IRC log of ua on 2013-08-22

Timestamps are in UTC.

16:56:04 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #ua
16:56:04 [RRSAgent]
logging to
16:56:06 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
16:56:08 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be WAI_UAWG
16:56:08 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see WAI_UAWG()1:00PM scheduled to start in 4 minutes
16:56:09 [trackbot]
Meeting: User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference
16:56:09 [trackbot]
Date: 22 August 2013
16:56:56 [allanj]
chair: jimAllan, KellyFord
16:57:27 [allanj]
regrets: greg
16:58:15 [allanj]
Agenda+ Action-849 (5 min) Kim's Proposal
16:58:17 [allanj]
Agenda+ Discuss (10 min) EO-38 Should "hover" be included in the list of 1.3.1 classes where highlighting is user controlled? Or would this be the same as "selection"?
16:58:18 [allanj]
Agenda+ agenda+ Survey from 4 July start on question JR47 5.1.1
16:58:20 [allanj]
Agenda+ F2F
17:00:33 [Zakim]
WAI_UAWG()1:00PM has now started
17:00:40 [Zakim]
17:00:56 [Zakim]
17:01:11 [Zakim]
17:03:04 [Eric]
Eric has joined #ua
17:04:00 [Zakim]
+ +1.425.883.aaaa
17:05:57 [jeanne]
zakim, aaaa is Kelly
17:05:57 [Zakim]
+Kelly; got it
17:06:39 [Zakim]
17:06:42 [jeanne]
8294323 (UAWGF2F)
17:11:16 [allanj]
regrets+ jan
17:13:04 [allanj]
zakim, agenda?
17:13:04 [Zakim]
I see 4 items remaining on the agenda:
17:13:06 [Zakim]
1. Action-849 (5 min) Kim's Proposal [from allanj]
17:13:06 [Zakim]
2. Discuss (10 min) EO-38 Should "hover" be included in the list of 1.3.1 classes where highlighting is user controlled? Or would this be the same as "selection"? [from allanj]
17:13:06 [Zakim]
3. agenda+ Survey from 4 July start on question JR47 5.1.1 [from allanj]
17:13:07 [Zakim]
4. F2F [from allanj]
17:13:50 [kford_]
Scribe: Kford
17:14:19 [jeanne]
17:14:21 [kford_]
zakim, take up item 4
17:14:21 [Zakim]
agendum 4. "F2F" taken up [from allanj]
17:15:13 [KimPatch]
KimPatch has joined #ua
17:15:20 [allanj]
comments needing proposals -
17:15:48 [kford_]
JS: Going over the syntax/frmat that will be used for test development.
17:15:53 [allanj]
testing template -
17:16:22 [jeanne]
Test Number, Test Assertion (the specific part of the SC you are testing), the steps to follow to do the test. Links to any resource documents needed. End with an If condition for PASS or FAIL.
17:17:14 [kford_]
JS: Each item will need a test assertion. It needs to be explicit about what that item is testing for.
17:19:57 [kford_]
JA: Goal for Tuesday is to finish all comments.
17:20:37 [jeanne]
17:21:40 [kford_]
JA: Goes over the remaining comment work we have left.
17:23:37 [kford_]
zakim, close item 4
17:23:37 [Zakim]
agendum 4, F2F, closed
17:23:38 [Zakim]
I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
17:23:38 [Zakim]
1. Action-849 (5 min) Kim's Proposal [from allanj]
17:24:05 [kford_]
zakim, take up item 1
17:24:05 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "Action-849 (5 min) Kim's Proposal" taken up [from allanj]
17:26:10 [jeanne]
17:27:51 [kford_]
JA going over details from comments.
17:30:34 [kford_]
EH: If someone asks you are you UAAG compliant, and I say yes, what am I saying?
17:30:50 [jeanne]
JS: We partially accepted the comment - we did not change "lowest/highest" to stay consistent with WCAG. But we did accept the suggestion to put "lowest" "highest" in the Introduction where suggested.
17:30:55 [kford_]
EH: How does what we are talking about meet with other documents.
17:31:29 [allanj]
17:33:47 [kford_]
zakim, close item 1
17:33:47 [Zakim]
agendum 1, Action-849 (5 min) Kim's Proposal, closed
17:33:49 [Zakim]
I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
17:33:49 [Zakim]
2. Discuss (10 min) EO-38 Should "hover" be included in the list of 1.3.1 classes where highlighting is user controlled? Or would this be the same as "selection"? [from allanj]
17:35:02 [kford_]
zakim, agenda/
17:35:02 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'agenda/', kford_
17:35:07 [kford_]
zakim, agenda?
17:35:07 [Zakim]
I see 2 items remaining on the agenda:
17:35:08 [Zakim]
2. Discuss (10 min) EO-38 Should "hover" be included in the list of 1.3.1 classes where highlighting is user controlled? Or would this be the same as "selection"? [from allanj]
17:35:08 [Zakim]
3. agenda+ Survey from 4 July start on question JR47 5.1.1 [from allanj]
17:35:35 [kford_]
zakim, take up item 1
17:35:35 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "Action-849 (5 min) Kim's Proposal" taken up [from allanj]
17:36:20 [kford_]
JS and KP to look at 13, 14, 15 and 16 when making edits.
17:36:45 [jeanne]
action: jeanne to work with Kim to look at EO13, 14, 15 and 16 when making edits for Action 849 and 856.
17:36:45 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-868 - Work with kim to look at eo13, 14, 15 and 16 when making edits for action 849 and 856. [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2013-08-29].
17:37:00 [kford_]
zakim, close item 1
17:37:00 [Zakim]
agendum 1, Action-849 (5 min) Kim's Proposal, closed
17:37:01 [Zakim]
I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
17:37:01 [Zakim]
2. Discuss (10 min) EO-38 Should "hover" be included in the list of 1.3.1 classes where highlighting is user controlled? Or would this be the same as "selection"? [from allanj]
17:37:08 [kford_]
zakim, take up item 2
17:37:08 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "Discuss (10 min) EO-38 Should "hover" be included in the list of 1.3.1 classes where highlighting is user controlled? Or would this be the same as "selection"?" taken
17:37:11 [Zakim]
... up [from allanj]
17:37:35 [kford_]
JA: This is part of 1.3.1
17:37:56 [allanj]
1.3.1 Highlighted Items: The user can specify that the following classes be highlighted so that each is uniquely distinguished: (Level A) (a) selection (b) active keyboard focus (indicated by focus cursors and/or text cursors) (c) recognized enabled input elements (distinguished from disabled elements) (d) elements with alternative content (e) recently visited links
17:40:53 [allanj]
discussion of hover and touch/hold on touch screen
17:41:06 [allanj]
tooltips popup if they are turned on
17:44:45 [allanj]
js: include hover on 1.3.1
17:45:09 [allanj]
kp: include hover on 1.3.1
17:46:32 [allanj]
if we add hover, then need to expand implementing, need a proposal
17:47:05 [jeanne]
action: jeanne and kim to add hover to 1.3.1 and include examples in the IER where hover is and is not available to the OS.
17:47:05 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-869 - And kim to add hover to 1.3.1 and include examples in the ier where hover is and is not available to the os. [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2013-08-29].
17:48:17 [kford_]
zakim, close item 2
17:48:17 [Zakim]
agendum 2, Discuss (10 min) EO-38 Should "hover" be included in the list of 1.3.1 classes where highlighting is user controlled? Or would this be the same as "selection"?, closed
17:48:20 [Zakim]
I see 1 item remaining on the agenda:
17:48:20 [Zakim]
3. agenda+ Survey from 4 July start on question JR47 5.1.1 [from allanj]
17:48:31 [kford_]
zakim, taupe up item 3
17:48:31 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'taupe up item 3', kford_
17:48:41 [kford_]
zakim, take up item 3
17:48:41 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "agenda+ Survey from 4 July start on question JR47 5.1.1" taken up [from allanj]
17:48:51 [allanj]
17:48:59 [allanj]
for comment JR47
17:50:38 [kford_]
JA going over the survey.
17:53:44 [jeanne]
Proposal was not accepted because the group felt it was too early to remove SC for lack of implementations.
17:53:51 [allanj]
for OCAD47
17:55:05 [allanj]
topic: OCAD49 on 5.1.4
17:55:22 [allanj]
17:55:47 [kford_]
JA: Looking at 5.1.4
17:56:13 [kford_]
JA going over results.
17:58:20 [kford_]
JS: I like GL's idea
17:59:01 [kford_]
JA: So are you saying we should reword this?
17:59:47 [kford_]
JA: I think I agree with JAN that we could remove it.
17:59:59 [kford_]
I could live with removing
18:00:23 [kford_]
JA asks again if any objections to removing.
18:00:29 [kford_]
None heard.
18:00:44 [kford_]
Resolved: to remove
18:01:12 [kford_]
Resolution: group agrees to remove
18:02:12 [allanj]
18:02:26 [kford_]
Wow, survey took a long time.
18:02:32 [kford_]
zakim, close item 3
18:02:32 [Zakim]
agendum 3, agenda+ Survey from 4 July start on question JR47 5.1.1, closed
18:02:34 [Zakim]
I see nothing remaining on the agenda
18:04:47 [Zakim]
18:05:11 [Zakim]
18:05:19 [allanj]
rrsagent, make minutes
18:05:19 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate allanj
18:05:21 [jeanne]
zakim, who is here?
18:05:21 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Jim_Allan, Jeanne, Kelly
18:05:22 [Zakim]
On IRC I see KimPatch, Eric, RRSAgent, Zakim, jeanne, allanj, kford_, kford, trackbot
18:06:01 [allanj]
Yo, get back on the call
18:06:06 [jeanne]
can Eric and Kim dial back in? We forgot something important
18:07:52 [Zakim]
18:08:02 [KimPatch]
KimPatch has joined #ua
18:08:29 [allanj]
topic: charter revision
18:08:53 [allanj]
scribe: allanj
18:09:02 [kford_]
JS going over the charter proposals.
18:09:20 [allanj]
scribe kford_
18:09:29 [allanj]
scribe: kford_
18:09:32 [allanj]
Maintain Implementing UAAG 2.0 post-Recommendation with additional examples and resources to include user agents on a wide range of devices, technologies and industries, including mobile web, digital publishing, TV, automotive, and video.
18:10:16 [kford_]
End result is that we would maintain our implamenting post CR to cover a range of technologies.
18:10:37 [kford_]
Does someone have that text Jeanne read we can paste?
18:13:53 [kford_]
Group talking about details of how to keep a document like this current.
18:14:26 [allanj]
+1 to charter revision proposal
18:14:39 [jeanne]
18:14:44 [allanj]
kim +1
18:14:48 [kford_]
Resolved: UAAG agrees that charter can be expanded to reflect changes as outlined by JS.
18:15:08 [Zakim]
18:16:51 [allanj]
rrsagent, make minutes
18:16:51 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate allanj
18:17:04 [allanj]
zakim, please part
18:17:04 [Zakim]
leaving. As of this point the attendees were Jim_Allan, Eric, Jeanne, +1.425.883.aaaa, Kelly, Kim_Patch
18:17:04 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #ua
18:17:09 [allanj]
rrsagent, make minutes
18:17:09 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate allanj
18:17:23 [allanj]
rrsagent, set logs public
18:17:59 [allanj]
rrsagent, please part
18:17:59 [RRSAgent]
I see 2 open action items saved in :
18:17:59 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: jeanne to work with Kim to look at EO13, 14, 15 and 16 when making edits for Action 849 and 856. [1]
18:17:59 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:17:59 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: jeanne and kim to add hover to 1.3.1 and include examples in the IER where hover is and is not available to the OS. [2]
18:17:59 [RRSAgent]
recorded in