14:01:09 RRSAgent has joined #pf 14:01:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/08/26-pf-irc 14:01:11 RRSAgent, make logs member 14:01:11 Zakim has joined #pf 14:01:13 Zakim, this will be WAI_PF 14:01:13 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_PFWG(ARIA)10:00AM scheduled to start now 14:01:14 Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference 14:01:14 Date: 26 August 2013 14:01:17 clown has joined #pf 14:01:24 RRSAgent, make log public 14:01:27 chair: Rich 14:01:36 meeting: W3C WAI-PF ARIA Caucus 14:01:55 WAI_PFWG(ARIA)10:00AM has now started 14:02:01 +[GVoice] 14:02:04 +Rich 14:02:07 +??P9 14:02:12 zakim, GVoice is Joseph_Scheuhammer 14:02:12 +Joseph_Scheuhammer; got it 14:02:20 zakim, I am Joseph_Scheuhammer 14:02:20 ok, clown, I now associate you with Joseph_Scheuhammer 14:03:14 +Jon_Gunderson 14:04:11 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2013Aug/0034.html 14:06:14 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2013Aug/0034.html 14:06:55 issue-604? 14:06:55 issue-604 -- Normative requirement on User agent processing of input keys does not belong in UAIG -- open 14:06:55 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/604 14:07:00 RS: UAIG discussion list issues 14:07:04 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-wai-pf/2013JulSep/0267.html 14:07:16 JS: Issue 604 14:07:37 JS: Key down cancels key press 14:07:53 RS: Why in UAIG 14:08:23 JS: The way older versions of IE handled keyboard events and interoperability 14:08:40 RS: There are new draft documents about keyboard events 14:08:58 JS: They do not say anything about bubbling and cancelliing 14:09:09 RS: If we didn't require this what happens 14:09:29 JS: There will be problems with scripts not cancelled ... 14:09:42 JS: There is no DOM 2 spec on key events 14:09:48 RS: I will give you a link 14:09:59 RS: this is a part of what people call DOM 3 14:10:18 RS: There is a link in the SVG spec 14:10:33 http://www.w3.org/TR/uievents/#keyboard-event-interface 14:10:51 RS: Do we put it in here? 14:11:03 http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-wai-aria-implementation-20090224/#keyboard-focus_tabindex 14:11:06 JS: When is this going to be a standard 14:11:20 This is necessary because authors supporting Internet Explorer must use keydown events to process keystrokes, where keydown but not keypress events are fired for non-alphanumeric keys. As web page authors implement script control over the keyboard they need to be able to use keydown but cancel the effect of consumed keystrokes such as arrow keys. 14:11:23 JS: Here is the original statement 14:12:31 JS: It will pass in 3 browsers 14:12:39 RS: Is this somethign we should be testing? 14:13:00 JS: If it were 2009 I would say yes, this was very useful 14:13:17 RS: This should be in a keyboard spec 14:13:41 RS: Anyone object to keeping this in UAIG? 14:14:05 JS: This may not be necessary, since IE 10 may be more inline with other browsers 14:14:23 RS: I have seen IE 10 & 11, but not sure they have implemented 14:14:34 RS: Any objects to leaving this in? 14:14:45 RS: no objections, leave it in 14:14:56 RS: Does safari support his? 14:15:13 JS: no, we have ff, chrome, IE 10 14:15:19 RS: We need to get to 1.1 14:15:28 JS: Should be in DOM events, not ARIA 14:15:46 RS: JS can you take this one on at the FTF meeting 14:16:15 http://www.w3.org/2013/08/20-aapi-minutes.html#item04 14:16:27 JS: I want to get the issue defined nicely so people coming to the meeting can easily understand the issue 14:16:30 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/d4e/raw-file/tip/source_respec.htm 14:18:41 JS: I have handled this event and no one else do anything with it 14:19:43 JS: So you have a mashup, pulling in resources, someone else has an event handler you don't want them to have it if you have used it 14:19:46 Canceling a keydown event must also cancel the keypress event, for purposes of compatibility with other browsers 14:20:06 Action: Janina meet with UI Events working group at face to face to ensure that when a keydown event is consumed/cancelled that the corresponding keypress event is also cancelled. 14:20:06 Created ACTION-1254 - Meet with ui events working group at face to face to ensure that when a keydown event is consumed/cancelled that the corresponding keypress event is also cancelled. [on Janina Sajka - due 2013-09-02]. 14:21:07 RS: I will assign this to a general spec reviews 14:21:28 Janina: There has got to be some history 14:21:41 RS: You can close this issue 14:22:11 JS: Moving this requirement to UI events 14:22:19 RS: We will leave our spec alone 14:22:28 RS: What else JS? 14:22:31 RESOLUTION: Close issue 604 14:22:54 JS: no major out standing issues 14:23:08 RS: Where are we in the test report? 14:23:20 JS: I did some tests 14:23:28 RS: We can close some of these 14:23:33 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/testharness/testreport/annotate?testsuite_id=1&filter_required=on&filter_cr_met=on&filter=Filter+view 14:24:13 RS: I am looking at 504, JS passed 14:24:29 JS: It failed a few times, but now it passes 14:24:36 RS: we are getting better 14:24:49 RS: Any items that passed that now fail 14:24:56 JS: 345 14:25:07 RS: A radio button that is not checkable 14:25:43 RS: What version of the browser are you running 14:25:51 JS: I test the shipping version 14:25:57 RS: Can you tell alex 14:26:23 RS: Isn't there a new checkable property? 14:26:52 JS: 509 I am still failing 14:27:29 JS: This is weird, according to the UAIG, this is an element ...., container element text... 14:27:56 RS: This is a live test 14:28:08 RS: We need to put live on it 14:28:46 RS: We are missing an image 14:29:03 RS: This create problems for other browsers 14:29:39 RS: What could possible change on this one 14:30:01 JS: it should also relevant: true, that is not there 14:30:12 JS: Its exposed as a graphic 14:30:31 RS: Safari if you don't have an image it doesn't work 14:30:46 JS: FF gives the graphics in the accessibility API 14:31:01 RS: We are missing a foo.jpg 14:31:32 find . -name "foo.jpg" -print 14:33:15 here: /ARIA/1.0/tests/test-files/name-computation-img/foo.jpg 14:33:25 working on getting foo.jpg in test case 14:36:10 JG: The image is very big 14:36:24 Expose as object attribute relevant: and container-relevant:. 14:36:40 JS: reading the requirements for 509 14:36:56 JS: I might be using the wrong version of FF 14:37:08 RS: Let me take a look 14:37:29 JS: Let me look at IDOM 14:38:09 JG: Can you send me the new copy of AccProbe? 14:38:21 JS: not showing up in IDOM 14:38:37 RS: I wish we would have automated this 14:38:52 RS: Let me take a look now 14:39:22 RS: Graphic is test 1 14:39:33 RS: Maybe it broke after I passed it 14:39:58 RS: I am still looking 14:41:48 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/testharness/testreport/annotate?testsuite_id=1&filter_required=on&filter_cr_met=on&filter=Filter+view 14:41:57 RS: There a couple we need to get resolution on 14:42:06 344 we have to get passed 14:42:14 RS: Everyone fails 344 14:42:59 RS: I have got it working on FF, since we have a block on it 14:43:16 JS: I was was going to continue on from 610 14:43:26 JS: Want me to prioritize 8xxx... 14:43:33 RS: what about 345 14:43:41 JS: Chekable true 14:43:51 RS: 617 14:44:36 RS: Some are marked up as uncertain 14:45:49 RS: IDOM it passes 14:45:58 JS: IDOM it passes 14:46:12 RS: Does IDOM work on linux 14:46:20 JS: 90% of the time 14:46:32 RS: Name computation ..... 14:46:50 RS: If you go from there down that would be great 14:47:10 RS: We need to resolve 344 on the UAIG call 14:47:19 RS: We have to have it, we need 2 14:47:37 RS: Can we get safari and chrome? 14:47:52 RS: We can't get around it 14:48:08 JS: Aaron wrote that 14:48:23 RS: You got to do it 14:48:32 JS: Can we test with FF 2 14:48:40 JS: It will pass 14:48:53 JS: What does it fail in IE and Safari 14:49:03 RS: Don't want to go back to last call 14:49:38 JS: I wish the undefined would be undefined 14:50:28 RS: The people who manner alex, james and dominic 14:50:37 JS: james and dominic never come 14:50:51 JS: can we put this out to the member list 14:51:10 RS: We don't want to loose a month over this 14:52:27 JS: It is in the state and properties section, from the wai aria spec 14:52:42 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/aria/states_and_properties#aria-checked 14:52:43 RS: Where is it in the aria spec 14:53:36 JS: it is in the third paragraph 14:53:48 JS: it is the last clause that is the problem 14:55:40 .... discussion of ways of getting a pass .... 14:59:34 ... RS is loading FF 2.0 to test .... 14:59:55 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/pfwg/raw-file/default/ARIA/1.0/tests/test-files/roles-properties-supported-inherited/roles-properties-supported-inherited-menuitemradio-aria-checked-mixed.html 15:00:24 ... RS is testing FF 2 .... 15:02:23 JG: It might be a problem with namespacing 15:03:28 RS: It will not work 15:05:09 JG: We will file bugs tomorrow 15:05:51 JS: They are all atk-spi only, urls ... 15:06:17 ... review of new links in test harness .... 15:06:58 JS: The labels on these urls are not descriptive 15:07:13 RS: It looks like he tested some of these 15:07:50 RS: I really need to get 344 done 15:08:31 894 15:08:39 JS: How do you test this one 15:09:18 JG: There is a "try agin" button 15:09:30 RS: Can you check issue 599 15:09:46 JS: I am running the test, I need a bigger window 15:10:00 JS: I am looking at text change insert event 15:10:40 JS: I got the text change event on charlette 15:10:51 JS: CS asked me to put her name on it 15:11:03 JS: 894 has passed 15:11:10 JS: which issue? 15:11:14 RS: 599 15:11:47 JS: DOes CS know about this? 15:11:53 RS: This was a blocker 15:12:02 JS: You want the UAIG to be updated 15:12:14 RS: Tehis where she needs the MSAA event 15:13:34 ... discussion of the issue ... 15:13:58 JS: You get a live region "change" event 15:14:06 issue-599? 15:14:06 issue-599 -- Section 5.8.2 MSAA+UIAExpress should reflect MSAA events and not UIA events -- open 15:14:06 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/599 15:14:13 RS: This is what IE does today 15:14:50 RS: ... discussion of details of events .... 15:15:00 JS: On all of these cells in this table? 15:15:17 RS: I didn't say it was useful, it is just what it does 15:15:25 EVENT_OBJECT_LIVEREGIONCHANGED 15:15:32 JS: I am just trying to understand the change 15:15:43 JS: You want that in every cell 15:15:53 RS: This is where it is suppose to go 15:21:02 RS: I can start tests on the UAIG 15:21:21 RS: We need to get the ARIA spec test done 15:22:56 JG: I will test these tomorrow 15:23:12 JG: Do you want us to start on the UAIG tests? 15:23:33 RS: You can run the live region tests 15:23:51 RS: and then do the UAIG test 15:24:04 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/testharness/testreport/annotate?testsuite_id=1&filter_required=on&filter_cr_met=on&filter=Filter+view 15:25:00 rrsagent draft, minutes 15:25:45 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:25:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/08/26-pf-minutes.html jongund 15:26:07 http://www.w3.org/mid/20130824012717.GC38569@sideshowbarker 15:26:15 RS: No meeting next monday 15:26:23 RESOLUTION: No meeting for labor day (September 2) 15:30:24 "However, that said, I stand by my original comment about this … because I've yet to see anybody provide an actual use case for allowing valid ARIA *1.0* documents to have role attributes with multiple tokens. 15:30:24 role="switch checkbox" is not an ARIA 1.0 use case. It's a maybe-ARIA 1.1 (or ARIA 2.0 or whatever) use case." 15:31:55 -Jon_Gunderson 15:35:04 -Rich 15:39:06 -Joseph_Scheuhammer 15:39:07 -??P9 15:39:07 WAI_PFWG(ARIA)10:00AM has ended 15:39:07 Attendees were Rich, Joseph_Scheuhammer, Jon_Gunderson 15:39:31 zakim, ??P9 is Janina_Sajika 15:39:31 sorry, clown, I do not recognize a party named '??P9' 15:39:39 zakim, P9 is Janina_Sajika 15:39:39 sorry, clown, I do not recognize a party named 'P9' 16:45:23 clown has joined #pf 16:58:44 jongund has joined #pf 18:23:12 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #pf 19:12:30 Zakim has left #pf 20:56:38 clown has left #pf 21:04:02 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #pf 21:19:57 scott_gonzalez has joined #pf 21:50:15 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #pf 22:15:47 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #pf