08:33:09 RRSAgent has joined #mlw-lt 08:33:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/11/26-mlw-lt-irc 08:33:15 meeting: MLW-LT WG 08:33:18 chair: felix 08:33:23 agenda: http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/Madrid_November_2013_f2f#Tuesday_26th 08:39:12 swalter has joined #mlw-lt 08:40:19 philr has joined #mlw-lt 08:40:23 present+ swalter 08:40:31 present+ philr 08:41:06 pnietoca has joined #mlw-lt 08:41:11 r12a has joined #mlw-lt 08:41:14 Yves_ has joined #mlw-lt 08:41:17 Arle has joined #mlw-lt 08:41:19 present+ pnietoca 08:41:21 present+ Yves 08:41:35 Ankit has joined #mlw-lt 08:41:41 present+Ankit 08:41:44 topic: LIDER presentation from asun 08:42:06 JorgeGracia has joined #mlw-lt 08:42:10 slides are at https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-multilingualweb-lt/2013Nov/att-0000/LIDER_and_MWeb-madrid.2013-11-26__asun_.pptx 08:42:12 Milan has joined #mlw-lt 08:42:14 JohnJ has joined #mlw-lt 08:42:33 pedro has joined #mlw-lt 08:42:44 daveL has joined #mlw-lt 08:42:53 present+ daveLewis 08:43:07 present+ pedro 08:43:26 present+ John 08:44:03 present+ felix 08:46:09 serge: an example of linked open data 08:46:17 s/data/data? 08:46:35 asun: geographic data, library data, ... all converted to linked open data, available as RDF 08:47:01 ... companies have migrated data to rdf. dbpedia, freebase, datasets related with music, ... 08:47:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/26-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 08:47:32 jnelson has joined #mlw-lt 08:48:19 asun: let's suppose we have different data in libraries 08:48:36 [example of variuos library sources] 08:48:59 asun: a user wants to make research about a famour author 08:49:17 .. normally she has to look into the separate library catalogues seperately 08:49:43 .. lihked data is about bringing the data sources together 08:49:57 .. since the data sources are in teh same format (RDF) they easily can be connected 08:50:19 .. e.g. miguel de v. has just one identifier in all data sets, independent of the langugage 08:50:41 .. more and more people start to publish data in RDF - visualization of linked open data cloud 08:50:51 [example of library data] 08:51:19 asun: everything in linked data is in RDF 08:51:32 .. RDF is a W3C standard to represent data on the Web 08:51:38 leroy has joined #mlw-lt 08:51:53 .. data model is very simple: there is a subject , a property and a value 08:51:54 present+ leroy 08:52:14 .. example: a person (sub) is the author (property) of the painting (value) 08:52:46 .. now another triple added to the existing ones 08:53:13 .. the data is normally not built manually, e.g. by transforming existing data to RDF 08:53:23 .. important part is: we have two levels 08:53:27 .. content and data level 08:53:56 .. on content level: person is writing a book, etc. 08:54:24 .. for each item on the content level we provide a URI: e.g. URI for a person, the book, the property "author" etc. 08:55:00 .. e.g. URI from spanish national library of author "Miguel de Cervantes" 08:55:48 Ankit has joined #mlw-lt 08:56:02 .. URI is provided by the authority in the field: here the spanish national library 08:56:39 .. you can use your own vocabulary to create the data, or use existing ones 08:56:58 .. the model is in RDFS: it defines what URIs you can use in the content. 08:57:45 .. in order to use interlink data, you use the sameAs property. You write a triple like: Cervantes(URI of spanish library) is sameAs Cervantes(URI of a world wide library) 08:57:54 asun: there are tools for discovering these kind of links 08:58:31 .. when I have the URIs, I can use them for browsing the data 08:58:33 dF has joined #mlw-lt 08:59:11 [example of Cervantes URI browsed in spanish dbpedia = RDF data source generating from wikipedia] 08:59:26 serge: what tool are you working with? 08:59:45 asun: various tools: generating RDF, creating links, visualization of data, ... 09:01:12 .. the tool we have for browsing is here http://dbpedia.org/page/Miguel_de_Cervantes 09:01:49 [above link is from English dbpedia] 09:02:34 asun: key points about linked data are: we need models, data to be transformed to RDF, and data to be stored on the Web to query it 09:02:53 serge: the tool that you click on - is that public? 09:02:59 asun: sure 09:03:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/26-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 09:04:28 [visualization of Cervantes links, taken from dbpedia data source] 09:07:41 Jirka has joined #mlw-lt 09:08:04 asun: if we include all the multilingual information into RDF, somebody can use the data in her own language 09:08:24 .. currently there is not a lot of information in linked data in different languages 09:08:34 serge: the ontology will be different depending on the language 09:09:06 .. e.g. Cervantes will be detailed in Spanish, but other items will be more detailed in other languages 09:09:38 asun: we have done work in this area, see thesis from Elena - and the lemon lexicon model we can deal with that 09:10:01 pedro: it is not critical for them, they can build applications with these differences 09:10:21 asun: example of different taxonomies of fishes, e.g. more details in Japan 09:10:49 .. the point is: if we have a model e.g. in the library domain, the socalled IFLA model 09:11:01 .. it is not difficult to translate the model to other languages 09:11:25 serge: true - the object "certain fish" may have different names 09:11:39 .. but what to do with expressions of snow 09:11:53 .. some area of culture are bigger in one language than in others 09:12:03 asun: sure, but we can map the differences 09:12:21 .. with different approaches 09:12:40 elena: we have investigated how to deal with cultural discripencaies 09:12:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/26-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 09:14:29 pedro: this is a mechanism to relate information 09:14:55 serge: ontologies are different in different languages 09:15:16 asun: sure - but some parts can be the same, and there are different ways to interlink between languages 09:17:47 asun: so we are aware of the problem - but there are ontologies that have been built that show consensus 09:17:51 .. there are different approaches 09:18:21 .. the topic of localization and cultural aspects are important 09:19:22 ... in LIDER we want to see: how can the data created as linked data can be used for natural language processing 09:20:44 [presentation continued, slide 5] 09:21:03 s/presentation/LIDER presentation/ 09:21:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/26-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 09:22:57 arle: will make a different visualization of the "LOD is dominated by English" slide 09:25:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/26-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 09:29:01 JorgeGracia has joined #mlw-lt 09:29:49 "Linguisic Linked Open Data Cloud": language resources converted to RDF 09:30:42 asun: linguistic linked open data can help to see to improve natural language processing services 09:30:54 .. and the NLP services can help to improve / evaluate what we have as LOD 09:32:54 asun: project is about gathering a community 09:33:21 .. question is: what extensions do we need to the linked data cloud for NLP / content analytics 09:33:47 .. we want to create not general LOD resources, but 3LD: Linguistic Linked Licensed Data 09:34:00 .. linguistic LOD is a subset 09:34:21 .. important: this is not about open data 09:34:33 .. this is about linguistic data. Some can be open, some can be closed 09:35:07 .. there is also a group in W3C working on how to express license information in RDF 09:35:47 .. some instituations can get new business models by having their data in that way avail. 09:35:57 dave: a lot of linked data has no license information at all 09:36:03 steffen has joined #mlw-lt 09:36:10 asun: important point 09:36:22 .. the license aspect in linked data is real chaos 09:36:57 dave: people publish data without license detail 09:37:09 .. so commercial companies that want to use the data, you don't know if you can use it 09:37:27 asun: RDF is a technology to do something 09:37:42 .. nothing more 09:37:52 .. the difference to e.g. an oracle data base is: RDF is a standard 09:38:05 .. but what you do with it with regards to licenses depends on you 09:38:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/26-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 09:39:14 pedro: if you present this to globalization / localization world 09:39:23 .. they won't see themselves in the picture 09:39:43 .. the gap between language technology and localization is huge 09:39:48 asun: that is an important point 09:40:17 .. we decided that we will focus not only on NLP, but also translation, to attract also the localization community 09:40:43 .. LIDER has three goals: community building, industry use cases, and a roadmap / reference architecture 09:42:36 asun: we want to explore: which task would require linked data 09:42:45 .. and see: which type of service could be provided 09:44:27 slides are now at http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/File:LIDER_and_MWeb-madrid.2013-11-26_asun.pptx 09:45:12 serge: this is a big topic 09:46:06 .. the "gala audience" (language service providers") are just about generating money - they don't have time to think about big things 09:46:25 .. so what you presented is great, but how do we present it to the LSPs 09:47:50 davidF: there is a big divide beween "text community" and "data community" 09:48:05 .. we need to bring these together 09:48:46 serge: these technologies may generate new business opportunities for the industry 09:49:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/26-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 09:50:44 [presentation continued, slide 12] 09:50:46 Arle_ has joined #mlw-lt 09:57:20 Ankit has joined #mlw-lt 10:01:52 asun: need to gather feedback from data community and language community, via roadmapping workshops 10:02:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/26-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 10:04:27 asun: communities to approach: also libraries, dublin core (but very general vocabulary, ...) etc. 10:05:13 olaf-michael: we saw in the MLW-LT group that it helps to have representatives from the various communities 10:05:35 .. part of the outreach it may make sense to mention the communities that may be interested in contributing 10:05:49 asun: the roadmapping ws for the 2nd year are open, topic wise 10:06:15 .. these roadmapping ws are not conferences, but with the focus of going into depth in a topic 10:11:36 richard: need to lialise with w3c WG, e.g. data area 10:11:39 .. bring phil in 10:12:31 s/phil/phil archer/ 10:13:47 dave: issue with open data is: how to make money out of that 10:14:00 .. the localization industry can help to find such use cases 10:21:08 Nieves has joined #mlw-lt 10:21:09 discussion on what is needed to make the technology discussed in LIDER avail. for the localiazation industry 10:21:17 s/localiazation/localization/ 10:21:49 asun: the linked data value chain is not analyzed yet 10:22:01 .. the chain will be different depending on the use case and the community involved 10:49:36 pnietoca has joined #mlw-lt 10:53:26 r12a has joined #mlw-lt 10:53:29 Ankit has joined #mlw-lt 10:53:59 tadej has joined #mlw-lt 10:54:15 omstefanov has joined #mlw-lt 10:54:25 present+ omstefanov 10:54:58 topic: FALCON project 10:55:40 .. TCD, DCU, XTM, Interverbum and easylink are partners 10:56:21 .. started in October. Learned from industry partners: don't explain linked open data, but rather start with the benefits 10:57:01 dvilasuero has joined #mlw-lt 10:57:17 Nieves_ has joined #mlw-lt 10:57:26 scribe: dvilasuero 10:59:18 is there a link to dave's presentation? 11:01:24 omstefanov, not yet, will provide that later 11:01:38 :-( 11:06:04 s/easylink/EasyLing/ 11:06:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/26-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 11:07:06 dave: FALCON brings together expertise from academia and vendors within the field of localization, translation and Linked Data, working mainly towards interoperability 11:10:04 creating an Open Schema and a SaaS platform for language service providers, with special attention to workflows 11:11:36 dave: W3C provenance vocabularies as a important 11:11:59 s/a/an/ 11:12:20 mechanism for localization processes and workflows 11:18:31 an older FALCON presentation: http://www.lt-innovate.eu/system/files/attachments/3.%20falcon-%20Dave%20Lewis.pdf 11:18:55 I'll upload the one presented today later 11:20:12 ??: european bodies want to have their own linguistic data and not depend of external companies 11:21:06 project web site at http://www.falcon-project.eu 11:21:10 that is the reason why EU is funding this kind of projects (e.g., FALCON, Lider) 11:22:11 asun: q, Linguistic Linked Data as a replacement for machine translation memories, how do you foresee this situation? 11:22:28 s/q, // 11:22:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/26-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 11:23:04 fsasaki has left #mlw-lt 11:23:12 fsasaki has joined #mlw-lt 11:23:20 Dave: Integration LOD with existing tools and process rather than substituting them 11:23:40 fsasaki has joined #mlw-lt 11:24:47 asun: Dynamics and synchronization are key for translation memories and processes and this is still an open issue for many Linked Data systems 11:25:28 Dave: Provide the producers with the mechanisms for publishing and sharing their resources 11:26:04 pedro: The LD paradigm is a shift from strings to concepts and that should be taken into account 11:27:03 pedro: we should talk about LD as another resource not a substitution of for example translation memories 11:28:15 dave: FALCON is driven more from direct vendor technological needs, trying to solve some of their specific use case in localization processes. 11:28:52 dave: Some technology will be open source, other will be kept by vendors and integrated within their systems 11:33:23 dave: there are a lot of different components that need to be built to leverage LD: URI/L persistence, scalability, etc. 11:34:17 ??: TAUS, initiative about sharing data, apis, etc. 11:35:16 speaker is olaf-michael 11:35:45 s/??/olaf-michael/ 11:36:31 http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/Madrid_November_2013_f2f#Tuesday_26th 11:37:05 JohnJ has joined #mlw-lt 11:38:08 topic: MLW workshop planning 11:42:57 fsasaki: the key behind the success of MLW is its broad and general focus, integrating participants from different sectors and backgrounds (LOC world, LTS, and now Data community) 11:43:44 http://www.multilingualweb.eu/documents/rome-workshop/rome-program 11:44:23 fsasaki: For last event in Rome, the workshop was organized into different thematic sessions 11:44:38 ... user, data, translation, etc. 11:44:51 Jirka has joined #mlw-lt 11:45:53 ... MLW WS is not an academic workshop, in terms of community and effort needed for organizing it 11:46:28 http://www.multilingualweb.eu/documents/rome-workshop/rome-cfp 11:46:34 ... preparation of the WS involves a lot of effort in identifying key players within each topic, sector, etc. 11:47:39 ... regular phonecalls to pull key players, rather than selecting just based on academic contributions 11:48:51 ... the spirit of the MLW WS will be kept, Linked Data as a dedicated session and also a third day for the Lider roadmapping workshop 11:49:31 ... discussion about the dates will take place after lunch 11:51:34 asun: It could be interesting to provide intro of or short tutorial on LD within the MLW WS 11:52:42 ??: introduction could happen offline, provided in advance to participants from industry. This could be more productive than a pure educational session 11:53:21 ... there's a process of digestion, you need to give vendors and services providers time to analyze the impact of new technologies 11:56:08 fsasaki: articulate the story behind multilingualweb brand and its evolution. 13:01:30 Ankit has joined #mlw-lt 13:07:34 Jirka has joined #mlw-lt 13:09:51 Nieves has joined #mlw-lt 13:11:46 pedro has joined #mlw-lt 13:13:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/26-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 13:15:37 JohnJ has joined #mlw-lt 13:16:20 topic: WS dates 13:16:49 dvilasuero has joined #mlw-lt 13:18:15 http://www.multilingual.com/events.php?pageNum_rsEvents=1 13:18:41 r12a has joined #mlw-lt 13:18:48 JorgeGracia has joined #mlw-lt 13:19:05 daveL has joined #mlw-lt 13:19:59 omstefanov has joined #mlw-lt 13:20:17 http://www.multilingual.com/events.php?pageNum_rsEvents=1 13:20:41 dF has joined #mlw-lt 13:21:46 Felix: JIAMCATT 2013 is 23-25 April 2014 at the Council of Europe (CoE), Strasbourg, France 13:25:16 first check of current upm campus is avail.; if not then check the camino; if not go to upm remote campus 13:35:41 proposal: WS day 1: 1 april 13:35:53 WS day 2: 2 april 13:36:07 afternoon of day 2: roadmapping WS as dedicated event 13:48:50 dates: 13-14 may, fixed 13:49:25 action: felix to talk to jaap about open space session 13:49:25 Created ACTION-585 - Talk to jaap about open space session [on Felix Sasaki - due 2013-12-03]. 13:55:28 6-7, or 7-8 may new options 13:58:43 http://www.multilingualweb.eu/ 14:00:32 action: felix to bring mlw ws through w3c mgmt within the next 2 weeks 14:00:32 Created ACTION-586 - Bring mlw ws through w3c mgmt within the next 2 weeks [on Felix Sasaki - due 2013-12-03]. 14:01:51 tadej has joined #mlw-lt 14:02:21 topic: PC 14:03:30 approach encarna lous about pc 14:04:02 invite original PC people back 14:04:49 felix will write mail to all previous PC members and the LIDER people. Confirmation of PC will be done on Monday 14:05:09 what about those who raised their hands now? 14:05:49 topic: timing of cfp 14:06:06 publish cfp before christmas 14:06:40 http://www.multilingualweb.eu/documents/rome-workshop/rome-cfp 14:07:32 contact multilingualmag about calendar 14:07:52 Arle has joined #mlw-lt 14:10:14 need to have keynote speakers 14:10:42 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Team/multilingualweb-pc/ 14:11:37 https://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/wiki/WS6 14:14:05 topic: MLW branding 14:15:14 richard explains MLW logo reasoning 14:21:25 richard: lider logo like in http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/File:LIDER_and_MWeb-madrid.2013-11-26_asun.pptx presentation is fine, with MLW included 14:35:04 Nieves has joined #mlw-lt 14:58:00 Ankit has joined #mlw-lt 14:59:31 omstefanov has joined #mlw-lt 14:59:33 topic: MLW web page 14:59:54 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Nov/0054.html 15:00:17 dvilasuero has joined #mlw-lt 15:00:23 tadej has joined #mlw-lt 15:00:39 pedro has joined #mlw-lt 15:03:00 http://www.multilingualweb.eu/ 15:04:16 "home" "workshops" "projects" tab. Under "projects" a pull down that links to the projects. LIDER on the tab, then MLW-LT, then original MLW 15:04:27 "blog" section would go away 15:05:05 "about" and "links" would be part of the project specific tabs 15:06:29 idea is to reorganize the content within the next weeks to have the dedicated LIDER section 15:08:31 asun: how to announce LIDER event? 15:08:56 send a mail to richard and felix 15:09:29 daniel: aggregate on MLW portal #lider-eu 15:09:53 richard: we will look into that, depends on ERCIM based setup of the portal 15:10:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/26-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 15:10:14 \me thank you richard and felix 15:10:39 topic: L3D survey 15:10:41 np dvilasuero 15:10:45 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D3sEfmS746CWHZ1U3rep8KwHpgTo00qY6jGkDDjPrQg/edit 15:21:20 Jirka has joined #mlw-lt 15:22:09 asun: add data patterns on how to create and deploy linked data 15:23:19 oxygen example at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6zIW6blF5k 15:27:16 going through the survey 15:27:30 tadej: information retrieval & search are missing 15:27:34 .. also recommender systems 15:27:45 .. not strictly nlp, but fallls into the bucket 15:27:56 .. some things are individual NLP tasks, some are like features for a system 15:29:11 dave: good points, will also pass that around in cngl 15:29:28 s/fallls/falls/ 15:30:00 tadej: you should not go from technology but from features, e.g. "this feature can search for synonyms" 15:30:14 .. include also sentiment analysis, content classification 15:31:46 topic: arle about qtlp and qt21 15:40:33 http://www.qt21.eu/ 15:49:10 arle: media is important too - focus on tv subtiteling in various language 15:49:17 s/language/languages/ 15:54:46 elena: for a human translator the audience is important when applying metrics 15:54:51 arle: you can specify that 15:55:04 http://mlwlt.moravia.com/mlwlt-web-test/Presentation.aspx 15:57:42 JorgeGracia has joined #mlw-lt 16:03:27 topic: h2020 topics 16:03:46 open source tools in more ergonomic fashion 16:04:27 based on open web platform 16:05:56 funding open source tools - web service for readiness and beyond 16:06:36 basic corpora to develop open source tools in many languages 16:06:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/26-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 16:07:12 provide a model to work better taking also legal issues into account 16:07:53 its2 in a box - end2end implementation 16:08:04 dvilasuero has joined #mlw-lt 16:08:27 drupal with preloaded plugins, like "moses for human beings" 16:09:13 having metadata generated automatically (not only text analysis, also quality checking etc.) 16:09:56 extend its2 not to cover only markup but other applications, as a general annotation mechanism 16:09:58 http://code.google.com/p/moses-for-mere-mortals/ 16:10:06 support for localization in javascript 16:11:34 evangelize - best practice documentation on how to use its2 in practice, how to convince the content providers to use the technology 16:12:43 bring its2 closer to semantic web - semantic MT / semantic web search 16:13:01 have more automatic annotaiton, so that we have data 16:13:04 Jirka has joined #mlw-lt 16:14:28 its2 - evangelization, adoption; how to direct h2020 calls with input from LIDER 16:15:36 bring semantic technologies to certain task - cross lingual data access. develop the critical mass of linked data + core technologies (cross lingual core tec tasks) 16:16:43 bringing multilingual linked open data cloud together with MT community and localization 16:17:58 Arle_ has joined #mlw-lt 16:17:58 briding localization and linked data and discover relevant implementations 16:19:13 make its2 the default 16:20:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/26-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 16:20:35 work in integration linport and its2 16:20:57 have xliff 2.0 finished 16:21:18 to deliver xliff to developers - its2 is a start on the metadata path 16:22:03 a great fuzzy matcher 16:22:39 s/matcher/matcher for TM, taking ontologies and other opportunities into account/ 16:23:37 build a platform or a set of services to help users to use the resources 16:23:46 discover resources automatically 16:24:37 make annotation process more ergonomic and integrate user into a feedback loop in annotations 16:25:21 what changes if you look at documents (not web content) with other structures and tools 16:26:10 making it easier to annotate / create links, improve quality of links in a social process 16:26:24 dealing with multimedia content 16:26:36 s/content/content (e.g. audio tracks)/ 16:27:20 dealing with other types of content (javascript, media formats) for annotating content 16:27:36 work with personalized content 16:28:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/26-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 16:30:11 xliff 2.0 finish; related: open source cat tools 16:31:13 more support for user interfaces 16:35:20 tools for injecting various types of standardized metadata 16:36:17 reference set of javascript etc. libraries to do CAT tool processing 16:36:28 leverage "open web platform" technologies 16:38:01 demo of jquery library http://www.w3.org/International/its/ig/demos/its2-in-the-browser.html 16:38:12 (library developed by cocomore) 16:38:40 stop defining XML file formats, but rather object models 16:40:39 have more MLW workshops, also outside Europe 16:40:54 publishing a "beginners guide on ITS" 16:41:12 add back directionality / ruby into ITS 16:41:43 looking at data formats for names / addresses / ... 16:42:28 gather international typographic requirements, and implement the things in tools (browsers, editing tools, ...) 16:42:44 review core w3c specs for i18n / l10n issues 16:44:03 tool for automatic / semiautomatic pre-editing / annotation 16:45:37 not only cat tool but computer assistant "knowledge tool", including knowledge exploitation 16:46:06 disruptive technology - MT machine 16:46:14 s/machine/machine learning and other methods 16:49:22 allowing the data experts to work with MT and other applications, bringing in their data 16:50:21 [discussion on open source cat tools market share] 16:50:37 s/data/data and knowledge/ 16:51:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/26-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 16:53:42 automatic annotation / UI to make the annotation easier, the rest will follow? 16:59:19 adjourned 16:59:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/26-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki