16:58:52 RRSAgent has joined #tagmem 16:58:52 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/10/31-tagmem-irc 16:58:54 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:58:54 Zakim has joined #tagmem 16:58:56 Zakim, this will be TAG 16:58:56 ok, trackbot, I see TAG_Weekly()1:00PM already started 16:58:57 Meeting: Technical Architecture Group Teleconference 16:58:57 Date: 31 October 2013 16:59:06 dka has changed the topic to: http://www.w3.org/wiki/TAG/Planning/2013-10-31-TC 16:59:23 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/wiki/TAG/Planning/2013-10-31-TC 16:59:25 Chair Dan 16:59:35 Boo! 16:59:36 +plinss 16:59:38 -plinss 16:59:38 +plinss 17:01:36 twirl has joined #tagmem 17:02:29 +??P7 17:02:42 ht has joined #tagmem 17:03:27 +[IPcaller] 17:03:31 Zakim, [IP is me 17:03:31 +annevk_; got it 17:03:32 +??P9 17:03:56 zakim, who is here? 17:03:56 On the phone I see dka, plinss, twirl, annevk_, ht (muted) 17:03:57 On IRC I see ht, twirl, Zakim, RRSAgent, dka, annevk_, darobin, wycats_, trackbot, plinss, bkardell, slightlyoff, Yves 17:04:38 marcosc has joined #tagmem 17:05:07 Scribe: anne 17:05:21 Scribenick: annevk_ 17:05:45 scribe: annevk 17:06:05 timbl has joined #tagmem 17:06:11 chair: dka 17:06:53 Topic: JSON 17:08:26 HT: Wendy will be in Vancouver next week for the IETF meeting. Following some initial exploration with her and Philipe she will contact the chair of the IETF JSON WG. 17:08:38 s/chair/chairs/ 17:12:30 Topic: DRM / EME 17:12:58 DKA agreed that we would wait to hear from Wendy before taking our own response to the JSON WG forward 17:13:13 DA: Henry, you seem to be suggesting DRM as a work item for the TAG. 17:13:57 HT: I am not competent technically in this area to take this forward. 17:14:42 HT: I felt a real lack of technical discussion. I got some of that from Henri and other contributors. 17:15:24 HT: I would prefer less ideological discussion. 17:15:45 HT: I am interested in knowing whether Tim would like a Task Force. 17:15:58 DA: If we do that we need to find someone who is sufficiently neutral. 17:17:08 HT: I think we should have a Task Force and find someone who is on both sides of the ideological gap. 17:17:26 DA: I will take that up with Tim in China. 17:17:55 -twirl 17:18:02 Topic: Securing the Web 17:18:11 +??P7 17:18:29 DA: We talked about this during the F2F. Every day I see a headline that relates to this. 17:18:45 DA: If we want a TAG recommendation here, we should get started. 17:19:01 DA: I am going to take the list we have and put it on our GitHub. 17:19:21 DA: I will make a start, but I will need people to fill in the details. 17:19:55 DA: So the question is, are we all on board with the list? Do we want to take this on as a work item? 17:20:26 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2013/10/01-minutes.html#item04 17:20:41 list ^^ 17:21:05 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2013/10/whiteboard-security.jpg 17:22:20 ACTION: Dan to start on the securing the web document. 17:22:20 Created ACTION-843 - Start on the securing the web document. [on Daniel Appelquist - due 2013-11-07]. 17:22:26 Topic: Custom elements 17:24:10 AvK: So the custom elements proposal looks okay. What I wonder is what existing browsers are doing for their own elements and whether the right hooks are exposed 17:24:29 AvK: However, figuring that out is a rather large undertaking and I'm not sure whether I have the time 17:24:39 AvK: I have been trying to find someone else to do it, but no luck so far 17:26:00 zakim, who is here? 17:26:00 On the phone I see dka, plinss, annevk_, ht, twirl 17:26:01 On IRC I see timbl, marcosc, ht, twirl, Zakim, RRSAgent, dka, annevk, wycats_, trackbot, plinss, bkardell, slightlyoff, Yves 17:26:35 Topic: Election 17:26:55 DA: I will issue a call for new TAG members with a security background. 17:27:03 +1 17:27:24 https://github.com/twirl/spec-reviews/blob/master/2013/10/Web%20Animations.md 17:28:08 Topic: Web Animations 17:28:27 SK: I put up a review [see link above] for this specification. Please give me feedback! 17:28:48 Topic: HTTPbis 17:29:13 HT: The drafts (HTTP/1.1 revision) have gone in Last Call. 17:29:25 HT: I'm working on producing feedback on content negotiation. 17:29:52 text/html 80.9G 17:29:52 2.9 17:29:52 5.40G 17:29:52 6.7 17:30:56 text/xml 40.1G 17:30:56 1.5 17:30:56 26.5G 17:30:56 66.1 17:32:23 application/xml 14.1G 17:32:24 0.5 17:32:24 60.0M 17:32:24 0.4 17:32:39 Topic: WebRTC codecs 17:32:48 So, hugely differing hit rates for text/html, text/xml and application/xml 17:33:01 https://brendaneich.com/2013/10/ciscos-h-264-good-news/ 17:33:02 DA: The IETF will make a decision regarding a required baseline codec. 17:33:14 DA: VP8 vs H264 17:33:37 -twirl 17:33:50 those lines above read as type total bytes;percent of 2.8T bytes total;bytes found in cache; percent bytes found in cache 17:34:04 DA: One of the issues has been that H264 has no RF status, but Cisco has announced they'll release free binaries for which they'll pay the royalties. 17:34:06 +??P5 17:35:28 I wonder if video codecs might go the same way -- probably not. . . 17:35:43 AVK: MPEG LA has a cap money-wise so Cisco will pay that. Everyone will have to use their implementation without modification and it will have to be fetched from their server before usage. 17:38:41 AVK: My understanding is that it's slightly better than the status quo, but far from ideal given that there's a single implementation. Innovation is not allowed. Security issues will be shared. As Brendan Eich said, hopefully this will make it required for new codecs to be at least gratis. 17:39:09 Topic: China 17:39:27 DA: Anne and I want to discuss better developer outreach. Everyone welcome to join. 17:39:56 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2013/10/whiteboard-upcoming.jpg 17:40:03 On the top of that image 17:42:05 17:42:10 boo! 17:42:14 -dka 17:42:16 RRSAgent, make minutes 17:42:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/10/31-tagmem-minutes.html annevk 17:42:19 -twirl 17:42:21 -plinss 17:42:23 -annevk_ 17:42:30 Zakim: dude, I was annevk 17:42:57 -ht 17:42:59 TAG_Weekly()1:00PM has ended 17:42:59 Attendees were dka, plinss, twirl, [IPcaller], annevk_, ht 20:27:15 dka has joined #tagmem 20:58:56 Zakim has left #tagmem