Koji Ishii Rakuten I've been working in system development for printing and publishing industry for more than 20 years, sometimes on and off. Recently, I was involved in EPUB3 and some CSS specification standardizations, and since then, enabling East Asian typography in CSS and then in EPUB3 became one of my personal objectives. As the specifications become more stable and entered the phase to implement, I joined Rakuten, Inc. to be part of implementation team to drive both specifications and implementations. As an standardization engineer and also as an implementer, I would like to make EPUB3 in East Asia as much interoperable as possible. It is theoretically impossible because EPUB3 requires several WD specifications to make required East Asian typography, but my belief is that we can make it good enough, by understanding what are happening in the real world, providing support for authors, and making sure all severe issues were addressed in further revisions of the specifications. I do not have concrete suggestions to make at this workshop since I have submitted all what I knew to EPUB3.0.1, CSS WG, and UTC. But I would like to participate to the workshop, to listen to people's ideas and suggestions, and to help them to resolve issues or to pick them up to appropriate WGs if new issues came up. Doing so aligns to my personal goal mentioned above, and also I hope I can provide values to the workshop too. /koji