16:28:08 RRSAgent has joined #tagmem 16:28:08 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/07/18-tagmem-irc 16:29:57 ht has changed the topic to: Agenda: http://www.w3.org/wiki/TAG/Planning/2013-07-18-TC 16:43:13 annevk has joined #tagmem 16:44:12 I've got a problem. I'm in SF and there's been a power outage. So the internet at the office is down. And now I'm in a Starbucks and the wireless is crappy and the music is loud, and crappy too. 16:49:52 dka has joined #tagmem 16:52:10 JeniT has joined #tagmem 16:54:12 I think I'll be able to attend over IRC though. 16:56:31 zakim, call me or something 16:56:31 I don't understand 'call me or something', dka 16:56:52 twirl has joined #tagmem 16:57:16 rrsagent, start meeting 16:57:16 I'm logging. I don't understand 'start meeting', dka. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:57:23 TAG_Weekly()1:00PM has now started 16:57:31 + +44.771.520.aaaa 16:57:46 zakim, who's here? 16:57:46 On the phone I see +44.771.520.aaaa 16:57:47 On IRC I see twirl, JeniT, dka, annevk, RRSAgent, Zakim, marcosc, timbl, ht, Yves, trackbot, slightlyoff, wycats_, bkardell, plinss 16:58:12 zakim, aaaa is me 16:58:12 +dka; got it 16:58:14 +??P3 16:59:22 trackbot, start telcon 16:59:25 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:59:27 Zakim, this will be TAG 16:59:27 ok, trackbot, I see TAG_Weekly()1:00PM already started 16:59:28 Meeting: Technical Architecture Group Teleconference 16:59:28 Date: 18 July 2013 16:59:33 zakim, ??p3 is Sergey 16:59:33 +Sergey; got it 16:59:40 scribenick: ht 16:59:45 scribe: Henry S. Thompson 16:59:55 chair: Dan Appelquist 17:00:54 Zakim, Sergey is twirl 17:00:54 +twirl; got it 17:01:00 zakim, who is here? 17:01:00 On the phone I see dka, twirl 17:01:01 On IRC I see twirl, JeniT, dka, annevk, RRSAgent, Zakim, marcosc, timbl, ht, Yves, trackbot, slightlyoff, wycats_, bkardell, plinss 17:01:01 +[IPcaller] 17:01:17 zakim, [ipcaller] is marcos 17:01:17 +marcos; got it 17:01:19 +plinss 17:02:47 +??P5 17:03:24 zakim, disconnect me 17:03:24 ht is being disconnected 17:03:26 -ht 17:03:52 +Noah_Mendelsohn 17:04:07 +??P10 17:04:43 Zakim, passcode? 17:04:43 the conference code is 0824 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), annevk 17:04:54 +[IPcaller] 17:04:58 Zakim, [IP is me 17:04:58 +annevk; got it 17:05:49 welcome twirl! 17:06:06 Yep 17:06:18 ht: https://twitter.com/briankardell 17:06:25 Yves_ has joined #tagmem 17:06:27 zakim, who is on the call 17:06:27 I don't understand 'who is on the call', ht 17:06:31 zakim, who is on the call? 17:06:31 On the phone I see dka, twirl, marcos, plinss, Noah_Mendelsohn, ht, annevk 17:06:43 +Yves 17:06:52 Noah has joined #tagmem 17:07:07 P 17:07:13 Topic: Admin 17:07:15 Yep 17:07:32 Welcome to new member Sergei Konstantinov (Yandex) 17:07:42 s/Welcome/DKA: Welcome/ 17:07:43 Hi, everyone :) 17:08:06 Topic: TC39 / TPAC Update and Next Steps 17:08:22 DKA: Update from Philippe le Hegaret on this 17:08:42 + +1.415.997.aabb 17:09:47 no discussion in tc39 that I'm aware of 17:10:37 DKA: So the question is how we move the discussion from a private conversation to engage all of TC39 17:10:54 ... to make good on our promise of making TPAC a welcoming place for TC39 17:11:31 AR: I'll bring this up in person at the TC39 meeting next week 17:11:41 DKA: Before our next call? 17:11:43 AR: Yes 17:12:18 Topic: Review current work including new work items and spec reviews 17:12:28 DKA: Round robin? 17:12:46 zakim, who is here? 17:12:46 On the phone I see dka, twirl, marcos, plinss, Noah_Mendelsohn, ht, annevk, Yves, +1.415.997.aabb 17:12:48 On IRC I see Noah, Yves_, twirl, JeniT, dka, annevk, RRSAgent, Zakim, marcosc, timbl, ht, Yves, trackbot, slightlyoff, wycats_, bkardell, plinss 17:12:52 HST: +1 to round robin 17:13:13 DKA: MC, anything happening? 17:13:29 MC: Not sure, given uncertainty about how my participation will go forward 17:13:34 -twirl 17:13:59 PL: I have been working on github mirroring and so on 17:14:06 I'm cut off somehow 17:14:17 plinss: exciting! 17:14:23 ... I'll give more info when I'm ready to go public 17:14:33 DKA: Progress on website redesign? 17:14:45 PL: No, will set up a repo and get that out 17:14:59 +??P3 17:15:14 I redialed 17:15:26 NM: I mentioned the HTTP2.0 which you might want to look at at some point 17:16:06 HT: I've spent the last week or so collecting statistics about http usage in conjunction with http 1.1 review. 17:16:15 … About to do a TAG blog post with some numbers. 17:16:30 … highlight is - http bis needs to look very carefully at what it has to say about con neg. 17:16:53 … I've looked at 100m http requests and only a couple of hundred 300 responses - responses supposed to be given in con neg. 17:18:06 ht: can you charachterize the services that the requests are from in the post? 17:18:14 (300 is a kind of a useless response code. Nothing happens.) 17:18:28 AR: That's harder, privacy issues 17:18:37 s/ht:/ht,/ 17:18:42 s/AR:/AR,/ 17:18:46 ht: are they from many services? a few? 17:18:51 ht: that sort of thing 17:19:33 I don't have anything. I'm been traveling and otherwise occupied. 17:19:45 s/ht:/ht,/ 17:19:48 s/ht:/ht,/ 17:20:03 masinter has joined #tagmem 17:20:17 zakim, aabb is slightlyoff 17:20:17 +slightlyoff; got it 17:20:37 AR: I spoke with Chris Wilson about Web Audio, which I've made an initial stab at writing up 17:20:52 ... Plan to work on that with YK and also do a draft review 17:21:11 DKA: I reviewed your Web Audio doc't, I think it looks good 17:21:55 AR: There's an important arch. issue which isn't addressed in my doc't yet: shared mutable data which is viewable from multiple concurrent javascript thread 17:21:55 -annevk 17:22:06 ... That breaks a core invariant of the JS processing model 17:22:43 ... I have a proposal on how to avoid this, but I'm not quite ready to propose it until I research things more 17:23:21 AR: I hope they can sidestep the problem via my approach, but it's going to be trickhy 17:23:26 s/trickhy/tricky/ 17:23:31 DKA: Timeline? 17:24:19 AR: I'm ready for feedback ASAP on the doc't as it stands, wrt both content and format/style -- is this the kind of way we should be feeding into WGs? 17:24:39 DKA: The variation between formal and informal in the doc't did strike me 17:24:55 AR: Put in an issue or pull requests for some changes 17:25:08 DKA: Style isn't the main point 17:25:50 DKA: What else do we have in github in the spec review area. . . 17:25:58 ... Any other issues? 17:26:13 DKA: I added the Push API to the spec review list 17:26:34 have the chairs thought about a plan for how to work through the backlog in a structured way? 17:26:46 ... I reached out to Charles and Art of Web Apps to try to begin coordination between us and Web Apps 17:26:59 ... Certainly we should plan for joint meeting at TPAC 17:27:13 ... We may ask Art to join us in Cambridge at the Sept. F2F 17:27:54 DKA: But we need to move sooner on key topics -- Charles is keen to see the Promises discussion moving soon 17:28:36 AR: Wrt the Status pages [ref?] which the W3C maintains, is there a process we have / should have to monitor that? 17:28:58 right, makes sense 17:29:07 ... I'm happy to work on a "put out fires" informal way, but do we need more? 17:29:33 DKA: I was expecting to use the spec review list for this 17:29:36 Some groups have a dashboard, like webapps. Otherwise the WG page and their publication list. 17:30:04 AR: That's fine, but how do we keep confident that we keep up to date on what's new and might need to go on there 17:30:19 -twirl 17:30:27 MC: I agree, is _ad hoc_ monitoring sufficient? 17:30:52 +??P1 17:30:59 MC: So, recently, a [???] spec came up, do we need to put it on the list -- i.e., do we treat all new specs equally 17:31:39 DKA: We could have a semi-automatic process, where we periodically go through new specs and vote them in or out 17:31:58 AR: Maybe just auto-generate a bug on the spec review list for new pubs 17:32:09 DKA: Sure -- propose something? 17:32:12 AR: Will do 17:32:22 s/?/ by email?/ 17:32:30 oh, right 17:32:36 totally forgot about that...sorry Yves_ 17:32:49 PL: YL did take an action to try to automate this, at the F2F 17:33:13 DKA: But YL is currently blocked on that with hardware pblms 17:34:18 I thought the proposa was to _leave it open_ 17:34:22 DKA: Ashok Malhotra has sent email about a draft candidate for a TAG blog post about the [legal xx stuff] -- once we have a look at it, I expect we will say yes 17:34:26 not to commit to a longer meeting every 2 weeks 17:34:52 PL: We still have a decision to make on whether we have a 90-minute meeting on a regular basis. . . 17:35:23 I think you should send a signal as to when TAG members should try to hold > 30 mins free, and when not. 17:35:32 My concern is that when you do want a longer call, you'll find conflicts 17:35:35 +1 to what DKA jsut said 17:35:49 DKA: I thought the plan was a) have a 30-minute standup every week, _and_ to have the possibility of deciding to extend some calls for technical discussion if we have something queued up 17:36:01 +1 17:36:08 agree with that 17:36:11 Note that inviting spec editors and not only chairs might be intetesting 17:36:23 PL: Note the YK has a conflict post 30-mins every other week, so we need to be aware of that 17:36:53 Proposed RESOLUTION: have a 30-minute standup every week, _and_ to have the possibility of deciding to extend some calls for technical discussion if we have something queued up, taking into account members' scheduling issues and providing the group adequate notice. 17:37:38 +1 17:37:51 +1 17:38:00 DKA: Notice would normally be given by the Monday before 17:38:10 RESOLUTION: have a 30-minute standup every week, _and_ to have the possibility of deciding to extend some calls for technical discussion if we have something queued up, taking into account members' scheduling issues and providing the group adequate notice (ideally by the Monday of that week EOD). 17:38:19 PL: Maybe we end each standup with a call for tech. topic for the next week 17:38:53 HST gives regrets for next 6 weeks :-( 17:39:09 ht can't make next week = ( 17:39:18 +1 17:39:36 DKA: What about discussing http2.0 next week? 17:39:52 DKA: But HST won't be here -- take it to email? 17:40:06 HST: You can talk about it w/o me, but sure, let's start by email 17:40:22 DKA: Adjourned 17:40:24 late all 17:40:27 later, even 17:40:28 -dka 17:40:29 -marcos 17:40:30 Bye 17:40:33 -slightlyoff 17:40:34 -Yves 17:40:36 -twirl 17:40:37 -Noah_Mendelsohn 17:40:37 -plinss 17:40:40 RRSAgent, bye 17:40:40 I see no action items