15:00:31 RRSAgent has joined #ldp 15:00:31 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/11/18-ldp-irc 15:00:33 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:00:33 Zakim has joined #ldp 15:00:35 Zakim, this will be LDP 15:00:35 ok, trackbot; I see SW_LDP()10:00AM scheduled to start now 15:00:36 Meeting: Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group Teleconference 15:00:36 Date: 18 November 2013 15:00:41 SW_LDP()10:00AM has now started 15:00:44 JohnArwe has joined #ldp 15:00:48 +Arnaud 15:00:51 +JohnArwe 15:01:12 +??P0 15:01:36 -??P0 15:01:58 bblfish has joined #ldp 15:02:09 +??P3 15:02:41 -??P3 15:02:46 +Ashok_Malhotra 15:02:48 +Alexandre 15:03:02 +[IBM] 15:03:06 +Roger 15:03:13 Zakim, [IBM] is me 15:03:13 +SteveS; got it 15:03:16 roger has joined #ldp 15:03:28 +OpenLink_Software 15:03:33 Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 15:03:33 +TallTed; got it 15:03:35 Zakim, mute me 15:03:35 TallTed should now be muted 15:03:51 +??P10 15:03:53 +bblfish 15:04:19 hi 15:04:27 not hearing you verbally 15:04:56 Zakim, who's here? 15:04:56 On the phone I see Arnaud, JohnArwe, Ashok_Malhotra, Alexandre, SteveS, Roger, TallTed (muted), ??P10, bblfish 15:04:58 On IRC I see roger, bblfish, JohnArwe, Zakim, RRSAgent, Ashok, TallTed, betehess, bhyland, nmihindu, jmvanel, SteveS, thschee, davidwood, Arnaud, trackbot, Yves, sandro, ericP 15:05:11 zakim, who's on the phone? 15:05:11 On the phone I see Arnaud, JohnArwe, Ashok_Malhotra, Alexandre, SteveS, Roger, TallTed (muted), ??P10, bblfish 15:05:39 -??P10 15:06:09 +stevebattle7 15:06:25 +??P13 15:06:35 Zakim, stevebattle7 is temporarily ericP 15:06:35 +ericP; got it 15:07:53 sorry, local interrupt 15:07:54 -??P13 15:08:07 interrupt persists... 15:08:55 Topic: Minutes from last week 15:08:59 Scribe: roger 15:09:04 +??P13 15:09:28 minutes approved 15:09:46 codyburleson has joined #ldp 15:09:50 is will be around next Monday 15:10:04 s/is will/I will/ 15:10:30 Topic: Action Tracking 15:11:56 +??P14 15:12:04 John, updates about edits to the spec 15:12:11 Zakim, ??P14 is me. 15:12:11 +codyburleson; got it 15:12:29 Zakim, ??P13 is me 15:12:29 +nmihindu; got it 15:12:43 Zakim, mute me 15:12:43 nmihindu should now be muted 15:13:23 paging is the biggest change to the current spec. 15:15:07 Topci: Proposal regarding Paging, Section 4.10.2 15:16:07 s/Topci/Topic/ 15:16:09 most significant easy-to-miss change from action-113's resolution is the removal of the collection link header, b/c after our 200 vs 209/303 decision that link on the first page would have been circular 15:17:43 Proposed: leave the MAYs unchanged. This specifically concerns: first, last, and prev links. 15:18:01 +1 15:18:04 0 15:18:05 +1 15:18:08 +1 15:18:08 +1 15:18:10 +1 15:18:13 +1 15:18:16 +0 15:18:20 +1 15:18:28 Resolved: leave the MAYs unchanged. This specifically concerns: first, last, and prev links. 15:18:31 +0 was not able to follow the discussion 15:19:36 Topic: Proposal regarding ISSUE-81 Part II: Keeping the simple case simple 15:19:40 Henry, EricP had suggested at one point in the past requiring the prev and last link headers as well. 15:20:43 As had I. 15:20:44 Proposed: Agree we can't re-introduce any default values and close ISSUE-81. 15:20:49 q+ 15:20:53 http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/MembershipInferencing 15:20:55 ack bblfish 15:22:20 q+ 15:22:56 ack ashok 15:22:57 bblfish, taking all properties as a bunch, they could be dropped - if one understands LDP inferencing 15:23:31 ...and the definitions of the predicates asserted in the proposals. 15:25:22 yes, one can't have any default values for any of the memberhsipXXX properties, though depending on how one understands what these properties are doing, one could have a default that does not require any of them. Ie: if one takes the causal/contractual rule defined in http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/MembershipInferencing then LDPCs would not need to publish any of those triples - or if they do they must publish all of them. 15:25:30 Therefore I am +1 for this. 15:26:19 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/default/ldp.html#ldpc-informative 15:26:34 ldp:insertedContentRelation ldp:MemberSubject; 15:27:05 q+ 15:27:13 ack JohnArwe 15:28:11 JohnArwe, if the container is read-only, can we lose the insertedContentsRelation ? 15:28:26 q+ 15:28:41 well, it can explain why some triple is there... 15:28:44 ack bblfish 15:28:49 so read-only does not make a difference 15:29:50 Technically I didn't ask if we could lose it. I asked what the implication is of accepting the proposal. Requiring a r/o container to expose content only useful for r/w containers is awkward. 15:29:56 Arnaud has left #ldp 15:30:08 Arnaud has joined #ldp 15:30:18 SELECT ?member 15:30:18 WHERE { 15:30:18 ?c a ldp:Container; 15:30:18 ldp:containingResource ?resource; 15:30:18 ldp:containsRelation ?predicate; 15:30:18 ?resource ?predicate ?member. 15:30:18 } 15:30:19 @JohnArwe, sorry for mis-representing you 15:30:34 SELECT ?member 15:30:34 WHERE { 15:30:34 ?c a ldp:Container; 15:30:34 ldp:containingResource ?resource; 15:30:34 ldp:containedByRelation ?predicate; 15:30:34 ?member ?predicate ?resource. 15:30:34 } 15:30:37 np roger just gettin minutes right 15:31:03 http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/Member 15:31:37 @prefix ldp: . 15:31:38 @prefix rdf: . 15:31:38 @prefix rdfs: . 15:31:39 @prefix skos: . 15:31:41 ldp:member a rdf:Property; 15:31:43 skos:editorialNote "this relation could also be called ldp:manages." 15:31:45 rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:member; 15:31:47 rdf:domain ldp:Container; 15:31:49 rdf:range ldp:Resource; //<- this is intended to refer to the set of LDPRs and LDP Binaries. Find a name for it. 15:31:50 Regrets; must drop due to critsit call just started (Critical Situation on servers) 15:31:51 rdfs:comment """ 15:31:53 An ldp:member of a ldp:Container is a Resource which is created when a POST succeeds 15:31:55 on it (creating also the membership triples in the LDPC) or which when DELETED 15:31:56 -codyburleson 15:31:57 removes the membership triples as specified by the "Linked Data Platform 1.0" spec.""" . 15:32:04 codyburleson has left #ldp 15:32:54 Henry, are you saying that your proposal (assuming it is accepted) requires ldp:insertedContentRelation even for a r/o LDPC? 15:33:26 q+ 15:33:34 ldp:insertedContentRelation ldp:MemberSubject; 15:33:50 ack steves 15:34:37 I fail to see why the conversation is now on a read-only problem... 15:35:10 yes, you need it for R/O LDPCs otherwise how do you find its' ldp:member LDPRs? 15:35:13 q+ 15:35:25 ack betehess 15:36:32 beteness, even for the r/o case clients wants to know why the membership triple is how it is .. 15:37:31 Proposed: Agree we can't re-introduce any default values and close ISSUE-81 15:37:43 +1 15:37:49 +1 15:37:51 +1 15:37:53 +1 15:37:53 +1 15:37:57 +1 15:37:58 +1 15:38:01 +1 15:38:06 Resolved: Agree we can't re-introduce any default values and close ISSUE-81. 15:39:01 q+ 15:39:12 Topic: Proposal regarding ISSUE-88: Lost link 15:40:01 This is summarised here: http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/Issue-88 15:41:01 yes the lost link is the lost ldp:member link :-) 15:42:30 hopefully, I'm in the queue to clarify that I never said that :-) 15:43:20 Kalpa has joined #ldp 15:43:25 if one posts a Document about the Thing 'zaza', this has consequence that 'zaza' Thing becomes linked from LDPR. the problem is that the Document itself might get lost ... 15:43:26 ack betehess 15:44:46 yes, there are two solutions proposed to this issue is the wiki http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/Issue-88 15:45:24 Alex's proposal: Make ldp:created mandatory. The presence/absence of ldp:created triples in the LDPC is directly derived from the REST interactions. 15:45:33 q+ 15:45:38 ack bblfish 15:48:12 q+ 15:48:57 +1 to both process and proposal 15:49:12 ack bblfish 15:49:12 I'll give a -1 to any solution tying it to the current membership notion 15:49:41 they are different concepts, should be handled separately 15:49:54 Zakim, unmute me 15:49:54 TallTed should no longer be muted 15:49:55 q+ 15:50:28 ack TallTed 15:51:13 ok 15:51:14 Proposed: Close ISSUE-88 by making ldp:created mandatory when ldp:insertedContentRelation is different from ldp:MemberSubject 15:51:20 Zakim, mute me 15:51:20 TallTed should now be muted 15:51:28 +1 15:51:33 +1 15:51:36 +1 15:51:45 +1 15:51:49 +1 15:51:50 +0.75 15:52:06 +0 because still think it should be "Make ldp:created mandatory" 15:52:13 -0.9 because though it solves the local problem it makes the spec more difficult everywhere else. 15:52:38 Resolved: Close ISSUE-88 by making ldp:created mandatory when ldp:insertedContentRelation is different from ldp:MemberSubject 15:53:36 Arnaud, what are implications when the membershipXX properties change ... ? 15:53:56 http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/Issue-87 15:54:06 Topic: Proposal regarding ISSUE-87: Membership triples modification 15:56:20 q+ 15:56:35 ack Ashok 15:56:36 q+ 15:56:39 Arnaud, it is difficult to guard against this, it's a messy world, so clients needs to be ready for such changes. 15:57:29 I think we'd be selling ourselves short to just say "not doing anything" if the spoken intent is to draft something in Best Practices 15:58:06 Ashok, don't go into these details ... too hard 15:58:19 Remember Cody is not on the call any longer, so if we intend him to "find it" we need to make it clear. 15:58:26 ack bblfish 15:58:29 i agree that it's hard, and probably over the next couple years, the market will evolve some good rules for 1.1 15:59:03 ON POSTING TO ?ldpc 15:59:03 CREATING ?member 15:59:03 CONSTRUCT { 15:59:05 ?subject ?relation ?object . 15:59:07 } WHERE { 15:59:09 GRAPH ?ldpc { 15:59:11 ?ldpc ldp:containerResource ?subject; 15:59:13 ldp:containsRelation ?relation; 15:59:15 ldp:insertedContentRelation ?memberRelation . 15:59:17 } 15:59:19 GRAPH ?member { 15:59:21 ?member ?memberRelation ?object 15:59:23 } 15:59:25 } 16:01:04 me thinks he sees a pattern 16:01:10 I am ok 16:01:17 I'm gone on time today 16:01:26 have fun y'all 16:01:26 call extended by 15 mins 16:01:31 -JohnArwe 16:01:58 bblfish, argues that this argument invalidates previous argument, and therefore we should then make ldp:member mandatory. 16:03:38 CONSTRUCT { 16:03:38 ?ldpc ldp:member ?resource . // <- the consequence 16:03:38 } WHERE { 16:03:40 ?ldpc ldp:containerResource ?subject; 16:03:42 ldp:containsRelation ?relation; 16:03:44 ldp:insertedContentRelation ?memberRelation . 16:03:46 ?subject ?relation ?object . // <- the membership triples 16:03:48 16:03:50 GRAPH ?resource { 16:03:52 ?resource ?memberRelation ?object . 16:03:54 } 16:03:56 } 16:07:16 that's why we should not conflate the current notion of membership and the need we have with ldp:created 16:07:48 I guess ldp:created is more about resource management 16:07:57 not resource membership 16:09:09 ok, can we speak instead of ldp:member talk of ldp:manages 16:09:28 or ldp:created for now :-) 16:10:06 I'd be for calling it ldp:xyz and once we figure out what we agree it should do, we give it an appropriate name 16:10:20 q+ 16:11:23 ack Ashok 16:11:44 @SteveS: +1 on ldp:xyz. When I started "writing" I went in that direction. Figure out desired behavior first, name after. 16:13:30 q+ 16:14:46 ack bblfish 16:16:04 ontology fight :-) 16:16:32 am I missing a hockey game? darnit! 16:16:43 "ldp:manages" does seem to clarify 16:17:10 then we can ask the question "do we want containers to manage resources?" 16:19:55 https://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/issues/89 16:19:59 just created an issue 16:20:20 can we discuss that next week? 16:20:26 I'm making things clearer 16:20:49 trakcbot, add ISSUE: too many issues 16:21:13 strategic typo there ericp 16:22:37 SteveS, that was a question of mine 16:22:43 re: PATCH on LDPC 16:23:08 and yes, we had this question *because* of the membership thing 16:23:18 yes I agree if one is not careful then one can create more and more such issues. 16:23:40 Proposed: Close ISSUE-87 by agreeing to add a warning that servers are not likely to allow modification of any of the membership properties 16:24:03 I'd rather they do allow changes 16:24:35 Zakim, unmute me 16:24:35 TallTed should no longer be muted 16:25:32 Proposed: Close ISSUE-87 by agreeing to do nothing: if the server allows the modification, it is up to the server to decide whether any other changes should be made 16:25:41 +0 16:26:04 +1 to say we don't spec out mod of membership triples, saying it is impl dependent 16:26:04 +1 I prefer this 2nd way 16:26:11 +0.8 16:26:24 +1 16:27:09 -0.8 we need to then specify how a client finds the ldp:manages relations discussed when such chances are made - my proposal publish all the ldp:manages relations 16:27:20 Resolved: Close ISSUE-87 by agreeing to do nothing: if the server allows the modification, it is up to the server to decide whether any other changes should be made. 16:27:45 we need another 30 minutes for that one 16:28:33 is ldp:manages ok? 16:28:36 I think my proposal is a less controversial approach for Henry's proposal 16:28:56 I propose that we don't speak about the URI first, just the feature, to avoid any misconception 16:29:01 bblfish, I care what it does....then we can talk about the name 16:30:24 Proposed: extend calls by 30mn until we hit 2nd LC 16:30:34 Fine by me 16:30:42 ok 16:30:58 +1 for focusing on getting this done and ending early if we can 16:31:01 +1 16:31:01 I'm not against 16:31:12 Resolved: extend calls by 30mn until we hit 2nd LC 16:31:13 +1 16:31:52 bblfish, 'manages' is a more flexible than 'created', because it is expresses an ongoing relationship, rather than the initial event 16:32:06 +1 roger thanks 16:32:12 -SteveS 16:32:13 -Ashok_Malhotra 16:32:16 bye 16:32:16 bye guys 16:32:20 -Alexandre 16:32:21 meeting adjourned 16:32:23 -Roger 16:32:37 -TallTed 16:32:46 -bblfish 16:33:05 Arnaud should be happy, we've started implementing the last resolution (1.5 hours meetings) even before we voted on it :-) 16:33:44 -ericP 16:33:46 -Arnaud 16:38:46 disconnecting the lone participant, nmihindu, in SW_LDP()10:00AM 16:38:47 SW_LDP()10:00AM has ended 16:38:47 Attendees were Arnaud, JohnArwe, Ashok_Malhotra, Alexandre, Roger, SteveS, TallTed, bblfish, ericP, codyburleson, nmihindu 18:32:44 SteveS has joined #ldp 18:48:24 Zakim has left #ldp