IRC log of tt on 2013-10-17

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:49:49 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #tt
13:49:49 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:49:51 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
13:49:51 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #tt
13:49:53 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be TTML
13:49:53 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 11 minutes
13:49:54 [trackbot]
Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference
13:49:54 [trackbot]
Date: 17 October 2013
13:50:32 [Sean]
Sean has joined #tt
13:55:47 [Sean]
trackbot, start meeting
13:55:49 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
13:55:51 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be TTML
13:55:51 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 5 minutes
13:55:52 [trackbot]
Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference
13:55:52 [trackbot]
Date: 17 October 2013
13:57:38 [Zakim]
SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM has now started
13:57:45 [Zakim]
13:58:26 [Zakim]
13:59:31 [mike]
mike has joined #tt
14:00:03 [Zakim]
14:03:19 [pal]
pal has joined #tt
14:04:21 [Zakim]
14:05:22 [mijordan]
mijordan has joined #tt
14:06:29 [Zakim]
14:06:48 [mijordan]
Zakim, Adobe is mijordan
14:06:48 [Zakim]
+mijordan; got it
14:09:12 [glenn]
scribenick: glenn
14:09:16 [glenn]
chair: sean
14:09:43 [glenn]
14:09:53 [glenn]
14:09:53 [trackbot]
ISSUE-275 -- Improve compatibility with line height 'normal' and CSS/XSL-FO implementations. -- closed
14:09:53 [trackbot]
14:10:08 [glenn]
sean: anything more on this?
14:10:25 [glenn]
mike: no need to reopen, can process open issues on this (283)
14:10:31 [glenn]
14:10:31 [trackbot]
ISSUE-283 -- Deterministic text wrapping and presentation -- open
14:10:31 [trackbot]
14:11:12 [glenn]
glenn: let's discuss 284 first
14:11:16 [glenn]
14:11:16 [trackbot]
ISSUE-284 -- value of lineHeight -- raised
14:11:16 [trackbot]
14:18:16 [Dsinger]
Dsinger has joined #tt
14:18:46 [glenn]
sean: this is mostly related to ttml2 which is now being prescriptive instead of a recommendation
14:19:04 [Zakim]
14:21:57 [glenn]
sean: we could make this (the percentage) a rec in ttml2 as well, so there would be no conformance issue
14:23:34 [Dsinger]
It maps to a specific value on each platform, but maybe not the same value...
14:23:50 [glenn]
action: glenn to change to rec in ttml2, and add note to authors indicating that if author wants specific value, then they should specify specific value
14:23:50 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-219 - Change to rec in ttml2, and add note to authors indicating that if author wants specific value, then they should specify specific value [on Glenn Adams - due 2013-10-24].
14:27:49 [glenn]
14:28:12 [Dsinger]
Zakim, mute dsinger
14:28:12 [Zakim]
dsinger should now be muted
14:28:24 [glenn]
glenn: the above shows that the max height of all lines applies to the entire para
14:32:27 [glenn]
action: pal to investigate actual CSS behavior further regarding whether line height of individual lines are affected by font size on line as opposed to maximum over paragraph
14:32:28 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-220 - Investigate actual css behavior further regarding whether line height of individual lines are affected by font size on line as opposed to maximum over paragraph [on Pierre-Anthony Lemieux - due 2013-10-24].
14:33:06 [glenn]
action: glenn to double check spec language on CSS and XSL-FO around line height stacking strategy
14:33:07 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-221 - Double check spec language on css and xsl-fo around line height stacking strategy [on Glenn Adams - due 2013-10-24].
14:34:23 [glenn]
14:34:23 [trackbot]
ISSUE-283 -- Deterministic text wrapping and presentation -- open
14:34:23 [trackbot]
14:38:02 [glenn]
glenn: mentions ways to support downloaded fonts, using mechanism similar to SMPTE-TT for background images
14:38:30 [Dsinger]
I also was hoping for Philippe
14:38:45 [Dsinger]
Am on a bus hence muted
14:39:02 [Dsinger]
...and VTT
14:39:07 [glenn]
mike: in theory, someone at W3C received a SMPTE liaison statment, but it thasn't shown up here
14:39:33 [Dsinger]
As editor I could also share 1:1 with anyone curious
14:40:16 [Dsinger]
Them mpeg file format folks
14:40:21 [Dsinger]
14:40:27 [glenn]
action: sean to check on receipt of ISO liaison, re: parts 12 and 30 of 14496
14:40:27 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-222 - Check on receipt of iso liaison, re: parts 12 and 30 of 14496 [on Sean Hayes - due 2013-10-24].
14:40:44 [glenn]
mike: suggests checking with chris lilley or jean claude duford
14:42:01 [glenn]
topic: imsc drafts
14:42:10 [glenn]
pal: no changes since last week
14:42:27 [glenn]
... has generated some issues like 283
14:42:42 [Dsinger]
Dsinger has joined #tt
14:42:49 [glenn]
... feedback in other forums (e.g., EBU)
14:42:57 [glenn]
... expect some changes in coming weeks
14:43:09 [glenn]
... nothing concrete to report today
14:43:16 [Dsinger]
Back. Wifi troubles
14:43:38 [Dsinger]
Zakim, unmute dsinger
14:43:38 [Zakim]
dsinger should no longer be muted
14:44:06 [Dsinger]
Zakim, mute dsinger
14:44:06 [Zakim]
dsinger should now be muted
14:44:35 [Dsinger]
14:44:53 [Dsinger]
Bus wifi is ... Fun
14:44:56 [Sean]
Yes we all are waiting for Philippe
14:45:14 [Dsinger]
Zakim, unmute dsinger
14:45:14 [Zakim]
dsinger should no longer be muted
14:46:23 [Dsinger]
Zakim, mute dsinger
14:46:23 [Zakim]
dsinger should now be muted
14:47:23 [Dsinger]
Zakim, unmute dsinger
14:47:23 [Zakim]
dsinger should no longer be muted
14:47:47 [Sean]
Does anyone have Phillipes cell number?
14:48:44 [Dsinger]
617 417 9822
14:48:56 [Sean]
ok I will call him
14:48:57 [Zakim]
14:49:10 [Sean]
Zakim, mute Sean
14:49:10 [Zakim]
Sean should now be muted
14:49:11 [glenn]
just lost my connection
14:49:16 [glenn]
will call back
14:49:28 [Dsinger]
Zakim, mute dsinger
14:49:30 [Zakim]
dsinger should now be muted
14:49:39 [Zakim]
14:50:39 [Dsinger]
Zakim, unmute dsinger
14:50:39 [Zakim]
dsinger should no longer be muted
14:51:34 [glenn]
dsinger: devices vs general platforms
14:51:54 [glenn]
... general platforms usually allow downloadable font resources
14:52:08 [glenn]
... devices more specific to per region support
14:52:11 [Dsinger]
Zakim, mute dsinger
14:52:11 [Zakim]
dsinger should now be muted
14:53:14 [Dsinger]
For western languages there are free fonts, yes. For Asia, less so
14:53:42 [Sean]
Zakim, unmute Sean
14:53:42 [Zakim]
Sean should no longer be muted
14:54:00 [Sean]
Philippe will be here shortly
14:54:04 [plh]
plh has joined #tt
14:54:08 [Zakim]
14:54:24 [Dsinger]
Good morning plh
14:54:36 [Dsinger]
14:54:48 [Dsinger]
Got an early bus
14:55:15 [glenn]
topic: ttwg charter
14:55:17 [Dsinger]
I have mostly minor comments
14:55:26 [glenn]
plh: have comments from pal
14:55:44 [glenn]
... issue about external submissions?
14:55:53 [plh]
14:55:54 [Dsinger]
Repeat 'that'?
14:56:19 [plh]
TTML Text and Image Profiles for Internet Media Subtitles and Captions
14:56:20 [Dsinger]
Got it
14:56:25 [glenn]
plh: should IMSC be added to charter?
14:56:33 [glenn]
sean: should take opportunity to change date
14:56:37 [Dsinger]
14:57:04 [glenn]
plh: will link submission from charter; title can be changed
14:57:23 [glenn]
... are we all agreeing about rec track for imsc?
14:57:38 [glenn]
plh: would need implementations
14:58:05 [glenn]
sean: need to change name of TTML 1.1 to TTML2 in charter
14:58:05 [Dsinger]
Zakim, unmute dsinger
14:58:05 [Zakim]
dsinger should no longer be muted
14:58:30 [glenn]
dsinger: some minor editorial comments
14:58:39 [glenn]
what does "offline" media captioning
14:58:56 [glenn]
should everything be useful for described video?
14:58:59 [pal]
Under "Liaisons with W3C Groups", I would add the Web&TV IG
14:59:20 [glenn]
sean: must is a stretch for described video
14:59:48 [glenn]
s/media captioning/media captioning mean?/
15:00:23 [glenn]
dsinger: under deliverable 2, if "previously specified" then already in spec text
15:00:42 [glenn]
pal: idea was that TTCG would keep working on "some stuff"
15:01:07 [plh]
remove "previously specified but now"
15:01:16 [glenn]
plh: can say "previously unspecified features"
15:01:21 [plh]
fix "Text Text"
15:01:40 [glenn]
dsinger: should say something about CSS as a mapping
15:02:19 [glenn]
plh: already have this via "mapping" activity
15:03:14 [plh]
move item 6 into item 1 (TTML 2)
15:04:40 [glenn]
dsinger: surprised that 608/708 aren't mentioned under deliverables
15:05:00 [glenn]
mike: notes that SMPTE TT has done this
15:05:21 [glenn]
... nothing wrong with mentioning this in charter
15:05:33 [Dsinger]
Zakim, mute dsinger
15:05:33 [Zakim]
dsinger should now be muted
15:05:38 [glenn]
dsinger: can be mentioned as to be considered as opposed to new deliverable
15:06:04 [glenn]
pal: plh did you catch the liaison with w3c groups?
15:06:06 [glenn]
plh: yes
15:06:15 [pal]
> pal: idea was that TTCG would keep working on "some stuff"< that was not pal
15:06:18 [glenn]
pal: web & tv ig
15:06:20 [Dsinger]
Obviously the chair name
15:06:47 [glenn]
plh: will update no later than monday and send to list
15:07:19 [Dsinger]
I will forward to the CG. Don't forget to remove Sean as initial chair.
15:07:33 [Dsinger]
15:08:08 [Dsinger]
VTT bug 20037 is close to fixed. Then FSA
15:08:13 [Dsinger]
Zakim, unmute dsinger
15:08:13 [Zakim]
dsinger should no longer be muted
15:08:31 [glenn]
plh: may need separate telecoms for vtt related matters
15:08:45 [glenn]
dsinger: should be able to get enough people to participate
15:09:08 [glenn]
plh: group can decide on need for separate telecom
15:09:35 [Dsinger]
Send me email and I will follow up
15:09:58 [Dsinger]
Email later is fine
15:10:02 [plh]
15:11:30 [glenn]
plh: how much time at TPAC on VTT?
15:11:49 [glenn]
dsinger: should allocate at least an hour
15:13:26 [glenn]
plh: possible sched for friday for VTT discussions
15:13:46 [glenn]
plh: pick time and send to dsinger and silvia
15:14:14 [Dsinger]
When send draft to AC?
15:14:59 [glenn]
sean, dsinger: think we don't need to hold up charter for VTT finalization
15:15:48 [glenn]
dsinger: let's get charter in good shape and ready to send to AC first
15:16:05 [glenn]
... can get informal comments from AC
15:16:12 [glenn]
plh: already did this back in May
15:16:32 [glenn]
pal: what is patent commit issue around VTT?
15:17:16 [glenn]
dsinger: need to do FSA pass to get commits from Silvia and other authors
15:17:40 [glenn]
dsinger: need a bug fixed first
15:18:04 [glenn]
dsinger: 20037 in bugzilla about H/V positioning
15:18:42 [glenn]
plh: will update charter and send out by monday
15:18:48 [glenn]
... then start internal review
15:19:08 [Dsinger]
15:19:14 [glenn]
... will see about sending to AC for prelim review before TPAC, but if not then ASAP after TPAC
15:19:26 [glenn]
mike: how are we doing on IETF/IANA registration of TTML?
15:20:05 [glenn]
glenn: is there a new IANA tracking number?
15:20:25 [glenn]
plh: did resbumit with corrections before publication of TTML1SE
15:20:46 [glenn]
plh: will try to find tracker link and send that to WG
15:21:08 [glenn]
action: plh to find IANA tracking number for resubmit of MIME type registration
15:21:08 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-223 - Find iana tracking number for resubmit of mime type registration [on Philippe Le Hégaret - due 2013-10-24].
15:21:46 [glenn]
sean: AOB?
15:21:57 [Zakim]
15:21:57 [glenn]
sean: adjourned
15:21:58 [Zakim]
15:22:00 [Zakim]
15:22:01 [Zakim]
15:22:05 [Zakim]
15:22:11 [Zakim]
15:22:15 [glenn]
trackbot, end meeting
15:22:15 [trackbot]
Zakim, list attendees
15:22:15 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been Sean, glenn, Mike, pal, mijordan, dsinger, Plh
15:22:23 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
15:22:23 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate trackbot
15:22:24 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, bye
15:22:24 [RRSAgent]
I see 5 open action items saved in :
15:22:24 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: glenn to change to rec in ttml2, and add note to authors indicating that if author wants specific value, then they should specify specific value [1]
15:22:24 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:22:24 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: pal to investigate actual CSS behavior further regarding whether line height of individual lines are affected by font size on line as opposed to maximum over paragraph [2]
15:22:24 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:22:24 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: glenn to double check spec language on CSS and XSL-FO around line height stacking strategy [3]
15:22:24 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:22:24 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: sean to check on receipt of ISO liaison, re: parts 12 and 30 of 14496 [4]
15:22:24 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:22:24 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: plh to find IANA tracking number for resubmit of MIME type registration [5]
15:22:24 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:22:29 [Dsinger]
Dsinger has left #tt