08:27:25 RRSAgent has joined #site-design 08:27:25 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/11/13-site-design-irc 08:28:03 MarkS has joined #site-design 08:28:05 rrsagent, make minutes 08:28:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/13-site-design-minutes.html Ian 08:28:08 rrsagent, set logs public 08:28:38 Zakim has joined #site-design 08:28:52 Chair: Ian 08:29:17 brett has joined #site-design 08:29:34 Jean-Gui has joined #site-design 08:29:58 Ian: Background info first.... 08:30:32 Ian: We last designed the W3C site in 2008. A lot has changed then since then. 08:30:44 Ian: New audience, new properties, new technology, etc. 08:31:10 Ian: We have 20th anniversary of W3C next year (2014) so wouldn't it be cool to have a new site/branding to go with that. 08:31:32 Ian: Some of our site will be data-powered in the future. 08:31:42 Ian: We only have part of the redesign here today. 08:31:52 Ian: We concluded the Headlights project in July. 08:32:06 http://www.w3.org/wiki/Headlights2013/SiteRedesign/Proposal 08:32:41 Ian: We have a proposal for the management team asking for money to do this. 08:32:56 Ian: Management team said great - but no money available. 08:33:10 laurent has joined #site-design 08:33:13 Ian: But we were given a job opening for someone based in China. 08:33:35 Ian: Things slowed down a bit and I was looking around for funding. A bit of interest but still looking. 08:33:44 ijongcheol has joined #site-design 08:33:47 marie_ has joined #site-design 08:34:23 r12a has joined #site-design 08:34:27 Dirk: We had a site redesign only 5 years ago. If we have not enough money, why don't we just redesign e.g. the specs pages? 08:34:28 krit has joined #site-design 08:34:31 ingee_kim_ has joined #site-design 08:34:57 Ian: People are telling us the TR pages sucks. We also have a need to impress new industry contacts and interested companies/organisations. 08:35:14 Ian: We also did a survey and got the response that people like our content but have trouble finding it. 08:35:38 Ian: Our site is blocking our users. We may have to limit the scope but initially I'd like to try for the whole thing. 08:36:13 marilyn has joined #site-design 08:36:18 Ian: To get some ideas for TPAC I contact designers and got some help to create wireframes which I'm presenting today. 08:36:28 new scribe: marilyn 08:36:48 s/new scribe/scribenick/ 08:36:58 Ian: working group home pages...we think we can do a lot better 08:37:19 ...we have the beginnnnings of use case and requiremenets, but also want to talk to people here at TPAC 08:37:48 ...so today the bulk of this is getting feedback on the wireframes I have 08:39:52 Ian: many people in the survey said 'we want the standard' 08:40:43 Ian describes block on right...W3C spotlight 08:40:59 ..this will be lightweight way to give heads up 08:41:10 ..if there is no spotlight, you won't see it 08:41:21 our key audience is developer community 08:41:40 remember, this is wireframe, not design 08:41:44 ijongcheol has joined #site-design 08:42:10 the Put our Standards to Work for you block 08:42:19 An Agenda of Innovation block 08:42:47 renoirb has joined #site-design 08:42:49 ...includes horizontal and vertical topics 08:43:02 ...like Web and TV (vertical) and accessibility (horizontal) 08:43:18 ...some of these pages will be ported from existing site, others will be purged 08:43:44 ..there is a giant elephant in the room...who is going to do all this content strategy and maintenance... 08:43:54 TBD 08:44:15 ...for the first time we'll have a clear explanation of who to get involved in our work 08:44:28 will be section to describe how to get involved for the public 08:44:30 ...part will be member and part will be non-member oriented 08:44:38 ...there will be member testimonials , too 08:44:52 finally, there will be a section for donations and sponsorships 08:45:06 ...so the flow is timely developer industry/social participation 08:45:17 Slide 2 08:45:28 what's different is what happens at top of page 08:45:41 in the future to give fast access...we will have type-ahead 08:46:01 ...search 08:46:10 ...but exact topics will be decided 08:47:10 Richard Ishida asks for clarification of headings....Top 5 and See All 08:47:39 Richard: this is good, but it's still a lot of clicks to get to things (specs, WG) 08:47:59 Ian: so far there are no clicks, just typing 08:48:02 AndroUser has joined #site-design 08:48:06 Richard: typing is just as onerous 08:48:36 Richard: wants fast llinks to groups and topics 08:48:44 DD: +1 08:48:49 s/DD/ddavis 08:49:01 Ian: our privacy policy does not allow us to use Google analytics 08:49:16 ...I sent to systeam what people are looking for 08:49:51 ...so the next view is 08:50:06 ...tabs link to topics you might want 08:50:28 ...for example, we're planning a WoT workshop 08:51:06 ...so I want people to be able to find this topic from a higher level abstraaction 08:51:25 Cameron: @@ 08:52:11 s/@@/I'm not sure "Innovation Agenda" is clear for people to understand/ 08:52:18 ...definition of innovation agenda 08:53:03 Ian: web topics or W3C topics...I didn't know if that would be enough 08:53:13 ...innovation doesn't necessarily mean future work 08:53:39 Ian: I'm conflicted if bar at top should map to block below 08:53:51 ...because of scrolling 08:54:04 mark: it's behaviour will have to change when you go into subpages 08:54:08 ian: why? 08:54:45 mark: I'm against it for that reason...hard to maintain and for accessbility 08:54:56 s/accessbility/accessibility 08:55:09 mark: sticky inpage navigation 08:55:17 (position: sticky) 08:55:43 Ian: TV and Broadcasting page 08:56:09 ...see it starts with general industry info to show W3C knows what's going on with that industry 08:56:33 ..the next block is binding between industry and W3C's (our approach) 08:56:46 ijongcheol has joined #site-design 08:56:57 ..the third block (scrolling) highlights some specific content or groups you can get involved in 08:57:15 ...some parts will be more static than others (e.g. blogs) 08:57:35 Cameron: add point of contact to industry landing page 08:57:41 Ian: yes 08:58:35 MC: what about filtering testimonials per industry topic 08:58:57 Ian: we can't advertise on the website, but we can acknowledge sponsors 08:59:40 Doug: so thse are industry specific pages 08:59:48 ...who is the audience specifically? 09:00:01 ...what level of mngt?...not technical? 09:00:09 s/what about filtering/what about having another of 09:00:11 ian: the content will be overview content 09:01:03 Ian: previews Web and TV page 09:01:41 Doug: I suspect that one of the users of this site will already know the tech aspects and will be coming here looking for more 09:01:56 ...perhaps add a slide deck or other resources for them? 09:02:11 +1 09:02:17 ian: this is a separate topic that we are addressing elsewhere 09:02:38 Liam: 1) analytics and 2) primary audience = developers 09:02:49 ...what about writers? 09:03:02 ...don't we fail them by focusing only on developers? 09:03:14 Doug: isn't that what WebPlatform is for? 09:03:51 ian: yes, WP does play a role...also I consider these pages for industry analysts too 09:04:08 ...I don't think primers are something we should be working on 09:04:14 liam: I don't think so either 09:04:28 Ian: Tech Reports page (TR page) 09:04:41 ...this page will make clear 1) when 2) title 3) status 09:04:59 s/when/when this was published 09:05:23 ...we ask all the groups to provide a one sentence description so I'd like to add those here 09:05:36 ...sorting happens through tops of columns like the rest of the world does 09:05:41 ...filter mechanisms 09:05:50 ...view nightly draft 09:06:12 ...you'll see we have multiple pages, I know we need a 'view all' 09:06:21 ...see the filters 09:06:55 ...tags to get at things 09:07:16 Cameron and Ian: all these things will have a URL 09:07:42 I want to bookmark the page with filters already set 09:07:57 Richard: uses example of finding internationalization 09:08:22 Ian: you're the guy who leverages those categories 09:08:30 Richard: I would like some grouping 09:08:54 ..HTML is simple, i18n is more complicated 09:09:23 Ian: I was thinking of using tags, but let me think more about this 09:09:57 ...CSS Namespaces Modules example page 09:10:22 ...abstract, groups, related resources 09:10:37 ...there's a mapping maintenance question here 09:11:17 Cameron: this is a metadata goldmine....who maintains and where 09:11:48 Ian: please provide a tool for distributed editing of spec metadata 09:12:56 ...editors don't want stuff stripped from our documents...leave it in 09:13:07 Attendees: dorian, Ian, brett, ddavis, ijongcheol, ingee_kim_, Jean-Gui, jeremie, krit, laurent, marie_ marilyn, MarkS, r12a, renoirb 09:13:25 Doug: you're pointing to WPDocs for a specific application 09:13:49 q+ 09:13:49 ...we do not have an end point like that, but we could potentially do this...do you want this? 09:14:00 Ian: somebody has got to describe the binding 09:14:05 Present: dorian, Ian, brett, ddavis, ijongcheol, ingee_kim_, Jean-Gui, jeremie, krit, laurent, marie_ marilyn, MarkS, r12a, renoirb, Ian, Liam, Doug 09:14:12 Doug: steps up to do binding 09:14:29 Doug: will we show authors and editors? 09:14:31 ian: yes 09:14:45 Doug: link to profile page so see what else that person is working on? 09:15:03 ian: systeam has on their docket to do profiles 09:15:56 Dirk: I always liked that specs were listed on W3C homepage..didn't have to go find them 09:16:09 Richard: I asked for that too 09:16:25 DD: control, F...find a spec 09:16:51 Ian: today we have sort by date and title 09:17:01 ...you get there from under Standards block 09:17:29 (some in group here didn't know this) 09:17:35 q? 09:17:35 http://www.w3.org/Mobile/mobile-web-app-state/ 09:17:43 http://www.google.com/imgres?sa=X&noj=1&biw=1403&bih=787&tbm=isch&tbnid=JTJ34Ha6JgEDaM:&imgrefurl=http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/site-comments/2002Jun/0041.html&docid=fnp4v3l4mtTkaM&imgurl=http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/site-comments/2002Jun/att-0041/validator.w3.org_website_down.gif&w=448&h=404&ei=2j2DUrb5J6eEjAK7y4GICQ&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:3,s:0, 09:17:43 i:90&iact=rc&page=1&tbnh=195&tbnw=216&start=0&ndsp=20&tx=106&ty=118 09:17:50 ack marie_ 09:17:54 q+ Doug 09:18:34 ack Doug 09:18:37 MC: search engine, custom stuff, are things we;ll need for keyword search 09:18:45 s/kirk/krit 09:19:16 Ian: need to identify how to do this search of keywords and who will build/maintain 09:19:37 Cameron: I agree that catagories used are not helpful 09:20:00 Ian: the last thing to show today is a quickie view of mobile wireframe 09:20:19 RRSAgent, draft minutes 09:20:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/13-site-design-minutes.html ddavis 09:20:31 ...again, start with Standards, then Developer section, then Industry and BizDev 09:20:51 ...not sure about the URI 09:21:04 Ian: time check...10 minutes left 09:21:11 Meeting: w3.org Site Redesign Breakout Meeting 09:21:20 RRSAgent, draft minutes 09:21:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/13-site-design-minutes.html ddavis 09:21:49 Ian: two challenges, audiences...public facing and how to get the work done 09:22:01 two pages or one page? 09:22:08 what is order of the flow? 09:22:16 what is most friendly approach? 09:22:50 Cameron: we used to have two different pages, not just have single page in SVG WG 09:22:52 s/not/now 09:23:22 Ian: Doug said I think I know my community 09:23:27 ..and he was right 09:23:51 ...so we had centralized pages....grid of topics related to web design 09:24:04 ....some examples...this is the high level page and we'll maintain it 09:24:23 Cameron: at least for SVG, the majority of spec writing audience is web developers 09:24:36 Ian: I think we did it wrong, so now what are the audience needs? 09:24:49 q? 09:25:12 Doug: I periodically get questions from developers about SVG... 09:26:16 ...if you at the SVG WG page, I tried to take the style of the home page, consistently give some details 09:26:24 ...how to participate 09:26:37 ..used as a template across several WG pages 09:26:50 ian: I love consistency...did they like this? 09:26:53 ...what is the content they need? 09:27:24 Doug: there is a set of people who want to see what a particular WG is working on 09:27:45 ...it should automatically update 09:28:17 ...if I go to CSS page, I'm going to find different set of info...no consistency 09:28:51 Ian: I asked people in the survey if they want help in group pages...they said YES 09:29:04 Doug: good point that there are different audiences.... 09:29:35 ...have 2 pages 09:29:55 Ian: all of this input is super helpful 09:30:12 ...I have to rush off now 09:30:51 rrsagent, make minutes 09:30:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/13-site-design-minutes.html marilyn 09:31:50 Hey, can I get the wireframe PDF? 09:33:35 ijongcheol has joined #site-design 09:38:16 AndroUser2 has joined #site-design 10:02:48 ddavis has joined #site-design 10:03:08 RRSAgent, generate minutes 10:03:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/13-site-design-minutes.html ddavis 10:14:45 trackbot has joined #site-design 10:14:50 RRSAgent, generate minutes 10:14:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/13-site-design-minutes.html ddavis 10:16:56 testing 10:16:58 RRSAgent, generate minutes 10:16:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/13-site-design-minutes.html ddavis 10:17:29 Ian has joined #site-design 10:17:39 rrsagent, make minutes 10:17:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/13-site-design-minutes.html Ian 10:17:47 rrsagent, set logs public 10:18:06 rrsagent, bye 10:18:06 I see no action items