14:57:31 RRSAgent has joined #gld 14:57:31 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/11/28-gld-irc 14:57:50 trackbot, start meeting 14:57:52 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:57:54 Zakim, this will be GLD 14:57:55 ok, trackbot; I see T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 14:57:55 Meeting: Government Linked Data Working Group Teleconference 14:57:56 Date: 28 November 2013 15:00:43 DaveReynolds has joined #gld 15:01:23 gatemezi has joined #gld 15:01:35 JoaoPauloAlmeida has joined #gld 15:02:02 T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has now started 15:02:09 +[IPcaller] 15:02:48 +??P2 15:03:00 Zakim, ??P2 is me 15:03:00 +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it 15:03:30 +[IPcaller] 15:03:37 zakim, ipcaller is me 15:03:37 +PhilA2; got it 15:04:17 +HadleyBeeman 15:04:24 hi 15:04:26 sandro has joined #gld 15:04:58 cygri has joined #gld 15:05:00 +Sandro 15:05:24 zakim, code? 15:05:24 the conference code is 45394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), cygri 15:05:29 fadmaa has joined #gld 15:05:36 +??P6 15:05:52 ??P6 is me 15:05:57 + +3539149aaaa 15:06:02 zakim, ??P6 is me 15:06:02 +cygri; got it 15:06:10 Zakim, aaaa is fadmaa 15:06:10 +fadmaa; got it 15:06:15 agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20131128 15:06:18 chair: Hadley 15:06:22 scribe: PhilA2 15:06:25 Zakim, mute me 15:06:25 fadmaa should now be muted 15:06:27 scribeNick: PhilA2 15:06:30 http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/gld/2013-11-21 15:06:33 topic: Minutes of last week's meeting 15:06:41 +1 15:06:43 +1 15:06:47 +1 15:06:53 +1 15:06:56 +1 15:07:15 meeting: Weekly GLD call, 28 November 2013 15:07:22 Topic: Data Cube 15:07:36 DaveReynolds: Not a lot to say. I've drafted the transition request 15:07:57 ... I've had 3 more offers of validation reports that might come in in time - prob not coming until next week 15:07:59 +1 15:08:06 DaveReynolds: No other issues raised 15:08:34 HadleyBeeman: You're not concerned about having a full test for next week? 15:09:00 DaveReynolds: AFAIK the draft I've done is OK. I just need the links to the resolution of the WG to make the transition 15:09:04 Topic: ORG 15:09:11 HadleyBeeman: There's abit more to do on this I think? 15:09:18 s/abit/a bit/ 15:09:58 DaveReynolds: The transition request is in the same state as last week. No new implementation reports since last week. Some terms without 2 definite independent uses but the transition request says this 15:10:08 DaveReynolds: I think the draft is ready 15:10:14 HadleyBeeman: Good news 15:11:27 PhilA2: I have the Italian translation of the ORG labels which I'll add in the near future 15:11:37 ... but it doesn't affect CR status 15:11:44 Topic: Best Practices 15:11:52 zakim, who's here? 15:11:52 On the phone I see DaveReynolds, JoaoPauloAlmeida, PhilA2, HadleyBeeman, Sandro, cygri, fadmaa (muted) 15:11:54 On IRC I see fadmaa, cygri, sandro, JoaoPauloAlmeida, gatemezi, DaveReynolds, RRSAgent, Zakim, PhilA2, HadleyBeeman, trackbot 15:11:57 HadleyBeeman: Only gatemezi of the editors on the call? 15:12:02 HadleyBeeman: Ah, no 15:12:29 HadleyBeeman: The e-mails floating around today show that the doc is ready apart from some links that need adding to the glossary 15:12:50 HadleyBeeman: What we need is for the WG to take a look at it before next week's call 15:13:05 ... so please do that 15:13:05 Zakim, unmute me 15:13:05 fadmaa should no longer be muted 15:13:09 Topic: DCAT 15:13:18 HadleyBeeman: This is going to be fastest meeting ever 15:13:25 http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/DCAT_Implementations 15:14:01 fadmaa: I've updated the implementations page. It's looking good. I was able to find some new examples that I wasn't aware of. We have 2 uses of every term except byteSize where there is only 1 15:14:09 ... but there are 2 that use the old version 15:14:28 ... so that's relevant but I'm not sure it's a valid argument 15:14:30 q+ 15:14:58 PhilA2: How long ago were the old terms deprecated 15:14:59 ack phil 15:15:08 fadmaa: It's less than a year 15:15:11 PhilA2: Thanks 15:16:24 q+ to talk about dct:rigths 15:16:36 PhilA2: Also be ready to answer why you changed the term in the first place 15:17:07 fadmaa: The 2 uses of the old ones are not conformant and their use was always compliated. The new ones are simpler 15:17:08 q+ to ask what the users say 15:17:16 HadleyBeeman: What were the 2 old terms? 15:17:43 fadmaa: dcat:size and dcat:bytes 15:17:58 -JoaoPauloAlmeida 15:18:00 fadmaa: Turned out to be confusing and was badly used. New version is clearer 15:18:06 ack sandro 15:18:06 sandro, you wanted to ask what the users say 15:18:15 +??P2 15:18:19 Zakim, ??P2 is me 15:18:19 +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it 15:18:29 sandro: The otehr thing the Director might ask is whether we have any feedback on the new/old terms 15:19:04 sandro: Maybe the term isn't being used because they don't know the byte size? Have we asked the known mis-user whether they plan to change? 15:19:16 q? 15:19:24 fadmaa: There's a contact on that usage so I'll try and get to them 15:19:58 HadleyBeeman: Check - is there a typo on rights? 15:20:19 fadmaa: Yes, it's a typo 15:20:30 HadleyBeeman: So... LC comments 15:20:33 issue-70? 15:20:34 issue-70 -- Define dcat:downloadURL as sub property of dcat:accessURL -- raised 15:20:34 http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/70 15:20:42 -cygri 15:20:55 HadleyBeeman: Reviewed the DCAT domains and ranges, has now made changes 15:21:08 s/reviewed/PhilA reviewed 15:21:14 fadmaa: There are 2 issues here. The domains and ranges - sorted. 15:21:24 fadmaa: Should I now update the spec to show this? 15:22:24 +??P0 15:22:33 zakim, ??P0 is me 15:22:33 +cygri; got it 15:23:15 PhilA2: No semantic changes have been made. If you want to express that in the doc or not… I'm tempted to make as few changes as we can. We are trying to make the machine readable version match the human reaaible 15:23:22 s/reaaible/readible 15:23:46 fadmaa: I'd like to show this in the doc 15:23:58 PhilA2: Yes, now all properties have domains and ranges 15:24:15 … in the ontology file 15:25:02 … There's an old RDF file lying around. I haven't touched that. I could generate the XML from the Turtle. It'd be nice if there were an HMTL version of the namespace doc, of the schema. But don't do that over getting everything ready for CR 15:25:27 close action-155 15:25:27 Closed action-155. 15:25:53 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/dcat/index.html#Property:distribution_downloadurl 15:25:54 fadmaa: The second part of issue-70 is whether there is a sub prop relationship between accessURL and downloadURL 15:26:47 fadmaa: I added the text that Dave suggested to resolve this - nad the original commentator is happy with that. Can we vote on closing the issue? We agreed on the call last week but didn't take a formal resolution 15:27:09 s/nad the original commentator is happy with that/and have not heard back from the commentator/ 15:27:36 HadleyBeeman: There are 2 issues - whether the commentator is happy and whether the WG is happy 15:27:57 HadleyBeeman: We'll vote for that as part of everything else when we vote to seeking transition to PR next week 15:28:05 fadmaa: No need to vote now 15:28:07 q+ 15:28:17 PhilA2: AFAIAC we agreed last week and I think we can close the issue 15:28:38 ack me 15:28:39 HadleyBeeman: So we can close issue 70 - we may need to re-open if the commentator objects 15:28:47 q- 15:28:57 DaveReynolds: I was going to suggest that we did vote on it so that we can point to it in the transition request 15:29:19 proposed resolution: To close issue -70 based on the changes made by Fado 15:29:25 +1 15:29:27 +1 15:29:27 +1 15:29:28 +1 15:29:31 s/Fado/Fadi/ 15:29:32 +1 15:29:34 +1 15:29:39 +1 15:29:40 resolution: To close issue -70 based on the changes made by Fado 15:29:48 close issue-70 15:29:48 Closed issue-70. 15:29:56 s/Fado/fadmaa 15:30:19 http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/DCAT_LC_comments 15:30:25 HadleyBeeman: According to the LC comments there's no reply on dataset dependency 15:30:34 HadleyBeeman: It's comment no. 4 15:31:17 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-gld-comments/2013Aug/0005.html 15:31:27 fadmaa: The last issue we got from Johan said he understands but he says it makes 2 or 3 cases hard to deal with 15:31:46 ... it's a long e-mail including a long description of some use cases 15:31:51 q+ 15:32:00 q- 15:32:51 philA: We could reply saying you're free to define any terms you like in your own namespace. It doesn't stop him using dct:dataset 15:33:42 -JoaoPauloAlmeida 15:33:54 +??P2 15:33:59 Zakim, ??P2 is me 15:33:59 +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it 15:34:11 PhilA: You've given him a full answer to his question, you've given him a solution to his use case consistent with the standard. If he hasn't chosen to reply, then that's beyond us. 15:34:39 sandro: Maybe Hadley could send him a note asking him to reply? 15:34:49 fadmaa: He has had the last word 15:34:59 ... he said these two use cases can't be done in DCAT 15:35:41 PhilA2: But can he use DCAT in the way you've suggested? 15:36:06 sandro: Maybe you could say, OK, these use cases can't be done wholly in DCAT, maybe you want to look at X instead 15:36:17 sandro: Slight danger if we don't understand the use case 15:36:31 HadleyBeeman: And can you reply with a line saying "does this concluse our discussion?" 15:36:38 s.concluse/conclude/ 15:36:42 s/concluse/conclude/ 15:37:29 yes 15:37:30 fadmaa: I have a question about implementations. I have a column on tool support - we use/export DCAT? 15:37:42 -cygri 15:37:53 HadleyBeeman: If you could put one sentence under the heading to explain what you just said, that would be good. 15:38:02 fadmaa: Will do 15:38:04 +??P0 15:38:12 zakim, ??P0 is me 15:38:12 +cygri; got it 15:38:54 philA: Yes, useful. I'd refer to the stuff I've sent on what the Open Knowledge Foundation is doing, re DCAT in CKAN. This may not be public, but we can at least link to it internally. 15:39:30 philA: JSON-LD is fantastic; adding context to JSON feeds is useful in that context. 15:39:53 fadmaa: I got the mail, I'll add it to the implementation page 15:40:26 PhilA2: Please don't link to it publicly until we get a signal from Ira that we can 15:40:30 http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/DCAT_PR_transition 15:40:38 topic: PR Transition request for DCAT 15:40:54 HadleyBeeman: Dave or Richard, do you have any suggests for Fadi, given your work on ORG and QB? 15:41:16 DaveReynolds: I think it's straightforward to do - the implementation page is looking really good. 15:41:31 ... once you;ve got that, filling in the request is straightforward 15:41:39 HadleyBeeman: Are you OK with this Fadi? 15:41:44 fadmaa: Yes, thank you 15:42:08 HadleyBeeman: Anything else on DCAT? 15:42:10 fadmaa: Not from me 15:42:13 http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/actions/open 15:42:16 Topic: Open Actions 15:42:45 HadleyBeeman: Starting at the bottom... 15:42:54 Action-154? 15:42:54 Action-154 -- Fadi Maali to Draft a blog post for the w3c semantic web blog or working group note comparing dcat, void (and possibly schema.org and adms) -- due 2013-11-14 -- OPEN 15:42:54 http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/actions/154 15:43:15 HadleyBeeman: That looks like a nice to have but I'm not sure it's necessary. The transition is more important 15:43:40 fadmaa: I've got a rough version already. I'd like to show it to the WG before publishing. I will finish that action item 15:43:53 HadleyBeeman: If you can do it this week, great, but other things first 15:44:13 action-149? 15:44:13 action-149 -- Phil Archer to Will communicate with schema.org facilitators & ask them to update terms from dcat & adms. -- due 2013-10-24 -- OPEN 15:44:13 http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/actions/149 15:45:03 A number of actions are clearly obsolete/done - 136, 133, 131, 126, 125 15:45:12 PhilA2: I'll take action on that after the call 15:45:20 action-148? 15:45:20 action-148 -- Bernadette Hyland to Fold in 10 steps to Linked Open Data from Denise W & Martin K, see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-gld-wg/2013Jun/0016.html -- due 2013-08-08 -- OPEN 15:45:20 http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/actions/148 15:45:54 HadleyBeeman: It's there to remind the editors that it's there if they want to do it 15:46:02 ... it's the most recent thing that is pending 15:46:22 HadleyBeeman: We should be able to cross things off at our next meeting 15:46:33 HadleyBeeman: Happy thanksgiving to the US folks 15:46:42 -fadmaa 15:46:43 -DaveReynolds 15:46:46 bye all 15:46:49 -JoaoPauloAlmeida 15:46:50 -cygri 15:46:50 -HadleyBeeman 15:47:00 DaveReynolds has left #gld 15:47:14 HadleyBeeman has left #gld 16:25:23 -PhilA2 16:25:25 -Sandro 16:25:25 T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has ended 16:25:25 Attendees were DaveReynolds, JoaoPauloAlmeida, PhilA2, HadleyBeeman, Sandro, +3539149aaaa, cygri, fadmaa 16:32:47 PhilA2 has left #gld 22:33:19 HadleyBeeman has joined #gld