19:50:00 zakim, who's here? 19:56:00 zakim, this is webrtc 19:56:00 ok, burn; that matches UW_WebRTC()4:00PM 19:56:00 zakim, who's here? 19:56:00 On the phone I see +1.407.421.aaaa 19:56:00 On IRC I see mreavy, Zakim, silvia, martin, burn, stefanh, lgombos, christer, tuexen, jeffh, derf, decadance, j_a, Josh_Soref, timeless, richt, slightlyoff, trackbot, ed, heath, 19:56:00 ... schuki 19:56:00 zakim, aaaa is Dan_Burnett 19:56:00 +Dan_Burnett; got it 19:56:00 zakim, I am Dan_Burnett 19:57:00 ok, burn, I now associate you with Dan_Burnett 19:57:00 + +49.441.6.aabb 19:57:00 + + 19:58:00 zakim, aabb is tuexen 19:58:00 +tuexen; got it 19:58:00 + +1.403.244.aadd 19:58:00 zakim, aacc is me 19:58:00 +stefanh; got it 19:58:00 + + 19:58:00 zakim, aadd if fluffy 19:58:00 I don't understand 'aadd if fluffy', fluffy 19:58:00 +[IPcaller] 19:58:00 + +1.858.651.aaff 19:58:00 zakim, aadd is me 19:58:00 +fluffy; got it 19:59:00 + +1.940.735.aagg 19:59:00 zakim, aaff is me 19:59:00 +martin; got it 19:59:00 + +358.405.60aahh 19:59:00 +Jim_Barnett 20:00:00 + +1.630.423.aaii 20:00:00 agenda proposal: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webrtc/2013Sep/0005.html 20:01:00 + +1.831.426.aajj 20:01:00 + + 20:01:00 + +61.2.809.0.aall 20:01:00 zakim, aall is me 20:01:00 +silvia; got it 20:02:00 zakim, mute me 20:02:00 silvia should now be muted 20:02:00 + +358.942.72aamm 20:02:00 + +1.561.923.aann 20:02:00 + +44.190.881.aaoo 20:02:00 -[IPcaller] 20:02:00 trouble getting into the bridge 20:02:00 zakim, mute me 20:02:00 tuexen should now be muted 20:02:00 - +1.831.426.aajj 20:02:00 +Dan_Druta 20:02:00 + + 20:02:00 + +1.650.275.aaqq 20:02:00 + +1.831.426.aarr 20:02:00 zakim, aaqq is me 20:02:00 +hta1; got it 20:02:00 Stefan, Giri Mandyam present on phone and IRC as an observer 20:02:00 zakim, aarr is me 20:02:00 +matthew; got it 20:03:00 + +1.610.889.aass 20:03:00 +[Mozilla] 20:03:00 zakim: aass is me 20:03:00 + +1.425.893.aatt 20:03:00 zakim, aass is me 20:03:00 +jesup; got it 20:03:00 +[IPcaller] 20:04:00 zakim, who is here? 20:04:00 On the phone I see Dan_Burnett, tuexen (muted), stefanh, fluffy, +, martin, +1.940.735.aagg, +358.405.60aahh, Jim_Barnett, +1.630.423.aaii, +, silvia 20:04:00 ... (muted), +358.942.72aamm, +1.561.923.aann, +44.190.881.aaoo, +, Dan_Druta, hta1, matthew, jesup, [Mozilla], +1.425.893.aatt, [IPcaller] 20:04:00 On IRC I see Dini, ekr, AndyH, Jim, Richard, DanD, jesup, matthew, adambe, hta1, gmandyam, Mary, fluffy, mreavy, Zakim, silvia, martin, burn, stefanh, lgombos, christer, tuexen, 20:04:00 ... jeffh, derf, decadance, j_a, Josh_Soref, timeless, richt, slightlyoff 20:04:00 scribenick: adambe 20:04:00 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 20:04:00 +martin; got it 20:04:00 zakim, [Mozilla] is me 20:04:00 +ekr; got it 20:04:00 zakim: aahh is me 20:05:00 stefanh: I posten a link to the slides 20:05:00 ... we should go throug the minutes from the last meeting 20:05:00 ... (walkes us through the agenda) 20:05:00 -martin.a 20:05:00 mintes from last meeting: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webrtc/2013Feb/0026.html 20:05:00 ... last meeting minutes are from February in Boston 20:06:00 ... can we approve the minutes? 20:06:00 .. ok, they are approved 20:06:00 ... next thing, implications of the IETF decisions 20:06:00 + +1.908.541.aauu 20:06:00 ... juberti will talk us through the unified plan 20:06:00 He doesn't sound any more dalek-like than usual 20:07:00 -matthew 20:07:00 ... I was asked to talk about what will be the next version of JSEP 20:07:00 stefanh: do we have any slides? 20:07:00 juberti: no slides (short notice) 20:08:00 +[IPcaller] 20:08:00 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 20:08:00 +martin; got it 20:08:00 juberti: it has been pointed out that we need normative behavior for createOffer/Answer/setLocal... 20:08:00 ... I've talked to fluffy about it 20:08:00 +??P29 20:09:00 + +1.908.559.aavv 20:09:00 ... and we will have a new version in two weeks 20:09:00 ... (of the JSEP draft) 20:09:00 + + 20:09:00 my SIP-to-PSTN call was terrible, but SIP directly sounds great 20:10:00 and martin, i think you associated my [IPcaller] with you 20:10:00 hta1: do you see any other blockers 20:10:00 ... ? 20:11:00 + +1.267.934.aaxx 20:11:00 ... there are some issues that needs to be clarified in the unified plan before they can go into JSEP 20:11:00 ... these issues are minor 20:12:00 zakim, who's on the phone? 20:12:00 On the phone I see Dan_Burnett, tuexen (muted), stefanh, fluffy, +, martin, +1.940.735.aagg, +358.405.60aahh, Jim_Barnett, +1.630.423.aaii, +, silvia 20:12:00 ... and shouldn't block a release of a useful JSEP draft 20:12:00 ... (muted), +358.942.72aamm, +1.561.923.aann, +44.190.881.aaoo, +, Dan_Druta, hta1, jesup, ekr, +1.425.893.aatt, +1.908.541.aauu, martin.a, ??P29, +1.908.559.aavv, 20:12:00 ... +, +1.267.934.aaxx 20:12:00 ekr: (scribe didn't get this) 20:12:00 + = JeromeMarcon 20:12:00 adambe: I was saying we need some way to indicate which flows are first class and which ones were bundle only 20:12:00 zakim, aaww is JeromeMarcon 20:12:00 +JeromeMarcon; got it 20:12:00 thanks 20:13:00 +??P5 20:13:00 still here 20:13:00 no, martin was first 20:14:00 stefanh: juberti, do you see any API changes as a result of this work 20:14:00 juberti: not really 20:14:00 i was on via SIP-to-PSTN with a caller id of 831-426-xxxx, then i dropped and reconnected with SIP direct after martin 20:14:00 ... we're nailing down unspecified stuff 20:14:00 if only there were some sort of identifier that an IP caller could be known by 20:15:00 Zakim, aatt is pthatcher 20:15:00 +pthatcher; got it 20:15:00 stefanh: no more questions? 20:15:00 hta1: we're looking forward to a new draft 20:15:00 fluffy: nothing further to add 20:15:00 Zakim, aann is Dini 20:15:00 +Dini; got it 20:15:00 ... we have been focusing on the big stuff 20:16:00 ... roll-back, rehydration will not be finished in the upcoming release 20:16:00 +dom 20:16:00 stefanh: next thing that was decided on the IETF meeting is that SDES is out 20:17:00 ... no changes to the API 20:17:00 juberti: on consequence, what do we need to expose regarding the certificate 20:18:00 zakim, martin is Matthew_Kaufmann 20:18:00 +Matthew_Kaufmann; got it 20:18:00 ekr: I can take an action to come up with a proposal 20:18:00 zakim, nick matthew is Matthew_Kaufmann 20:18:00 ok, burn, I now associate matthew with Matthew_Kaufmann 20:18:00 action, ekr to come up with a proposal for access to DTLS meta-data 20:19:00 zack, nick matthew is Matthew_Kaufman 20:19:00 nice. autocorrected. 20:19:00 action: erescorla to come up with a proposal for DTLS meta-data 20:19:00 Error finding 'erescorla'. You can review and register nicknames at . 20:19:00 zakim, nick matthew is Matthew_Kaufman 20:19:00 ok, matthew, I now associate you with Matthew_Kaufmann 20:19:00 action: eric to come up with a proposal for DTLS meta-data 20:19:00 Created ACTION-86 - Come up with a proposal for dtls meta-data [on Eric Rescorla - due 2013-09-10]. 20:19:00 dom: thanks 20:20:00 hta1: stefanh, it's your turn to talk about transport related APIs 20:20:00 zakim, martin.a is Martin_Thomson 20:20:00 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webrtc/2013Sep/att-0006/Transport_related_API_needs.pdf 20:20:00 +Martin_Thomson; got it 20:20:00 stefanh: yes, I'll post a link to the slides 20:20:36 RRSAgent has joined #webrtc 20:20:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/09/03-webrtc-irc 20:20:40 zakim, nick martin is Martin_Thomson 20:20:40 ok, burn, I now associate martin with Martin_Thomson 20:22:09 stefanh: we've set up a wiki page called "transport control" were we gather information 20:23:11 ... example of control: pause/resume 20:23:17 ... priority 20:23:28 http://www.w3.org/2011/04/webrtc/wiki/Transport_Control 20:23:34 tuexen has joined #webrtc 20:23:44 matthew: thanks 20:23:58 ... (is going through the list on the wiki) 20:24:28 q+ 20:24:51 ... people want to set bitrate/bandwidth 20:24:55 q+ 20:25:10 ... last thing is to disable bundle 20:25:20 juberti: I don't see anything about simulcast 20:25:36 stefanh: that's a good input 20:26:02 ... we are now allowing two tracks in the same stream that use the same source 20:26:22 ... the app can configure the tracks to have different resolutions 20:26:30 juberti: that won't work for layerd codecs 20:26:59 ... the tracks will get different ids 20:27:06 stefanh: that's good input 20:27:17 ... please send this input to the list 20:27:33 q? 20:27:51 jesup: we need some relation between the tracks 20:31:10 Martin: What happens if we want to control everything that's part of the SDP? How do we rule them out of scope or bring them in scope if you want them to be inside? 20:31:32 scribenick hta1 20:32:01 q? 20:32:12 ack Martin_Thomson 20:32:13 scribenick: hta1 20:32:55 I'm concerned that some of the things in the SDP offer are not reflective of the capabilities of the browser. If we want to permit some of these alterations, then it's going to be difficult to discover browser capabilities just through an SDP offer. 20:32:56 q+ 20:33:06 q+ 20:33:26 i think there's two problems. 1) why is ptime (for instance) not on this list (how did it get to be out of scope) and 2) how for things that can be set to values other than what is in the offer can we know what are valid values? (example is if i create an offer and it has ptime 30, i have no info about whether or not ptime 5 is valid) 20:33:54 (valid as input for setlocaldescription) 20:33:55 adambe has joined #webrtc 20:34:40 cullen: need to consider what we need to manipulate, and providing API surfaces to avoid SDP munging if possible. 20:34:42 q? 20:35:09 agreed 20:35:17 Cow_woC has joined #webrtc 20:35:20 ... example: ptime - opus has the minptime and maxptime parameters, which could be managed by sdp munging. 20:35:23 ptime is interesting for large BDP, because it might offer some latency benefits 20:35:30 ack fluffy 20:36:17 hta: suggest to start with the bandwidth issue. 20:36:56 q+ 20:36:57 jesup: bandwidth bug has had no action in ages, because we have had other issues. 20:37:13 ... initial bandwidth and target bandwidth are different issues. 20:37:38 jesup: starting bandwidth is important for fast start. 20:38:10 s/jesup/juberti/ 20:38:46 cullen: fast ramp-up will get pushback from the transport people at ietf. 20:39:42 q+ 20:40:22 juberti: starting and minimum are other interesting bandwidth - quality below minimum may want to disconnect 20:40:33 +1 to juberti 20:40:48 justin, do you regard minimum as a "if you go below X, don't bother" sort of setting? 20:41:01 i believe comment 22 now applies. having the application be in control of how bandwidth is allocated to its streams is a great idea. 20:41:39 randell: application guessing is guaranteed to be an imperfect guess. there is no great solution. 20:41:46 q+ 20:41:52 ack jesup 20:41:53 jesup, disagree about the last mile being the determining factor 20:41:56 q- 20:42:21 (Sorry for joining late, how far down the agenda are we? Did we reach "V2 API discussions: How to handle"?) 20:42:40 tuexen has joined #webrtc 20:42:59 zakim, who is here? 20:42:59 On the phone I see Dan_Burnett, tuexen (muted), stefanh, fluffy, +, Matthew_Kaufmann, +1.940.735.aagg, +358.405.60aahh, Jim_Barnett, +1.630.423.aaii, 20:43:02 juberti: we can't prevent people from writing bad apps. they will set the values to what they believe they can use. 20:43:03 ... +, silvia (muted), +358.942.72aamm, Dini, +44.190.881.aaoo, +, Dan_Druta, hta1, jesup, ekr, pthatcher, +1.908.541.aauu, Martin_Thomson, ??P29, 20:43:03 ... +1.908.559.aavv, JeromeMarcon, +1.267.934.aaxx, ??P5, dom 20:43:03 On IRC I see tuexen, Cow_woC, adambe, RRSAgent, dom, dan, jib, makkes, JeromeMarcon, pthatcher, juberti, li_li, Markus_Isomaki, s_cazeaux, Dini, ekr, AndyH, Jim, Richard, DanD, 20:43:07 ... jesup, matthew, hta1, gmandyam, Mary, fluffy, mreavy, Zakim, silvia 20:43:34 zakim, I am aaxx 20:43:34 +jib; got it 20:43:46 juberti: what we should not do for 1.0 is to manage the bandwidth up or down based on packet loss. This shoudl be within the runtime. 20:43:46 q? 20:43:53 q? 20:44:23 silvia: Thank you. 20:44:37 jesup: api should allow to set bandwidth allocation between flows, current bandwidth should be exposed, but not to exceed available. 20:45:01 juberti: basically agree. 20:45:31 q? 20:45:47 q+ 20:45:49 ack juberti 20:46:26 ekr: we should not allow the application to generate more bandwidth than it would normally be entitled to. 20:46:47 hta1: What about being able to specify (what we believe) to be the minimum bandwidth usage? Meaning, I am starting a 1080p video chat. I don't want the video to start at 50kb/s because the users will get blurry/choppy video. Alternatively, find a way to get the vendors to scale up bandwidth usage *much* faster. 20:46:48 it would be bad if an app could start sending at 100Mbps 20:46:48 hta1: Right, you can only reallocate bits among flows (or reduce total bits), not increase the number of bits (in my proposal) 20:47:04 ... you shouldn't be able to set initial bandwidth so that you can generate high traffic before we know that it arrives. 20:47:37 jesup's bug is https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15861 20:47:44 martin: that depends on how you define "bad". there's whole communities of folks who'd love such a capability. 20:47:51 Question: How do we get 1080p video chat to start smooth/sharp within 3 seconds as opposed to 1 minute which it is now? 20:48:27 cow_woc: run 1080p worth of data traffic for 5 minutes before you want to make a call 20:48:41 Cow_woC: that's an issue of the congestion algorithm: it can be more agressive at the start of a call 20:48:43 (to the same destination you'll be calling or called from, of course) 20:48:43 matthew: That's a non-solution as far as I'm concerned :) 20:49:25 Cow_woC: you wishing it does not make it possible, unfortunately. 20:49:35 You also do *rough* packet-train guestimate to help guide the starting rate. 20:49:41 q? 20:49:42 if we care about that shared medium, we should be TCP-friendly. 20:49:42 jesup: Fine, how do I mandate that? Right now I have no way to guarantee that my users will get a good experience nor any guarantee that the problem will ever be fixed for any given vendor. I'm looking for the specification to mandate something here to ensure a decent user experience. 20:49:47 s/also/also can/ 20:50:00 q- 20:50:15 and TCP-friendly isn't compatible with an international 4k video call starting instantly at full resolution 20:50:25 juberti: might want to let the initial BW control the initial bandwidth estimate. 20:50:27 Cow_woC: the problem is that this is not compatible with the stability of the Interet 20:50:41 Cow_woC: We can't mandate the internet (or a congestion algorithm) will produce a specific result 20:51:12 Please join RMCAT :-) 20:51:16 ekr, matthew: I don't want to break the internet :) but the question then is... how come I can download a 1GB file from Dropbox at crazy speeds? The download speed ramps up almost instantaneously. If HTTP uploads/downloads can do that, why can't WebRTC? 20:51:33 It doesn't ramp up almost instantaneously. 20:51:41 It actually takes a number of RTTs. 20:51:47 hta: we should treat application input as "what the app desires", but there needs to be a hard limit that is determined by our algorithms, and that's what RMCAT is for 20:51:51 Cow_woC: and the current ramp-up is a low slower than it *needs* to be 20:51:56 s/low/lot/ 20:52:01 ekr: It's on the order of 3 seconds, not 5 minutes like matthew mentioned... Clearly WebRTC has a problem. 20:52:16 q+ 20:52:18 q- 20:52:19 q? 20:52:24 Cow_woC: moreover, rate control on video streams has to have a lot more hysterisis than data 20:52:27 jesup, whether ramp-up is too slow or not is probably subject to conjecture 20:52:32 q+ 20:52:38 because of the way that video works 20:52:52 jesup: Fair enough. Is there anything we can do on the specification level to ensure all implementations are more aggressive on this end? 20:52:58 Cow 20:53:07 _woC: yes, join the RMCAT WG 20:53:16 Cow_woC: File bugs with Chrome and Mozilla, and join RMCAT 20:53:41 i didn't say it would take 5 minutes.. but i did say that 5 minutes of stream would be sufficient :) 20:53:43 cullen: sending for 10 seconds at full HD bandwidth is unacceptable on a shared network. 20:53:48 cullen++ 20:53:51 matthew: In my experience, it is at least 1 minute. 20:54:29 I *think* the current impl doesn't ramp as fast as it can at the start; after you've established an idea of the max rate you want to ramp slowly when going past that 20:54:35 cullen: ramp-up is one of the reasons why applications want to send early media. 20:54:46 q? 20:54:52 ack fluffy 20:55:38 q+ 20:56:22 hta1: reasonable. 20:56:43 hta: proposal - set the bandwidth as a constraint on PeerConnection. It's simple, it gets ut out the door, we can extend stuff later. 20:56:54 And the other layer of objects makes some sense, but may be more work to specify 20:57:04 hta1: that works for me 20:57:34 stefanh: everyone wants max, but there are mixed views on min and initial values 20:57:42 hta1: It is 20:57:45 stefanh: min bandwidth can also be useful, and simple. 20:57:58 justin: 1.0 with max sounds good. mixed views on whether initial is useful. 20:58:01 hta1: It's meant to solve the general problem with multiple streams 20:58:12 topic switch: codecs 20:58:20 what do you suggest that min bandwidth would do on a peerconnection? 20:58:47 if the estimated bandwidth drops below the minimum, what happens? 20:58:55 cullen: about codecs - people have been adding codecs, which is obviously bogus. the valid operations are removing and reordering codecs. 20:59:24 ... the question is if we need a specific API surface for this. 21:00:03 +q 21:00:05 ... the people who say they need this have not been able to describe (to cullen) compelling use cases for this. 21:00:08 q- 21:00:17 q- 21:00:20 q? 21:00:40 Cow_woC: start speaking 21:00:41 Sorry guys, I'm new to this system. 21:00:56 Cow_woC, are you on the call? 21:00:57 If bandwidth drops below minimum, I propose triggering a callback 21:01:02 Sorry, only on IRC 21:01:17 OK, then you cannot participate in the verbal discussion. 21:01:27 ack Cow_woC 21:01:38 q+ 21:01:44 q+ 21:01:47 q+ 21:01:49 I made a proposal a few weeks ago, asking for "fence conditions". You register min/max bandwidth and a callback gets invoked if this condition is violated. The callback then modifies the fence conditions and the process continues. 21:02:09 +[Mozilla] 21:02:15 adam has joined #webrtc 21:02:30 justin: case heard is that people can't do SWB so only want to offer WB or narrowband. 21:02:31 zakim, [Mozilla] is adam 21:02:31 +adam; got it 21:02:59 q- 21:03:01 ... use case is where there are browsers on both sides, running the same app, and app dev wants to control the codec 21:03:27 cullen: we may want to configure the session for real low latency. 21:03:49 justin: controlling music mode vs speech mode is a poster child. 21:04:24 Cow_woC: are you able to join the call (find phone info in this mail http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webrtc/2013Sep/0005.html) 21:04:59 martin: stats API could be an useful place to expose what the congestion control algorithm currently thinks is available. 21:05:09 +1 Martin 21:05:36 adambe: Trying now. 21:05:41 adambe: (thank you!) 21:05:46 hta: sdp munging can't control Opus music / speech mode. We need API surface to control it. 21:05:52 hta1: we were planning on something like that 21:06:07 it sort of can: music mode can be achieved with a=max-ptime=5 21:06:17 justin: punting these features to 2.0 may be the simplest thing to do here. 21:06:23 But it's hard to know if doing that it possible... 21:07:30 zakim, who is making noise? 21:07:36 zakim, who is noisy? 21:07:41 hta1, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: pthatcher (35%) 21:07:55 martin, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: stefanh (58%), Jim_Barnett (4%) 21:08:37 +[IPcaller] 21:08:47 justin: suggest punting all the codec control things to post-1.0 21:09:05 cullen: strong desire for controlling silence suppression. 21:09:20 justin, randell: we already have that. 21:09:39 cullen: reorder or remove codecs - don't do it in the 1.0 timeframe. 21:10:44 justin: agc is a topic that we need to consider. it's not really a transport control thingy. 21:11:38 justin: bundle, bandwidth should be global constraints on the peer connection. 21:11:40 justin: agc, AEC, noise suppression are all more getUserMedia issues than peerconnectionissues, IMHO 21:12:34 cullen: see a need for priority. should be a property on the mediastreamtrack. 21:13:00 justin: mst is the wrong place, since it doesn't really connect to the transport. We don't have a good place to set this property. 21:13:15 if we can get bandwidth limitations into global constraints, that would be a good step forward 21:13:48 comment 22 definitely applies now. there should be an object that reflects the transport separately from the object that represents the media, then we could talk about prioritization APIs on that transport object. 21:14:13 cullen: priority should reflect into DSCP levels. 21:14:29 justin: relative priority may be good enough for version 1. 21:14:39 matthew, yes. This applies to bandwidth, priority, and all sorts of stuff. 21:14:57 matthew: Agreed. 21:15:55 the problem with the "v2 API discussion" is that there shouldn't be this v1 API 21:16:06 so clearly the numbering is wrong 21:16:08 matthew: :) 21:16:21 -silvia 21:18:11 stefanh: people want priorities on tracks. 21:18:20 q+ 21:18:30 -q 21:18:30 q 21:18:31 q? 21:18:33 q- 21:18:38 q- 21:18:43 q+ 21:19:16 ekr++ 21:19:29 ack ekr 21:19:57 zakim, who is noisy? 21:20:02 ekr: priorities don't sound too hard. and they're useful. 21:20:10 adam, listening for 10 seconds I could not identify any sounds 21:20:24 dand: priorities sounds like apps developers need it in the first release. 21:20:32 q 21:20:34 q+ 21:20:41 -q 21:20:43 q- 21:21:12 no objection 21:21:23 no objection! 21:21:37 publish! 21:21:47 hta: suggest making the current editor's draft the WD. 21:21:59 No objections noted. 21:23:29 q+ 21:23:33 stefanh presents v2 discussion - chairs reserve right to move discussion to wiki or separate list. 21:24:27 the people working on the "v1" should have better self-control and keep working on it, instead of reading the other messages 21:24:27 cullen: no benefit in starting the v2 discussion on this mailing list. 21:25:05 stefanh: don't want to push people away 21:25:16 q+ 21:25:20 christer has left #webrtc 21:25:20 cullen: we have formed a new group in the W3C, we should be pushing them in that direction. 21:25:55 the discussions might have gone even better if the people working on the current abomination would refrain from responding to those messages, too 21:26:10 the people working on "v2" should have better self-control and stop working on it, instead of generating lots of messages :) 21:26:10 ekr: use case discussions about what we are sad about in the current api are good to have. 21:26:49 ... we can have endless debates on which dot version things should be in. 21:27:00 q? 21:27:08 ... triage between v1 and v2 features seems completely appropriate for this group. 21:27:10 ack ekr 21:27:13 ack Cow_woC 21:27:19 i don't care which list we have the conversations on, because we'll just follow the one that works for us 21:27:48 cow_woc: be careful not to make architectural decisions in 1.0 that prevent certain features in version 2. 21:28:10 feels like we've already made those decisions 21:28:13 q- 21:28:16 q+ 21:28:19 for some value of "we" 21:28:19 ... if v1 makes too many promises you can't remove those promises in v2. 21:28:23 q+ 21:28:56 q+ 21:29:20 cullen: all proposals claim that v1 can be built on top of v2. I don't want to be back to discussing low level APIs. 21:29:31 q- 21:30:01 cow_woc, I agree that v1 must not prevent a v2, and to that extent it's important to have joint discussions. Officially, there is likely to be no official v2 work in this group until v1 is closer to done, regardless of where proposals leading to v2 are developed. 21:30:27 hta, that's a very strange statement to make: old applications should be able to use new features ??? 21:30:37 hta: worried about losing some properties, such as future-proofing of applications. 21:30:44 martin: why is that strange? 21:30:57 because those features weren't requested, perhaps? 21:31:00 -pthatcher 21:31:04 For instance, I would like browsers to automatically use VP9 if it was added 21:31:08 btw Cow_woC, who are you? I can't hear well on the call. 21:31:08 Or HEVC 21:31:26 q- 21:31:36 "v1" won't be done until there is a complete specification of what comes out and goes in at all the SDP API interfaces. the likelyhood of that being complete in the next 2-3 years is nil. so why not start on the next one now? 21:31:39 burn: Sorry, calling on Skype. 21:31:44 Cow_woC: 21:31:45 q- 21:31:48 if I write an application, I would have expected that the application continue to work as written, without surprising changes. New codecs are something that I might have left in the hands of the browser, in which case, no problem. 21:31:59 - +358.405.60aahh 21:32:20 I was thinking about new features of a different nature than just codecs. 21:32:27 -??P29 21:32:27 martin: well, I would expect that for instance, BUNDLE would work if introduced later 21:32:31 2 minutes over. leaving. 21:32:34 Cow_woC, who are you? We need it for the minutes as well. (sorry if I missed it) 21:32:40 bye 21:32:40 burn: cow_woc is Gili 21:32:43 hta1: I was trying to say that a proposal was made a few months ago that SDP should be an "opaque token" instead of the specification promising the use of SDP or explaining what's inside it. This prevents v2 from changing the meaning of SDP or removing it altogether. 21:32:49 stefanh: what I hear now is that we should limit discussion related to v2 and focus on finalizing version 1. 21:32:57 ekr: Yes, that's right. 21:33:08 ekr, I would hope that the browser wouldn't add bundle if I had been successfully using it without. 21:33:16 -Martin_Thomson 21:33:22 martin: Hmm… That's not what I would have expected 21:33:22 -Matthew_Kaufmann 21:33:24 -[IPcaller] 21:33:25 -dom 21:33:25 - +1.940.735.aagg 21:33:27 - + 21:33:28 -fluffy 21:33:28 -jib 21:33:28 - +1.908.541.aauu 21:33:29 Zakim, list attendees 21:33:30 -JeromeMarcon 21:33:30 As of this point the attendees have been +1.407.421.aaaa, Dan_Burnett, +49.441.6.aabb, +, tuexen, +1.403.244.aadd, stefanh, +, +1.858.651.aaff, 21:33:30 ... fluffy, +1.940.735.aagg, +358.405.60aahh, Jim_Barnett, +1.630.423.aaii, +1.831.426.aajj, +, +61.2.809.0.aall, silvia, +358.942.72aamm, +1.561.923.aann, 21:33:30 Would you be sad if it added AES-GCM? 21:33:31 ... +44.190.881.aaoo, Dan_Druta, +, +1.650.275.aaqq, +1.831.426.aarr, hta1, matthew, +1.610.889.aass, +1.425.893.aatt, jesup, ekr, +1.908.541.aauu, +1.908.559.aavv, 21:33:31 ... +, +1.267.934.aaxx, JeromeMarcon, pthatcher, Dini, dom, Matthew_Kaufmann, Martin_Thomson, jib, adam, [IPcaller] 21:33:31 -Jim_Barnett 21:33:31 -stefanh 21:33:33 RRSAgent, draft minutes 21:33:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/09/03-webrtc-minutes.html dom 21:33:35 -Dini 21:33:35 -adam 21:33:35 -Dan_Druta 21:33:35 - +358.942.72aamm 21:33:36 - +1.630.423.aaii 21:33:37 -tuexen 21:33:38 -jesup 21:33:38 -Dan_Burnett 21:33:40 - +44.190.881.aaoo 21:33:40 -ekr 21:33:41 AndyH has left #webrtc 21:33:51 - + 21:34:05 - + 21:34:07 -??P5 21:34:09 -hta1 21:35:53 mreavy has left #webrtc 21:38:56 juberti has joined #webrtc 21:39:09 disconnecting the lone participant, +1.908.559.aavv, in UW_WebRTC()4:00PM 21:39:11 UW_WebRTC()4:00PM has ended 21:39:11 Attendees were +1.407.421.aaaa, Dan_Burnett, +49.441.6.aabb, +, tuexen, +1.403.244.aadd, stefanh, +, +1.858.651.aaff, fluffy, +1.940.735.aagg, 21:39:11 ... +358.405.60aahh, Jim_Barnett, +1.630.423.aaii, +1.831.426.aajj, +, +61.2.809.0.aall, silvia, +358.942.72aamm, +1.561.923.aann, +44.190.881.aaoo, Dan_Druta, 21:39:13 ... +, +1.650.275.aaqq, +1.831.426.aarr, hta1, matthew, +1.610.889.aass, +1.425.893.aatt, jesup, ekr, +1.908.541.aauu, +1.908.559.aavv, +, 21:39:13 ... +1.267.934.aaxx, JeromeMarcon, pthatcher, Dini, dom, Matthew_Kaufmann, Martin_Thomson, jib, adam, [IPcaller] 21:40:13 jesup has left #webrtc 21:41:39 jib has joined #webrtc 22:00:14 ekr has joined #webrtc 22:04:47 ekr has joined #webrtc 22:18:07 UW_WebRTC has joined #webrtc 22:18:51 UW_WebRTC has left #webrtc 22:25:36 ekr has joined #webrtc 22:26:47 hta1 has left #webrtc 23:04:19 jib has joined #webrtc 23:38:21 Zakim has left #webrtc 23:52:21 lgombos has joined #webrtc 23:53:25 lgombos has joined #webrtc