. Brady, Jean, and Dave reviewed. Due on 6 nov
Markus Gylling: received review of CSS3 text. Brady, Jean, and Dave reviewed. Due on 6 nov ←
16:11:24 <tzviya> ...must get together by tomorrow
...must get together by tomorrow ←
16:11:58 <tzviya> Brady: finished review
Brady Duga: finished review ←
16:12:05 <tzviya> ,,,received no comments
,,,received no comments ←
16:12:13 <tzviya> s,,,/...
s,,,/... ←
16:12:26 <tzviya> markus: comments from others?
Markus Gylling: comments from others? ←
16:12:36 <tzviya> Dave: will get to today
Dave Cramer: will get to today ←
16:12:48 <ivan> Regrets: Jean, Bill
16:12:52 <tzviya> Ivan: jean sent her regrets
Ivan Herman: jean sent her regrets ←
16:13:15 <tzviya> Markus: please supply comments by end of day today so we can assemble comments tomorrow
Markus Gylling: please supply comments by end of day today so we can assemble comments tomorrow ←
16:13:51 <tzviya> ivan: just sent email to CSS WG, not overly formal
Ivan Herman: just sent email to CSS WG, not overly formal ←
16:13:59 <tzviya> Markus: I will send email
Markus Gylling: I will send email ←
16:14:21 <tzviya> ...any other comments on CSS text?
...any other comments on CSS text? ←
16:14:33 <ivan> Topic: Agenda for TPAC
16:14:44 <tzviya> markus:
Markus Gylling: ←
16:15:21 <mgylling>
Markus Gylling: ←
16:16:12 <tzviya> Markus: there is a list of subjects and who will join
Markus Gylling: there is a list of subjects and who will join ←
16:16:51 <tzviya> ...for people who want to call, we want to make sure that the time in china works
...for people who want to call, we want to make sure that the time in china works ←
16:17:05 <tzviya> .,,who wants to call in?
...who wants to call in? ←
16:17:23 <ivan> s/.,,/.../
16:17:35 <tzviya> madi: I will call in when I am awake
Madi Solomon: I will call in when I am awake ←
16:17:48 <tzviya> fjh: I would like to call in for security
Frederick Hirsch: I would like to call in for security ←
16:18:33 <tzviya> Ben: I would like to call in for pagination
Ben Ko: I would like to call in for pagination ←
16:18:44 <fjh> security scheduled for 11 pm Tuesday Shenzhen, I think that is 10 pm ET on Monday
Frederick Hirsch: security scheduled for 11 am Tuesday Shenzhen, I think that is 10 am ET on Monday ←
16:18:50 <fjh> s/pm/am/
16:19:17 <tzviya> ivan: there is a 12 hour difference between Shenzhen and EST
Ivan Herman: there is a 12 hour difference between Shenzhen and EST ←
16:20:02 <tzviya> markus: pagination and behavioral adaption are a given
Markus Gylling: pagination and behavioral adaption are a given ←
16:20:17 <tzviya> ...tuesday afternoon is up for discussion
...tuesday afternoon is up for discussion ←
16:20:41 <tzviya> ...infographics may be a topic
...infographics may be a topic ←
16:21:08 <tzviya> gerardo: could discuss image descriptions and a11y, materials from EDUPUB
Gerardo Capiel: could discuss image descriptions and a11y, materials from EDUPUB ←
16:21:26 <tzviya> Markus: have not discussed packaging and distribution at all yet
Markus Gylling: have not discussed packaging and distribution at all yet ←
16:21:50 <tzviya> ...what else would people like to hear discussed?
...what else would people like to hear discussed? ←
16:22:26 <tzviya> ...many observers at these sessions
...many observers at these sessions ←
16:22:34 <tzviya> q+
q+ ←
16:23:07 <mgylling> ack Tzviya
Markus Gylling: ack Tzviya ←
16:24:00 <tzviya> tzviya: I would be interested in joining a11y discussion if possible, but it would be difficult to do late night and early morning
Tzviya Siegman: I would be interested in joining a11y discussion if possible, but it would be difficult to do late night and early morning ←
16:24:10 <lizadaly> Apologies, my office phone rebooted for no reason; will rejoin when it's back up
Liza Daly: Apologies, my office phone rebooted for no reason; will rejoin when it's back up ←
16:25:24 <Zakim> +lizadaly.a
Zakim IRC Bot: +lizadaly.a ←
16:25:24 <tzviya> ivan: Suzanne is in Eastern time as well, so early afternoon does not work for her either
Ivan Herman: Suzanne is in Eastern time as well, so early afternoon does not work for her either ←
16:25:35 <lizadaly> I'm back
16:26:02 <tzviya> markus: we could switch security and a11y
Markus Gylling: we could switch security and a11y ←
16:27:28 <tzviya> gerardo: I could speak with suzanne before TPAC to make sure her list is coeverd
Gerardo Capiel: I could speak with suzanne before TPAC to make sure her list is coeverd ←
16:27:37 <tzviya> markus: then, we do not adjust the agenda
Markus Gylling: then, we do not adjust the agenda ←
16:28:11 <tzviya> ...we will have local scribes. Please consider scribing.
...we will have local scribes. Please consider scribing. ←
16:28:17 <tzviya> ...any questions?
...any questions? ←
16:28:34 <ivan> Topic: task forces
16:28:36 <tzviya> no additional topics for agenda
no additional topics for agenda ←
16:28:56 <mgylling> scribe: mgylling
(Scribe set to Markus Gylling)
16:29:09 <mgylling> Tzviya: had trouble with the wiki over the weekend
Tzviya Siegman: had trouble with the wiki over the weekend ←
16:29:32 <mgylling> Tzviya: have started putting together UC on structural semantics (indexes , dictionaries, books)
Tzviya Siegman: have started putting together UC on structural semantics (indexes , dictionaries, books) ←
16:30:00 <Zakim> -duga
Zakim IRC Bot: -duga ←
16:30:31 <Zakim> +duga
Zakim IRC Bot: +duga ←
16:30:56 <ivan> q+
Ivan Herman: q+ ←
16:31:02 <mgylling> ack Ivan
ack Ivan ←
16:31:23 <mgylling> Markus: Tzviya, are you covering behavioural expectations for these?
Markus Gylling: Tzviya, are you covering behavioural expectations for these? ←
16:31:37 <mgylling> Tzviya: for most of them
Tzviya Siegman: for most of them ←
16:32:06 <mgylling> Ivan: what kind of identification is universally accepted?
Ivan Herman: what kind of identification is universally accepted? ←
16:32:30 <azaroth> q+
Robert Sanderson: q+ ←
16:32:39 <mgylling> Tzviya: At publicationlevel, ISBN is mostly accepted, but not used as identifier in the way the URIs are used, more used for tracking than linking. In journals, we have DOI as generally accepted.
Tzviya Siegman: At the publication level, ISBN is mostly accepted, but not used as identifier in the way the URIs are used, more used for tracking than linking. In journals, we have DOI as generally accepted. ←
16:34:54 <mgylling> s/publicationlevel/the publication level
16:34:59 <mgylling> ack azaroth
ack azaroth ←
16:35:01 <ivan> ack azaroth
Ivan Herman: ack azaroth ←
16:35:05 <tzviya> gerardo: doesn't this have implications for OA? and a11y?
Gerardo Capiel: doesn't this have implications for OA? and a11y? [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:35:09 <mgylling> Rob: ISBNs are not necessarily unique
Robert Sanderson: ISBNs are not necessarily unique ←
16:35:13 <tzviya> markus: yes
Markus Gylling: yes [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:35:56 <fjh> q+
Frederick Hirsch: q+ ←
16:36:03 <mgylling> ack fjh
ack fjh ←
16:36:21 <tzviya> ivan: which organization can take the responsibility for UID?
Ivan Herman: which organization can take the responsibility for UID? [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:36:46 <mgylling> fjh: scalability; URIs vs ISBNs
Frederick Hirsch: scalability; URIs vs ISBNs ←
16:36:57 <tzviya> fjh: does it makes sense/is it scalable for dynamic content to use the same type of ID as print?
Frederick Hirsch: does it makes sense/is it scalable for dynamic content to use the same type of ID as print? [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:37:13 <Zakim> +Rich_Schwerdtfeger
Zakim IRC Bot: +Rich_Schwerdtfeger ←
16:37:40 <tzviya> marus: EPUB combines UID such as ISBN with time stamp so can differentiate incremental changes
Markus Gylling: EPUB combines UID such as ISBN with time stamp so can differentiate incremental changes [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:37:51 <tzviya> s/marus/markus
16:38:09 <tzviya> markus: welcome to rich
Markus Gylling: welcome to rich [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:38:16 <fjh> thanks for the explanation marcus, that means the ISBN serves the role of identifying the core work, yet no need to assign new ISBNs for each possibly frequent revision
Frederick Hirsch: thanks for the explanation marcus, that means the ISBN serves the role of identifying the core work, yet no need to assign new ISBNs for each possibly frequent revision ←
16:38:26 <fjh> great
Frederick Hirsch: great ←
16:38:38 <tzviya> richardschwerdtfeger: CTO for accessibility for IBM software. focus on ARIA
Richard Schwerdtfeger: CTO for accessibility for IBM software. focus on ARIA [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:38:44 <fjh> I assume this includes variants
Frederick Hirsch: I assume this includes variants ←
16:38:49 <lizadaly> ISBN identifies the publication, not the work
Liza Daly: ISBN identifies the publication, not the work ←
16:39:15 <lizadaly> and a new ISBN would be assigned for a new print revision
Liza Daly: and a new ISBN would be assigned for a new print revision ←
16:39:28 <lizadaly> but probably not for a minor ebook revision
Liza Daly: but probably not for a minor ebook revision ←
16:41:04 <tzviya> markus: does the identifier end up in Bill's taskforce?
Markus Gylling: does the identifier end up in Bill's taskforce? [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:41:24 <tzviya> tzviya: yes, it is a metadata issue, but I will point to it
Tzviya Siegman: yes, it is a metadata issue, but I will point to it [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:41:41 <tzviya> ivan: identifiers crosses many groups
Ivan Herman: identifiers crosses many groups [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:42:36 <tzviya> markus: there is another area - behavioral indicators such as books that go into the ibookstore that have specific controls
Markus Gylling: there is another area - behavioral indicators such as books that go into the ibookstore that have specific controls [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:43:02 <tzviya> ...would it make sense to collect these behaviors?
Tzviya Siegman: ...would it make sense to collect these behaviors? ←
16:43:05 <Zakim> -Sharad
Zakim IRC Bot: -Sharad ←
16:43:06 <Zakim> +Sharad_Garg
Zakim IRC Bot: +Sharad_Garg ←
16:43:21 <tzviya> tzviya: I would appreciate examples from others
Tzviya Siegman: I would appreciate examples from others [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:43:50 <tzviya> markus: start with what you know, others will see and provide additional examples
Markus Gylling: start with what you know, others will see and provide additional examples [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:44:18 <tzviya> topic: pagination
16:44:24 <azaroth> +1 to Ivan's idenitfier meeting, either virtual or physical
Robert Sanderson: +1 to Ivan's idenitfier meeting, either virtual or physical ←
16:44:32 <tzviya> markus: status update from Dave
Markus Gylling: status update from Dave [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:44:46 <tzviya> dave: not a lot of change in the last week
Dave Cramer: not a lot of change in the last week [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:45:10 <tzviya> ...made some changes, just updates re: punctuation, spacing
Tzviya Siegman: ...made some changes, just updates re: punctuation, spacing ←
16:45:20 <tzviya> markus: what are we calling this?
Markus Gylling: what are we calling this? [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:45:42 <tzviya> dave: this is just descriptive. These are things we do in terms of laying out content
Dave Cramer: this is just descriptive. These are things we do in terms of laying out content [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:46:08 <tzviya> ...we are trying to achieve X effects
Tzviya Siegman: ...we are trying to achieve X effects ←
16:46:23 <tzviya> markus: with luck, CSS WG will help us
Markus Gylling: with luck, CSS WG will help us [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:46:50 <tzviya> ...are there particular topics to focus on in f2f?
Tzviya Siegman: ...are there particular topics to focus on in f2f? ←
16:47:19 <tzviya> dave: scope. How do we approach multiple languages? traditions?
Dave Cramer: scope. How do we approach multiple languages? traditions? [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:47:35 <tzviya> ...what large features do we want to cover? I know trade and some ed
Tzviya Siegman: ...what large features do we want to cover? I know trade and some ed ←
16:47:47 <tzviya> ...not much from STEM and journals
Tzviya Siegman: ...not much from STEM and journals ←
16:48:02 <tzviya> ....I'd like to flesh out the outline and examples
Tzviya Siegman: ....I'd like to flesh out the outline and examples ←
16:48:24 <tzviya> ...relationship with CSS and other groups
Tzviya Siegman: ...relationship with CSS and other groups ←
16:49:20 <tzviya> markus: another question beyond the document is the relationship between the document and the use cases
Markus Gylling: another question beyond the document is the relationship between the document and the use cases [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:49:32 <tzviya> we connect these 2? is it worth it?
Tzviya Siegman: we connect these 2? is it worth it? ←
16:50:03 <tzviya> ...Dave's document would need to be well-featured in it's covered
Tzviya Siegman: ...Dave's document would need to be well-featured in it's covered ←
16:50:17 <tzviya> does Ben's activity come in?
Tzviya Siegman: does Ben's activity come in? ←
16:50:38 <tzviya> Dave: ben has experience in Higher Ed and automation. We will have side conversation
Dave Cramer: ben has experience in Higher Ed and automation. We will have side conversation [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:51:13 <tzviya> Markus: at edupub we saw a number of demos of EPUB in HE platforms
Markus Gylling: at edupub we saw a number of demos of EPUB in HE platforms [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:51:33 <tzviya> ...many abandoned pagination in favor of scrolling
Tzviya Siegman: ...many abandoned pagination in favor of scrolling ←
16:52:05 <tzviya> terms of scope, maybe we could focus on STEM to try to complete the discussion
Tzviya Siegman: terms of scope, maybe we could focus on STEM to try to complete the discussion ←
16:52:15 <tzviya> ...questions?
Tzviya Siegman: ...questions? ←
16:52:45 <tzviya> ...we can't to status update on a11y without suzanne
Tzviya Siegman: ...we can't to status update on a11y without suzanne ←
16:52:59 <tzviya> ...Rob, anything on annotations?
Tzviya Siegman: ...Rob, anything on annotations? ←
16:53:08 <tzviya> Rob: I haven't added any use cases
Robert Sanderson: I haven't added any use cases [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:53:33 <tzviya> Ivan: will we try at the end to combine the use cases the way that dave did with pagination?
Ivan Herman: will we try at the end to combine the use cases the way that dave did with pagination? [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:53:44 <tzviya> markus: this is the connecting discussion
Markus Gylling: this is the connecting discussion [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:54:34 <tzviya> ...the point is that there is so much tradition and terminology that we need a primer like Dave
Tzviya Siegman: ...the point is that there is so much tradition and terminology that we need a primer like Dave ←
16:54:40 <tzviya> ...'s
Tzviya Siegman: ...'s ←
16:55:08 <tzviya> ...We might not need something similar for the other areas. We might need more pedagogics for areas like annotations
Tzviya Siegman: ...We might not need something similar for the other areas. We might need more pedagogics for areas like annotations ←
16:55:28 <tzviya> some point we will leave the wiki and assemble these into more formal documents
Tzviya Siegman: some point we will leave the wiki and assemble these into more formal documents ←
16:55:55 <tzviya> ...Once Robin has added his material, and we've assessed the cases, we can create the documents
Tzviya Siegman: ...Once Rob has added his material, and we've assessed the cases, we can create the documents ←
16:56:04 <tzviya> ivan: OK
Ivan Herman: OK [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:56:07 <ivan> s/Robin/Rob/
16:56:33 <mgylling> q?
q? ←
16:56:36 <tzviya> markus: we can end a little early
Markus Gylling: we can end a little early [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:57:18 <tzviya> markus: the final agenda will be what is on the wiki page
Markus Gylling: the final agenda will be what is on the wiki page [ Scribe Assist by Tzviya Siegman ] ←
16:57:35 <Zakim> -lizadaly.a
Zakim IRC Bot: -lizadaly.a ←
16:57:36 <Zakim> -duga
Zakim IRC Bot: -duga ←
16:57:40 <Zakim> -madi
Zakim IRC Bot: -madi ←
16:57:41 <Zakim> -fjh
Zakim IRC Bot: -fjh ←
16:57:42 <Zakim> -mgylling
Zakim IRC Bot: -mgylling ←
16:57:43 <lizadaly> Thank you!
16:57:43 <Zakim> -azaroth
Zakim IRC Bot: -azaroth ←
16:57:43 <Zakim> -benjaminsko
Zakim IRC Bot: -benjaminsko ←
16:57:46 <Zakim> -Bert
Zakim IRC Bot: -Bert ←
16:57:47 <Zakim> -dauwhe
Zakim IRC Bot: -dauwhe ←
16:57:47 <Zakim> -Karen_Myers
Zakim IRC Bot: -Karen_Myers ←
16:57:48 <Zakim> -Vlad
Zakim IRC Bot: -Vlad ←
16:57:48 <Zakim> -Sharad_Garg
Zakim IRC Bot: -Sharad_Garg ←
16:57:51 <Zakim> -plinss
Zakim IRC Bot: -plinss ←
16:57:53 <Zakim> -gcapiel
Zakim IRC Bot: -gcapiel ←
17:00:00 <Zakim> -Rich_Schwerdtfeger
Zakim IRC Bot: -Rich_Schwerdtfeger ←
17:06:21 <Zakim> -Tzviya
(No events recorded for 6 minutes)
Zakim IRC Bot: -Tzviya ←
17:06:26 <Zakim> -Ivan
Zakim IRC Bot: -Ivan ←
17:06:32 <ivan> zakim, who is here?
Ivan Herman: zakim, who is here? ←
17:06:32 <Zakim> On the phone I see lizadaly
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see lizadaly ←
17:06:33 <Zakim> On IRC I see richardschwerdtfeger, Bert, karen, tzviya, azaroth, mgylling, astearns, Zakim, RRSAgent, ivan, dauwhe, liam, trackbot, plinss
Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see richardschwerdtfeger, Bert, karen, tzviya, azaroth, mgylling, astearns, Zakim, RRSAgent, ivan, dauwhe, liam, trackbot, plinss ←
17:06:43 <ivan> zakim, drop lizadaly
Ivan Herman: zakim, drop lizadaly ←
17:06:44 <Zakim> lizadaly is being disconnected
Zakim IRC Bot: lizadaly is being disconnected ←
17:06:45 <Zakim> SW_DPUB-IG()11:00AM has ended
Zakim IRC Bot: SW_DPUB-IG()11:00AM has ended ←
17:06:45 <Zakim> Attendees were Tzviya, dauwhe, Ivan, duga, mgylling, +1.917.447.aaaa, +1.617.453.aabb, plinss, madi, +1.503.887.aacc, Bert, benjaminsko, azaroth, Karen_Myers, fjh, lizadaly,
Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were Tzviya, dauwhe, Ivan, duga, mgylling, +1.917.447.aaaa, +1.617.453.aabb, plinss, madi, +1.503.887.aacc, Bert, benjaminsko, azaroth, Karen_Myers, fjh, lizadaly, ←
17:06:45 <Zakim> ... Sharad, Vlad, gcapiel, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Sharad_Garg
Zakim IRC Bot: ... Sharad, Vlad, gcapiel, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Sharad_Garg ←
Formatted by CommonScribe