15:02:17 RRSAgent has joined #html-media 15:02:17 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/07/02-html-media-irc 15:02:19 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:02:19 Zakim has joined #html-media 15:02:21 Zakim, this will be 63342 15:02:21 ok, trackbot; I see HTML_WG()11:00AM scheduled to start 2 minutes ago 15:02:22 Meeting: HTML Media Task Force Teleconference 15:02:22 Date: 02 July 2013 15:02:57 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:02:57 HTML_WG()11:00AM has not yet started, paulc 15:03:00 On IRC I see RRSAgent, adrianba, paulc, johnsim, pladd, davide, ddorwin, glenn, trackbot, wseltzer 15:03:19 zakim, this will be HTML_WG 15:03:19 ok, adrianba, I see HTML_WG()11:00AM already started 15:04:00 +??P17 15:04:08 zakim, ??p17 is me 15:04:08 +glenn; got it 15:04:10 +[Microsoft.aa] 15:04:13 zakim, [Microsoft.aa] is me 15:04:13 +adrianba; got it 15:04:27 BobLund has joined #html-media 15:04:30 scribenic johnsim 15:04:46 ScribeNick: johnsim 15:04:51 Scribe: John Simmons 15:04:54 Chair: Paul Cotton 15:04:56 + +1.425.202.aacc 15:04:58 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2013Jul/0002.html 15:05:14 zakim, aacc is me 15:05:14 +ddorwin; got it 15:05:15 Topic: 1. Roll call, introductions and selection of scribe 15:05:26 zakim, who is on the call? 15:05:26 On the phone I see +1.760.533.aaaa, +44.303.040.aabb, [Microsoft], [Microsoft.a], glenn, adrianba, ddorwin 15:05:41 zakim, [microsoft] is me 15:05:41 +johnsim; got it 15:05:42 Zakim, aaaa is me 15:05:42 +pladd; got it 15:05:58 Zakim, [Microsoft.a] is me 15:05:58 +paulc; got it 15:06:00 +[Microsoft] 15:06:15 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:06:15 On the phone I see pladd, +44.303.040.aabb, johnsim, paulc, glenn, adrianba, ddorwin, [Microsoft] 15:06:18 jdsmith has joined #html-media 15:07:01 zakim, [Microsoft] is jdsmith 15:07:01 +jdsmith; got it 15:07:31 topic: 2. Previous meeting minutes 15:08:01 noted 15:08:23 Topic: 3. Review of action items and issues 15:08:34 noted 15:09:01 Topic: 4. EME status and bugs 15:09:34 + +1.303.661.aadd 15:09:45 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/tip/encrypted-media/encrypted-media.html was updated on Jul 2 15:09:47 zakim, aadd is me 15:09:47 +BobLund; got it 15:10:11 http://tinyurl.com/7tfambo now indicates 19 bugs 15:10:29 ACTION-10? 15:10:29 ACTION-10 -- Adrian Bateman to discuss bug 21855 with johnsim -- due 2013-06-11 -- PENDINGREVIEW 15:10:29 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/media/track/actions/10 15:10:47 c) ACTION-10: Discuss bug 21855 with johnsim (Adrian and John S) https://www.w3.org/html/wg/media/track/actions/10 DONE. See: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=21855#c5 15:11:23 Adrianba: waiting on feedback on the discussion two weeks ago whether people agree with this proposal 15:11:54 adrianba: has David had time to think about this and proposal on events and lifetime of a session, but feedback from anyone is welcome 15:12:25 Task force members are requested to look at comment 5 and provide feedback 15:12:42 close ACTION-10 15:12:42 Closed ACTION-10 Discuss bug 21855 with johnsim. 15:13:16 Paul to carry this item forward if no review is done by the next meeting. 15:13:27 ACTION-13? 15:13:27 ACTION-13 -- Adrian Bateman to review comments and add text to editor's draft for bug 19009 -- due 2013-06-25 -- PENDINGREVIEW 15:13:27 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/media/track/actions/13 15:13:57 Adrianba: work done on this, this morning 15:13:57 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=19009 15:14:12 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/rev/f4d8dc9bdacc 15:14:29 paulc: can be closed because text is in the editors draft 15:14:31 close ACTION-13 15:14:32 Closed ACTION-13 Review comments and add text to editor's draft for bug 19009. 15:14:33 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=19009 is marked as RESOLVED FIXED 15:14:50 ACTION-17? 15:14:50 ACTION-17 -- Adrian Bateman to provide feedback on keySystem string bugs 16540 and 20798 -- due 2013-05-28 -- CLOSED 15:14:50 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/media/track/actions/17 15:15:05 ACTION-20? 15:15:05 ACTION-20 -- Adrian Bateman to implement bugs 16540 and 20798 per the suggestion in ACTION-17 -- due 2013-06-25 -- PENDINGREVIEW 15:15:05 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/media/track/actions/20 15:15:15 adrianba: created new action 20 and action 17 is closed 15:15:46 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=16540 15:16:01 adrianba: action 20 is pending review, done in draft and can be closed as well 15:16:12 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=20798 15:16:39 close ACTION-20 15:16:39 Closed ACTION-20 Implement bugs 16540 and 20798 per the suggestion in ACTION-17. 15:16:45 ACTION-19? 15:16:45 ACTION-19 -- John Simmons to will work with adrianba and jdsmith to make a proposal for bug 21854 -- due 2013-06-04 -- PENDINGREVIEW 15:16:45 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/media/track/actions/19 15:17:04 See https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=21854#c9 15:18:14 adrianba: summary: this was the proposal we made on the last call, discussed two weeks ago, discussions are clarifications on the proposal 15:18:55 ... with the state model for the session and related to the previous bug associated with action-10 - waiting for hopefully support so we can put that into the spec - if someone has a counter-proposal that is what we are waiting for 15:19:55 ... made the proposal on the morning of the call - hoping by now people will have thought about it and have some thoughts 15:20:25 ddorwin: haven't had a chance, but will after the July 4th holiday in the US 15:20:48 close ACTION-19 15:20:48 Closed ACTION-19 Will work with adrianba and jdsmith to make a proposal for bug 21854. 15:20:51 paulc: mark action done and carry bug forward 15:21:00 Paul will carry this bug discussion forward to the next meeting (if it is not resolved). 15:21:44 Topic: open bugs 15:21:45 http://tinyurl.com/7tfambo now indicates 19 bugs 15:22:13 paulc: nominate bugs to discuss? 15:25:55 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17203 depends on https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17199 currently 15:26:11 Adrian wonders if we could simply resolve 17203 independent of 17199 15:26:20 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17203 15:26:41 adrianba: discussion was over what period of time you need uniqueness 15:26:59 ... of the browser session, not necessarily the key session 15:27:14 proposal is to unhook 203 from 199 15:27:35 ACTION on adrianba to resolve 203 independent from 199 15:27:35 Error finding 'on'. You can review and register nicknames at . 15:27:54 ACTION: adrianba to resolve 17203 independent from 17199 15:27:54 Created ACTION-24 - Resolve 17203 independent from 17199 [on Adrian Bateman - due 2013-07-09]. 15:28:36 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17673 15:29:07 ddorwin: discussion to clean up text to fix ISO section - looking for help from those who know more about ISO than me 15:29:20 ddorwin: there are corner cases which i could not figure out how to handle 15:29:52 paulc: outstanding items? 15:30:30 ddorwin: attempted to fill in from the text in the bug comments and found problems (edge cases) 15:31:23 ACTION: ddorwin and John S to work on corner cases for bug 17673 15:31:23 Created ACTION-25 - And John S to work on corner cases for bug 17673 [on David Dorwin - due 2013-07-09]. 15:32:06 paulc: signing off at this point - perhaps David or Adrian could take over for rest of call 15:32:47 -paulc 15:32:57 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=16616 15:34:05 ddorwin: we settled on option 2, which is needkey event fired - so we can resolve this 15:34:26 RESOLUTION: Bug 16616 is already fixed in the document 15:35:06 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=19096 15:35:17 adrianba: suggestion to add a type attribute 15:37:20 johnsim: would there be different initdata formats for the same MIME type 15:37:26 ddorwin: don't think so 15:39:10 adrianba: in general, likely a basic mime type would be sufficient, conceivable parameters to the MIME type that could impact on InitData format 15:39:37 ... but that string could be passed here 15:40:21 adrianba: is it sufficient to say video webm or do we need to include parameters - no need to include in normative text 15:41:37 adrianba: a relatively simple change. Steven's proposal is what I outlined so i would be happy to draft the change and next time see if there are any objections and then apply to spec - or i could 15:41:48 ... make the change and see if there are objections 15:41:57 ddorwin: lets just make the change - pretty simple 15:42:11 ACTION: adrianba to implement bug 19096 in the editor's draft 15:42:11 Created ACTION-26 - Implement bug 19096 in the editor's draft [on Adrian Bateman - due 2013-07-09]. 15:42:59 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=19156 15:44:30 -BobLund 15:44:36 adrianba: i made a suggestion we add text - 19009 - the comments we discussed previously that the media key session might not be active until you call set mediakey 15:44:47 s/set mediakey/setmediakey/ 15:45:00 ddorwin: we can address this one now 15:45:12 RESOLUTION: bug 19156 has been addresses in the current document 15:46:32 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17750 15:47:05 ddorwin: current plan is to go into spec and see what is missing 15:47:29 adrianba: for this one, our take was that we were trying to do a bit more research - under what circumstances "close" might be needed 15:47:55 ... as part of the discussion for session events, because - besides key release process - the central question here is 15:48:11 ... is there a circumstnace when the application knows more about the lifetime of a key should be than the CDM 15:48:27 ... so that it would be helpful for the application to call "close" 15:49:01 ... if there is a legitimate case where the application knows more, than the ability to call close would be a useful thing to do. 15:49:21 ... I believe Joe indicated he was opposed to the application being able to do this 15:50:00 ... not clear this is something we can say is "optional". It may be a hint or suggestion from the application that the CDM could make the key go away 15:50:20 ddorwin: adrian, could you capture that information in the bug? 15:50:23 adrianba: yes 15:50:30 ACTION: adrianba to add comments to bug 17750 summarising the recent discussion of close 15:50:31 Created ACTION-27 - Add comments to bug 17750 summarising the recent discussion of close [on Adrian Bateman - due 2013-07-09]. 15:51:28 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=18515 15:52:18 ddorwin: most recent conversation has focused on the element - not sure if the current state machine for mediakeys is related 15:52:30 adrianba: i believe we would be in the "pending" state 15:52:59 adrianba: that state is designed to suggest you could reach an encyrpted block without the key, that is the diff 15:53:44 ddorwin: media element needs to be discussed separately from readystate of mediakey session 15:55:46 ddorwin: you could actually not have a mediakeys object 15:56:17 adrianba: we need to think about this one 15:57:37 adrianba: propose we adjourn here 15:57:46 rrsagent, make minutes 15:57:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/07/02-html-media-minutes.html adrianba 15:57:52 rrsagent, make logs public 15:58:06 -pladd 15:58:10 -adrianba 15:58:12 -davide 15:58:13 -ddorwin 15:58:13 -jdsmith 15:58:16 -johnsim 15:58:21 zakim, bye 15:58:21 leaving. As of this point the attendees were +1.760.533.aaaa, +44.303.040.aabb, glenn, adrianba, +1.425.202.aacc, ddorwin, johnsim, pladd, paulc, davide, jdsmith, +1.303.661.aadd, 15:58:21 Zakim has left #html-media 15:58:23 rrsagent, make minutes 15:58:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/07/02-html-media-minutes.html adrianba 15:58:24 ... BobLund 15:58:38 davide has left #html-media 15:58:45 davide has joined #html-media 15:58:57 davide has left #html-media