13:55:36 RRSAgent has joined #nfc 13:55:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/09/27-nfc-irc 13:55:45 meeting: NFC Working Group 13:55:55 scribe: Dave 13:56:00 scribenick: dsr 13:56:23 jbourhis has joined #nfc 13:56:29 lyriarte has joined #nfc 13:56:31 Chair: Jacques 13:57:47 Team_(nfc)14:00Z has now started 13:57:49 + + 13:58:54 wjs has joined #nfc 13:59:45 dezell has joined #nfc 14:00:08 +Dsr 14:00:58 Present: Jacques, Luc, Dave 14:01:17 Present+ Samuel 14:01:34 present+ Jinsong_W 14:01:47 +Davd_Ezell 14:01:52 +Jinsong 14:02:08 Present+ David_Ezell 14:02:20 zakim, who is here? 14:02:20 On the phone I see +, Dsr, Davd_Ezell, Jinsong 14:02:21 On IRC I see dezell, jinsong, lyriarte, jbourhis, RRSAgent, Zakim, dsr 14:02:58 Topic: Transitioning to FPWD 14:03:18 Editor's draft: http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/w3c/nfc/blob/master/proposals/common/nfc.html 14:03:49 Luc: we are in the process of implementing the API in time for TPAC in November. 14:04:31 Jacques: any objections or comments on moving the spec to FPWD? 14:05:19 [no objections] 14:07:55 Jacques: I propose that the NFC WG transition the editor's draft to FPWD 14:08:21 David: I think that the use cases look good, and this is a good heartbeat, and I am comfortable going ahead. 14:09:29 RESOLUTION: The NFC WG resolves to publish the editor's draft as a FPWD 14:10:02 Topic: Testing 14:11:29 Luc: what process should we following for testing? Intel is planning to provide implementations on Linux native and Android. 14:12:31 Dave: we can read through the spec, looking for normative assertions and creating the corresponding test cases, which can be put in github. 14:12:38 Luc: the same repo as for the spec? 14:12:43 Dave: yes, that would work 14:13:31 We need a description for each test, and if practical a runnable test, e.g. as a script 14:13:37 Luc: that would be nice 14:15:04 Dave: FPWD is early step, and changes may occur as we move to Last Call, but having the tests early allows for test driven evolution of the API spec 14:16:38 ... it might be worth looking at how other WGs are tackling testing, Tobie Langel is leading the effort for HTML5, for instance. 14:16:52 Luc: I can look at using node.js ... 14:17:16 Topic: TPAC 14:17:34 Jacques: who is attending besides me? 14:18:09 Dave will attend. 14:18:31 David E. will attend, but will be busy at times with the AC meeting 14:19:11 -Jinsong 14:19:49 JInsong will attend TPAC 14:19:51 +Jinsong 14:20:12 Dave: do we want to organize a break out session on NFC at the plenary session mid-week? 14:20:41 Jacques: yes, we could do demos, talk about the use cases and the reasoning behind the API. 14:22:35 Dave: people have already asked me about the relationship between Bluetooth 4.0 low energy and NFC, we should be prepared to talk about this 14:23:02 Samuel: I can ask the NFC Forum for their take on this to see if we can share this. 14:24:09 Dave: I am not sure that BLE allows you to use tap gestures to identify an individual product or even yourself to a sales assistant 14:24:15 Samuel: indeed 14:28:59 We discuss where BLE could fit in W3C, e.g. the Bluetooth API work item for SysApps phase 2 which has yet to start 14:29:36 It would be good to discuss this further at TPAC and raise the level of interest 14:29:50 Topic: Any other business 14:29:53 [none] 14:30:02 q+ 14:30:46 s/[none]// 14:31:48 Dave introduces Jinsong as a new W3C Team member at our host in China, Beihang University in Beijing. 14:32:12 Jinsong looks forward to meeting everyone at TPAC in Shenzhen! 14:32:54 Jinsong: I would like to add something about NFC and BLE. I used to work for Nokia on NFC training. 14:33:22 ... a key difference is that NFC is a few centimeters where as BLE is tens of meters. 14:34:31 This makes security a bigger challenge for BLE as it is easier to eavesdrop 14:34:48 ... lets discuss security at the TPAC session. 14:34:54 [general agreement] 14:36:58 - + 14:37:00 -Jinsong 14:37:02 -Davd_Ezell 14:37:06 -Dsr 14:37:07 Team_(nfc)14:00Z has ended 14:37:07 Attendees were +, Dsr, Davd_Ezell, Jinsong 14:37:10 Dave we can arrange a follow on telecon for preparation for TPAC. 14:37:21 rrsagent, set logs public 14:37:29 rrsagent, make minutes 14:37:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/09/27-nfc-minutes.html dsr