09:02:14 RRSAgent has joined #mlw-lt 09:02:14 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/11/25-mlw-lt-irc 09:02:19 meeting: MLW-LT WG 09:02:21 chair: felix 09:02:35 agenda: http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/Madrid_November_2013_f2f#Monday_25th 09:02:44 presence: many, many, people 09:03:13 topic: review prep 09:03:20 action: felix to check M24 report - also one for whole project needed? 09:03:21 Created ACTION-571 - Check m24 report - also one for whole project needed? [on Felix Sasaki - due 2013-12-02]. 09:03:29 action: felix to nudge to get C forms filled by 15 January 09:03:30 Created ACTION-572 - Nudge to get c forms filled by 15 january [on Felix Sasaki - due 2013-12-02]. 09:03:35 action: felix to nudge everybody to make M24 report updates by Dec. 15, in word doc sent around Mo. 25 November, with change marked and send it to felix 09:03:35 Created ACTION-573 - Nudge everybody to make m24 report updates by dec. 15, in word doc sent around mo. 25 november, with change marked and send it to felix [on Felix Sasaki - due 2013-12-02]. 09:03:41 action: felix to reserve preparation meeting room 09:03:41 Created ACTION-574 - Reserve preparation meeting room [on Felix Sasaki - due 2013-12-02]. 09:03:58 date will be 26 feb, review prep meeting starting 25 noon 09:04:04 physical attend: dave, david / reinhard, jirka, tadej, stephan / somebody from cocomore, pedro, felix 09:04:07 remote: jan, yves, arle (possible physical attendance) 09:04:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/25-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 09:04:18 Ankit has joined #mlw-lt 09:04:18 Milan has joined #mlw-lt 09:04:24 present+ Ankit 09:04:40 present+ Milan 09:04:46 present: many, many, people 09:04:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/25-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 09:04:55 Yves_ has joined #mlw-lt 09:05:01 omstefanov has joined #mlw-lt 09:05:13 present+ Yves 09:05:14 present+ omstefanov 09:05:24 pedro has joined #mlw-lt 09:07:05 slides + agenda from M12 review are here http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/Rome-lux-prep#Agenda_for_Luxembourg 09:09:34 Arle has joined #mlw-lt 09:09:40 felix: align review prep with m24 report: people responsible for a WP will prepare slides and gather input from people responsible for a task 09:10:35 Jirka has joined #mlw-lt 09:10:41 leroy has joined #mlw-lt 09:10:43 WP1 - felix WP2 - Dave WP3 - Cocomore WP4 - Pedro WP5 - Ankit / John WP6 - Arle+Felix+Nieves 09:13:07 WP1 (30 min) WP2 (15) WP3 (1 hour) 09:13:31 dave: when writing the M24 report make sure you have addressed all the comments from M12 review 09:16:25 WP4 (40 min) WP5 (30) WP6 (23 1/2 min) 09:16:59 s/WP3 .1/WP3 (1.5) 09:17:17 jnelson has joined #mlw-lt 09:17:18 WP2 - XLIFF mapping, ITS ontology 09:17:37 s/WP2 .15)/WP2 (30) 09:18:11 s/WP6 (23/WP6 .30 09:18:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/25-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 09:18:47 slide template for review v 09:18:49 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Feb/att-0156/slides-template-v1.pptx 09:19:37 swalter has joined #mlw-lt 09:19:46 present+ swalter 09:19:49 dave: slot for wrap up: liaisons with other projects, uptake of ITS2, sustainability of work 09:19:59 .. will cover the ITS IG in WP2 09:21:10 http://www.w3.org/International/logos/Overview.html 09:24:24 daveL has joined #mlw-lt 09:24:50 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Team/multilingualweb-lt-partners/2013Nov/0013.html 09:24:50 topic: lt-web deliverables 09:24:51 present+ davelewis 09:26:31 david: update of D3.1.2 and D5.1.2 by end of next week 09:26:52 Ankit_ has joined #mlw-lt 09:27:59 pedro: D3.2.2 is done 09:28:19 Ankit has joined #mlw-lt 09:28:22 .. D3.2.3 needs input from phil 09:28:57 .. D3.2.1 again phil 09:29:30 action: felix to check with phil about D3.2.1 and D3.2.3 and to submit D3.2.2 09:29:31 Created ACTION-575 - Check with phil about d3.2.1 and d3.2.3 and to submit d3.2.2 [on Felix Sasaki - due 2013-12-02]. 09:30:34 action: felix to submit D5.1.1 09:30:34 Created ACTION-576 - Submit d5.1.1 [on Felix Sasaki - due 2013-12-02]. 09:33:46 felix: subcontractors are also done, just bluegriffon needs final output and apperance in public bluegriffon release 09:34:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/25-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 09:34:23 present+ leroy 09:34:50 topic: usage scenarios doc 09:35:04 http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-mlw-metadata-us-impl-20130307/ 09:36:25 felix: is it OK with everybody to contineu work on that in the interest group? 09:36:36 dave: makes sense, otherwise we have to finish it 09:42:32 discussion on how to continue with http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-mlw-metadata-us-impl-20130307/ - have only wiki and not publish a new version of the doc, or continue to work on it in IG 09:43:30 action: felix to check process of moving document mlw-metadata from WG to IG 09:43:31 Created ACTION-577 - Check process of moving document mlw-metadata from wg to ig [on Felix Sasaki - due 2013-12-02]. 09:50:57 Nieves has joined #mlw-lt 10:00:02 chriLi has joined #mlw-lt 10:25:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/25-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 10:30:17 Ankit has joined #mlw-lt 10:30:22 http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/Madrid_November_2013_f2f#Monday_25th 10:31:34 JohnJ has joined #mlw-lt 10:32:11 pnietoca has joined #mlw-lt 10:32:38 christian joines the meeting 10:32:56 christian: usage doc is valuable, we need to make sure that the status is well known 10:32:56 present+ pnietoca 10:33:06 .. as of writing it was a snapshot 10:33:11 .. two ways of moving forward: 10:33:22 1) say it is historic 10:33:44 2) make it a living doc, which goes modified when implementations are changed 10:34:09 3) make it a versioned doc. saying: now that its2 is out we see what is valid for its2 10:34:25 .. and in 2014 we target an additional update 10:34:39 pedro has joined #mlw-lt 10:34:53 mdelolmo has joined #mlw-lt 10:34:57 present+ felix 10:35:04 present+ 10:35:12 present+ pedro 10:35:15 present+ John 10:35:29 Milan_ has joined #mlw-lt 10:35:31 present+ mdelolmo 10:35:36 present+ Ankit 10:35:42 + 10:35:46 olaf-michael: living doc mai be useful 10:35:53 present+ jan 10:35:57 Milan has joined #mlw-lt 10:36:04 present + 10:36:14 present+ Milan 10:36:21 olaf-michael: now there will be naturally a breakdown of activity 10:36:40 .. in one year or so peopel will go back and say "what is happening" 10:36:41 DomJones has joined #mlw-lt 10:36:49 .. for that a living doc is good 10:36:59 s/breakdown/let down/ 10:38:08 dave: building it up on the wiki and visibily publish in "tr" space 10:38:27 .. how often would we generate the "tr" doc? 10:39:16 felix: depends on the group 10:39:32 serge: do you plan to extend implementation scope for its2? 10:39:41 .. look for further implementations? 10:40:01 .. at this point the industry needs to understand: how can its2 be implemented? 10:40:23 .. we could run the implementation "discovery" project in CRISP 10:40:31 .. to connect research with actual production work 10:41:18 s/21/2/ 10:41:23 topic: crisp and its21 10:41:26 serge: crisp is a program in gala 10:41:38 .. idea of crisp is to involve people as experts 10:41:45 .. the industry is short on r&d effort 10:41:59 .. experts figh with day 2 day work vs. research 10:42:17 .. crisp should give the opportunity on how to implement new technology in their work 10:42:37 .. surveys are about sharing knowledge 10:42:44 .. crisp is something differently 10:42:52 .. idea is to engage people 10:43:09 .. e.g. to provide people with info about new technologies that they can use in their work 10:43:23 .. crisp is about to connect research and real world 10:43:45 .. I will run an implementation project - discovery to find the place of new technology in the day2day work 10:44:01 .. we could do dissamination not only be announcements 10:44:10 .. saying "how about thinking to use it" 10:44:23 .. it is really starting to get tracktion 10:44:40 .. on ISO work 20 people have been spending time to provide feedback 10:44:44 .. so crisp really works 10:44:53 tadej: is this related to LT advisory platform? 10:45:09 serge: lt advisory is just one of the projects 10:45:37 Zakim has joined #mlw-lt 10:45:41 q+ chriLi 10:45:58 +q 10:46:34 serge: crisp is a bridge for people, industry players etc. to get engaged 10:46:44 .. w3c and oasis are concerned with too many industries 10:46:57 .. crisp is particualry engaged for companies to safe on r&d 10:47:16 .. lt advisory is one of the projects 10:47:33 dave: a link to the ITS IG 10:47:51 .. between the IG and crisp 10:48:09 .. having some documentation, more details for use cases doc 10:48:20 serge: for its2 there is a community, very lifely 10:48:30 .. does not make sense to create another forum 10:48:47 .. but crisp can be used to create another forum for its2 10:48:58 .. the LSPs don't know what its2 and w3c are 10:49:07 .. no need to dubplicate the groups IMO 10:49:12 dave: how would that work? 10:49:22 serge: an "implementation discovery" project 10:49:32 .. saying: there has been work done: x,y,z 10:49:50 .. do you think that this is applicable with your clients? 10:49:57 .. this will be a win win situation for everybody 10:50:17 tadej: how is the process to make this work? 10:50:35 serge: first step: formulate its2 "core" info that is understandable for production people 10:50:57 .. put "its2" into a plane language for head of production, solution architects, ... 10:51:58 felix: is that like the white paper material that pedro mentioned? 10:52:06 pedro: yes, but there are three levels of communication: 10:52:10 1) business persons 10:52:31 Milan has left #mlw-lt 10:52:39 2) explaining why its2 is useful. we discussed about making a series of short articles. maybe we can do the same approach here 10:52:53 Milan has joined #mlw-lt 10:53:07 pedro: maybe we can send initial information, e.g. short description of every data category every week 10:53:16 .. that can be published on the web site 10:53:21 .. the spec itself is hard to read 10:53:51 3) supporting for implementers. Once the decision maker goes for this and 2) understand the implementations, the implementers need technical support 10:54:11 tadej: for the 1st level, maybe not even talk about data categegories 10:54:17 ack chr 10:54:45 chriLi: serge, did explanation of crisp 10:55:00 .. saying "do we plan to extend implementation scope for its2" 10:55:12 .. my understanding is: now we want to get more and more implementations 10:55:20 .. thinking is correlated 10:55:42 .. e.g. okapi and other impl. that have been created via EU funding: they are pretty cool, the impl. only needs to be used 10:55:49 .. there is only adoption needed 10:55:58 .. in addition we would benefit from new implementations 10:56:10 .. e.g. in more content creation environments 10:56:30 .. the discussion you had after serge's initial question was: how do we get here? 10:56:37 .. serge offered crisp for supporting that 10:56:48 .. that is great 10:57:01 .. my hope would be that we would be able to realize possible synergies 10:57:21 .. e.g. if gala runs an intro section - gala would contact someone from the ig e.g. about re-use of material 10:57:38 serge: sure, we are in agreement 10:58:09 .. a pretty common implementation discovery project 10:58:17 .. obtaining material, providing business like explanations etc. 10:58:43 dave: pedro broke it down well and the three lines of action 10:59:08 pedro: we have a lot of material, this is about compiling the material 10:59:29 .. many LSPs use third party things 10:59:43 .. so LSPs will implement ITS2 if their clients demand it 11:00:11 .. compiling the deliverables, presentations, ... we have good material here 11:01:02 olaf-michael: for a real success there will be 20, 30, ... LSPs finding some benefit in implementing ITS2 11:01:14 .. it helps to see: other implementers have implemented things 11:01:28 pedro: a pitty that phil Ritchie is not here 11:01:42 .. he gave me in bled he gave me a real use case of ITS2 11:01:58 .. they had some problems with a client. They suggested to solve the problem with ITS2 11:02:16 .. that is effective for production people. They need to see how they can use it for real clients 11:02:36 .. if the final client does not annotate content with ITS2, we won't achieve nothing 11:02:54 serge: software developers and CMS implementers are targets for ITS2 implementations 11:03:03 .. there are at least 1200 CMS developers 11:03:16 .. next step would be: why should CMS developers implement ITS2? 11:03:40 .. they are well-known to be reluctant to implement things related to translation? 11:03:47 .. after that others will follow 11:03:59 stephan: cat tool side is as important 11:04:18 serge: CMS is the primary area of interest 11:04:32 dave: does crisp have visibility and influence on this? 11:04:36 serge: yes 11:05:10 .. but we need the language for these people 11:05:26 pedro: we discussed this in the FEISGILT event 11:05:46 .. one conclusion was: for CMS people, multilingual is just a feature 11:05:54 .. we may have to break down the feature 11:06:36 david: need to be possible in content formats like DocBook or DITA 11:07:08 .. if DITA has a standard usage of ITS2 it is more likely to get implementations 11:08:15 pedro: some digestable information that is not only about ITS2, but about multilingual CMS in general 11:09:02 serge: can we say: if you do not use ITS2, you are not compliant to HTML5? 11:09:14 david: you would have to say "not HTML5+ITS2 compliant" 11:09:33 tadeJ: say: don't hack something yourself 11:09:47 I have to leave ... 11:10:20 david: CMS producers are both big guys but also small companies 11:11:10 pedro: big actors need to lead the process 11:11:26 .. small actors don't have the bandwidth to introduce more complexity 11:11:40 .. game first with the big guys 11:12:05 stephan: in CMS world, people don't see that translation is a process 11:12:27 .. we need to point out that translation is a process, not the multilingual feature 11:13:10 stephan: what would be the benefit for the decision maker if you don't talk about translation process? 11:13:21 pedro: you safe money, you safe time, and you improve quality 11:13:40 jan: software developers, tool makers - there is some base level 11:13:48 .. who does that first and creates leadership 11:14:06 .. if I look at developers in various ecosystems, think about they need to be competitive 11:14:21 .. a developer wants his product to be locally relevant and reach more markets 11:14:45 .. if there are leaders who can say: with ITS2 you can reach the markets with more accuracy 11:15:09 .. having the data re-wrapped which looks like an SDK, it will help to implement 11:15:23 .. I do believe that there is a business case 11:16:39 jan: important to get xliff 2.0 finished and then ITS2 aligned 11:17:50 felix: mapping of xliff 2.0 and ITS2 is an important item 11:18:13 pedro: EU web sites are an important business case 11:18:55 olaf-michael: please consider strasbourg april 2014 - meeting of language technology services and EU, in Jamcatt 11:19:15 .. will be a great place to meet IT people of European bodies involved 11:19:41 .. 23-25 April, in Strasbourg 11:19:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/25-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 11:21:14 s/Jamcatt/JIAMCATT/ 11:24:08 topic: distribute work on the three levels of communication discussed 11:24:46 pedro: as a group we can split the work, e.g. 19 data categories - who can do what? 11:24:56 .. in Dublin we discussed about training and consultancy 11:25:12 .. there are people who can even make money with this 11:28:09 http://www.w3devcampus.com/ 11:29:40 jirka: have some information in the HTML5 course to explain translate attribute etc. 11:29:53 .. so that people who go to HTML5 course will see the info about ITS2 11:30:09 .. in that way we can reach each participant of HTML5 course 11:30:21 .. not sure if people would subscribe in multilingual web course 11:30:37 .. we should try to approach widest audience possible 11:32:24 pedro: about CMS etc. 11:32:29 .. we have a flagship here: okapi 11:32:35 .. we have to use the flagship 11:32:41 .. another is drupal 11:32:46 .. we have to push those 11:32:57 .. in drupal now there are 77 downloads, that is not bad 11:33:26 stephan: we have not got much feedback yet from the drupal community 11:33:30 .. we try to push on that level 11:33:43 .. from the general drupal community it is specialized 11:33:49 .. that is there we have to work on 11:34:04 jan: having a toolkit, SDK, for people to work with 11:34:20 .. had a video of training - 70k plus views 11:34:34 .. many people from various language communities 11:34:43 .. a global community 11:35:15 .. if I talk about their core dev platform, then make ITS2 part of it 11:35:21 .. that is a good approach 11:35:28 .. my community has been aware of XLIFF 11:35:57 .. there is an opportunity with xliff 2 how it aligns with its2 11:36:09 .. as a company there is this opportunity 11:36:25 .. there is a lot of a good work, e.g. the EU web site 11:37:04 .. my main goal: have the individual developers an easier life 11:37:13 stephan: that comes back to translation tool developers 11:37:49 jan: right