IRC log of i18n on 2013-07-18

Timestamps are in UTC.

15:01:11 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #i18n
15:01:11 [RRSAgent]
logging to
15:01:16 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #i18n
15:01:25 [aphillip]
trackbot, prepare teleconference
15:01:26 [JcK]
JcK has joined #i18n
15:01:27 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
15:01:29 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be 4186
15:01:29 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see I18N_CoreWG()11:00AM scheduled to start now
15:01:30 [trackbot]
Meeting: Internationalization Working Group Teleconference
15:01:30 [trackbot]
Date: 18 July 2013
15:01:42 [aphillip]
15:01:49 [aphillip]
Chair: Addison Phillips
15:01:53 [aphillip]
Scribe: Addison Phillips
15:01:58 [aphillip]
ScribeNick: aphillip
15:02:10 [aphillip]
rrsagent, draft miinutes
15:02:10 [RRSAgent]
I'm logging. I don't understand 'draft miinutes', aphillip. Try /msg RRSAgent help
15:02:21 [aphillip]
rrsagent, that's finnish
15:02:21 [RRSAgent]
I'm logging. I don't understand 'that's finnish', aphillip. Try /msg RRSAgent help
15:02:25 [aphillip]
rrsagent, draft minutes
15:02:25 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
15:02:31 [r12a]
zakim, dial richard
15:02:31 [Zakim]
ok, r12a; the call is being made
15:02:33 [Zakim]
I18N_CoreWG()11:00AM has now started
15:02:33 [Zakim]
15:02:55 [Zakim]
+ +1.617.245.aaaa
15:02:56 [Zakim]
15:03:09 [aphillip]
zakim, +1.617 is JcK
15:03:09 [Zakim]
+JcK; got it
15:03:25 [aphillip]
agenda+ RADAR
15:03:28 [DavidClarke]
DavidClarke has joined #i18n
15:03:35 [aphillip]
agenda+ Bytestring in Web IDL
15:03:52 [aphillip]
agenda+ CSS counter styles
15:04:00 [aphillip]
agenda+ Charmod (and friends)
15:04:07 [Zakim]
+ +44.141.888.aabb
15:04:13 [matial]
matial has joined #i18n
15:04:23 [aphillip]
agenda+ Bidi
15:04:32 [aphillip]
15:04:36 [DavidClarke]
Zakim, +44 is me
15:04:38 [Zakim]
+DavidClarke; got it
15:04:44 [aphillip]
zakim, who is here?
15:04:44 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Richard, JcK, aphillip, DavidClarke
15:04:45 [Zakim]
On IRC I see matial, DavidClarke, JcK, Zakim, RRSAgent, aphillip, r12a, trackbot
15:05:58 [Zakim]
15:06:11 [matial]
zakim, ??p10 is me
15:06:11 [Zakim]
+matial; got it
15:06:30 [Norbert]
Norbert has joined #i18n
15:06:52 [aphillip]
Topic: Agenda
15:07:01 [Zakim]
15:07:19 [aphillip]
Topic: Action Items
15:07:56 [aphillip]
close ACTION-215
15:07:56 [trackbot]
Closed ACTION-215 Double-check that all .prep items are gone to html5.
15:08:26 [r12a]
15:08:32 [aphillip]
close ACTION-234
15:08:32 [trackbot]
Closed ACTION-234 Ping Mark Davis asking if Google can get statistics on <bdo> usage.
15:08:56 [aphillip]
close ACTION-236
15:08:56 [trackbot]
Closed ACTION-236 Trackerize Shapes and write to www-style to ask about rtlflip and writing-modes.
15:09:45 [aphillip]
Topic: Info Share
15:11:09 [aphillip]
addison: on vacation next two teleconferences
15:12:26 [aphillip]
rrsagent, draft minutes
15:12:26 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
15:12:32 [aphillip]
15:12:45 [aphillip]
richard: rewriting tests
15:12:51 [aphillip]
... which will someday be a Good Thing
15:13:01 [aphillip]
... submitted first set to HTML test repo
15:13:08 [aphillip]
... got lots of comments back
15:13:19 [aphillip]
... so had to rewrite i18n test framework
15:13:25 [aphillip]
... been implementing
15:13:33 [aphillip]
... tests will all say the same thing
15:13:43 [aphillip]
... but the script behind them will look different
15:13:53 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
15:14:18 [aphillip]
zakim, take up agendum 1
15:14:18 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "RADAR" taken up [from aphillip]
15:14:28 [aphillip]
15:14:52 [aphillip]
15:15:00 [aphillip]
shepherd needed
15:15:27 [aphillip]
addison to shepherd
15:16:09 [aphillip]
15:16:21 [aphillip]
that's a last call closing on 23 July
15:16:57 [aphillip]
norbert will take a look
15:17:21 [aphillip]
15:17:31 [aphillip]
zakim, take up agendum 2
15:17:31 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "Bytestring in Web IDL" taken up [from aphillip]
15:17:53 [aphillip]
Norbert: was looking at WebIDL
15:17:56 [Norbert]
15:18:06 [aphillip]
... and started discussion thread at above link
15:18:48 [aphillip]
Norbert: found an interface called bytestring
15:18:52 [Norbert]
15:19:05 [aphillip]
Norbert: it's a weird type for capturing a string a bytes
15:19:13 [Norbert]
15:19:20 [aphillip]
... and comes with default conversion to JS String
15:19:26 [aphillip]
... and depends on ISO 8859-1
15:19:43 [aphillip]
... can't specify other encodings
15:19:50 [aphillip]
... XHR was source
15:20:04 [aphillip]
... and byte mapping to chars of same value
15:20:22 [aphillip]
... spreads the use of Latin-1 to new specs???
15:20:28 [aphillip]
Norbert: started discussion
15:20:41 [aphillip]
... can't remove from XHR (legacy reasions)
15:20:50 [aphillip]
... but could remove from IDL spec
15:20:59 [aphillip]
15:21:18 [aphillip]
Norbert: new spec called Fetch wants to expose just bytes
15:21:48 [aphillip]
JcK: every place I look at bytestring in combo with chars
15:22:06 [aphillip]
... feels like deeper into a hole
15:23:01 [aphillip]
... continued use of datatype is a Bad Thing
15:33:42 [aphillip]
ACTION: Norbert: produce one-pager summary of WebIDL Bytestring and alternatives for consideration by WG
15:33:42 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-241 - Produce one-pager summary of WebIDL Bytestring and alternatives for consideration by WG [on Norbert Lindenberg - due 2013-07-25].
15:33:55 [aphillip]
15:34:08 [aphillip]
zakim, take up agendum 3
15:34:08 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "CSS counter styles" taken up [from aphillip]
15:34:45 [aphillip]
15:35:05 [aphillip]
(*) The document contains a reference to a list of non-normative but ready-to-use counter definitions maintained by the I18N WG. (Also useful as examples of what counter styles look like.)
15:35:37 [aphillip]
15:36:08 [aphillip]
richard: mean to publish FPWD out for review
15:36:21 [aphillip]
... few things recommended while I was in Japan
15:36:27 [aphillip]
... need to dig out those comments
15:37:07 [aphillip]
chair: please indicate desire (or opposition) to publishing this document as FPWD
15:37:10 [aphillip]
addison: +1
15:37:25 [r12a]
+1 (of course)
15:37:28 [Norbert]
15:37:29 [DavidClarke]
15:37:56 [aphillip]
Norbert: can we get rid of all the red coloring in the document?
15:38:18 [aphillip]
ACTION: richard: publish FPWD of counter-styles WG Note
15:38:18 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-242 - Publish FPWD of counter-styles WG Note [on Richard Ishida - due 2013-07-25].
15:38:57 [aphillip]
addison: who wants to shepherd counter-styles (the CSS document)?
15:39:15 [aphillip]
richard to shepherd
15:39:27 [aphillip]
15:39:54 [aphillip]
richard: will get rid of red coloring
15:40:04 [aphillip]
... Tab suggested reducing length of lines
15:40:17 [aphillip]
... but if wrapped it's harder to see
15:41:21 [aphillip]
... the relationships
15:41:45 [aphillip]
JcK: printing and other devices might not look so good
15:44:05 [aphillip]
Topic: Info Share
15:44:32 [aphillip]
richard: doing an article about what's going on in I18N activity
15:44:46 [aphillip]
... "Around the WWW in 80 Seconds"
15:45:21 [aphillip]
... tell me if there are things to mention
15:45:50 [aphillip]
15:46:15 [aphillip]
zakim, take up agendum 4
15:46:15 [Zakim]
agendum 4. "Charmod (and friends)" taken up [from aphillip]
15:46:31 [aphillip]
- edit session: when - PRECIS
15:47:45 [aphillip]
edit session at Unicode conference
15:47:54 [aphillip]
and do an online one first
15:48:52 [aphillip]
target late august
15:49:48 [aphillip]
Preparation and Comparison of Internationalized Strings (Active WG)
15:50:00 [aphillip]
JcK: following it some
15:50:17 [aphillip]
... moving down the path of one protocol == one set of rules
15:50:31 [aphillip]
... possibly different rules (many of them for many protocols)
15:53:16 [aphillip]
addison: should agree on vocabulary and definitions
15:54:17 [aphillip]
ACTION: addison: remind everyone to read PRECIS documents for discussion of charmod-norm
15:54:18 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-243 - Remind everyone to read PRECIS documents for discussion of charmod-norm [on Addison Phillips - due 2013-07-25].
15:55:17 [aphillip]
ACTION: addison: write to the PRECIS list pointing out similarity of activity and need/desire to get similar definitions/recommendations where it makes sense
15:55:17 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-244 - Write to the PRECIS list pointing out similarity of activity and need/desire to get similar definitions/recommendations where it makes sense [on Addison Phillips - due 2013-07-25].
15:55:38 [aphillip]
15:56:18 [aphillip]
zakim, take up agendum 5
15:56:18 [Zakim]
agendum 5. "Bidi" taken up [from aphillip]
15:56:38 [aphillip]
mati: submitted to ICU support for UBA added features
15:56:48 [aphillip]
... hope that's in next release?
15:57:03 [aphillip]
... bracket pairing, etc.
15:57:34 [aphillip]
Topic: AOB?
15:57:41 [aphillip]
rrsagent, draft minutes
15:57:41 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
15:58:26 [Zakim]
15:58:28 [Zakim]
15:58:30 [Zakim]
15:58:31 [Zakim]
15:58:36 [r12a]
zakim, drop richard
15:58:36 [Zakim]
Richard is being disconnected
15:58:37 [Zakim]
15:59:19 [Zakim]
15:59:20 [Zakim]
I18N_CoreWG()11:00AM has ended
15:59:20 [Zakim]
Attendees were Richard, +1.617.245.aaaa, aphillip, JcK, +44.141.888.aabb, DavidClarke, matial, Norbert
16:01:26 [aphillip]
rrsagent, make minutes
16:01:26 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
16:01:28 [aphillip]
zakim, bye
16:01:28 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #i18n
16:01:55 [aphillip]
rrsagent, bye
16:01:55 [RRSAgent]
I see 4 open action items saved in :
16:01:55 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Norbert: produce one-pager summary of WebIDL Bytestring and alternatives for consideration by WG [1]
16:01:55 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
16:01:55 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: richard: publish FPWD of counter-styles WG Note [2]
16:01:55 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
16:01:55 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: addison: remind everyone to read PRECIS documents for discussion of charmod-norm [3]
16:01:55 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
16:01:55 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: addison: write to the PRECIS list pointing out similarity of activity and need/desire to get similar definitions/recommendations where it makes sense [4]
16:01:55 [RRSAgent]
recorded in