IRC log of tt on 2013-11-11
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 01:02:58 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #tt
- 01:02:58 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 01:03:00 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 01:03:00 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #tt
- 01:03:02 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be TTML
- 01:03:02 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot, I see Vide_TTML()8:00PM already started
- 01:03:03 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference
- 01:03:03 [trackbot]
- Date: 11 November 2013
- 01:03:12 [nigel]
- zakim, please call taishan
- 01:03:12 [Zakim]
- ok, nigel; the call is being made
- 01:03:13 [Zakim]
- +Taishan
- 01:03:41 [pal]
- pal has joined #tt
- 01:04:07 [glenn]
- topic: TTML profiles
- 01:04:32 [glenn]
- 01:05:02 [nigel]
- chair: glenn
- 01:05:06 [nigel]
- scribeNick: nigel
- 01:06:26 [razybon]
- razybon has joined #tt
- 01:06:43 [nigel]
- glenn: describes TTML1 Profiles
- 01:07:59 [nigel]
- ... using slides from link above
- 01:09:52 [tmichel]
- tmichel has joined #tt
- 01:10:12 [nigel]
- glenn: Nobody has actually used the "used" value to my knowledge.
- 01:10:49 [nigel]
- ... Instead people just used "required"
- 01:11:17 [nigel]
- ... to mean both supported and enabled.
- 01:13:38 [nigel]
- pal: do we know in practice how many documents include profile definitions inline?
- 01:13:44 [nigel]
- glenn: no we don't know.
- 01:14:01 [nigel]
- pal: sdp-us, cff-tt and ebu-tt don't.
- 01:15:54 [nigel]
- nigel: can Profiles be combined when defined internally, externally or any combination?
- 01:15:59 [nigel]
- glenn: any combination
- 01:19:30 [nigel]
- nigel: Are external references required to be resolved?
- 01:19:47 [nigel]
- glenn: they 'should' be resolvable but it's not a mandatory requirement
- 01:22:14 [nigel]
- On the 'what's missing' slide
- 01:23:01 [cyril]
- cyril has joined #tt
- 01:26:03 [nigel]
- Profile Designator Proposal
- 01:27:30 [dsinger]
- dsinger has joined #tt
- 01:27:37 [nigel]
- Checking which issue or action is related to this problem
- 01:28:53 [nigel]
- pal: creating an action for this
- 01:31:19 [razybon]
- razybon has left #tt
- 01:32:05 [razybon]
- razybon has joined #tt
- 01:32:54 [plh]
- plh has joined #tt
- 01:33:01 [nigel]
- glenn: this designator is just a label, doesn't imply anything about schemas etc
- 01:33:10 [nigel]
- hello plh
- 01:34:29 [nigel]
- pal: this binds the profile with this URI, unambiguously
- 01:36:14 [nigel]
- nigel: it's clear for linking profiles with labels but it's another different problem to define which profiles any particular document conforms to.
- 01:36:39 [nigel]
- glenn: all this designator attribute does is allows the profile definition document to create a machine-readable label.
- 01:38:26 [nigel]
- issue-297
- 01:38:26 [trackbot]
- issue-297 -- Include Profile Designator in Profile Definition Document -- raised
- 01:38:26 [trackbot]
- 01:41:18 [nigel]
- glenn: proposes that we complete these issues if there are no objections by December 1st
- 01:41:54 [dsinger]
- dsinger has joined #tt
- 01:42:20 [glenn]
- PROPOSED RESOLUTION: to adopt @designator attribute on ttp:profile as described in presentation, to be finalized by DEC5
- 01:43:27 [cyril]
- RRSAgent, pointer
- 01:43:27 [RRSAgent]
- See
- 01:44:55 [nigel]
- issue-266
- 01:44:55 [trackbot]
- issue-266 -- add ability for instance documents to declare what profile(s) it conforms to -- open
- 01:44:55 [trackbot]
- 01:48:07 [nigel]
- On slide Content Profile Proposal (2) tt:root -> tt:tt
- 01:48:14 [glenn]
- s/tt:root/tt:tt/ in the presentation
- 01:50:10 [glenn]
- <ttp:profile type="content" use="ttml-full-content"/>
- 01:59:10 [nigel]
- glenn: scope of ttp:validation is global for the whole document, and all referenced profiles.
- 01:59:52 [nigel]
- pal: can you type an example of what it would look like to specify that a document conforms to multiple content profiles simultaneously?
- 02:01:22 [nigel]
- nigel: have added reference to this proposal on issue-266
- 02:02:07 [glenn]
- <tt ...>
- 02:02:08 [glenn]
- <head>
- 02:02:08 [glenn]
- <ttp:profile type="content" use="content-profile-1.xml"/>
- 02:02:09 [glenn]
- <ttp:profile type="content" use="content-profile-2.xml"/>
- 02:02:11 [glenn]
- </head>
- 02:02:13 [glenn]
- </tt>
- 02:02:54 [nigel]
- pal: that satisfies the requirement for specifying multiple conformant document content profiles.
- 02:03:07 [nigel]
- glenn: there's another way too, a variant on it.
- 02:03:17 [glenn]
- <tt ...>
- 02:03:17 [glenn]
- <head>
- 02:03:17 [glenn]
- <ttp:profile type="content">
- 02:03:19 [glenn]
- <ttp:profile type="content" use="content-profile-1.xml"/>
- 02:03:21 [glenn]
- <ttp:profile type="content" use="content-profile-2.xml"/>
- 02:03:23 [glenn]
- </ttp:profile>
- 02:03:25 [glenn]
- </head>
- 02:03:27 [glenn]
- </tt>
- 02:03:51 [TatsuyaIgarashi]
- TatsuyaIgarashi has joined #tt
- 02:03:58 [nigel]
- glenn: this allows nested definitions of a content profile.
- 02:04:26 [nigel]
- pal: Based on the use cases I've heard of this goes well beyond the requirement.
- 02:04:44 [nigel]
- ... Can we document the reason behind the extra complexity?
- 02:05:14 [glenn]
- <tt ttp:profile="dfxp-presentation"/>
- 02:05:35 [nigel]
- glenn: this is the current mechanism. It can only take one URI not a list.
- 02:05:42 [glenn]
- <tt ttp:contentProfile="dfxp-presentation-content"/>
- 02:06:00 [nigel]
- ... If we added a content profile that does something similar then we couldn't have a list.
- 02:06:22 [nigel]
- ... By using the more advanced mechanism this could reference multiple content profiles.
- 02:06:45 [nigel]
- pal: have you considered extending the current mechanism to be a list, which would be backward compatibility
- 02:07:42 [Mark_Vickers]
- Mark_Vickers has joined #tt
- 02:07:46 [nigel]
- glenn: it sounds like a reasonable extension.
- 02:09:15 [nigel]
- ... One argument is that it facilitates adding in the profile features to the document.
- 02:10:56 [nigel]
- glenn: we often end up with multiple forms as shorthands, and this does have associated cost
- 02:11:18 [nigel]
- pal: what about the idea of 'if you use content profile or profile attribute' you can't use the other.
- 02:11:58 [nigel]
- glenn: we already have that in TTML1 in 5.2
- 02:12:29 [nigel]
- group reviews current specification
- 02:12:56 [nigel]
- glenn: it is currently well defined. The ttv verifier tool will warn if both are present, or neither.
- 02:12:58 [TatsuyaIgarashi]
- TatsuyaIgarashi has joined #tt
- 02:13:24 [nigel]
- glenn: I view the attribute as a shorthand for the element.
- 02:14:33 [nigel]
- glenn: 2 proposals. First is to allow profiles and profile attributes to allow multiple designator.
- 02:15:00 [nigel]
- ... Second is to ensure that it's possible for a content profile definition to proscribe use of the profile element while requiring use of the profile attribute.
- 02:16:27 [nigel]
- nigel: there's another issue in that people define profiles by behaviour within text in a specification document not just as ttml profile designators
- 02:16:28 [nigel]
- pal: also interested in that.
- 02:17:02 [nigel]
- glenn: are there any immediate objections?
- 02:17:28 [nigel]
- nigel: this does appear to meet the needs of issue-266
- 02:17:52 [nigel]
- glenn: this goes beyond as it adds validation semantics
- 02:19:45 [nigel]
- nigel: we should be careful to avoid confusion in readers between optional/required feature designators and the validation action
- 02:19:58 [glenn]
- action: glenn to consider also defining @validation on ttp:profile, in addition to (override) tt:tt
- 02:19:58 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-232 - Consider also defining @validation on ttp:profile, in addition to (override) tt:tt [on Glenn Adams - due 2013-11-18].
- 02:19:59 [nigel]
- nigel: also we need to consider the validation scope - all profiles or per profile?
- 02:20:51 [nigel]
- glenn: may need a validation 'none' on per profile validation to override
- 02:21:14 [nigel]
- pal: what is the use case for requiring the processor to abort or not upon failing validation of a document?
- 02:21:37 [nigel]
- glenn: we have two categories: transformation and presentation. Transformation processing is more likely to occur in a pipeline.
- 02:22:07 [nigel]
- ... a validation node may be required, to cause TTML to be removed from the pipeline on failure.
- 02:22:50 [nigel]
- ... Let's say a document is edited, e.g. features are added or subtracted, perhaps invalidating it. If I'm an author and am paranoid about ensuring profile compliance I may want to specify validation abort
- 02:23:44 [nigel]
- nigel: from a bbc perspective this is the sort of thing we'd like to do.
- 02:23:57 [nigel]
- glenn: from a verifier tool it's very useful for the content to specify behaviour.
- 02:28:04 [nigel]
- pal: the delta between the proposal in the powerpoint as Content Profile Proposal (1) (2) and (3) is:
- 02:28:57 [glenn]
- PROPOSED RESOLUTION: to adopt Content Profile Proposal (1-3) plus: (1) extend ttp:{profile,contentProfile} to take list of designators; (2) allow use of @verification* on ttp:profile; pending decision by DEC5
- 02:29:08 [glenn]
- no objections
- 02:30:15 [nigel]
- group breaks for coffee
- 02:32:59 [Zakim]
- - +1.617.766.aaaa
- 02:33:15 [plh3]
- plh3 has joined #tt
- 03:03:15 [Zakim]
- -Taishan
- 03:03:17 [Zakim]
- Vide_TTML()8:00PM has ended
- 03:03:17 [Zakim]
- Attendees were +1.617.766.aaaa, Taishan
- 03:05:52 [pal]
- pal has joined #tt
- 03:08:34 [nigel]
- Plan to recommence at 11:15 china time, i.e. 7 minutes...
- 03:19:48 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #tt
- 03:23:05 [nigel]
- invite zakim
- 03:23:17 [nigel]
- trackbot, this is ttml
- 03:23:17 [trackbot]
- Sorry, nigel, I don't understand 'trackbot, this is ttml'. Please refer to <> for help.
- 03:23:23 [nigel]
- rrsagent, this is ttml
- 03:23:23 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. I don't understand 'this is ttml', nigel. Try /msg RRSAgent help
- 03:23:42 [nigel]
- zakim, this is ttml
- 03:23:58 [nigel]
- we've hung up the phone, will redial soon
- 03:24:05 [glenn]
- trackbot, start meeting
- 03:24:07 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 03:24:07 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #tt
- 03:24:09 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be TTML
- 03:24:09 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot; I see Vide_TTML()8:00PM scheduled to start 144 minutes ago
- 03:24:10 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference
- 03:24:10 [trackbot]
- Date: 11 November 2013
- 03:24:21 [nigel]
- zakim, please call taishen
- 03:24:21 [Zakim]
- I am sorry, nigel; I do not know a number for taishen
- 03:24:36 [nigel]
- zakim, please call taishan
- 03:24:36 [Zakim]
- ok, nigel; the call is being made
- 03:24:37 [Zakim]
- Vide_TTML()8:00PM has now started
- 03:24:38 [Zakim]
- +Taishan
- 03:27:27 [nigel]
- topic: profiles (continued)
- 03:27:52 [nigel]
- issue-206
- 03:27:52 [trackbot]
- issue-206 -- Add ttp:profileCombination parameter -- open
- 03:27:52 [trackbot]
- 03:28:50 [dsinger]
- dsinger has joined #tt
- 03:29:23 [nigel]
- 03:38:34 [glenn]
- 03:42:22 [nigel]
- pal: what is the use case for profile combination?
- 03:42:43 [nigel]
- nigel: not sure of any specific use case, but useful in the TTML -> IMSC -> xyz scenario
- 03:46:04 [nigel]
- glenn: this allows collisions between profiles to be resolved more clearly
- 03:46:55 [nigel]
- glenn: as an implementor this allows parameterisation of the behaviour better
- 03:47:58 [nigel]
- glenn: it's possible that we may introduce this now and find that nobody uses it so we then remove it.
- 03:48:26 [plh]
- plh has joined #tt
- 03:48:32 [nigel]
- pal: argument against adding it now is the profile section of the specification is already confusing for DECE and EBU.
- 03:48:47 [nigel]
- ... By adding features we may make it more complex and introduce errors.
- 03:49:30 [nigel]
- glenn: much of the confusion re profiles comes from preconceptions.
- 03:49:37 [silvia1]
- silvia1 has joined #tt
- 03:50:28 [nigel]
- nigel: suggests we have the possibility of restructuring the documentation to add clarity
- 03:50:54 [nigel]
- glenn: tech specs are not user guides. The spec should say the minimum that makes it semantically clear.
- 03:51:23 [nigel]
- pal: agrees with that perspective
- 03:51:42 [nigel]
- glenn: in favour of editorial changes to help readers. The driving factor is whether to use hidden parameters or make them explicit.
- 03:52:06 [nigel]
- ... the combination methods right now are hidden parameters encoded in prose.
- 03:52:28 [nigel]
- ... When we go through the TTML2 spec process, if there are no implementations we may end up labelling features as at risk and then removing them.
- 03:53:00 [nigel]
- ... It's easier to take things out than put things in. Like to err on the side of putting in, if logically sound.
- 03:53:35 [nigel]
- mark: customer feedback from target of the spec is 'confused' so would be cautious about saying 'wrong assumptions' but to address this in a customer-oriented way.
- 03:54:16 [nigel]
- pal: open to see the output of the editing, which may be clearer after refactoring than TTML1. Would hate it to get worse.
- 03:55:02 [mijordan]
- mijordan has joined #tt
- 03:56:09 [nigel]
- glenn: agree with the principle of not adding complexity for its own sake
- 03:56:55 [Zakim]
- +[Adobe]
- 03:57:25 [Mark_Vickers]
- Mark_Vickers has joined #tt
- 03:58:17 [nigel]
- glenn: should we draft a proposal as per previously discussed process?
- 03:58:19 [nigel]
- nigel: yes
- 03:58:37 [glenn]
- PROPOSED RESOLUTION: to adopt Content Profile combination proposals, subject to the DEC5 review period
- 03:59:34 [nigel]
- glenn: Feature relation proposal
- 04:01:08 [nigel]
- glenn: example is #markerMode, #markerMode-continuous, #markerMode-discontinuous
- 04:01:35 [nigel]
- ... could use the @restricts attribute to relate the smaller features to the larger features.
- 04:03:06 [nigel]
- ... @extends allows extension features to extend existing ones.
- 04:03:29 [nigel]
- ... It would be useful to think about this when reviewing e.g. IMSC to identify candidate features.
- 04:03:34 [nigel]
- pal: have done this and have not found any.
- 04:04:20 [nigel]
- pal: profiles can not define new features, only extensions. Can profiles express a restriction on TTML?
- 04:09:02 [nigel]
- glenn: if a profile defines an extension and says it restricts an existing feature it can be expressed. Is that the right mechanism?
- 04:09:14 [nigel]
- pal: so when you capture that you'd put it both in the spec and the profile definition?
- 04:09:17 [nigel]
- glenn: yes.
- 04:09:32 [nigel]
- pal: where would you specify it in the profile specification (the content profile)?
- 04:10:00 [nigel]
- glenn: to reuse the feature definitions in the context of content profiles is to add text describing their meaning in a content profile.
- 04:10:04 [nigel]
- pal: assume we do that.
- 04:10:48 [nigel]
- glenn: if you're in a content profile definition document, this allows enumeration of features that must/may/may not be present in the document.
- 04:10:58 [nigel]
- pal: so you get to the feature that's restricted - how do you declare that?
- 04:11:19 [pal]
- <feature value="required" constrainedBy="">#extent-region</extension>
- 04:11:20 [nigel]
- glenn: you'd need to define a feature that is the complement of the portion that is the restriction and then say use of the complement is prohibited.
- 04:12:53 [nigel]
- pal: intention is to say that the extent is restricted, but a processor that supports unrestricted extent can still go ahead, even if it doesn't know about the extension feature designation
- 04:13:16 [nigel]
- pal: idea is to express still within the feature element.
- 04:13:51 [nigel]
- glenn: we're talking about this in the context of a content profile.
- 04:13:58 [pal]
- <feature value="allowed" constrainedBy="">#extent-region</extension>
- 04:14:09 [nigel]
- ... so required means it must be present. What you're really trying to say is that something is permitted.
- 04:14:13 [pal]
- <feature value="optional" constrainedBy="">#extent-region</extension>
- 04:14:30 [nigel]
- glenn: this is therefore a no-op for any verifier.
- 04:14:58 [nigel]
- glenn: what you're trying to do is to prohibit a document from expressing a value that goes out of the document.
- 04:16:19 [nigel]
- glenn: from the validation perspective optional doesn't help. Suggest we take this offline and see if we can resolve it.
- 04:16:57 [nigel]
- pal: can't see the value of this for IMSC
- 04:20:12 [nigel]
- nigel: @restricts and @extends have almost opposite meanings dependent on whether they're processor or content profile features
- 04:20:24 [nigel]
- ... can we come up with different labels that don't have the same connotations?
- 04:20:30 [nigel]
- glenn: we can try to come up with better terms.
- 04:20:45 [nigel]
- pal: was just trying to understand the intent.
- 04:21:09 [nigel]
- glenn: raises the issue of what do content profiles mean? Is it just for validation tools, or something that will be used.
- 04:21:28 [nigel]
- ... when you get to the presentation processor its too late in most cases to do anything about it.
- 04:23:21 [nigel]
- glenn: happy to think further about this last proposal and table it subject to further discussion.
- 04:24:48 [glenn]
- sense of the room: table feature relation proposal subject to further offline discussion
- 04:27:35 [nigel]
- will break for lunch now, return at 1:30
- 04:28:17 [Zakim]
- -Taishan
- 04:28:33 [nigel]
- rrsagent, generate minutes
- 04:28:33 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate nigel
- 04:28:39 [Zakim]
- -[Adobe]
- 04:28:40 [Zakim]
- Vide_TTML()8:00PM has ended
- 04:28:40 [Zakim]
- Attendees were Taishan, [Adobe]
- 05:18:22 [dsinger]
- dsinger has joined #tt
- 05:32:39 [pal]
- pal has joined #tt
- 05:35:31 [nigel]
- nigel has joined #tt
- 05:35:38 [nigel]
- trackbot, start meeting
- 05:35:40 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 05:35:42 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be TTML
- 05:35:42 [Zakim]
- I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot
- 05:35:43 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference
- 05:35:43 [trackbot]
- Date: 11 November 2013
- 05:35:48 [nigel]
- zakim, this is ttml
- 05:35:48 [Zakim]
- sorry, nigel, I do not see a conference named 'ttml' in progress or scheduled at this time
- 05:37:14 [glenn]
- zakim, list conferences
- 05:37:14 [Zakim]
- I see IA_WebApps()7:00PM, Team_(webbrobg)04:12Z, Team_(css)04:31Z active
- 05:37:16 [Zakim]
- also scheduled at this time is Team_(xquery)03:03Z
- 05:37:19 [silvia]
- silvia has joined #tt
- 05:39:29 [plh]
- plh has joined #tt
- 05:40:22 [pal]
- @plh zakim seems to have no records of ttml meeting
- 05:40:55 [razybon]
- razybon has joined #tt
- 05:41:07 [glenn]
- zakim, this will be Vide_TTML
- 05:41:07 [Zakim]
- I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, glenn
- 05:41:31 [glenn]
- zakim, this is 8865
- 05:41:31 [Zakim]
- sorry, glenn, I do not see a conference named '8865' in progress or scheduled at this time
- 05:42:22 [plh]
- zakim, this is TTML
- 05:42:22 [Zakim]
- sorry, plh, I do not see a conference named 'TTML' in progress or scheduled at this time
- 05:42:31 [plh]
- zakim, I don't like you
- 05:42:31 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'I don't like you', plh
- 05:44:38 [tmichel]
- tmichel has joined #tt
- 05:45:10 [plh]
- we could create an ad-hoc call instead
- 05:45:16 [plh]
- that would do the trick for now
- 05:45:23 [plh]
- ok?
- 05:45:31 [glenn]
- yes
- 05:45:49 [plh]
- zakim, room for 4 for 240 minutes?
- 05:45:51 [Zakim]
- ok, plh; conference Team_(tt)05:45Z scheduled with code 26634 (CONF4) for 240 minutes until 0945Z
- 05:46:00 [plh]
- zakim, call taishan
- 05:46:00 [Zakim]
- ok, plh; the call is being made
- 05:46:00 [Zakim]
- Team_(tt)05:45Z has now started
- 05:46:03 [Zakim]
- +Taishan
- 05:46:28 [plh]
- if I was correct, the room should be connected now
- 05:46:33 [nigel]
- yes it is
- 05:46:39 [cyril]
- cyril has joined #tt
- 05:46:41 [plh]
- zakim, passcode?
- 05:46:41 [Zakim]
- the conference code is 26634 (tel:+1.617.761.6200, plh
- 05:46:59 [plh]
- the others should use this password
- 05:47:01 [tm]
- tm has joined #tt
- 05:48:27 [nigel]
- chair: nigel
- 05:49:15 [nigel]
- scribeNick: pal
- 05:51:20 [pal]
- agenda: ISSUE-285
- 05:51:55 [israelh_]
- israelh_ has joined #TT
- 06:07:52 [pal]
- nigel: mulitrowAlign is intended to allow the author to specify alignement relative to the longest lign of a <p> without a priori knowledge of line length
- 06:08:02 [pal]
- nigel: would CSS flex box work
- 06:08:33 [pal]
- glenn: suggest creating an example based on CSS
- 06:08:59 [tmichel__]
- tmichel__ has joined #tt
- 06:09:28 [pal]
- glenn: unless there is a mapping to CSS, a feature will likely be ignored by OWP
- 06:11:58 [pal]
- glenn: mapping to svg is a potential, but higher cost
- 06:16:33 [pal]
- ACTION: glenn to reach out to CSS WG to understand potential mappinp of multiRowAlign to CSS
- 06:16:33 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-233 - Reach out to css wg to understand potential mappinp of multirowalign to css [on Glenn Adams - due 2013-11-18].
- 06:17:01 [pal]
- ISSUE-286
- 06:17:01 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-286 -- Extend the background area behind rendered text to improve readability -- open
- 06:17:01 [trackbot]
- 06:19:04 [silvia1]
- silvia1 has joined #tt
- 06:20:06 [pal]
- nigel: adding padding at end of row improves legibility
- 06:20:34 [pal]
- glenn: CSS folks mentioned box-decoration-break as a possibiliy
- 06:24:23 [pal]
- ACTIOM: glenn to explore box-decoration-break in response to ISSUE-286
- 06:24:30 [pal]
- ACTION: glenn to explore box-decoration-break in response to ISSUE-286
- 06:24:30 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-234 - Explore box-decoration-break in response to issue-286 [on Glenn Adams - due 2013-11-18].
- 06:24:45 [pal]
- glenn: <br> and white space as an alternative
- 06:24:56 [pal]
- nigel: undesirable since it mixes semantics and presentation
- 06:25:47 [pal]
- ISSUE-286: CSS folks mentioned box-decoration-break as a possibiliy
- 06:25:47 [trackbot]
- Notes added to ISSUE-286 Extend the background area behind rendered text to improve readability.
- 06:28:52 [pal]
- ISSUE-294
- 06:28:52 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-294 -- Style attribute to prevent overflow by shrinking text to fit on a line -- raised
- 06:28:52 [trackbot]
- 06:31:31 [pal]
- nigel: "shrink-text-to-fit" is optimal option to ensure that all text shows up
- 06:32:00 [pal]
- nigel: "shrink-text-to-fit" is dormant issue in CSS
- 06:33:06 [pal]
- pal: all 3 options: dl fonts, "shrink-text-to-fit" and reference fonts are not mutually exclusive
- 06:35:08 [plh]
- plh has joined #tt
- 06:36:34 [dsinger]
- dsinger has joined #tt
- 06:41:00 [pal]
- nigel: should TTML 2 support downloadable fonts
- 06:42:58 [pal]
- glenn: font height > font width usually so worse case line width can be estimated
- 06:44:29 [pal]
- glenn: it would be good to explore downloadable fonts
- 06:45:05 [pal]
- glenn: CSS alows a URL to be associated with combination of font family and style
- 06:45:33 [pal]
- glenn: TTML 1 did not allow document to reference external resources
- 06:46:38 [glenn]
- @font-face { font-family: FooBar; src: url(''); }
- 06:47:02 [glenn]
- <p tts:fontFamily="FooBar">foo bar baz</p>
- 06:48:43 [pal]
- PROPOSAL: add support for downloadable fonts in TTML 2
- 06:51:56 [nigel]
- issue-273
- 06:51:56 [trackbot]
- issue-273 -- Map fontFamily to external font file resources -- open
- 06:51:56 [trackbot]
- 06:52:33 [pal]
- ISSUE-273: TPAC 2013 PROPOSAL: add support for downloadable fonts in TTML 2
- 06:52:33 [trackbot]
- Notes added to ISSUE-273 Map fontFamily to external font file resources.
- 06:56:12 [pal]
- pal: not implementations will support downloadable fonts
- 06:56:49 [pal]
- pal: so downloadable fonts is not magic bullet therefore
- 07:09:58 [pal]
- nigel: add margins and reference fonts to delivery specs
- 07:10:42 [pal]
- nigel: specify end-of-line allowance and reference fonts to delivery specs
- 07:10:46 [nigel]
- nigel: (not in TTML2 - adding safety allowances is a specification issue for clients commissioning subtitle documents)
- 07:11:26 [pal]
- pal: different implementations will render the same font file differently
- 07:11:36 [pal]
- pal: authors should use <br>
- 07:19:14 [pal]
- ISSUE-283: TPAC 2013 PROPOSAL: add informative text (e.g. to Section 9.4) on controlling line breaks (see also issue-273 on downloadable fonts)
- 07:19:15 [trackbot]
- Notes added to ISSUE-283 Deterministic text wrapping and presentation.
- 07:21:18 [nigel]
- Breaking for 30 mins
- 07:25:49 [dsinger]
- dsinger has joined #tt
- 07:46:04 [Zakim]
- -Taishan
- 07:46:05 [Zakim]
- Team_(tt)05:45Z has ended
- 07:46:05 [Zakim]
- Attendees were Taishan
- 07:49:39 [nigel]
- zakim, what conference is this?
- 07:49:39 [Zakim]
- this will be Team_(tt)05:45Z conference code 26634, nigel
- 07:49:40 [Zakim]
- this was Team_(tt)05:45Z
- 07:58:50 [pal]
- pal has joined #tt
- 08:00:33 [pal]
- ISSUE-288
- 08:00:33 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-288 -- Rules for splitting and accumulating documents -- open
- 08:00:33 [trackbot]
- 08:05:21 [Mark_Vickers]
- Mark_Vickers has joined #tt
- 08:44:54 [pal]
- nigel: presented EBU input document.
- 08:45:11 [pal]
- ACTION: nigel to post EBU input document re: ISSUE-288
- 08:45:11 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-235 - Post ebu input document re: issue-288 [on Nigel Megitt - due 2013-11-18].
- 08:49:23 [plh]
- plh has joined #tt
- 08:51:14 [pal]
- s/issue-288/issue-270
- 08:52:28 [pal]
- nigel: splitting and accumulating document should probably be in a separate document
- 08:52:36 [pal]
- s/nigel/glenn
- 08:54:41 [pal]
- s/issue-270/issue-288
- 08:55:09 [pal]
- ISSUE-270
- 08:55:09 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-270 -- Appendix N assumption that root temporal extent corresponds with the beginning of a related media object -- open
- 08:55:09 [trackbot]
- 09:05:52 [pal]
- ACTION: glenn to review consistent use of "Root Temporal Extent" in both TTML 2 and TTML 1 SE
- 09:05:52 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-236 - Review consistent use of "root temporal extent" in both ttml 2 and ttml 1 se [on Glenn Adams - due 2013-11-18].
- 09:06:13 [pal]
- ACTION-236: See ISSUE-270
- 09:06:13 [trackbot]
- Notes added to ACTION-236 Review consistent use of "root temporal extent" in both ttml 2 and ttml 1 se.
- 09:07:21 [nigel]
- chair: pal
- 09:07:26 [nigel]
- scribeNick: nigel
- 09:07:39 [nigel]
- topic: IMSC
- 09:07:47 [nigel]
- issue-296
- 09:07:47 [trackbot]
- issue-296 -- Remove xml:lang placement restrictions from IMSC -- raised
- 09:07:47 [trackbot]
- 09:07:52 [silvia]
- silvia has joined #tt
- 09:08:50 [nigel]
- plh, is richard ishida likely to be able to attend?
- 09:09:15 [plh]
- I thought we said Friday
- 09:09:20 [nigel]
- issue-296: pal proposes removing the xml:lang constraint
- 09:09:21 [trackbot]
- Notes added to issue-296 Remove xml:lang placement restrictions from IMSC.
- 09:09:43 [nigel]
- plh, I didn't think we had. If he were around soon that'd be handy as we're discussing IMSC
- 09:09:43 [plh]
- at what time would you ike Richard to be in the room?
- 09:09:50 [plh]
- ok, let me ask him
- 09:10:25 [plh]
- I can't locate him at the moment :(
- 09:10:45 [nigel]
- glenn: opentext defines different rendering rules dependent on language, script and feature.
- 09:11:00 [nigel]
- ... language is obtained from xml:lang
- 09:11:25 [nigel]
- s/opentext/opentype
- 09:12:23 [nigel]
- glenn: many fonts have different rendering rules dependent on language, e.g. arabic is used to express pashto, arabic and other languages.
- 09:13:07 [nigel]
- action: pal to review with CFF folk
- 09:13:07 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-237 - Review with cff folk [on Pierre-Anthony Lemieux - due 2013-11-18].
- 09:14:18 [nigel]
- issue-296: pal removes proposal to restrict xml:lang in IMSC though may re-instate it depending on CFF response
- 09:14:18 [trackbot]
- Notes added to issue-296 Remove xml:lang placement restrictions from IMSC.
- 09:14:29 [nigel]
- glenn: line breaking algorithms also depend on xml:lang
- 09:14:32 [nigel]
- issue-295
- 09:14:32 [trackbot]
- issue-295 -- Remove code point restrictions from IMSC -- raised
- 09:14:32 [trackbot]
- 09:14:52 [nigel]
- pal: looks like 3 separate issues.
- 09:15:35 [nigel]
- ... 1) Inference that IMSC limits character sets in implementations
- 09:18:04 [nigel]
- pal: This is a document suggestion not an implementation restriction
- 09:18:20 [nigel]
- glenn: this is defined in Unicode and is not in scope of TTML
- 09:18:40 [dsinger]
- dsinger has joined #tt
- 09:25:17 [tmichel]
- tmichel has joined #tt
- 09:30:54 [nigel]
- glenn: some languages require not just specific fonts but also rendering rules that are not necessarily embedded in an Opentype font, e.g. Indic.
- 09:33:34 [nigel]
- glenn: W3C i18n may have a view here.
- 09:34:47 [tm]
- tm has joined #tt
- 09:36:08 [glenn]
- 09:39:04 [nigel]
- glenn: internationalisation work has been considered in separate forums both within W3C and Unicode.
- 09:39:19 [nigel]
- pal: this application is specific to subtitles and captions and may therefore be slightly different.
- 09:41:10 [nigel]
- issue-295: action on glenn and pierre to consult richard ishida - is there a baseline to reference, or an external source?
- 09:41:10 [trackbot]
- Notes added to issue-295 Remove code point restrictions from IMSC.
- 09:41:28 [nigel]
- action: pal to follow up on issue-295
- 09:41:28 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-238 - Follow up on issue-295 [on Pierre-Anthony Lemieux - due 2013-11-18].
- 09:41:36 [nigel]
- action-238
- 09:41:36 [trackbot]
- action-238 -- Pierre-Anthony Lemieux to Follow up on issue-295 -- due 2013-11-18 -- OPEN
- 09:41:36 [trackbot]
- 09:41:44 [nigel]
- issue-238
- 09:41:44 [trackbot]
- issue-238 -- smpte:backgroundImage -- open
- 09:41:44 [trackbot]
- 09:44:24 [nigel]
- nigel: this is a significant divergence from the spatially scalable nature of TTML independent of rendering plane
- 09:49:41 [nigel]
- glenn: if we implement this we'll have to add specific profile feature designators relating to particular image types e.g. JPEG etc.
- 09:50:10 [nigel]
- glenn: and we'll need to add wording relating to usage, similar to UAX14 line breaking wording - i.e. if needed do it like this.
- 09:50:26 [nigel]
- glenn: we should use a CSS-like syntax.
- 09:50:37 [silvia]
- silvia has joined #tt
- 09:51:34 [nigel]
- issue-238: proposal is to add functionality equivalent to smpte backgroundImage and define profile feature designators for baseline feature and image format types. Also describe usage expectations.
- 09:51:34 [trackbot]
- Notes added to issue-238 smpte:backgroundImage.
- 09:54:10 [nigel]
- issue-179
- 09:54:10 [trackbot]
- issue-179 -- Interpreting the pixel measure -- open
- 09:54:10 [trackbot]
- 09:57:32 [silvia]
- silvia has joined #tt
- 09:57:37 [nigel]
- nigel: it's problematic to relate pixels to related media objects as there may be none or multiple with different resolutions.
- 09:57:54 [nigel]
- glenn: there's an even bigger problem in that the existing definition of pixels doesn't relate to media objects at all.
- 09:59:26 [nigel]
- ... it's defined via TTML 1 8.3.9 as per XSL 1.1 5.9.13 which uses the same language as CSS
- 10:04:31 [nigel]
- glenn: there's been some work in CSS on units and measures
- 10:05:36 [glenn]
- 10:09:17 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #tt
- 10:11:04 [nigel]
- glenn: we could state that pixels define a logical coordinate space with a mapping into device coordinates
- 10:11:14 [nigel]
- ... we could define a mechanism for defining that transformation
- 10:12:14 [nigel]
- ... In SVG there's a viewbox attribute that defines the coordinates
- 10:12:53 [nigel]
- nigel: MPEG states that the track header box in BMFF should have the same resolution as the root extent
- 10:13:14 [nigel]
- glenn: wants time to craft a proposed response. Thinking about using the SVG model of logical coordinate space.
- 10:13:55 [nigel]
- ... When we define an extent on the root now that effectively defines a viewbox already so the change may be simple.
- 10:14:13 [nigel]
- ... There's extra on SVG in terms of mapping to aspect ratio etc
- 10:15:36 [nigel]
- glenn: we can say if you use pixels and define extent then it means X and if you use pixels without defining extent then it means Y.
- 10:15:43 [nigel]
- ... and make a strong recommendation.
- 10:16:57 [nigel]
- rrsagent, publish minutes
- 10:16:57 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate nigel
- 10:17:46 [glenn]
- glenn has joined #tt
- 10:22:18 [silvia1]
- silvia1 has joined #tt
- 10:31:37 [glenn]
- glenn has joined #tt