14:08:06 RRSAgent has joined #mobile-a11y 14:08:06 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/11/19-mobile-a11y-irc 14:08:12 rrsagent, make log world 14:08:15 MarcoZ has joined #mobile-a11y 14:08:27 meeting: Mobile Accessibility Task Force 14:08:27 scrib: KimPatch 14:08:30 chair: Kathy_Wahlbin 14:08:58 Kathy: Introductions 14:09:17 Hi there! 14:09:51 Kathy: give your name, location and a little bit about yourself 14:10:48 Kathy: CEO of interactive accessibility. I'm in the Boston area. I'm oing to be co-facilitating this task force with Kim Patch. I've been working with companies within the United States on accessibility including usability testing with mobile devices – both applications and websites. 14:11:01 Marco Zehe, Hamburg, Germany. I'm accessibility QA engineer and evangelist at Mozilla. 14:12:59 Alan Smith, working on some apps facing the challenges of dealing with legal issues of lack of standards for mobile accessibility in the eyes of some folks. So I'm excited to behere, happy to be involved with the team. 14:13:16 Hi, I am Kiran Kaja, Accessibility Program Manager at Adobe based in Europe (London). Very actively participate in Accessibility standardisation. Last W3C TF involvement was with WCAG2ICT Taskforce. 14:13:27 Andrew Kirkpatrick, work on accessibility, also one of the cochairs of the WCAG working group 14:13:59 David Todd, IBM 14:16:18 Deitlef Fisher 14:16:20 Gavin Evans, based in Wales, multi-platforms and gaming 14:16:30 Peter_Thiessen has joined #mobile-a11y 14:17:13 d/Deitlef/Detlev/ 14:17:38 Kira Kaja Adobe 14:17:39 Karen McGrane, based in New York consulting with lots off clients on mobile web – content management, supporting mobile on different devices 14:18:39 I didn't say so but I'm based outside of boston 14:18:50 +[IPcaller] 14:18:57 zakim, IPCaller is me 14:18:57 +Peter_Thiessen; got it 14:19:06 Michael Cooper, staff contact for the Web content accessibility guidelines working group which is one of the group sponsoring this task force, and also protocols and formats and indiUI working groups. Go to person for technical issues along with Jeanne Spellman. 14:19:53 zakim, mute me 14:19:53 Peter_Thiessen should now be muted 14:20:16 zakim, mute me 14:20:16 Detlev_Fisher should now be muted 14:20:24 Peter Thiessen: I'm in Spain, JavaScript developer, work with WAI ARIA, cloud stuff 14:20:32 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/work-statement 14:20:51 Kathy: Reviewing the work statements 14:20:51 s/Fisher/Fischer/g 14:21:37 present+ Marco_Zehe(irc) 14:21:39 Kathy: creation of mobile techniques for HTML 5, development of design guidance and mobile accessibility best practices and review of the existing resources outside of the WC3 14:22:14 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mobile-a11y-tf/2013Nov/0001.html 14:22:49 Kathy: get started by looking at the existing resources – what's out there, what's public knowledge – as well as looking at the W3C resources that are already there. Set up a wiki. Wiki organization input. 14:23:04 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/Main_Page 14:24:28 Kathy: Describing the wiki organization, want your feedback. The idea is to collect the information that's currently out and available so that we can review it before starting to think about what techniques, best practces, design best practices we should start reviewing and collecting under the WCAG guidelines 14:25:50 Kathy: first to topics – broke out applications versus websites, maybe out to be the same. mobile design separated out iOS and android, should we have other platforms in that list? 14:26:10 Firefox OS... 14:26:30 Kathy: platform accessibility features what's there now, we have iOS and Android, could put more 14:26:47 Other platforms, Windows 8 14:26:48 Kathy: what are other resources that you know that are available that we could collect that don't fit under one of these headings and we could consider adding? 14:27:12 Kathy: Firefox OS. Also, on Android, there's a multitude of browsers. Some distros come with Chrome, some with Firefox for Android, some with the old stock browser. 14:27:29 Alan: Windows 8 and Blackberry 14:27:46 +1 Alands comment about adding BB and win8 14:28:20 q+ 14:28:25 Kathy: wiki is open for everyone to edit – idea is everyone can go when we want to collect the resources that people already know are out there. We want to go in and put in everything that we know is out there already – get a really good resource list of things that are there so that we can all go through and look at it 14:28:28 ack me 14:29:00 Doesn't each wiki editor need an account to enable editing? 14:29:09 Kathy: we will add Windows 8, Blackberry and Firefox OS 14:30:19 Detlev: one of our main outputs is test results – would it make sense to have a section on test results for the different operating systems? 14:30:32 Kathy: testing means you've tested with someone who's using voice over an iPhone type thing or something different? 14:30:39 Q+ 14:31:18 Detlev: yes – to what extent accessible, a task like opening a calendar on Windows 8 – the IOS operating system just to get an idea of how well they perform. Is that useful information? 14:32:13 Kathy: I think that's useful information – helpful to go in there and know. Maybe under five we could put some usability test results. 14:32:15 Alan: May be a heading of testing and we can have things under that, testing guidelines, testing results 14:32:31 David: what having a section about the different mobile screen readers be helpful? 14:32:42 Kathy: yes, I think that can go under mobile accessibility platform features 14:32:55 q? 14:33:04 ack next 14:34:20 Kiran: thinking about what Detlev was saying, would it be helpful to have some sort of accessibility support matrix or compatibility matrix. So I'm thinking about we have these different platforms IOS, something about mobile web, we start developing the techniques, we find that some browsers have support for accessibility elements and attributes and others don't. So it's probably the output... 14:34:22 ...that would come out of the task force put if we can have some sort of compatibility matrix on the wiki when we find things that are supported in one browser and not the others we can add that. 14:34:39 Kathy: I think that's a great idea. Do you know if something like that exists or is this something we have to start from scratch? 14:34:40 Agree with Kiran, a compatibility table could be a useful deliverable, perhaps something like this for ES5 http://kangax.github.io/es5-compat-table/ 14:35:04 Kiran: yes, but probably scattered. Maybe a heading under accessibility features and we can take it from there 14:35:10 q? 14:35:35 Kathy: Kiran_Kaja: The Paciello Group might have started or done something like this already, I know they have a browser feature matrix, but don't know if that now also includes mobile browsers. 14:38:24 Michael Cooper: can send information out about using the wiki 14:39:06 Q+ 14:39:18 I can login with the W3C account 14:39:25 Kim: one minute wiki tour – make sure you are logged on, click edit to edit, help button along the left 14:39:58 Gavin: what type of apps – for gaming as well? 14:40:41 Zakim, mute me 14:40:41 Detlev_Fischer should now be muted 14:40:50 Kathy: we have to determine what the focuses and prioritize the items that were going to work on. We can later have discussions about that so we can define that work moving forward. I don't have a complete answer for you at this time. It depends on what we determine the need is and what our priorities are. 14:40:59 Kathy: any other thoughts on mobile resources? 14:41:06 ack gav 14:42:28 Kathy: what I'd like everybody to work on over the next couple weeks is really adding information to the wiki under each of these – everybody will see what everyone else is adding so before you add check to see that it's not edit already. But if you could put in the resources that you know that are out there – things that you have done, anything that is public you can go in and really... 14:42:29 ...populate the wiki when we come back on our next meeting we will go through those resources and start talking about the information that's currently there and walk through that information so very pretty to take some time and add to the wiki that would be appreciated 14:42:35 Kathy: We're currently collecting lots of experience in making the Firefox OS UI accessible. Lots of CSS tricks that actually don't fool the a11y APIs into thinking stuff is really invisible, though the touch screen doesn't display it. Will make an effort to gather all the info in a sensible manner. 14:42:42 Kathy: times for the task force 14:43:09 This time slot is good for me 14:43:13 Kathy: We are spread across the world – what time works well for people, what day of the week works well for people and we can get this regularly scheduled 14:43:16 Same for me. 14:43:26 time is fine forme 14:43:27 Alan, I'm flexible with time and date 14:43:30 This time slot is good for me. 14:43:39 This time is very good for me 14:43:52 q+ to say we shouldn´t make a decision about how good this time with just the people for whom it was good on the call 14:44:10 +1 this time (will try to take a short lunch on Tuesdays :) 14:44:59 Michael: interest from China, accommodating Australia, US and Europe – maybe even alternating times to accommodate that 14:45:41 Kathy: the challenge right now is what to do. Your idea that alternating schedule would work. But it would be a little more challenging to remember when the meetings were. 14:46:18 Michael: another survey, your general availability for this day and cover 24 hour time period to get a sense of what might work and keeping open the option of having alternating times might help in the scheduling. You can deal with some of the confusion by posting times and dates in the agenda 14:46:37 Kathy: can we use a regular survey 14:47:05 Doodle is OK for me 14:47:08 Michael: can try to get regular survey set up this week. I've been told that doodle is reasonably accessible 14:47:33 ack me 14:47:33 MichaelC, you wanted to say we shouldn´t make a decision about how good this time with just the people for whom it was good on the call 14:47:52 Kathy: I'll send out a Doodle and we can go from there 14:48:27 Kathy: next steps are to fill out the mobile resources – really get a good idea of what currently is out there. Beyond that is to look at the objectives under this task force and really start defining the work that we want to do and what we think is the need. 14:48:56 Kathy: what I'd like people to do over the next few weeks is at the resources, and then start looking at what everyone has added. So when we get back we can start defining the work that we do moving forward. 14:50:48 Michael: if we can ry to have a scheduling done so we can have a meeting by the week of December 2 14:50:56 sounds good 14:51:06 Kathy: so aiming to look at the mobile resources the week of December 2 14:51:14 Kathy: questions or other comments? 14:51:26 cheers all 14:51:29 -David_Todd 14:51:31 -Alan_Smith? 14:51:31 bye evervone! 14:51:34 -Andrew_Kirkpatrick 14:51:35 -Michael_Cooper 14:51:35 -Peter_Thiessen 14:51:36 -Gavin_Evans 14:51:36 -Karen_McGrane 14:51:37 -Kiran_Kaja 14:51:40 Thanks everyone 14:51:40 -Detlev_Fischer 14:51:42 -Kathy_Wahlbin 14:51:46 -Kim_Patch 14:51:48 WAI_(MOBILE)9:00AM has ended 14:51:48 Attendees were +1.704.594.aaaa, +1.720.663.aabb, Kathy_Wahlbin, +1.917.887.aacc, Kim_Patch, Andrew_Kirkpatrick, Michael_Cooper, Alan_Smith?, David_Todd, Karen_McGrane, Gavin_Evans, 14:51:48 ... Kiran_Kaja, Detlev_Fisher, Peter_Thiessen, Detlev_Fischer 14:51:50 gavinevans has left #mobile-a11y 14:52:11 rrsagent, make minutes 14:52:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/19-mobile-a11y-minutes.html MichaelC 14:52:19 MarcoZ has left #mobile-a11y 14:52:35 thank you. 14:54:14 rrsagent, make minutes 14:54:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/19-mobile-a11y-minutes.html MichaelC 14:55:52 WAI_(MOBILE)9:00AM has now started 14:55:54 +WuWei 14:56:10 -WuWei 14:56:11 WAI_(MOBILE)9:00AM has ended 14:56:11 Attendees were WuWei 15:00:46 wuwei has joined #mobile-a11y 15:07:21 agarrison has joined #mobile-a11y 15:13:21 Peter_Thiessen has joined #mobile-a11y 15:14:42 Peter_Thiessen has joined #mobile-a11y 15:32:02 wuwei has left #mobile-a11y 15:55:27 Joshue has joined #mobile-a11y 16:03:02 gavinevans has joined #mobile-a11y 16:44:04 Peter_Thiessen has joined #mobile-a11y 16:56:02 Zakim has left #mobile-a11y 17:45:07 Joshue has joined #mobile-a11y 19:23:49 Joshue has joined #mobile-a11y