13:55:56 RRSAgent has joined #mobile-a11y 13:55:56 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/10/15-mobile-a11y-irc 13:58:54 Team_(mobile-a11y)14:00Z has now started 13:59:01 +??P1 13:59:11 +Jeanne 13:59:16 -??P1 13:59:16 +??P1 13:59:32 zakim, P1 is Joshue 13:59:33 sorry, jeanne, I do not recognize a party named 'P1' 14:00:07 zakim, ??P1 is Joshue 14:00:07 +Joshue; got it 14:00:44 Joshue has joined #mobile-a11y 14:00:47 MichaelC has joined #mobile-a11y 14:00:56 +Kathy_Wahlbin 14:01:25 Kathy has joined #mobile-a11y 14:01:31 +??P6 14:04:47 +Kelly_Ford 14:07:36 zakim, [IPcaller] is Joshue 14:07:36 sorry, Joshue, I do not recognize a party named '[IPcaller]' 14:08:06 +Jim_Allan 14:08:22 Joshue108 has joined #mobile-a11y 14:08:52 allanj has joined #mobile-a11y 14:09:38 allanj has joined #mobile-a11y 14:10:18 rrsagent, make minutes 14:10:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/10/15-mobile-a11y-minutes.html allanj 14:11:29 https://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=66524&public=1 14:11:31 +Kim_Patch 14:13:22 q+ to suggest chairs send message to WCAG and UAAG mailing lists introducing facilitators 14:14:41 KimPatch has joined #mobile-a11y 14:14:52 q+ to suggest facilitators send intro message to the TF list to collect meeting time availabilities and propose initial agenda 14:15:01 q+ to say and suggest people introduce themselves 14:15:21 scribe: allanj 14:16:21 https://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=66524&public=1 14:16:22 q+ to say suggest recruits 14:17:35 ack me 14:17:35 MichaelC, you wanted to suggest chairs send message to WCAG and UAAG mailing lists introducing facilitators and to suggest facilitators send intro message to the TF list to collect 14:17:38 ... meeting time availabilities and propose initial agenda and to say and suggest people introduce themselves and to say suggest recruits 14:19:27 mc: WG chair(s) should announce to the the WGs introducing the TF and the facilitators 14:20:23 ... facilitators send message - introducing self, logistics (meeting times - time zones) 14:21:11 ... then propose agenda/tasks etc. 14:21:41 jo: potential times? 14:22:05 mc: up to the facilitators, to establish times. 14:22:37 q+ to ask about tools 14:22:40 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/work-statement 14:22:50 mc: the WG need to establish some requirement of # of meetings by some date 14:22:59 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/ 14:23:04 kw: what is the list addy 14:23:06 public-mobile-a11y-tf@w3.org 14:25:23 KP: needs a wiki 14:25:35 kp: wants a wiki 14:25:41 zakim, queue? 14:25:41 I see jeanne on the speaker queue 14:25:54 js: need tracker instance 14:27:08 list discussion 14:27:30 tf list and public discussion list 14:27:38 ack jeanne 14:27:38 jeanne, you wanted to ask about tools 14:28:03 wbs should be established (survey system) 14:28:31 jeanne to provide orientation to WBS 14:29:14 wikis available for tool use 14:29:35 needs: tracker, wbs, wiki 14:29:52 mc: do you need access to bugzilla? 14:30:05 js: use for tracking comments 14:30:13 kp: not needed now 14:30:19 kw: +1 14:30:58 jo: reporting mechanism - can talk at another time about this 14:31:39 mc: wiki setup to be able to add comments 14:31:46 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Task_Force_Report_Template 14:31:52 kw: time frame for reports 14:32:42 jo: every 6 weeks and meet with with WG chairs (UAWG and WCAG) 14:33:22 jo: couple of weeks to get logistics in order 14:33:49 kw: want to recruit more folks, hear that others are interested 14:34:01 ... then set a time. 14:34:37 jo: questions? 14:35:28 kp: need to get acquainted with the tools, get participants 14:35:56 jo: discusses happy medium for finding a time. 14:36:30 q+ to ask for zakim code 14:38:22 ack coop 14:38:25 ack coop 14:38:28 ack Mi 14:38:28 MichaelC, you wanted to ask for zakim code 14:38:52 motf 14:39:30 ack me 14:39:50 Passcode will be 6283 matf 14:41:54 kw: tools, agenda, intro email 14:42:38 kf: review work statement, see if questions 14:42:53 kp: what are you expecting? 14:43:51 jo: quite a lot. primarily mobile techniques using open web stack (html5, css, etc.) 14:44:16 ... design guidance (usability) 14:44:38 ... list of existing resources (BBC), others 14:45:00 kw: IBM mobile guidelines 14:45:26 js: has a long list for mobile a11y 14:45:45 Funka Nu best practices 14:46:54 kp: 6 months from now, what is expectation... 14:47:05 q+ to suggest project plan 14:47:48 q+ to mention gap analysis and available resources (include Alan´s, BBC, etc.) 14:48:00 jo: basis of lots of techniques (with a good crew), design guidance best practices 14:48:38 ... surprise me, it is hard work, don't want to set anything in stone 14:48:44 q+ to note TF size and make use of members 14:49:22 q+ to talk about work methodology 14:49:25 kw: need to ID techniques, send to WG for approval? 14:50:34 ack mich 14:50:34 MichaelC, you wanted to suggest project plan and to mention gap analysis and available resources (include Alan´s, BBC, etc.) and to note TF size and make use of members and to 14:50:37 ... talk about work methodology 14:51:17 mc: can set rules for TF functioning, should be agenda item for WG?TF confab 14:51:56 ... have 2 WG chair and team contacts...lots to work out 14:52:35 mc: in 6 months? project plan with deliverables. just convening 14:53:07 ... start with gap analysis and resources (Alan's and BBC, etc. 14:53:23 ... ID the problem, what are the holes 14:53:40 ... how do we plug them, who do we work with 14:54:04 ... spend time wrapping head about all of the above 14:54:11 ... then make a plan 14:54:30 +q 14:54:32 mc: use the TF participants. 14:54:36 ack me 14:56:16 -Joshue 14:56:17 jo: contact WG chairs if you need anything 14:57:43 js: mobile web vs app 14:58:18 mc: if you find delineation...document it. 14:58:27 mc: define your scope 14:58:55 kp: don't worry about line...how are they different 15:00:28 kf: design wise, may have same end result for user, but construction (native vs html) may be different, and WAI concern may be different 15:00:59 js: sent seeking participation email for reference. 15:01:15 -Kathy_Wahlbin 15:01:17 rrsagent, minutes 15:01:17 I'm logging. I don't understand 'minutes', allanj. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:01:23 -Michael_Cooper 15:01:27 -Kim_Patch 15:01:32 rrsagent, make minutes 15:01:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/10/15-mobile-a11y-minutes.html allanj 15:01:43 rrsagent, set logs public 15:03:45 -Kelly_Ford 15:03:57 Joshue108 has left #mobile-a11y 15:06:47 allanj_ has joined #mobile-a11y 15:07:47 -Jim_Allan 15:12:45 disconnecting the lone participant, Jeanne, in Team_(mobile-a11y)14:00Z 15:12:47 Team_(mobile-a11y)14:00Z has ended 15:12:47 Attendees were Jeanne, Joshue, Kathy_Wahlbin, Michael_Cooper, Kelly_Ford, Jim_Allan, Kim_Patch 16:59:34 Zakim has left #mobile-a11y 17:02:38 trackbot has joined #mobile-a11y 19:00:43 trackbot has joined #mobile-a11y