IRC log of rdf-wg on 2013-07-10

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:55:42 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #rdf-wg
14:55:42 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:55:44 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
14:55:44 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #rdf-wg
14:55:46 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be 73394
14:55:46 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDFWG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 5 minutes
14:55:47 [trackbot]
Meeting: RDF Working Group Teleconference
14:55:47 [trackbot]
Date: 10 July 2013
14:55:52 [Zakim]
SW_RDFWG()11:00AM has now started
14:55:53 [Zakim]
14:58:28 [Zakim]
14:58:29 [pfps]
pfps has joined #rdf-wg
14:58:31 [Zakim]
14:58:32 [Zakim]
14:58:38 [gkellogg]
zakim, I am ??P0
14:58:38 [Zakim]
+gkellogg; got it
14:59:13 [Zakim]
14:59:19 [ericP]
14:59:25 [Arnaud1]
Arnaud1 has joined #rdf-wg
14:59:46 [Zakim]
15:00:02 [davidwood]
Zakim, who is barking?
15:00:02 [Zakim]
I don't understand your question, davidwood.
15:00:13 [davidwood]
Zakim, who is here?
15:00:13 [Zakim]
On the phone I see EricP, gkellogg, [GVoice], davidwood
15:00:15 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Arnaud1, pfps, Zakim, RRSAgent, gkellogg, TallTed, trackbot, davidwood, manu, yvesr, mischat, ericP, sandro
15:01:04 [AZ]
AZ has joined #rdf-wg
15:01:07 [Zakim]
15:01:12 [TallTed]
Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me
15:01:12 [Zakim]
+TallTed; got it
15:01:14 [TallTed]
Zakim, mute me
15:01:15 [Zakim]
TallTed should now be muted
15:01:23 [TallTed]
TallTed has changed the topic to: RDF-WG -- -- agenda
15:02:12 [Arnaud]
is anyone successfully calling Zakim via SIP?
15:02:27 [Arnaud]
it isn't working for me
15:02:28 [Zakim]
+ +081165aaaa
15:02:28 [markus]
markus has joined #rdf-wg
15:02:38 [AZ]
Zakim, aaaa is me
15:02:38 [Zakim]
+AZ; got it
15:02:59 [gavinc]
gavinc has joined #rdf-wg
15:03:00 [Zakim]
15:03:21 [ericP]
scribenick: ericP
15:03:48 [Zakim]
+ +1.707.861.aabb
15:03:49 [davidwood]
Zakim, who is here?
15:03:50 [Zakim]
On the phone I see EricP, gkellogg, [GVoice], davidwood, TallTed (muted), AZ, Sandro, +1.707.861.aabb
15:03:50 [Zakim]
On IRC I see gavinc, markus, AZ, Arnaud, pfps, Zakim, RRSAgent, gkellogg, TallTed, trackbot, davidwood, manu, yvesr, mischat, ericP, sandro
15:03:56 [gavinc]
aabb is me
15:04:04 [gavinc]
Zakim, aabb is me
15:04:04 [Zakim]
+gavinc; got it
15:04:47 [Zakim]
15:04:57 [davidwood]
PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 3 July telecon:
15:04:57 [davidwood]
15:04:57 [davidwood]
15:05:04 [Arnaud]
Zakim, IPCaller is me
15:05:04 [Zakim]
+Arnaud; got it
15:05:16 [Zakim]
15:05:19 [davidwood]
RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the 3 July telecon:
15:05:19 [markus]
zakim, ??P15 is me
15:05:19 [Zakim]
+markus; got it
15:05:28 [ericP]
PROPOSED: accept as a record of the last meeting
15:05:30 [davidwood]
Review of action items
15:05:30 [davidwood]
15:05:30 [davidwood]
15:06:21 [davidwood]
15:06:21 [trackbot]
ACTION-278 -- Eric Prud'hommeaux to create new grammar for TriG that includes optional graph keywords and make {} optional around the default graph -- due 2013-07-10 -- OPEN
15:06:21 [trackbot]
15:06:25 [davidwood]
15:06:25 [trackbot]
ACTION-279 -- Sandro Hawke to propose text for TriG feature at risk for both GRAPH keywords and {} being optional around the default graph -- due 2013-07-10 -- OPEN
15:06:25 [trackbot]
15:06:35 [zwu2]
zwu2 has joined #rdf-wg
15:06:44 [davidwood]
close ACTION-278
15:06:44 [trackbot]
Closed ACTION-278 Create new grammar for TriG that includes optional graph keywords and make {} optional around the default graph.
15:06:50 [davidwood]
close ACTION-279
15:06:50 [trackbot]
Closed ACTION-279 Propose text for TriG feature at risk for both GRAPH keywords and {} being optional around the default graph.
15:07:25 [davidwood]
Reminder: The next telecon will be Wednesday, 24 July
15:07:30 [davidwood]
15:07:30 [ericP]
davidwood: staring bio-weekly schedule so next telecon Wed 24 July
15:07:39 [Zakim]
15:09:17 [pchampin]
pchampin has joined #rdf-wg
15:09:28 [pfps]
where would this paragraph go?
15:09:28 [ericP]
topic: describe relationship between RDF Concepts and RDF Semantics in Concepts
15:09:51 [ericP]
davidwood: do you think it should be verbose?
15:10:03 [ericP]
pfps: not sure where it should go
15:10:12 [ericP]
pfps: previous version didn't include this
15:10:26 [ericP]
... propose: do nothing
15:10:36 [pfps]
I'm of the opinion that the right thing is to do nothing.
15:10:38 [ericP]
davidwood: we mention semantics in the intro (as a link)
15:10:49 [ericP]
... then under entailment and consistency
15:11:18 [ericP]
... markus noted that 1.7 seems out of place. i agree
15:11:33 [ericP]
... could be fixed if we clarified the relationship between the two documents
15:11:56 [Souri]
Souri has joined #rdf-wg
15:12:02 [ericP]
... markus, would clarifying the relationshop between the two docs improve 1.7?
15:12:13 [ericP]
markus: i'd like to move this all to semantics
15:12:26 [ericP]
... it's not relevent to a newcomer and not complete enough
15:12:43 [ericP]
davidwood, but it does include refs which introduces it to readers of concepts
15:13:01 [ericP]
markus: my goal is to simplify Concepts to not scare off new readers
15:13:20 [ericP]
davidwood: first read should be the primer
15:13:44 [ericP]
markus: agreed, but most specs will ref Concepts so folks will read that before reading the Primer
15:13:58 [ericP]
davidwood: pfps, how do you feel about moving 1.7 to Semantics?
15:14:09 [TallTed]
Zakim, unmute me
15:14:09 [Zakim]
TallTed should no longer be muted
15:14:11 [ericP]
pfps: something has to reference Semantics
15:14:11 [Arnaud]
you could put a note in the intro recommending to read the primer first
15:14:45 [Arnaud]
just make sure the primer doesn't send people back to concepts from the get-go :)
15:15:03 [ericP]
q+ to say that I agree with markus that concepts readers should be able to read a data model without the hard stuff
15:15:30 [ericP]
davidwood: [at al,] yes, we should point to the primer but we don't have one
15:15:51 [ericP]
TallTed: if there's an intended order of reading, that should be indicated at the beginning
15:16:00 [davidwood]
15:16:04 [davidwood]
ack ericP
15:16:04 [Zakim]
ericP, you wanted to say that I agree with markus that concepts readers should be able to read a data model without the hard stuff
15:16:55 [ericP]
davidwood: in the beginning of Concepts, we reference these other documents
15:17:41 [TallTed]
Zakim, mute me
15:17:41 [Zakim]
TallTed should now be muted
15:17:49 [ericP]
... if we move 1.7 to semantics and define entailment and consistency there, Concepts will have few refs to Semantics
15:18:10 [AZ]
Zakim, who's speaking?
15:18:15 [ericP]
... in that section, we just define some terms.
15:18:22 [Zakim]
AZ, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: [GVoice] (79%), davidwood (68%)
15:18:32 [ericP]
... should a readers of Concepts understand those terms
15:19:39 [ericP]
pfps: i'm uncomfortable with moving 1.7 from Concepts and into Semantics
15:20:20 [ericP]
markus: are these terms used again in Concepts?
15:20:44 [ericP]
... i see one later ref to "entailment" in an example
15:20:56 [gavinc]
"Two RDF graphs A and B are equivalent if they make the same claim about the world. A is equivalent to B if and only if A entails B and B entails A." That one's important
15:20:59 [ericP]
... you could argue that it's basic knowledge for RDF, but...
15:22:36 [TallTed]
Zakim, who's here?
15:22:36 [Zakim]
On the phone I see EricP, gkellogg, [GVoice], davidwood, TallTed (muted), AZ, Sandro, gavinc, Arnaud, markus, AZ.a
15:22:38 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Souri, pchampin, zwu2, gavinc, markus, AZ, Arnaud, pfps, Zakim, RRSAgent, gkellogg, TallTed, trackbot, davidwood, manu, yvesr, mischat, ericP, sandro
15:23:41 [markus]
15:25:55 [Zakim]
15:26:13 [markus]
15:26:19 [davidwood]
15:26:21 [pfps]
If we are making changes to 1.7, I would make some non-controversial editorial changes. I would also remove the stuff on union and merge (which might be somewhat more controversial). I'll send out a message on this.
15:26:53 [pfps]
Consensus on everything except my worries about JSON numbers.
15:27:17 [markus]
15:27:29 [ericP]
markus: we discussed an unambiguos mapping from JSON datatypes to RDF datatypes
15:27:44 [ericP]
... that addressed pfps's concearns
15:27:58 [ericP]
... i just updated the spec 10 mins ago. everything should be in place
15:28:59 [ericP]
pfps: i'd have been content yesterday
15:29:08 [ericP]
... this is all painful
15:29:40 [ericP]
... JSON is a loose spec which does thousands of things with numbers
15:29:46 [ericP]
... e.g. 32 bit integers
15:29:56 [Guus_]
Guus_ has joined #rdf-wg
15:30:15 [ericP]
sandro: here we're improving JSON by using RDF's [really XML Schema's] precise definitions
15:30:49 [ericP]
pfps: implementations on the ground are likely to use "JSON number"
15:31:06 [ericP]
sandro: JSON-LD steers you away from "number" if you care about round-tripping
15:31:50 [ericP]
pfps: JSON has a notion of a fraction number, e.g. 12.3 has a fractional part of "3"
15:32:56 [ericP]
markus: 1.1E1 is the canonical form of "11"^^xsd:double
15:33:04 [markus]
15:33:08 [ericP]
... that ".1" is the fractional part
15:34:08 [ericP]
... if that part's nailed down, i think JSON-LD provides a consistent and coherent view of the world
15:34:26 [ericP]
... no idea what the JSON reception would be
15:34:59 [gavinc] btw
15:36:27 [markus]
Peter's quote: ... "without, of course, getting bogged down on things like how many Unicode surrogate characters can dance on the head of a JSON string" :-)
15:36:46 [ericP]
pfps: we talk about unicode codepoints but JSON talks about unicode characters
15:38:16 [ericP]
davidwood: what will the JSON-LD group do with this?
15:38:29 [ericP]
markus: we spend a long time on round-tripping
15:39:00 [ericP]
... i think the spec is clear anough about it. some corner cases like "1.0" becomes an integer
15:39:01 [pfps]
the point is that the syntax for JSON numbers uses frac and fraction part for the .1 in 1.1E1 so fractional part needs to be distinguished from that
15:39:23 [ericP]
... but the RDF-to-JSON defaults to using the string representation so you default to clean round-tripping
15:39:49 [ericP]
davidwood: so don't expect many changes between now and REC
15:40:23 [Arnaud]
well, I would still be happy to say something about RDF/JSON
15:40:33 [davidwood]
Zakim, who is here?
15:40:33 [Zakim]
On the phone I see EricP, gkellogg, pfps, davidwood, TallTed (muted), AZ, Sandro, gavinc, Arnaud, markus, AZ.a, Souri
15:40:35 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Guus_, Souri, zwu2, gavinc, markus, AZ, Arnaud, pfps, Zakim, RRSAgent, gkellogg, TallTed, trackbot, davidwood, manu, yvesr, mischat, ericP, sandro
15:40:55 [Arnaud]
+q to say something about RDF/JSON
15:41:03 [davidwood]
ack Arnaud
15:41:03 [Zakim]
Arnaud, you wanted to say something about RDF/JSON
15:41:08 [davidwood]
15:41:11 [pfps]
By the way, when are Semantics and Concepts going to LC publication?
15:41:13 [ericP]
15:41:56 [ericP]
Arnaud: after reading pierre antoine and andy's comments, i don't think they're serious obstacles
15:42:12 [pfps]
NB: +1
15:42:15 [ericP]
... before editing the spec, i want to know whether it's likely to proceed
15:43:13 [ericP]
davidwood: gregg proposed an alternative format to JSON-LD, which i don't think this group has time
15:43:30 [ericP]
Arnaud: i discussed this with Gregg at SemTech
15:43:49 [ericP]
... he said that they have a rep which is essentially similar to RDf/JSON
15:44:15 [ericP]
davidwood: putting RDF/JSON out as a note makes it easy for folks to translate
15:44:34 [ericP]
... someone can later make that REC-track
15:45:15 [ericP]
gkellogg: we'd need a internal step which creates an ID map when flattening
15:45:33 [ericP]
markus: you can have the same shape, but you need a top-level node
15:45:44 [davidwood]
PROPOSED: The WG will publish RDF/JSON as a Note
15:45:56 [Arnaud]
15:45:57 [davidwood]
15:46:28 [davidwood]
PROPOSED: The WG will pursue publication of RDF/JSON as a Note
15:46:35 [Arnaud]
15:46:36 [markus]
15:46:36 [Souri]
15:46:36 [gavinc]
15:46:37 [ericP]
15:46:37 [davidwood]
15:46:38 [zwu2]
15:46:39 [gkellogg]
15:46:43 [pfps]
15:46:45 [TallTed]
15:46:46 [sandro]
(to be clear -- this is NOT a decision to publish)
15:46:50 [AZ]
15:47:04 [sandro]
15:47:18 [ericP]
markus: i find it confusing that the same WG publishes two competing JSON formats
15:47:21 [gavinc]
Hey! I'm WRITING 4 competing formats :P
15:47:38 [sandro]
(agreed, there's some confusion with JSON-LD -- but Arnaud has promised the document will be clear about it)
15:47:42 [ericP]
davidwood: yeah, but in the first year, we had lots of discussion
15:47:51 [Arnaud]
I already added this to the RDF/JSON draft: "On the other hand, the RDF Working Group decided to put JSON-LD on the Recommendation track (see resolution of May 30, 2012). If you have no specific reason to use this document instead of JSON-LD, you are therefore encouraged to use JSON-LD."
15:48:07 [ericP]
... the use cases for these two serializations were completely separate. (that's why i'm not concearned)
15:48:17 [ericP]
RESOLVED: The WG will pursue publication of RDF/JSON as a Note
15:48:29 [Arnaud]
I hope this addresses some of Markus's concern which I fully understand
15:49:14 [swh]
swh has joined #rdf-wg
15:49:25 [Zakim]
15:50:24 [ericP]
topic: NTriples and NQuads
15:50:50 [ericP]
davidwood: propose to move from persuing a Note to persuing a Rec
15:51:13 [davidwood]
PROPOSED: The WG will pursue N-Triples/N-Quads as a Rec instead of a Note
15:51:14 [ericP]
sandro: i understand this doesn't bind us, just advice to editor
15:51:18 [gavinc]
15:51:21 [gkellogg]
15:51:22 [gavinc]
15:51:28 [davidwood]
15:51:28 [TallTed]
15:51:43 [Zakim]
15:51:52 [pfps]
zakim, gvoice is me
15:51:52 [Zakim]
+pfps; got it
15:52:08 [AZ]
15:52:10 [sandro]
eric: Does this raise the bar on what an RDF Implementation is?
15:52:57 [sandro]
eric: Is there a presumption that every RECOMMENDED syntax is supported by every system?
15:53:10 [markus]
Arnaud, quick question just out of curiosity: does RDF/JSON serialize all numbers as strings?
15:53:17 [sandro]
eric: Do we have too many syntaxes?
15:53:32 [sandro]
Gavin: Yes, but N-Triples and N-Quads aren't the ones
15:54:01 [sandro]
eric: Yes, but in 2004 N-Triples was specified, but they DIDNT tell the world to expose their data as N-Triples.
15:54:04 [swh_]
swh_ has joined #rdf-wg
15:54:45 [sandro]
davidwood: Eric, this is RESOLVED, and Eric please raise an issue about this
15:55:05 [Souri]
15:55:07 [markus]
15:55:12 [sandro]
eric: you're saying we have another avenue for guidance about syntaxes, not just "Every Recommendation".
15:55:41 [sandro]
davidwood: Now we have all these different syntaxes, so we should make some statement, in Concepts, about what you should comply with.
15:55:58 [sandro]
davidwood: I'd say N-Triples and N-Quads and everything else is optional
15:56:00 [sandro]
15:56:06 [sandro]
-1 to that
15:56:26 [sandro]
eric; I'd say is how you know which syntaxes to implement
15:56:46 [sandro]
davidwood: but practically we have so many
15:57:08 [ericP]
sandro: LDP says "you have to use Turtle"
15:57:43 [ericP]
... you're saying that every government has to expose as NTriples to guarantee interop"
15:57:52 [ericP]
davidwood: i have to think about it
15:58:09 [gavinc]
Simple, name an RDF implementation that DOESN'T implement N-Triples
15:58:48 [zwu2]
N-TRIPLES is really popular
15:59:05 [Souri]
Oracle parses N-Triples and N-Quads
15:59:24 [ericP]
... if we have a half dozen serialization formats, we can't call an impl that doesn't implement them all "non-compliant"
16:00:22 [ericP]
[discussion of proliferation of NTriples and NQuads]
16:01:40 [Arnaud]
the one advantage of having all these formats is that it should make it clear to anyone that RDF isn't RDF/XML :)
16:03:23 [TallTed]
that's actually a significant advantage :-)
16:03:38 [ericP]
ISSUE: guidance to RDF users and developers about which syntaxes to parse and publish
16:03:38 [trackbot]
Created ISSUE-138 - Guidance to RDF users and developers about which syntaxes to parse and publish; please complete additional details at <>.
16:04:09 [AZ]
btw OWL/XML is a REC and OWL implementations do *not* have to support it
16:04:23 [sandro]
scribe: sandro
16:04:42 [sandro]
topic: TriG
16:05:07 [ericP]
16:05:27 [TallTed]
(except for the part where RDF/XML seems to be the only serialization that includes "RDF" [and not just "R"] in its name)
16:05:37 [sandro]
eric: I created a grammar that takes care of (1) blank nodes as graph identifiers, (2) allow the GRAPH keyword, (3) allow { } to be optional around default graph
16:05:53 [sandro]
eric: I made an LALR(1) grammar for this
16:06:19 [gavinc]
blank nodes as graph identifiers are already in the Grammar in the the current ED
16:06:22 [sandro]
eric: interesting grammatical points.
16:06:23 [gkellogg]
Also LL(1)
16:06:47 [sandro]
eric: Noticed one could do: [ :a :b ] { .... }
16:07:12 [gkellogg]
Also, possibly (1 2) { … }
16:07:21 [sandro]
eric: Andy pushed back, saying this syntac might be used for something else, and exceeds sparql
16:07:39 [sandro]
gavin: Aligning with SPARQL, and then going right past it.....
16:09:34 [ericP]
ASK { { <s> <p> <o> } GRAPH <x> { ... } }
16:09:35 [sandro]
eric: Resolved that it's fine to make GRAPH optional and make { ... } optional
16:09:51 [ericP]
ASK { { <s> <p> <o> { <s2> <p2> <o2> } } GRAPH <x> { ... } }
16:10:18 [sandro]
sandro: ewww!
16:10:35 [ericP]
normal use: ASK { <s> <p> <o> GRAPH <x> { ... } }
16:10:48 [sandro]
sandro: and that's what we'd like in TriG
16:11:43 [sandro]
david: (missed)
16:12:30 [sandro]
eric: { { <s> <p> <o> { <s2> <p2> <o2> } } GRAPH <x> { ... } } turns into { <s> <p> <o>. <s2> <p2> <o2> GRAPH <x> { ... } }
16:13:08 [sandro]
eric: Resolved that it's fine to make GRAPH optional and make { ... } optional
16:14:31 [sandro]
eric: is there a mechanism to survey....?
16:15:21 [sandro]
eric: eg wiki page of implementations
16:15:27 [sandro]
sandro: Sure, let's link to the implementation risk in the At Risk text.
16:15:28 [Zakim]
16:16:12 [sandro]
gavin: I think we already resolved to add these, last meeting. I was going to normalize against existing trig grammar and include it.
16:16:25 [sandro]
eric: also, optional trailing dot inside curlies
16:16:42 [sandro]
eric: I borrow from SPARQL not TURTLE.
16:16:57 [sandro]
16:17:13 [sandro]
david: We've gotten through our agenda!
16:18:52 [sandro]
sandro: I don't recall us actually resolving 137
16:19:03 [sandro]
16:19:41 [gavinc]
PROPOSED: Resolve ISSUE-137 using at risk text proposed by sandro and a grammar based on ericP's changes
16:19:52 [sandro]
16:19:59 [davidwood]
16:20:00 [gavinc]
16:20:01 [gkellogg]
16:20:02 [ericP]
16:20:04 [TallTed]
16:20:24 [zwu2]
16:20:40 [Souri]
16:20:51 [sandro]
RESOLVED: Resolve ISSUE-137 using at risk text proposed by sandro and a grammar based on ericP's changes
16:21:01 [sandro]
davidwood: AOB?
16:21:04 [markus]
16:21:24 [sandro]
gavin: We'll also be adding Andy's test cases to the TriG test suite.
16:22:48 [zwu2]
16:22:53 [Zakim]
16:23:03 [sandro]
16:23:04 [Zakim]
16:23:09 [Zakim]
16:23:25 [Zakim]
16:23:28 [markus]
16:23:31 [Zakim]
16:23:48 [sandro]
16:23:54 [sandro]
16:27:13 [Zakim]
16:32:20 [sandro]
16:32:34 [gkellogg]
16:34:23 [Zakim]
16:34:27 [Zakim]
16:34:28 [Zakim]
16:34:29 [Zakim]
16:34:29 [Zakim]
16:34:29 [Zakim]
SW_RDFWG()11:00AM has ended
16:34:29 [Zakim]
Attendees were EricP, gkellogg, davidwood, TallTed, +081165aaaa, AZ, Sandro, +1.707.861.aabb, gavinc, Arnaud, markus, Souri, pfps
16:34:35 [gavinc]
RCS forever!
16:37:40 [gavinc]
davidwood: can you check your ~/.hgrc ?
17:26:13 [Arnaud1]
Arnaud1 has joined #rdf-wg
17:56:45 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #rdf-wg
18:35:04 [davidwood]
davidwood has joined #rdf-wg