12:43:10 RRSAgent has joined #mlw-lt 12:43:10 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/10/30-mlw-lt-irc 12:43:53 chair: daveLewis 12:43:58 present+ davelewis 12:57:41 Nieves has joined #mlw-lt 13:00:10 meeting: MLW-LT WG 13:00:31 rrsagent, make log public 13:00:47 regrets: felix, arle 13:00:52 Ankit has joined #mlw-lt 13:01:07 present+ Ankit 13:01:11 swalter has joined #mlw-lt 13:01:41 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Oct/0034.html 13:01:53 Jirka has joined #mlw-lt 13:02:02 present+ kfritsche 13:02:14 present+ Jirka 13:02:17 present+ swalter 13:02:22 present+ Nieves 13:02:41 Yves_ has joined #mlw-lt 13:04:04 omstefanov has joined #mlw-lt 13:04:10 scribe: Jirka 13:04:13 chriLi has joined #mlw-lt 13:04:25 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Oct/0034.html 13:04:26 present +omstefanov 13:04:37 present+ Yves 13:05:24 agenda approved as is 13:05:34 pnietoca has joined #mlw-lt 13:05:38 Topic: Celebrate publication of ITS2 as a Recommendation 13:05:46 present+ omstefanov 13:05:52 topic: Celebration of ITS 2.0 becoming Recommendation 13:06:47 chrili: How long actually it took from charter to REC? 13:07:02 pedro has joined #mlw-lt 13:07:12 present+ pedro 13:07:22 daveL: Might we can mention this in press release. W3C is probably going to make press release. 13:07:41 s/Might/Might be/ 13:08:08 608 days since 12/03/01 (don't know if this is the correct date) 13:08:51 leroy has joined #mlw-lt 13:09:57 If the start was March-17-2012 The duration was: 591 days or: 1 year, 7 months, 12 days or 51,062,400 seconds or 851,040 minutes or 14,184 hours 13:09:59 pedro: Each WG member should translate this PR and distribute it inside their country. 13:10:45 action: Draft a press release to DaveL 13:10:46 Error finding 'Draft'. You can review and register nicknames at . 13:10:52 Milan has joined #mlw-lt 13:11:00 action: DaveL to Draft a press release 13:11:00 Created ACTION-568 - Draft a press release [on David Lewis - due 2013-11-06]. 13:11:01 RenatB has joined #mlw-lt 13:11:03 present+ Milan 13:11:14 present+ 13:11:47 All press releases, and all translations should be stored in the wiki, to be accessible by all 13:12:28 present +pnietoca 13:12:33 topic: Input needed for final LT-Web outreach 13:12:34 Topic; Input needed for final LT-Web outreach 13:12:46 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Oct/0016.html 13:13:31 present+ leroy 13:14:15 Nieves goes through Arle's email 13:15:00 Nieves: We should do video about project. 13:15:20 ... script was sent recently in an email. 13:15:45 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Oct/0052.html 13:17:47 Jirka: we shouldn't mention RDF, could scare people 13:18:04 .. it is complicated and should leave it out 13:18:07 +1 13:19:26 pedro: We can go through deliverables and add more bullet points. 13:19:39 ... especially business related 13:20:43 swalter: We can add something about locQuality and we can also mention that things that in past have to be transmitted by side channel can be put inside content directly. 13:21:24 omstefanov: We can mention that simplified process has impact on costs. 13:21:51 For more arguments to use ITS2, see D3.2.3 section 5 and D4.2.2 section 6. 13:23:02 chrili: Video is just different medium for what we already have. Video should show standard in action. Eg. Someone using OKAPI. 13:23:38 +1 13:24:17 omstefanov: We can put labels with key points as on overlay. 13:24:34 .. video shouldn't be just PPT presentation 13:24:53 s/as on/as an/ 13:26:13 To show standards in action in the videos, Arle and Nieves should count with implementer's assistance. 13:26:34 Nieves: Video should be released after Madrid F2F 13:27:11 Pedro: Each should provide script for their tools. 13:27:36 Nieves: This should be general introductory video. More detailed videos can be created later. 13:31:02 omstefanov: We should spent money on some professionals doing really good video. 13:31:32 Nieves: DFKI already has some production company. 13:32:21 The professional should be OUTSIDE our group, This will help challenge us to use words that non-insiders will understand, instead of just using insider jargon. 13:35:10 I will ask 13:36:07 We have scheduled to produce the video around the week of 18-22.11.13 13:39:47 DaveL: There will be one general video and 1-2 minutes long videos for most important implementations/tools/platforms. 13:40:49 http://www.w3.org/International/its/wiki/ITS_Implementations 13:41:39 topic: EC deliverables wrap up 13:41:41 topic: Deliverable for EC project 13:41:42 http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/Deliverables 13:42:13 See sample of video (not high quality :-() in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXZfZ7sBloE&feature=share&list=UUotaJ_41MZRCsfYPm8nytBQ 13:43:02 thanks pedro 13:44:44 daveL: We need to collect PDFs for commision. 13:46:17 Milan: David will incorporate some edits into D3.1.2 and provide final PDF soon 13:46:31 D3.1.3 is already done 13:47:26 swalter: D3.1.5 is living document, final PDF will produced from it after Madrid F2F 13:47:45 Who is responsible for D3.2.1? Probably Phil. 13:48:30 D3.2.2 is done 13:48:30 I need to leave, sorry. 13:49:13 me too bye! 13:49:25 D3.2.3 final version will provided by Nov 8th 13:49:57 D4.3 Milan will update this soon 13:50:28 D5.1.1 is finished, but no feedback received yet 13:51:30 D5.1.2 David will make changes based on Milan feedback 13:52:25 D5.1.2 it si done, Ankit will update Wiki 13:53:38 topic: Madrid F2F 13:53:40 topic: marid agenda 13:53:41 https://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/Madrid_November_2013_f2f 13:56:50 daveL: Follow up project LIDER will be discussed. 13:57:07 ... Future of MLW Workshops 13:59:12 http://doodle.com/6dwv2hckmxrbs2cw 13:59:55 daveL: Project finish. We will not be able to cover travel to review meeting from project. 14:02:30 Serge: We should extend Madrid agenda with outreach activities overview 14:04:17 Jirka has left #mlw-lt 14:04:27 quit 14:04:30 rrsagent, generate minutes 14:04:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/10/30-mlw-lt-minutes.html daveL 14:04:47 rrsagent, make logs public 14:05:00 rrsagent, bye 14:05:00 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2013/10/30-mlw-lt-actions.rdf : 14:05:00 ACTION: Draft a press release to DaveL [1] 14:05:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/10/30-mlw-lt-irc#T13-10-45 14:05:00 ACTION: DaveL to Draft a press release [2] 14:05:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/10/30-mlw-lt-irc#T13-11-00