17:57:58 RRSAgent has joined #tagmem 17:57:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/12/12-tagmem-irc 17:58:37 Zakim has joined #tagmem 17:58:44 zakim, this is tag 17:58:45 ok, plinss; that matches TAG_Weekly()1:00PM 17:59:41 trackbot, start meeting 17:59:43 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:59:45 Zakim, this will be TAG 17:59:46 Meeting: Technical Architecture Group Teleconference 17:59:46 Date: 12 December 2013 17:59:54 ok, trackbot, I see TAG_Weekly()1:00PM already started 18:00:01 +??P7 18:00:39 +??P8 18:01:25 +dka 18:01:36 zakim, who is here? 18:01:36 On the phone I see TimBL, plinss, JeniT, ht, twirl, dka 18:01:37 On IRC I see RRSAgent, JeniT, twirl, dka, ht, timbl, annevk, marcosc, slightlyoff, wycats_, Yves, trackbot, plinss 18:04:32 on the way 18:04:36 Yves, are you joining us? 18:05:16 Call: TAG telcon 18:05:26 Chair: Dan Appelquist 18:05:31 ScribeNick: ht 18:05:38 Scribe: Henry S. Thompson 18:05:49 Agenda: aaaa 18:06:04 Topic: London (7-9 December) F2F planning 18:06:15 DKA: JT, all ready for us? 18:06:38 + +1.650.253.aaaa 18:06:41 s/December/January/ 18:06:41 +Yves 18:06:55 Zakim: aaaa is me 18:06:59 I'd be happy to go out 18:07:08 JT: Yes, room booked, local arrangements page up and sent out 18:07:15 I feel like arranging lunch has been a burden for organizers so far 18:07:30 JT: Go out for lunch, or have things laid on? 18:08:06 TBL: Two catered in, one out 18:08:11 JT: Will do 18:08:18 JT: Light breakfast too? 18:08:25 DKA: Yes, please 18:09:03 DKA: Developer meet-up -- looking for venue 18:09:24 ... Hoping to get Google's space, not confirmed 18:09:33 ... Fallback is GSMA 18:09:44 ... This is all for evening of the 7th 18:10:06 ... I'll put this up on Eventbrite 18:10:27 s/'s space/ campus/ 18:11:08 ... Dinner out on evening of the 8th 18:11:45 http://www.w3.org/wiki/TAG/Planning/2014-01-F2F 18:11:56 Topic: Agenda page for January F2F 18:12:14 oh good 18:12:41 can we schedule time to discuss the layering of Web Components at the F2F? 18:12:46 DKA: Invited Dominique Hazael Massieux to join us to talk about [commissioning?] 18:12:47 I think it'd be an important thing to review 18:13:17 DKA: Hoping to invite Phil Archer to pick up on [topic?] 18:13:30 s/[topic?]/the Data activity 18:13:36 sure 18:13:40 also, the JSON thing 18:13:49 it's coming! really! 18:13:54 :) 18:13:59 do we want to talk about the JSON thing today? 18:14:03 hrm... 18:14:05 DKA: Yes, good, we'll put the Web Components topic on 18:14:19 do we want to put any of the HTTP2 stuff on the agenda? is there anything new there? 18:14:28 ht: hah, happy to oblige = ) 18:14:36 TBL: Timing for each day? 18:14:42 DKA: 0830 for 0900 start 18:14:47 DKA: End at 1730 18:14:49 that's jetlag friendly = ) 18:15:15 early mornings are jetlag friendly 18:15:22 if you're coming from the west 18:15:34 no 18:15:51 guess it depends if you prefer evening or morning flghts? ;-) 18:15:52 Topic: Extensible Web Submit 18:15:53 early morning are not friends if you come from the west, they feel horrible 18:15:53 add capability URLs to agenda 18:16:03 -twirl 18:16:08 early mornings are good if you are coming from the E 18:16:27 and we're looking for a bay-area venue? 18:16:27 +??P8 18:16:37 do we care that it's in SF proper? 18:16:38 or not? 18:16:44 ok 18:16:49 DKA: Still looking for a venue -- date is fixed for 4 April 18:17:05 ... Downtown, or OK further afield 18:17:15 ... Suggestions welcome 18:17:20 Google is hard...but I can look 18:17:37 Topic: Spec reviews 18:17:50 I'm prepared to talk about push API 18:17:50 https://github.com/w3ctag/spec-reviews/blob/c218958ce2c9b655282bd1ebdbe93e8902b423e1/2013/08/Push%20API.md 18:17:59 https://github.com/w3ctag/spec-reviews/blob/c218958ce2c9b655282bd1ebdbe93e8902b423e1/2013/08/Push%20API.md 18:18:10 https://github.com/w3ctag/spec-reviews/blob/master/2013/11/WebCrypto.md 18:18:18 ah, yes 18:18:20 DKA: Push API, Web Animations, Web Crypto 18:18:32 https://github.com/twirl/spec-reviews/blob/ceb61bdc7969f730475d23e338c31b05071b9ee6/2013/10/Web%20Animations.md 18:18:41 my apologies that I haen't finished something coherent for crypto 18:18:56 Topic: Push API 18:18:58 Topic: Spec Reviews 18:19:03 Topic: Push APIs 18:19:29 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/push/raw-file/tip/index.html 18:19:38 AR: Push API has some good parts and some less good parts 18:19:45 ... I'm not happy with the layering aspects 18:20:03 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/push/raw-file/tip/index.html#navigator-interface 18:20:15 AR: Current spec says Navigator gets a Manager attached to it 18:20:20 function registerPush() { 18:20:20 navigator.push.register().then( 18:20:20 function(value) { 18:20:20 pushRegistrations.push(value); 18:20:20 registerWithAppServer(value); 18:20:20 }, 18:20:20 function(reason) {alert("darn! "+ reason );} 18:20:20 ); 18:20:21 } 18:20:50 AR: Good promise-based registration 18:21:02 AR: Why is this different from ?? 18:21:13 AR: Why register for multiple servers 18:21:46 if (navigator.hasPendingMessages("push")) { 18:21:46 // do any special pre-processing before push messages are delivered 18:21:46 } 18:21:46 last_version = null; // initialize last message version 18:21:46 navigator.setMessageHandler("push", gotPush); 18:21:46 navigator.setMessageHandler("push-register", reRegisterPush); 18:21:53 AR: worst part of API is this. 18:22:25 AR: setmessagehandler seems to suggest you'll be pushing a javascript message without a specific context. 18:23:00 ... who wants this - in a world where if you close the tab you can't get push messages. Or is the idea that when the tab is reawakened you now get the push messages? And if so why are these not events just sent to the document? 18:23:08 AR: The use case isn't particularly clear. 18:23:15 AR: These should just be events, instead of messages 18:24:18 AR: I think a good chunk of this needs to be events-based, rather than message delivery 18:24:44 SK: I agree, I had the same difficulty figuring out the context/background assumptions 18:24:49 Suggest a way forward here: Alex can you capture your thoughts into the document, then send them over to the working group chairs and spec editors... 18:25:07 SK: I think it's premature to send a review until these things are clear 18:25:35 I like this plan 18:25:56 DKA: So we need to fold what AR said into SK's document ASAP, then send some kind of notification of our higher-level concerns (as opposed to a detailed review). 18:26:25 s/)./) to the WG, and ask them to join us on a call soon./ 18:26:39 +1 18:26:46 AR: Right, doc. as it stands is not ready for an implementer to read. 18:27:00 DKA: We do have one call scheduled before the end of the year 18:27:01 happy to draft something that that repo today to outline areas for discussion 18:27:24 DKA: I will try to line them up for 19 December if we can move that fast 18:27:29 +1 18:27:33 +1 18:27:35 SGTM, I can be there on the 19th 18:27:43 SK: +1 18:27:58 +1 18:28:08 yep, will do 18:28:13 DKA: First step is to get AR's comments into the feedback document 18:28:21 apologies for having delayed this discussion until this week 18:28:35 DKA: Let me know when that's done, and then I'll get in touch with the editors 18:28:51 Topic: Web Animation 18:28:51 Topic: Web Animations Review 18:29:01 SK: Comments, anyone? 18:29:16 AR: Where are they in the Process? Are they at Last Call? 18:29:41 PL: Still [an ordinary] WD 18:29:45 http://dev.w3.org/fxtf/web-animations/ 18:30:02 still regular WD, not even LC 18:30:03 DKA: SK has raised some issues in his review [see above] 18:30:20 ... Mostly not major, but levels of abstraction could be 18:30:46 SK: I didn't find any major issues, I thought the spec was very good 18:31:04 SK: There are related contentious issues, and some weird behaviours are suggested 18:31:12 there are some real naming issues (the shed should be green!): "SeqGroup", "ParGroup", etc. 18:31:23 SK: It's a very complicated spec, we really need another reviewer 18:31:48 DKA: Can someone volunteer to spend the time 18:31:51 I should...I've been asked to look at it from the Google side as well 18:31:53 -twirl 18:32:02 PL: I already volunteered, will do as soon as I can 18:32:15 +??P8 18:32:20 at least everything has constructors = ) 18:32:50 DKA: It would be good to finish this off by the F2F 18:33:02 most of the Google folks are in Sydney 18:33:04 ... And maybe have a live feedback session via IRC/Voice/... 18:33:36 Tab's usually PST 18:33:46 PL: Coming from the FX task force [?], mostly SVG input latterly 18:34:23 PL: Timezones not v. friendly 18:34:42 Topic: Web Crypto 18:34:50 DKA: AR, ready to talk about this yet? 18:35:03 DKA: There's been a lot of work going on 18:35:13 AR: Group has a lot of challenges 18:35:18 ... Particularly wrt scope 18:35:47 AR: Hard to manage many use-cases driving into every discussion 18:36:04 AR: Trying to decide about low- vs. high-level API 18:36:14 AR: Currently aiming for low-level 18:36:30 AR: Looking at streams vs. promises, worried about churn in the promises spec 18:37:01 AR: Question about including algorithms into discussion of APIs/implementations 18:37:07 AR: Im 18:37:16 s/Im/I'm not too worried about the overall API/ 18:37:31 AR: I think we may need to get involved wrt layering 18:37:49 AR: So consider secure vs. insecure keys 18:38:23 AR: There's a use-case challenge there which hasn't been fully recognized 18:39:22 AR: How can you talk about embedding MD5 in Javascript, when Javascript strings aren't byte arrays, for example, of layering. 18:39:37 Does it make sense to schedule some f2f time in London on this with the wg chair Virginie? 18:39:45 TBL: A well-defined coercion from string to bytes, would that help? 18:39:58 AR: Absolutely -- TAG could usefully push for this 18:40:11 TBL: From Crypto to TC39? 18:40:21 AR: Probably better from the TAG 18:40:55 +1 18:41:00 DKA: Virginie, WG Chair of Crypto, is in France, perhaps could come to F2F to talk about this, and on Security on the Web topic 18:42:01 DKA: Other topics? 18:42:24 got the dates fior ioetf london 18:42:41 DKA: Heads up wrt IETF in London, with [special event] ahead 18:42:56 https://www.w3.org/2014/strint/ 18:42:58 March 2-7, 2014 18:43:02 is ietf 18:43:11 s/[special event]/STRINT workshop/ 18:43:41 DKA: Strengthening the Internet against Prevasive Monitoring 18:44:30 DKA: Feeds into HTTP-2 discussion of TLS 18:45:02 DKA: Adjourned 18:45:06 sgtm 18:45:13 -dka 18:45:15 -JeniT 18:45:18 - +1.650.253.aaaa 18:45:20 -twirl 18:45:22 -plinss 18:45:23 -Yves 18:45:33 -ht 18:46:34 -TimBL 18:46:35 TAG_Weekly()1:00PM has ended 18:46:35 Attendees were TimBL, plinss, JeniT, ht, twirl, dka, +1.650.253.aaaa, Yves 18:46:37 s/Agenda: aaaa/F2F logistics; F2F planning; Developer meet-up status; Spec reviews: Push API, Animation, Web Crypto/ 18:46:49 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:46:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/12/12-tagmem-minutes.html ht 18:47:06 rrsagent, make minutes world-visible 18:47:06 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes world-visible', ht. Try /msg RRSAgent help 18:47:16 rrsagent, make minutes visible 18:47:16 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes visible', ht. Try /msg RRSAgent help 18:47:38 rrsagent, make minutes world-readable 18:47:38 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes world-readable', ht. Try /msg RRSAgent help 18:48:09 rrsagent, make logs public 18:48:39 rrsagent, bye 18:48:39 I see no action items