15:33:22 RRSAgent has joined #rdf-wg 15:33:22 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/12/18-rdf-wg-irc 15:33:24 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:33:24 Zakim has joined #rdf-wg 15:33:26 Zakim, this will be 73394 15:33:26 ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDFWG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 27 minutes 15:33:27 Meeting: RDF Working Group Teleconference 15:33:27 Date: 18 December 2013 15:35:59 Hey AndyS, https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/e054e768ca9f/drafts/trig/Overview.html should be everything for TriG 15:50:03 gavinc - phew! 15:53:55 gkellogg has joined #rdf-wg 15:55:07 Only question editorial I had was do we want to just use PREFIX style examples in TriG? 15:55:52 cygri has joined #rdf-wg 15:57:06 Guus has joined #rdf-wg 15:57:58 SW_RDFWG()11:00AM has now started 15:58:05 +[IPcaller] 15:58:15 zakim, IPcaller is me 15:58:15 +AndyS; got it 15:58:19 +Guus_Schreiber 15:58:55 +GavinC 15:59:06 +OpenLink_Software 15:59:20 gavinc - don't mind - don't consider to necessary as I expect @prefix to be around for a while. No big reason to change. Old data, old examples will be around until ...? 15:59:21 pchampin has joined #rdf-wg 15:59:23 Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 15:59:23 +TallTed; got it 15:59:51 +Sandro 16:00:08 +??P10 16:00:11 zakim, I am ??P10 16:00:11 +gkellogg; got it 16:00:18 Arnaud has joined #rdf-wg 16:00:22 chair: Guus 16:00:47 +Ivan 16:01:00 +pfps 16:01:17 +Arnaud 16:01:18 AZ has joined #rdf-wg 16:01:20 pfps has joined #rdf-wg 16:01:33 +??P19 16:01:43 Zakim, ??P19 is me 16:01:45 +yvesr; got it 16:01:55 scribenick: TallTed 16:02:38 +??P26 16:02:45 +??P28 16:02:55 zakim, ??P26 is me 16:02:55 +cygri; got it 16:03:02 Zakim, ??P28 is me 16:03:03 +AZ; got it 16:03:15 +David_Wood 16:03:37 PROPOSED: accept the minutes of the 11 Dec telecon, https://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/rdf-wg/2013-12-11 16:03:43 minutes look fine 16:03:48 +1 16:04:00 RESOLVED: accepted the minutes of the 11 Dec telecon 16:04:13 TOPIC: action items 16:04:16 +PatH 16:04:18 I can't load the minutes 16:05:18 last week's minutes are at http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2013.12.18 16:05:37 Oops, not there! 16:05:43 http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2013.12.11 16:06:02 I just was able to look at the minutes, but they are not loading right now - I claim that they looked OK 16:06:40 TOPIC: WG activity plan 16:06:54 lanthaler has joined #rdf-wg 16:08:05 Guus: plans in Agenda seem feasible, with 3 month WG extension 16:08:10 +1 to request extension 16:08:15 +1 to extend 16:08:17 +1 16:08:24 PatH has joined #rdf-wg 16:08:49 PROPOSED: to Request W3M to extend for 2/3 months, with voluntary biweekly meetings in that period 16:09:02 +1 16:09:03 sandro: +1 16:09:06 +1 16:09:08 +1 16:09:09 +1 16:09:10 +1 16:09:11 +1 16:09:12 +1 16:09:12 +1 16:09:20 RESOLVED: Request W3M to extend for 2/3 months, with voluntary biweekly meetings in that period 16:09:34 +1 16:09:54 PROPOSED: the RDF WG petition the Director to take JSON-LD to Recommendation immediately after the publication of the Proposed Recommendations for the rest of the RDF 1.1 work. 16:10:02 +1 16:10:04 q+ 16:10:06 +1 16:10:08 +1 16:10:09 +1 16:10:11 0 16:10:14 0 16:10:23 -1 16:10:23 +ericP 16:10:35 q+ re messaging 16:10:52 q- 16:10:52 0 16:11:00 ack pfps 16:11:08 +0 16:11:56 zwu2 has joined #rdf-wg 16:12:38 ack sandro 16:12:40 +1 16:12:42 +zwu2 16:12:48 ack davidwood 16:12:48 davidwood, you wanted to discuss messaging 16:13:01 0 16:13:14 markus has joined #rdf-wg 16:13:23 I prefer to allow JSON-LD to go to REC early. It is messaging to a different community. We wanted to tie JSON-LD to RDF, which which have done. We do not also need to mess up their messaging. 16:13:47 +??P39 16:13:54 zakim, ??P39 is me 16:13:54 +markus; got it 16:14:52 PR-REC is a staff decision. 16:15:11 zakim, code? 16:15:11 the conference code is 73394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), manu 16:15:27 +??P33 16:15:43 zakim, ??P33 is manu 16:15:43 +manu; got it 16:15:48 RESOLVED: the RDF WG petition the Director to take JSON-LD to Recommendation immediately after the publication of the Proposed Recommendations for the rest of the RDF 1.1 work. over objection from pfps 16:15:53 Zakim, who's noisy please? 16:15:56 my concern is that JSON-LD should progress in step with the rest of RDF, as it should closely depend on the core aspects of RDF 16:16:04 AZ, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: AndyS (47%), Guus_Schreiber (42%), TallTed (19%), PatH (9%), manu (5%) 16:16:18 TOPIC: CR implementations 16:16:58 -manu 16:17:01 PROPOSED: the WG decides it has met the CR Exit Criteria for RDF 1.1 Turtle, TriG, NiTriples, and N-Quads (see statistics in PR Request http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/RDF11-PR-Request#CR_Exit_Criteria_Turtle.2C_Trig.2C_N-Triples_and_N-Quads ) 16:17:03 +1 16:17:04 +1 16:17:08 +1 16:17:10 +1 16:17:12 +1 16:17:13 +1 16:17:15 +1 16:17:23 +1 16:17:25 +1 16:17:26 +1 16:17:31 Implementation reports: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/#Implementation_reports 16:17:34 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-turtle/reports/index.html 16:17:41 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/trig/reports/index.html 16:17:45 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-turtle/reports-nt/index.html 16:17:47 +1 16:17:54 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/nquads/reports/index.html 16:17:55 -cygri 16:17:58 RESOLVED: the WG decides it has met the CR Exit Criteria for RDF 1.1 Turtle, TriG, NiTriples, and N-Quads (see statistics in PR Request 16:17:59 +1 16:18:39 PROPOSED: the WG decides to rescinded the two tests below as they are not helpful to interoperability, for the reasons outlined in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2013Dec/0305.html -- https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-mt/reports/index.html#test_datatypes-intensional-xsd-integer-string-incompatible ; https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-mt/reports/index.html#test_xmlsch-02-whitespace-face 16:18:39 t-3 16:18:40 +??P40 16:18:45 zakim, ??P40 is me 16:18:45 +cygri; got it 16:18:53 +1 16:18:55 +q 16:20:06 PatH: if unimportant, why were they go here at all? 16:20:22 http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-swbp-xsch-datatypes-20050427/#sec-values-differ ? 16:20:27 Guus: first one is axiomatic to basic functionality; if you don't have it, you can't operate at all... 16:20:39 ack PatH 16:20:44 ack sandro 16:20:47 ack sandro 16:20:55 Souri has joined #rdf-wg 16:21:35 +Souri 16:21:37 Yes, exactly. 16:22:10 another take on sandro's point is whether *customers* would care about an implementation which passes those tests 16:22:40 +1 16:22:42 +1 16:22:44 +0.5 16:22:44 +meh 16:22:51 +0 16:23:07 +1 16:23:10 +1 16:23:15 +1 16:23:15 +1 16:23:15 +0.5 with the same concern that Pat had 16:23:17 +0.5 16:23:17 +1 16:23:21 +1 though I feel rushed here. 16:24:01 RESOLVED: the WG decides to rescinded the two tests below as they are not helpful to interoperability, for the reasons outlined in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2013Dec/0305.html -- https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-mt/reports/index.html#test_datatypes-intensional-xsd-integer-string-incompatible ; https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-mt/reports/index.html#test_xmlsch-02-whitespace-face 16:24:01 t-3 16:24:42 Andy, the sematnics actually makes some infrences valid that are so obscure that nobody cares about them. Who knew? 16:24:42 ACTION: gkellogg to update manifest and regenerate implementation report 16:24:43 Created ACTION-335 - Update manifest and regenerate implementation report [on Gregg Kellogg - due 2013-12-25]. 16:25:04 PROPOSED: the WG decides it it has met the CR Exit Criteria for RDF 1.1 Semantics (see implementation report, https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-mt/reports/index.html ) 16:25:36 gavin, it predicts the opposite, ie the subclass is D-inconsistent. 16:25:44 +1 16:25:46 +1 16:25:49 +1 16:25:50 +1 16:25:50 +1 16:25:52 +1 16:25:54 +1 16:25:54 +1 16:25:55 +1 16:25:55 +1 16:25:56 +1 16:25:56 +1 16:25:57 +1 16:26:00 +0 16:26:00 +1 16:26:05 RESOLVED: the WG decides it it has met the CR Exit Criteria for RDF 1.1 Semantics (see implementation report, https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-mt/reports/index.html ) 16:26:16 path, yeah that's what I meant 16:26:25 Sorry, see that now. 16:26:33 Guus: question for the WG. gkellogg produced RDF 1.1 Test Casees, https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf11-testcases/index.html 16:27:04 ... do we want to publish this as a NOTE, so we can clearly reference it through other docs? 16:27:16 s/Casees/Cases/ 16:27:32 s/gkellogg/markus and gkellogg/ 16:27:56 q+ 16:28:10 ack ivan 16:28:41 q+ 16:29:24 I don't believe the W3C mercurial repository is stable - the sysreq team is already talking about migrating it. 16:29:36 ack cygri 16:30:31 +1 cygri 16:30:37 cygri: corresponding doc from 2004 was Rec. downgrade to Note seems reasonable; having it in TR space seems a good thing. 16:31:53 Guus: we may try to do this in January. 16:31:59 TOPIC: Status of Syntax documents 16:33:04 gavinc: all the Agenda-listed things have been done 16:33:31 ISSUE-119? 16:33:31 ISSUE-119 -- Spec should reference the test suite -- open 16:33:31 http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/119 16:33:50 have the syntax documents been updated to mention rdf:langString.. or is that considered to be unnecessary? 16:33:58 -cygri 16:33:59 PROPOSE: Resolve ISSUE-119, Turtle has a link to test suite https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-turtle/index.html 16:33:59 PROPOSED: close issue-119 given that spec now references test suite in multiple ways 16:34:12 =1 16:34:14 +1 16:34:16 +1 16:34:16 +1 16:34:17 +1 16:34:18 +1 16:34:18 +1 16:34:18 +1 16:34:20 +1 16:34:21 +1 16:34:21 +1 16:34:30 +1 16:34:34 +1 16:34:35 +1 16:34:36 RESOLVED: close issue-119, Turtle has a link to test suite https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-turtle/index.html 16:34:49 +1 16:34:50 +??P0 16:34:52 +1 16:34:54 zakim, ??P0 is me 16:34:54 +cygri; got it 16:34:58 markus - they have taken the line of being "syntax" so no. Arguable either way. 16:35:04 Dancing lemmings? 16:35:17 The literal has a lexical form of the first rule argument, String. If the '^^' iri rule matched, the datatype is iri and the literal has no language tag. If the LANGTAG rule matched, the datatype is rdf:langString and the language tag is LANGTAG. If neither matched, the datatype is xsd:string and the literal has no language tag. 16:36:24 markus: questions address of rdf:langstring in all syntax docs 16:36:34 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-turtle/index.html#handle-RDFLiteral 16:36:39 TOPIC: Concepts & Semantics 16:36:45 If the LANGTAG rule matched, the datatype is rdf:langString and the language tag is LANGTAG. 16:37:00 issue-148? 16:37:00 issue-148 -- CR comment: IRIs do *not* always denote the same resource -- open 16:37:00 http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/148 16:37:34 q+ 16:38:01 ack Ted 16:38:39 I am already on record as saying that I consider the existing wording to be adequate, but would accept some minor adjectival adjustments. 16:38:53 -1 to "are expected ot" 16:38:59 where are the alternatives? 16:39:07 OK 16:39:10 http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2013.12.18#ISSUE-148:_IRIs_do_.2Anot.2A_always_denote_the_same_resource 16:39:14 IRIs have global scope by definition. Thus, two different appearances of an IRI denote the same resource. RDF is based on this principle and violations of it might lead to inconsistencies or interoperability problems. 16:39:14 option 1 - "IRIs have global scope by definition. Thus, two different appearances of an IRI denote the same resource. RDF is based on this principle and violations of it might lead to inconsistencies or interoperability problems." 16:39:16 vs. 16:39:20 By design, IRIs have global scope. Thus, two different appearances of an IRI denote the same resource. Violating this principle constitutes an IRI collision [WEBARCH]. 16:39:23 option 2 - "By design, IRIs have global scope. Thus, two different appearances of an IRI denote the same resource. Violating this principle constitutes an IRI collision [WEBARCH]." 16:39:57 pref 1 'cause it's stronger 16:40:02 I don't care - either are fine by me 16:40:08 [WEBARCH] would be: http://www.w3.org/TR/webarch/#URI-collision 16:40:19 1 16:40:19 2 16:40:20 People lie. People make mistakes. This is RDF 1999. 16:40:22 1 16:40:23 2 16:40:25 1.5 16:40:26 2 16:40:34 don't care. 16:40:38 2 16:40:39 1=2 16:40:39 1 16:40:47 2 16:40:53 1 16:41:01 2 16:41:02 2 16:41:07 2 - preder ref to WEBARCH 16:41:08 2 has it 16:41:11 2 16:41:20 2 16:41:24 :) 16:42:31 No need to solicit an objection. They will come. 16:42:40 PROPOSED: Resolve ISSUE-148 by changing the "IRIs have global scope" bullet point in section 1.3 in Concepts to "By design, IRIs have global scope. Thus, two different appearances of an IRI denote the same resource. Violating this principle constitutes an IRI collision [WEBARCH]." http://www.w3.org/TR/webarch/#URI-collision 16:42:45 ack TallTed 16:42:50 +1 16:43:06 +1 to that remark 16:43:09 +1 and allow normal wordsmithing edits 16:43:12 +1 16:43:12 +1 16:43:12 +1 16:43:13 +0 16:43:16 +1 16:43:16 +0 16:43:19 +0 16:43:20 +0 16:43:21 +1 to the proposal as well. 16:43:23 +1 16:43:23 A+1 16:43:23 +1 16:43:24 +0.1 16:43:25 _+1 16:43:38 RESOLVED: Resolve ISSUE-148 by changing the "IRIs have global scope" bullet point in section 1.3 in Concepts to "By design, IRIs have global scope. Thus, two different appearances of an IRI denote the same resource. Violating this principle constitutes an IRI collision [WEBARCH]." http://www.w3.org/TR/webarch/#URI-collision 16:43:47 _+1 ?? 16:44:03 s/_+1/+1/ 16:44:13 action: Guus to inform commenter of resolution of issue-148 16:44:13 Created ACTION-336 - Inform commenter of resolution of issue-148 [on Guus Schreiber - due 2013-12-25]. 16:44:31 issue;165? 16:44:34 issue-165? 16:44:34 issue-165 -- CR Comment: datatype map -- open 16:44:34 http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/165 16:44:45 PROPOSED: the WG resolves to close this issue, with the rationale stated in the last response to the commenter (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-comments/2013Dec/0098.html), noting the objection from the commenter in the Transition Request. 16:44:59 +1 16:45:05 q+ 16:45:10 q+ 16:45:42 ack me 16:45:51 ack AZ 16:45:52 cygri: what are consequences of formal objection at this stage? 16:46:19 ivan: director must be convinced to over-ride objection 16:46:48 q+ 16:47:20 I think "formal objection" =/= "objection" (does that make sense)? 16:47:33 q- 16:48:15 ack pfps 16:48:45 I had thought that WG members could change their mind if new information comes to light, and it seems to me that the information from Michael could be considered to be new information of a sort. 16:48:51 There is of yet NOT a formal objection 16:49:01 there is a statement that says there will be one 16:50:11 +1 (again) 16:50:14 +1 16:50:15 +1 16:50:15 -cygri 16:50:18 +1 16:50:18 +1 16:50:19 +1 16:50:19 +1 16:50:19 -1 16:50:20 +1 16:50:23 +1+1 16:50:23 +1 16:50:24 +1 16:50:25 +1 16:50:25 +1 16:50:29 +1 16:50:30 +1 16:50:37 +??P0 16:50:38 (agree to move forward and close the issue, but disagree with the rationale) 16:50:42 zakim, ??P0 is me 16:50:42 +cygri; got it 16:50:53 +1 16:50:54 RESOLVED: the WG resolves to close this issue, with the rationale stated in the last response to the commenter (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-comments/2013Dec/0098.html), noting the objection from the commenter in the Transition Request, over objection of AZ 16:51:22 TOPIC: Marking rdf:HTML and rdf:XMLLiteral as non-normative?! 16:52:16 PROPOSAL: to accept the resolution text in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2013Dec/0283.html 16:52:51 q? 16:52:52 q+ 16:52:53 I agree with Guus's proposal as being the best way forward giving the current circumstances. 16:53:19 q+ 16:53:22 q+ 16:53:39 ack markus 16:53:43 ack sandro 16:53:45 q- 16:53:53 sandro: we should be very clear about the decision space we're working in... 16:54:13 ack cyri 16:54:25 ack cygri 16:54:32 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2013Dec/0267.html 16:55:09 scribenick: gavinc 16:56:29 cygri: I very much want to see the URIs mentioned in this section one way or another. Trying to keep the datatypes normative by peppering notes in the relevant sections. 16:56:52 markus: The whole thing is about removing a MUST statement? 16:57:34 cygri: I'd like to see the notes mentioning WHY they have to be normative. Alert the readers to the existence of the datatypes. 16:57:41 markus: Doesn't have to be the MUST statement in 5.4 16:58:25 cygri: See email http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2013Dec/0267.html showed my preferred way of dealing with it but other ways could work. 16:58:50 Seems to me that this owuld be us saying, whatever the other WG does, we want RDF to treat it as normative. 16:59:50 ack me 17:00:01 sandro: Try to explain what we actually mean, and leave to the Directors meeting figuring out how to do that 17:00:04 What is the future tense of "normative"? 17:00:09 q+ to ask whether "normative" would require tests 17:00:21 +q 17:01:18 ericP: There are no tests, how would that work? 17:01:23 markus: the features are optional anyway 17:01:37 ack ericP 17:01:38 ericP, you wanted to ask whether "normative" would require tests 17:01:45 ack gavinc 17:01:58 gavinc: how does everything else that refs DOM4 deal with this? 17:02:05 ... we can't be the first to have this problem 17:02:10 ack me 17:02:55 So, this is what a tar-pit feels like. 17:03:05 Guus: want to have a resolution on record 17:03:26 ... can we add to the resolution something about agreeing during transition meeting? 17:03:33 isn't it similar to having OWL 2 become a rec before XSD 1.1 became rec? 17:03:52 PROPOSED: to accept the resolution text in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2013Dec/0283.html. 17:03:59 AZ, what did they do? 17:04:05 +1 to delegating to the chairs and editors the resolution of refs to DOM4 17:04:10 AZ, no this is the left over debris from XHTML2 :P 17:04:34 +1 17:04:46 PROPOSED: to accept the resolution text in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2013Dec/0283.html but delegate to the chairs and editors the authority to change on this matter 17:05:00 PROPOSED: to accept the resolution text in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2013Dec/0283.html but delegate to the chairs and editors (of RDF Concepts) the authority to change on this matter 17:05:06 +1 17:05:07 +1 17:05:11 +1 17:05:11 +1 17:05:12 +1 17:05:12 +1 17:05:24 +1 17:05:24 +1 17:05:24 +1 17:05:25 +1 17:05:25 +1 17:05:33 AZ, tnx. 17:05:33 AZ, we do NOT want to do that again. It was a nightmare. 17:05:44 -0.5 (I'm not happy with the "implementation-dependent" text) 17:05:44 +1 17:05:56 It is good to have cyri back just in time for this issue. 17:06:02 -cygri 17:06:06 oops :) 17:06:16 FOFL 17:06:17 RESOLVED: to accept the resolution text in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2013Dec/0283.html but delegate to the chairs and editors (of RDF Concepts) the authority to change on this matter 17:06:28 . 17:06:54 Guus: Did we agree on References between Concepts and Semantics? 17:07:05 markus: Well, no one is complaining loudly anymore 17:07:11 +??P85 17:07:17 zakim, ??P85 is me 17:07:17 +cygri; got it 17:07:29 PROPOSED: Make reference from Concepts to Semantics non-normative 17:07:42 +1 17:07:46 +1 17:07:47 +1 17:07:50 I have no objection 17:07:54 +1 17:07:56 +1 17:08:00 +1 17:08:01 +1 Concepts does not require passing the semantics test cases 17:08:03 0 (AKA it seems strange to me) 17:08:18 0 17:08:25 0 17:08:27 ) 17:08:29 0 17:08:30 1 17:08:35 0 17:08:41 +1 17:08:41 +1 17:08:48 RESOLVED: Make reference from Concepts to Semantics non-normative 17:09:11 PROPOSED: to accept the resolution text in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2013Dec/0283.html. 17:09:12 PROPOSED: to request the Director to advance Concepts and Semantics to Proposed Recommendation. 17:09:17 +1 17:09:18 +1 17:09:19 +1 17:09:19 =1 17:09:21 +1 17:09:22 +1 17:09:23 +1 17:09:23 +1 17:09:24 +1 17:09:26 +1 17:09:27 +1 17:09:31 +1.1 17:09:33 +1 17:09:35 +1 17:09:42 +1 17:09:46 +1 17:09:53 RESOLVED: to request the Director to advance Concepts and Semantics to Proposed Recommendation 17:09:53 Was that two negative votes form Ivan or just a shift wrror? 17:10:09 :) 17:10:26 Topic: RDF Schema 17:10:33 Guus: Already voted on it last week 17:11:16 ... only thing to do is to remove "This section is non-normative." from rdf:HTML and rdf:XMLLiteral 17:11:24 topic: RDF/XML 17:11:35 Guus: There is an editors draft 17:11:43 ... it has half of the changes from Ivan's review 17:12:00 most notable change is to XMLLiteral 17:12:15 ... gavinc should check if I did it the right way 17:12:28 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-xml/index.html#parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt 17:12:51 q+ 17:13:06 ack gkellogg 17:13:36 q+ to ask if these impls are based on the serialize function 17:16:40 ACTION gkellogg find some test cases for https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-xml/index.html#parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt 17:16:40 Created ACTION-337 - Find some test cases for https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-xml/index.html#parsetypeliteralpropertyelt [on Gregg Kellogg - due 2013-12-25]. 17:16:59 q- 17:17:21 PROPOSED: to request the Director to advance RDF 1.1 XML Syntax to Proposed Edited Recommendation. 17:17:26 +1 17:17:27 +1 17:17:28 +1 17:17:28 +1 17:17:28 +0.9 17:17:28 +1 17:17:29 +1 17:17:29 +1 17:17:29 +1 17:17:32 +1 17:17:34 +1 17:17:43 +1 17:17:44 +1 17:17:47 it's ok. i was just wondering if readers of the serialize() spec actually understood the XQuery or XSLT semantics which back it up 17:17:50 +1 17:17:52 +1 17:17:55 +0.9 (let it die :-) 17:18:22 ericP, more likely then understanding infoset node sets and c14n 17:18:29 ack me 17:21:30 PROPOSED: the WG decides to keep the Turtle features at risk: The addition of sparqlPrefix and sparqlBase which allow for using SPARQL style BASE and PREFIX directives in a Turtle document. 17:21:40 http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/rdf-wg/2013-05-29#Turtle 17:22:29 [[ 17:22:33 RESOLVED: Allow PREFIX and BASE in Turtle, and thus keep the feature in the document. This is based on the poll results at https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/46168/at-sign/results ← 17:22:36 w3c.org is feeling tired. 17:22:36 ]] 17:22:37 -cygri 17:22:44 ack me 17:22:54 +??P30 17:23:00 zakim, ??P30 is me 17:23:00 +cygri; got it 17:23:22 ack me 17:23:35 Seems to have come back up now. 17:24:04 topic: Open issues (other than CR comments) 17:24:49 Guus: We did ISSUE-78 in primer. Making clear limitations, etc 17:25:00 ... marking resolved. 17:25:21 q+ 17:25:48 ... ISSUE-102 on primer now 17:26:31 cygri: too late to put in Concepts or RDF Schema, putting it in the primmer has limited benefit. Defining the term well formed list would have been good, but we didn't do it. 17:26:34 ack cygri 17:26:38 ... just close with a No. 17:27:02 PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-102 doing nothing as the WG is out of time. 17:27:04 +1 17:27:09 +1 17:27:11 +1 17:27:15 +1 17:27:16 +1 17:27:18 +0 (have done no research) 17:27:20 +0 agreed we're out of time; sad we did nothing 17:27:22 +0 17:27:22 +0 17:27:23 +1 17:27:28 +0 17:27:33 +1 17:27:35 0 17:27:38 RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-102 doing nothing as the WG is out of time 17:27:42 +1 17:28:11 ack me 17:28:34 ericP: if we say TriG is the One 17:28:52 Guus: Leaving open issue-138 17:29:01 There is a widespread assumption that RDF/XML is priviledged 17:29:10 ... and cursed 17:29:29 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:29:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/12/18-rdf-wg-minutes.html ivan 17:29:32 topic: AOB 17:29:44 15 January? 17:29:45 15 Jan is fine by me 17:29:50 ok by me 17:29:52 ok 17:29:53 Fine 17:29:56 okay 17:30:00 ok 17:30:04 ... every other week 17:30:05 fine with me 17:30:07 Bi-weekly schedule from 15 Jan 17:30:14 good job! 17:30:20 Guus: Adjourned! 17:30:34 RESOLVED: next meeting 15 Jan, and every other week following 17:30:35 Consensus (n): The state of exhaustion where one no longer cares what is decided. 17:30:38 -Souri 17:30:39 -TallTed 17:30:47 -Arnaud 17:30:48 -pfps 17:30:48 -yvesr 17:30:50 -David_Wood 17:30:51 -Sandro 17:30:52 Happy holidays, everyone. 17:30:53 -zwu2 17:30:54 Bye all! 17:30:54 -Ivan 17:30:54 -cygri 17:30:56 -markus 17:30:58 -ericP 17:30:58 -GavinC 17:30:58 -AZ 17:31:00 -gkellogg 17:31:04 ADJOURNED 17:31:09 -Guus_Schreiber 17:31:10 -PatH 17:31:14 trackbot, end meeting 17:31:14 Zakim, list attendees 17:31:14 As of this point the attendees have been AndyS, Guus_Schreiber, GavinC, TallTed, Sandro, gkellogg, Ivan, pfps, Arnaud, yvesr, cygri, AZ, David_Wood, PatH, ericP, zwu2, markus, 17:31:17 ... manu, Souri 17:31:17 -AndyS 17:31:17 SW_RDFWG()11:00AM has ended 17:31:17 Attendees were AndyS, Guus_Schreiber, GavinC, TallTed, Sandro, gkellogg, Ivan, pfps, Arnaud, yvesr, cygri, AZ, David_Wood, PatH, ericP, zwu2, markus, manu, Souri 17:31:22 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:31:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/12/18-rdf-wg-minutes.html trackbot 17:31:23 RRSAgent, bye 17:31:23 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2013/12/18-rdf-wg-actions.rdf : 17:31:23 ACTION: gkellogg to update manifest and regenerate implementation report [1] 17:31:23 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/12/18-rdf-wg-irc#T16-24-42-1 17:31:23 ACTION: Guus to inform commenter of resolution of issue-148 [2] 17:31:23 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/12/18-rdf-wg-irc#T16-44-13