13:58:19 RRSAgent has joined #gld 13:58:19 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/07/18-gld-irc 13:58:21 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:58:23 Zakim, this will be GLD 13:58:23 ok, trackbot, I see T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM already started 13:58:24 Meeting: Government Linked Data Working Group Teleconference 13:58:24 Date: 18 July 2013 13:58:40 RRSAgent, who is on the call? 13:58:40 I'm logging. Sorry, nothing found for 'who is on the call' 13:58:53 Zakim, who is on the call? 13:58:53 On the phone I see +3539149aaaa 13:59:02 Zkim, +353 is me 13:59:14 Zakim, +353 is me 13:59:14 +fadmaa; got it 13:59:20 + +1.440.389.aabb 13:59:28 zakim, aabb is me 13:59:28 +HadleyBeeman; got it 13:59:35 olyerickson has joined #gld 13:59:43 BenediktKaempgen has joined #gld 13:59:49 +Sandro 14:00:07 + +1.540.898.aacc 14:00:15 zakim, aacc is me 14:00:15 +bhyland; got it 14:00:22 +[IPcaller] 14:00:32 +??P13 14:00:52 zakim, ??P13 is /me 14:00:52 +/me; got it 14:01:00 zakim, ??P13 is BenediktKaempgen 14:01:00 I already had ??P13 as /me, BenediktKaempgen 14:01:22 +??P15 14:01:33 Zakim, ??p15 is me 14:01:33 +BartvanLeeuwen; got it 14:01:45 zakim, /me is BenediktKaempgen 14:01:45 +BenediktKaempgen; got it 14:01:51 +[IPcaller] 14:02:04 Zakim, [ipcaller] is me. 14:02:04 +olyerickson; got it 14:02:11 zakim, who is talking? 14:02:22 sandro, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: fadmaa (9%), Sandro (48%), bhyland (10%), BenediktKaempgen (25%) 14:02:33 Zakim, mute me 14:02:33 fadmaa should now be muted 14:02:43 Please reload your agenda page all 14:04:11 Vermont is definitely "crazy..." and philosophically far away 14:04:48 JoaoPauloAlmeida has joined #gld 14:04:49 Let's all listen to bhyland and sandro as they sounds great ;) 14:05:24 scribe: sandro 14:05:46 Propose to accept minutes from last meeting: http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/gld/2013-06-20 14:05:54 bhyland: I'm chairing while Hadley looks for a better phone connection 14:06:01 +OpenLink_Software 14:06:08 Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 14:06:08 +TallTed; got it 14:06:09 Zakim, mute me 14:06:11 TallTed should now be muted 14:06:11 PROPOSED: Accept minutes http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/gld/2013-06-20 14:06:14 +1 14:06:19 +1 14:06:22 +1 14:06:36 RESOLVED: Accept minutes http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/gld/2013-06-20 14:06:41 +??P32 14:06:41 +1 to last meetings minutes 14:06:48 Zakim, ??P32 is me 14:06:48 +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it 14:07:13 bhyland: Agenda: (1) extension process, (2) transitions for dcat, regorg, adms, ucr documents 14:07:26 topic: Charter Extension 14:07:27 Extension request, see http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Charter_Extension 14:07:51 bhyland: This is a document going to W3C management to ask for extension to end of year. 14:08:19 Isn't ORG already in CR? 14:08:36 nevermind, now parsed the table 14:08:42 sandro: See Timeline at end of work to do 14:09:19 sandro: I'll change blank boxes to "done" 14:09:33 q? 14:09:40 bhyland: any questions? 14:10:21 bhyland: Please confirm your status on participation list. 14:10:41 bhyland: We might move to bi-weekly schedule, perhaps. 14:10:52 bhyland: if there's appropriate feedback on mailing list. 14:10:55 +1 to my continuing participation 14:11:01 +1 14:11:03 +1 14:11:07 Zakim, unmute me 14:11:07 TallTed should no longer be muted 14:11:12 +1 14:11:23 +1 for continued participation 14:11:31 Zakim, unmute me 14:11:31 TallTed was not muted, TallTed 14:13:16 gatemezi has joined #gld 14:13:51 Re meetings: Specifically I wanted to ask the editors: Would it be more helpful to have a once/week check-in with us (short weekly meetings) - OR meet every two weeks or so for more in-depth discussions? 14:13:52 zakim, who is on the call? 14:13:54 On the phone I see fadmaa (muted), HadleyBeeman, Sandro, bhyland, DaveReynolds, BenediktKaempgen, BartvanLeeuwen, olyerickson, TallTed, JoaoPauloAlmeida 14:13:55 bhyland: Do we want to move to twice a month 14:14:08 2x/mo okay but weekly poke emails would be useful 14:14:25 @olyerickson, agree. 14:14:34 +1 to olyerickson proposal 14:14:34 +1 14:14:39 +1 14:14:42 thanks, davereynolds. That's helpful 14:14:49 +1 14:14:49 sandro: How about cancel some meetings over the summer, and then see 14:14:53 :) 14:14:59 bhyland: Sounds good 14:15:09 MariosMeimaris has joined #gld 14:15:27 (hadley has no functioning audio) 14:15:31 Zakim, unmute me 14:15:31 fadmaa should no longer be muted 14:15:37 topic: DCAT Last Call 14:15:43 +[IPcaller] 14:15:45 bhyland: Fadi, where are we? 14:15:50 I can hear, sandro — just can't speak very well. Bad bandwidth management! 14:16:02 zakim, IPcaller is me 14:16:02 +MariosMeimaris; got it 14:16:04 Timeline & checklist for DCAT, see http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/DCAT_Timetable 14:16:23 fadmaa: John and I went through all the issues, all the email. Some changes might count as substantive, so second last call. All changes reflected in spec. 14:16:47 -1 to re-re-re reading 14:16:47 fadmaa: It would be good if at least one other person read over this spec, but maybe that's not necessary. 14:16:51 DCAT CR Transition write up, see http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/DCAT_CR_transition 14:17:23 DCAT last edits by Fadi as of 25 June 2013, see https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/dcat/index.html 14:18:10 Propose: To publish DCAT next Tuesday 23-July 14:18:10 +1 to sandro's proposal. 14:18:13 bhyland: is there an exemplar of a completed instance of that doc? 14:18:21 fadmaa: I expect to be able to put in the work to continue. 14:18:41 sandro: Let's resolve to publish today, but give people 24 hrs to review again if they want. 14:19:11 Sandro's proposal was for everyone to do one last sanity check Thursday or Friday today. 14:19:21 +1 to "publish today but review over next 24 hours" 14:20:16 E.g. http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-data-cube/#change-history 14:20:19 sandro: Please put change log in appendix. 14:20:28 Action: Fadi to put change log for recent DCAT changes in Appendix 14:20:28 Created ACTION-146 - Put change log for recent DCAT changes in Appendix [on Fadi Maali - due 2013-07-25]. 14:20:41 ACTION: Sandro to produce a color coded diff and share it with the GLD WG 14:20:41 Created ACTION-147 - Produce a color coded diff and share it with the GLD WG [on Sandro Hawke - due 2013-07-25]. 14:21:06 sandro: Do you mean something like this: http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/CR-vocab-data-cube-20130625/#change-history 14:21:25 Yes John 14:21:38 PROPOSED: Publish DCAT as Second Last Call, giving people in WG 24 hrs to spot any last problems (after Faadi and Sandro send out change log and color-coded diff) 14:21:43 +1 14:21:47 +1 14:21:50 +1 14:21:52 +1 14:21:55 +1 14:21:56 -JoaoPauloAlmeida 14:21:59 +1 14:22:07 +1 14:22:13 +??P2 14:22:18 Zakim, ??P2 is me 14:22:18 +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it 14:22:24 RESOLVED: Publish DCAT as Second Last Call, giving people in WG 24 hrs to spot any last problems (after Faadi and Sandro send out change log and color-coded diff) 14:22:29 I will do a final "language" review and notify fadmaa 14:22:29 +1 14:22:35 Zakim, mute me 14:22:35 fadmaa should now be muted 14:23:07 topic: ADMS 14:23:12 +1 to standing proposal 14:23:15 Sorry no mic but I'm not one of the editors of ADMS 14:23:17 bhyland: MariosMeimaris can you summarize? 14:23:27 No prob :) 14:24:01 sandro: I think the only change was to be in the acknowledgements. 14:24:14 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-gld-wg/2013May/0091.html 14:24:33 I thought ADMS was already published as a WG Note so I'm unclear why it is on the agenda today ... 14:24:37 Ah, sorry - that was the original publication. 14:24:55 Sandro: it's the wrong email. 14:25:17 Ah wait, found it! 14:25:23 we don't know what's going on..... 14:25:27 This! http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-gld-wg/2013Jun/0001.html 14:25:45 We just working group approval for this 14:26:12 Sandro, that fits with my understanding of this too. 14:27:20 PROPOSED: Re-Publish ADMS and RegOrg notes, including appropriate acknowledgement of European Commission, as in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-gld-wg/2013Jun/0001.html 14:27:21 I can confirm that no other content changes were performed on RegOrg since it was published as a WG note, as Phil says in the email. Last changes are described in the Change Log in http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-regorg/ 14:27:30 PhilA is requesting very minor and non-substantive changes to ADMS and RegOrg...I don't see problem 14:27:33 thanks, mariosmeimaris 14:27:35 +1 14:27:36 +1 14:27:38 +1 14:27:39 +1 14:27:43 +1 14:27:46 +1 14:27:47 +1 14:27:52 +1 14:27:57 RESOLVED: Re-Publish ADMS and RegOrg notes, including appropriate acknowledgement of European Commission, as in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-gld-wg/2013Jun/0001.html 14:27:59 +1 14:28:12 +1 14:28:24 +1 14:28:33 Topic: Best Practices 14:29:15 I added references and there are some missing in the current version 14:29:38 bhyland: status update -- I haven't done anything in the past two months. The other editors have done a little. We need to get together and get it across the finish line. Plan is to be a WG Note. Boris and Ghislan and I need to confirm out edits. Need to be mindful of suggestions from nl and uk. 14:29:52 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/bp/index.html 14:29:56 bhyland: URI strategies, need to make sure we're on the same page. 14:30:01 thanks, bhyland 14:30:30 danbri has joined #gld 14:30:48 bhyland: Dates... 14:30:55 q? 14:31:04 Zakim, who is on the call? 14:31:04 On the phone I see fadmaa (muted), HadleyBeeman, Sandro, bhyland, DaveReynolds, BenediktKaempgen, BartvanLeeuwen, olyerickson, TallTed, MariosMeimaris, JoaoPauloAlmeida 14:31:42 Zakim, unmute me 14:31:42 fadmaa should no longer be muted 14:31:48 bhyland: We'll get it to the WG to review by at least the end of august 14:31:51 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/dcat-ucr/index.html 14:31:56 topic: DCAT UCR 14:32:09 bhyland: faadi, have we lost Richard entirely? 14:32:09 Note: "5 Star" section "4. Is your Linked Data Vocabulary 5-star?" doesn't match LD Glossary 14:32:42 fadmaa: I haven't been able to get ahold of Richard. 14:32:52 that was the previous topic (BP doc) 14:32:56 bhyland: Can you do this? 14:33:19 fadmaa: I'm not sure what we agree to do with this document. 14:33:33 Question was to Fadi, can you dedicate time to complete DCAT UCR to make it a fleshed out WG Note? 14:33:34 agree with Fadi, I thought we had already agreed this was unnecessary 14:33:49 I think we left it in your judgment, fadmaa. And I know we talked about whether we can make it useful as "helpful implementation guidance" 14:33:58 @DaveReynolds, I recall the same 14:34:02 +1 to fadmaa and DaveReynolds 14:34:02 fadmaa: Some of the use cases are not addressed by DCAT. If we publish, someone might say "but dcat doesn't do this". EG dcat doesn't include a mechanism to exchange the data. 14:34:21 bhyland: I'm okay with that. 14:34:44 I'm okay with it too — but I think we should make it official 14:35:16 PROPOSED: The working group does not intend to publish DCAT UCR. 14:35:25 +1 14:35:29 +1 14:35:32 +1 14:35:34 +1 14:35:35 It's more than losing an editor...it's simply that we didn't follow a use case driven process 14:35:35 +1 14:35:39 +1 14:35:42 +0 sad, but I'm not about to do the work :-) 14:35:50 well said, sandro :) 14:36:04 Zakim, mute me 14:36:04 fadmaa should now be muted 14:36:10 +0 14:36:49 RESOLVED: The working group does not intend to publish DCAT UCR. 14:36:54 Sure, bhyland… I'll update the table on the main wiki page 14:37:21 The fact is that DCAT was well along when we entered the W3C process 14:37:26 so, https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/dcat-ucr/index.html is left at that. 14:37:36 -JoaoPauloAlmeida 14:37:38 topic: Data Cube UCR 14:37:41 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/data-cube-ucr/index.html 14:37:42 Link to the current version of QB use case document: https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/data-cube-ucr/index.html 14:37:45 bhyland: BenediktKaempgen are you willing to own this and see it through? 14:37:50 +??P2 14:37:53 Zakim, ??P2 is me 14:37:54 +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it 14:38:05 sorry about that 14:38:08 fixed now 14:38:10 zakim, mute JoaoPauloAlmeida 14:38:10 JoaoPauloAlmeida should now be muted 14:38:10 I am muted 14:38:21 it wasn't me 14:38:32 now it's ok 14:38:37 1) case studies of existing deployments of the earlier version of the data cube vocabulary. Example case study: "Publisher Case Study: Eurostat SDMX as Linked Data" https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/data-cube-ucr/index.html#publisher-case-study-eurostat-sdmx-as-linked-data 14:38:48 BenediktKaempgen: The purpose of the document is to present use cases and lesses concerning data cube. Includes Case Studies of existing deploeyments of earlier version. 14:38:54 Benedikt 14:39:11 zakim, mute tallted 14:39:11 TallTed should now be muted 14:39:12 zakim, mute TallTed 14:39:12 TallTed was already muted, bhyland 14:39:12 2) other possible use cases that would benefit from using the vocabulary. Example use case: "Consumer Use Case: Visualising published statistical data in Google Public Data Explorer" https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/data-cube-ucr/index.html#consumer-use-case-visualising-published-statistical-data-in-google-public-data-explorer 14:39:16 BenediktKaempgen: Another content is use cases not yet deployed but that would benefit. 14:39:42 3) We derive lessons that can be used for future work on the vocabulary as well as for useful tools complementing the vocabulary. Example lesson: "Modelers using ISO19156 - Observations & Measurements may need clarification regarding the relationship to the data cube vocabulary" https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/data-cube-ucr/index.html#modelers-using-iso19156---observations-measurements-may-need-clarification-regarding-the-relati[CUT] 14:39:50 BenediktKaempgen: finally, we derive lessons for future work on vocab. 14:41:01 Benedikt: cygri put a lot of work in at the beginning of the documents creation and he continued to provide valuable feedback. 14:41:07 BenediktKaempgen: Current status: Richard not involved any more (since Feb 2013). Good feedback from James, Phil, Dave. answered by email. 14:41:09 … should be listed as an editor because of this. 14:41:35 BenediktKaempgen: biggest change is we no longer list Requirements. The ones we had were not really requirements, so we turned those into lessons. 14:41:43 s/Benedikt/BenediktKaempgen 14:42:08 BenediktKaempgen: Confirmed from commenters, except Phil. 14:42:23 -olyerickson 14:42:32 zakim, who is talking? 14:42:43 sandro, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: bhyland (24%), BenediktKaempgen (48%) 14:42:47 bhyland: The date still says Feb 27th. Can you please update the date? 14:43:03 BenediktKaempgen: I assumed I wasn't supposed to do that yet. 14:43:12 +[IPcaller] 14:43:25 zakim, [ipcaller] is me. 14:43:25 +olyerickson; got it 14:43:26 bhyland: Yeah please Update the Date any time you change it. 14:43:48 sandro: Yes, please change status to ED. 14:44:13 benediktkaempgen: are you saying you're ready to transition this to wg note today? 14:44:15 there is terrible echo 14:44:20 bhyland: So you're committed to getting this across the finish line? (without Richard) 14:44:27 zakim, who is talking? 14:44:37 BenediktKaempgen: yes 14:44:37 sandro, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: bhyland (39%), BenediktKaempgen (35%) 14:44:46 bhyland: When will it be done? 14:45:17 Ah, the art of PubRules is not a trifle … 14:45:24 :) 14:45:46 BenediktKaempgen: PubRules may take some days. If we agree to publish as WG note, then I think I can have it done by 16 aug. 14:46:16 +1 BenediktKaempgen getting married! 14:46:21 Congrats! 14:46:23 Congrats BenediktKaempgen ! 14:46:58 We don't need to vote on BenediktKaempgen's wedding 14:47:44 Yes, fine by me 14:47:47 ta 14:48:15 PROPOSED: Publish Data Cube UCR as WG Note, as soon as pubrules compliant and Phil confirms he's okay with his comments being addressed. 14:48:18 +1 14:48:22 +1 14:48:23 +1 14:48:25 +1 14:48:27 +1 14:48:32 +1 14:48:53 +1 14:50:16 I like the streamlining of effort that is occuring on this call :-) 14:50:21 +1 14:50:24 me too! 14:50:44 BenediktKaempgen: I'll take a look, then hand it off the sandro, so see if he can finish it quickly, otherwise it might wait some weeks. 14:51:14 Topic: Tracker review 14:51:15 topic: issue-68 14:51:19 issue-68? 14:51:19 ISSUE-68 -- QB validation rules lack miss a potentially common case -- raised 14:51:19 http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/68 14:51:20 We have two raised issues, http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/68 14:51:33 issue-6 14:51:33 ISSUE-6 -- How should publishers figure out good URIs for properties with non-literal ranges? -- raised 14:51:33 http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/6 14:51:50 -JoaoPauloAlmeida 14:52:43 DaveReynolds: I just raised this today. We got an implementation report on cube, and it failed on the validator because it was more picky then the integrity rules in spec. 14:53:12 DaveReynolds: This looks like it's going to be a common and important case. If not for CR, it'd be easy to fix. 14:53:15 Would read better as: "ISSUE-68: QB validation rules miss a potentially common case" (omit work "lack") 14:53:43 DaveReynolds: Every dataset should have a structure, but it's not constrained like that. Because the RDFS closure rules aren't complete. 14:54:17 DaveReynolds: Technically this would be an easy extension to the normal validation rule 14:54:51 sandro: Did the submitted data makes sense anyway? 14:55:07 DaveReynolds: No, there was an error. 14:55:41 DaveReynolds: based the validation rules in the spec, failed the validation by my validator 14:56:06 … it passed the Validation process (but it should not have) but wasn't legitimate per the spec document. 14:56:22 Sandro: We wouldn't be breaking anyone's working system if the spec change ... 14:57:10 DaveReynolds: if someone had validator by the spec, they would have to tweak their validator, but data users would not. And anyone with such a validator would want this change. 14:57:37 … Need to tighten up the spec. 14:57:39 DaveReynolds: CR has revealed that we left an inadvertant hold in the validation rules. 14:57:55 Sandro: Thinks it is OK as he understands the problem. 14:57:58 Furthermore, the validation rules will pass RDF that has no defined qb entities in it at all. 14:58:16 … Change the spec as it goes to PR 14:58:57 Sandro: We should have an implementors report page and notate this & ensure an email goes out about this issue. 14:59:00 DaveReynolds: Any way to tell people? 14:59:11 sandro: Not really. :-) 14:59:48 -fadmaa 14:59:53 DaveReynolds: Reporter has corrected their data, and is releaved at situation. They'll be fine with this. 15:01:04 sandro, If we leave the issue open, won't that remind us to sort it at PR transition time? 15:01:54 DaveReynolds: I'll summarize the issue and what we propose to do about it. 15:02:12 Moved from raised to "open" with notation: 15:02:12 Discussed 18-Jul-2-13 at GLD WG call. 15:02:12 Would read better as: "https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/68: QB validation rules miss a potentially common case" (omit work "lack") 15:02:12 DaveReynolds: if someone had validator by the spec, they would have to tweak their validator, but data users would not. And anyone with such a validator would want this change. 15:02:12 Sandro: We should have an implementors report page and notate this & ensure an email goes out about this issue. 15:02:13 DaveReynolds agreed to prepare email & send to public gld list, Sandro to ensure Ralph is OK with proposed approach. 15:02:45 HadleyBeeman, hopefully we can just close it and DaveReynolds edit the draft now. 15:02:52 Okay, great. 15:03:02 Next meeting: 1 August! (I'll send round an email of the changed meeting schedule) 15:03:18 ADJOURN 15:03:21 Thanks everyone; have a great week! 15:03:23 Thank you, bhyland, for chairing. And sandro for scribing 15:03:27 -olyerickson 15:03:27 olyerickson has left #gld 15:03:27 And sorry about my audio! 15:03:28 -BartvanLeeuwen 15:03:28 Thanks! 15:03:31 bye all 15:03:31 Bye everyone 15:03:34 -bhyland 15:03:35 -Sandro 15:03:35 -BenediktKaempgen 15:03:37 -TallTed 15:03:38 -DaveReynolds 15:03:38 We'll email everyone with outcome of GLD WG extension request. 15:03:39 -MariosMeimaris 15:03:40 -HadleyBeeman 15:03:41 T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has ended 15:03:41 Attendees were +3539149aaaa, fadmaa, +1.440.389.aabb, HadleyBeeman, Sandro, +1.540.898.aacc, bhyland, DaveReynolds, BartvanLeeuwen, BenediktKaempgen, olyerickson, TallTed, 15:03:41 ... JoaoPauloAlmeida, MariosMeimaris 15:03:43 Speak with you all in two weeks. 15:03:46 Thanks for the congratulations! 15:03:50 MariosMeimaris has left #gld 15:03:52 Thanks for scribing Sandro. 15:03:52 :) 15:03:57 thanks all !! 15:04:08 RRSAgent, bye 15:04:08 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2013/07/18-gld-actions.rdf : 15:04:08 ACTION: Fadi to put change log for recent DCAT changes in Appendix [1] 15:04:08 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/07/18-gld-irc#T14-20-28 15:04:08 ACTION: Sandro to produce a color coded diff and share it with the GLD WG [2] 15:04:08 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/07/18-gld-irc#T14-20-41