16:49:38 RRSAgent has joined #au 16:49:38 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/09/09-au-irc 16:49:43 Zakim, this will be AUWG 16:49:43 ok, Jan; I see WAI_AUWG()1:00PM scheduled to start in 11 minutes 16:49:48 Meeting: WAI AU 16:50:09 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2013JulSep/0046.html 16:50:16 Regrets: Alex L. 16:52:11 jeanne has joined #au 16:59:57 WAI_AUWG()1:00PM has now started 17:00:04 +[IPcaller] 17:00:24 zakim, [IPcaller] is really Jan 17:00:24 +Jan; got it 17:00:30 Scribe: Jan 17:01:14 +[IPcaller] 17:01:24 tbabinszki has joined #au 17:01:53 zakim, [IPcaller] is really Jutta 17:01:53 +Jutta; got it 17:02:29 +Jeanne 17:03:10 + +1.847.917.aaaa 17:03:42 zakim, aaaa is really Tom 17:03:42 +Tom; got it 17:10:40 +Tim_Boland 17:11:01 Chair: Jutta 17:11:06 Chair: Jutta Treviranus 17:11:24 Topic: 1. Re-chartering update (Jeanne) 17:11:39 http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2013/draft_auwg_charter.html 17:11:44 JS: Judy would like the WG to look at the new updates and approve them... 17:12:00 JS: THere are a few things she has requested changed... 17:12:00 Jutta has joined #au 17:12:08 http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2013/draft_auwg_charter.html 17:12:31 JS: Number 7 is new: Maintain Implementing ATAG 2.0 post-Recommendation with additional examples and resources to include authoring tools on devices, technologies and industries, including digital publishing, native mobile authoring applications, and social media authoring on mobile web and webTV. 17:12:43 Tim has joined #au 17:12:45 AlastairC has joined #au 17:12:52 http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2013/draft_auwg_charter.html 17:13:30 +[IPcaller] 17:14:21 TB: 10 items prioritized? 17:14:37 JS: Scope section is just the possible things we're allowed to do. 17:14:49 TB: So if we don't get tothem it's ok? 17:15:16 JS: Right...the Deliverables are what we have to do, the scope is what we can do it we like 17:16:06 JS: One of the issues we got back from W3M is that the deliverables should be done in 2014...and therefore perhaps the WG should be wound up 17:16:29 TB: So we're inventing work to continue? What's motivation? 17:16:44 TB: There's always maintenance... 17:17:21 JS: No...unless we state what we could be doing... that's why #7 says maintaining 17:17:37 JS: If you scroll down to milestones.... 17:18:48 JS: "Implementing ATAG 2.0 for Mobile Applications" etc. documents will be removed from Milestones 17:19:12 TB: Would this cover non-Web as well? 17:19:36 JS: Yes this would be covered. 17:19:46 JS: I tried to make it open ended enpugh. 17:20:20 zakim, [IPcaller] is really Alastair 17:20:20 +Alastair; got it 17:20:42 JT: Doc names are stlill there in what we are looking at? 17:21:00 JS: Yes, Judy should let me know a couple of minutes before the call. 17:21:07 JT: Any objections to changes? 17:21:46 s/Judy/Judy should 17:21:59 s/Judy should shoul/Judy 17:22:56 Resolution: All WG members on the call accept the AUWG charter changes. 17:23:04 TB: Next steps? 17:23:48 JS: We need positive comments from AC reps during voting on the charter...I will send a reminder when the voting time nears 17:24:10 Topic: 2. CR process update (Jeanne and Jan) 17:24:13 http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2013/ED-ATAG20-20130903/ 17:24:23 JS: Thanks to everyone helping get the new draft ready 17:24:32 JS: Look at the Status section... 17:24:38 http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2013/ED-ATAG20-20130903/#status 17:26:28 Status of This Document 17:26:30 W3C Editors' Draft of ATAG 2.0 17:26:31 This is the W3C Editors' Draft of the document that will be the Last Call Working Draft of @@ September 2013. This updated draft integrates changes as a result of public comments, experience from developing the test suite, and from identifying preliminary implementations in preparation for Candidate Recommendation phase of the W3C process. 17:26:33 Publication as a Last Call Working Draft indicates that the AUWG believes it has addressed all substantive issues and that the document is stable.The first public Working Draft of ATAG 2.0 was published 14 March 2003. Since then, the AUWG has published thirteen Working Drafts and three previous Last Call Working Drafts, addressed hundreds of issues and developed implementation support... 17:26:34 ...information for the guidelines. See How WAI Develops Accessibility Guidelines through the W3C Process for more background on document maturity levels. 17:26:36 Substantial changes in this draft: 17:26:37 B.2.4.4 Accessible Template Options (Enhanced) After feedback, AUWG decided to simplify this AAA success criterion back to the original intent, which was to have all accessible templates. 17:26:39 B.2.5.1 Accessible Pre-Authored Content Options In response to comments, new definitions were created for pre-authored content and accessible pre-authored content. The wording for B.2.5.1 was aligned with the wording for B.2.4.1 Accessible Template Options. 17:26:40 B.2.5.2 Identify Pre-Authored Content Accessibility: The changes to B.2.5.1 necessitated an overhaul of B.2.5.2 to address the same concerns.The concept of accessibility status was removed and replaced with accessible pre-authored content. The wording was aligned with B.2.4.2 Identify Template Accessibility. 17:26:42 Comments on these changes are due on or before @@ October 2013. Comments should be sent to public-atag2-comments@w3.org (Public Archive). 17:26:43 The Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (AUWG) intends to publish ATAG 2.0 as a W3C Recommendation. Until that time Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) 1.0 [ATAG10] is the stable, referenceable version. This Working Draft does not supersede ATAG 1.0. 17:28:26 JR: Looks good 17:28:31 TB: Looks good 17:28:52 JS: If all things go correctly...we will publish soon. 17:29:33 JS: The plan is that we will have a 3 week comment time... 17:29:55 JS: Then we will turn-around and publish CR. 17:30:54 JS: We will need to schedule a Directors meeting as part of going to CR. 17:30:59 JS: Any questions? 17:31:12 TB: Are testing materials in place sufficiently? 17:31:45 JS: We have the testing materials document....I will present that and say we don't have a working test runner yet... 17:32:12 JS: We will use a copy of the WCAG2 test runner.... we need to load in the tests and update the tester instructions. 17:32:40 JS: I'm hoping that as soon as we publish I'll be able to concentrate on getting this working 17:32:42 JT: Great 17:32:49 TB: great 17:34:20 JS: One more thing I need to do is add extra columns to our "Comment Responses" spreadsheets 17:34:29 JT: Thanks! 17:34:33 TB: Yes 17:36:06 Topic: 3. Implementation report update (Jan) 17:36:38 JR: I will update with the info for IBM's Media Caption Editor 17:37:20 JS: Also the Media Caption Editor will be an ATAG2 Implementor... which is very good...thanks Tom! 17:37:36 TB: And EasyChirp should be ready in a few weeks 17:37:49 JT: OK great...any more issue for today? 17:37:58 JS: Not from me 17:38:11 JT: Wonderful it's been a very positive meeting! 17:38:25 -Tim_Boland 17:38:40 -Jeanne 17:38:41 -Jutta 17:38:42 -Alastair 17:38:43 -Jan 17:38:51 -Tom 17:38:52 WAI_AUWG()1:00PM has ended 17:38:52 Attendees were Jan, Jutta, Jeanne, +1.847.917.aaaa, Tom, Tim_Boland, Alastair 17:39:05 RRSAgent, make minutes 17:39:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/09/09-au-minutes.html Jan 17:39:12 RRSAgent, set logs public 17:39:18 Zakim, bye 17:39:18 Zakim has left #au 17:39:23 RRSAgent, bye 17:39:23 I see no action items