IRC log of html-wg on 2013-06-27
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 16:02:28 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #html-wg
- 16:02:28 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 16:02:29 [MartinSoukup]
- MartinSoukup has joined #html-wg
- 16:02:30 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 16:02:30 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #html-wg
- 16:02:32 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be html_wg
- 16:02:32 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot, I see HTML_WG()12:00PM already started
- 16:02:33 [trackbot]
- Meeting: HTML Weekly Teleconference
- 16:02:33 [trackbot]
- Date: 27 June 2013
- 16:02:41 [Zakim]
- +Plh
- 16:02:51 [Zakim]
- +MartinSoukup
- 16:04:03 [Zakim]
- +[Apple]
- 16:04:09 [hober]
- Zakim, Apple has me
- 16:04:09 [Zakim]
- +hober; got it
- 16:04:12 [janina_]
- janina_ has joined #html-wg
- 16:04:16 [Zakim]
- +??P1
- 16:04:19 [mjs]
- mjs has joined #html-wg
- 16:04:25 [janina_]
- zakim, ??P1 is me
- 16:04:25 [Zakim]
- +janina_; got it
- 16:04:49 [chaals]
- chaals has joined #html-wg
- 16:04:50 [Zakim]
- +MarkS
- 16:05:02 [mjs]
- hi all
- 16:05:25 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 16:05:33 [chaals]
- zakim, [ip is me
- 16:05:33 [Zakim]
- +chaals; got it
- 16:05:55 [Zakim]
- + +1.415.595.aaaa
- 16:06:08 [chaals]
- zakim, aaaa is maciej
- 16:06:08 [Zakim]
- +maciej; got it
- 16:06:10 [mjs]
- Zakim, +1.415.595.aaaa is me
- 16:06:10 [Zakim]
- sorry, mjs, I do not recognize a party named '+1.415.595.aaaa'
- 16:06:14 [plh]
- scribe: plh
- 16:06:26 [plh]
- Regrets: Daniel
- 16:06:32 [plh]
- Regrets+ Paul
- 16:06:34 [plh]
- Regrets+ Sam
- 16:06:39 [mjs]
- 16:06:44 [plh]
- Topic: New Issues this week
- 16:06:58 [Zakim]
- +[Microsoft.aa]
- 16:07:03 [plh]
- --> BUG 22043
- 16:07:05 [jaymunro]
- zakim, microsoft.aa is me
- 16:07:05 [Zakim]
- +jaymunro; got it
- 16:08:03 [plh]
- Maciej: will look for recommendations before moving
- 16:08:15 [plh]
- Topic: Test TF report
- 16:08:24 [chaals]
- Present+ chaals
- 16:08:25 [plh]
- Kris: not much going this week. meet again next Tuesday.
- 16:08:30 [plh]
- ... on #testing
- 16:08:52 [plh]
- Topic: A11y TF report
- 16:09:20 [plh]
- Charles: we have questions regarding the CfC on CR exit criteria
- 16:09:36 [plh]
- ... we seem to be held to extremelly high standard if we say something is not interoperable
- 16:09:46 [chaals]
- 16:09:50 [plh]
- ... the semantics of the ARIA part of HTML aren't interoperable
- 16:10:02 [plh]
- ... and the question is: how much evidence do you really need?
- 16:10:18 [plh]
- ... depending on the answer, we may need more time
- 16:10:49 [plh]
- Janina: providing of non-interop is really rather difficult, you can provide instances
- 16:10:57 [plh]
- ... so proving the negative was the basis of the concern
- 16:11:35 [plh]
- ... and the other thing that was a bit vexing was that the bar for marking something as green was a lot lower in the room in San Jose than it is now to unmark
- 16:11:46 [plh]
- ... we weren't in the room at that time
- 16:12:14 [plh]
- ... so, we're concerned that there is now a higher bar to unmark.
- 16:12:20 [plh]
- ... probably not intentional but that's what we see now
- 16:12:47 [plh]
- ... we're not asking for a decision on the flight here
- 16:13:10 [plh]
- ... we're walking through the spec where we think that are issues
- 16:13:28 [plh]
- ... and we're uncountering some portions that are marked are green and shouldn't
- 16:13:53 [plh]
- Maciej: thank you for reporting theses issues, we'll need to follow up by email.
- 16:14:13 [plh]
- Charles: we started to look at our work statement
- 16:14:29 [plh]
- Janina: we expect longdesc to come forward next week as well
- 16:14:40 [plh]
- Topic: Media TF report
- 16:14:49 [plh]
- Maciej: Paul isn't around. anyone else?
- 16:15:17 [plh]
- Maciej: let's skip then
- 16:15:19 [Eliot]
- Zakim, Microsoft.a has me
- 16:15:19 [Zakim]
- +Eliot; got it
- 16:15:23 [plh]
- Topic: Other business
- 16:16:04 [mjs]
- CfC: remove Microdata from HTML 5.0, incorporate Microdata into 5.1,
- 16:16:04 [mjs]
- publish Microdata doc as a W3C note
- 16:16:05 [mjs]
- 16:16:06 [plh]
- Maciej: first is the CfC on Microdata
- 16:16:42 [plh]
- ... there were discussions and some pushback
- 16:17:00 [plh]
- ... on the basis that Microdata is widely used, but JS API is dropping
- 16:17:12 [plh]
- ... actual semantic and markup is deployed and used
- 16:17:29 [chaals]
- q+
- 16:17:33 [plh]
- ... Robin was facilitating some discussions about this topic
- 16:17:43 [mjs]
- ack chaals
- 16:17:43 [plh]
- ack c
- 16:18:04 [tantek]
- tantek has joined #html-wg
- 16:18:06 [plh]
- Charles: at this stage we would object to move Microdata into 5.1 or publish it as a Note
- 16:18:07 [plh]
- q+
- 16:18:25 [plh]
- ... we'd be happy to have it in 5.0, happy to drop the API
- 16:18:36 [plh]
- ... we're happy to provide editor resources
- 16:18:59 [Zakim]
- +Tantek
- 16:19:06 [tantek]
- Zakim, mute Tantek
- 16:19:06 [Zakim]
- Tantek should now be muted
- 16:19:19 [plh]
- s/we're happy/we recognize the need/
- 16:19:20 [tantek]
- (sorry a bit late to call)
- 16:19:31 [chaals]
- s/we're happy/we recognise that there is a need/
- 16:19:51 [plh]
- plh: Microdata is not part of 5.0
- 16:20:12 [plh]
- ... are you proposing to put it back?
- 16:20:29 [plh]
- Charles: would be nice but recognize there might be pushback
- 16:20:48 [plh]
- plh: indeed, I'd think we would pushback
- 16:21:00 [tantek]
- zakim, unmute tantek
- 16:21:00 [Zakim]
- Tantek should no longer be muted
- 16:21:26 [plh]
- Tantek: continuing as a standalonge document seems fine to me
- 16:21:33 [krisk]
- q+
- 16:21:39 [chaals]
- ack pl
- 16:21:40 [plh]
- ... understanding there is sufficient interest and resources to push it along
- 16:21:45 [chaals]
- ack kr
- 16:22:07 [chaals]
- q+
- 16:22:12 [plh]
- Kris: do we have consensus to remove the JS portion of Microdata?
- 16:22:17 [plh]
- Maciej: it's a standalone document
- 16:22:39 [plh]
- ... if we want to remove the JS portion, that would require a difference CfC
- 16:23:05 [plh]
- Charles: I'd be happy to propose that we make one
- 16:23:15 [plh]
- plh: +1
- 16:23:17 [plh]
- Kris: +1
- 16:23:22 [plh]
- Tantek: +1
- 16:23:35 [plh]
- Maciej: I'll bring it to the other Chairs
- 16:23:55 [tantek]
- just wanted to confirm this proposal is for 5.1
- 16:24:10 [plh]
- ... and the remainder will still be under discussion (ie standalone or 5.1)
- 16:24:21 [plh]
- Charles: seems would stay as standalone
- 16:24:44 [plh]
- Maciej: would remain an open question for the moment
- 16:25:49 [tantek]
- q+ re: charter
- 16:26:14 [plh]
- plh: due to calendaring, don't expect progress on the charter before mid-July
- 16:26:14 [mjs]
- ack
- 16:26:14 [chaals]
- q-
- 16:26:16 [mjs]
- ack
- 16:26:19 [plh]
- ack t
- 16:26:19 [Zakim]
- tantek, you wanted to discuss charter
- 16:26:53 [plh]
- Tantek: a few calls ago, I requested if you could ask folks to file their reason for their FO publically
- 16:27:01 [plh]
- ... to see if we can resolve them
- 16:28:39 [plh]
- plh: I still expect to make progress on them
- 16:29:02 [plh]
- Tantek, btw, see
- 16:29:13 [plh]
- Topic: Next meeting
- 16:29:19 [plh]
- Maciej: next week is canceled
- 16:29:26 [plh]
- ... so next meeting is July 11
- 16:29:56 [plh]
- ... any volunteer to scribe?
- 16:30:13 [plh]
- [none heard]
- 16:30:20 [krisk]
- I might be able to scribe
- 16:30:28 [chaals]
- [krisk++]
- 16:30:33 [plh]
- [adjourned]
- 16:30:37 [Zakim]
- -MartinSoukup
- 16:30:38 [Zakim]
- -chaals
- 16:30:38 [Zakim]
- -[Apple]
- 16:30:40 [Zakim]
- -MarkS
- 16:30:41 [Zakim]
- -jaymunro
- 16:30:42 [Zakim]
- -[Microsoft.a]
- 16:30:43 [Zakim]
- -Plh
- 16:30:44 [Zakim]
- -Radhika_Roy
- 16:30:44 [Zakim]
- -Tantek
- 16:30:45 [Zakim]
- -janina_
- 16:30:48 [Zakim]
- -maciej
- 16:30:53 [janina_]
- janina_ has left #html-wg
- 16:31:20 [plh]
- zakim, drop Microsoft
- 16:31:20 [Zakim]
- [Microsoft] is being disconnected
- 16:31:22 [Zakim]
- HTML_WG()12:00PM has ended
- 16:31:22 [Zakim]
- Attendees were [Microsoft], Radhika_Roy, Plh, MartinSoukup, hober, janina_, MarkS, [IPcaller], chaals, +1.415.595.aaaa, maciej, jaymunro, Eliot, Tantek
- 16:31:25 [plh]
- rrsagent, generate minutes
- 16:31:25 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate plh
- 16:33:58 [jaymunro]
- jaymunro has joined #html-wg
- 16:45:22 [Joshue]
- Joshue has joined #html-wg
- 17:14:27 [gavin]
- gavin has joined #html-wg
- 17:20:21 [chaals]
- chaals has joined #html-wg
- 17:46:49 [tinkster]
- tinkster has joined #html-wg
- 17:54:38 [myakura]
- myakura has joined #html-wg
- 18:17:05 [tinkster]
- tinkster has joined #html-wg
- 18:38:39 [silvia]
- silvia has joined #html-wg
- 18:58:07 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #html-wg
- 19:03:03 [darobin]
- darobin has joined #html-wg
- 19:33:57 [tobie]
- tobie has joined #html-wg
- 19:40:19 [tobie]
- tobie has joined #html-wg
- 19:45:22 [glenn]
- glenn has joined #html-wg
- 20:29:32 [abarsto]
- abarsto has joined #html-wg
- 20:35:02 [cabanier]
- cabanier has joined #html-wg
- 20:40:20 [MarkS]
- MarkS has joined #html-wg
- 20:56:14 [karl]
- karl has joined #html-wg
- 21:07:31 [SteveF]
- SteveF has joined #html-wg
- 21:18:34 [sgalineau]
- sgalineau has joined #html-wg
- 21:23:37 [SteveF]
- SteveF has joined #html-wg
- 21:29:05 [silvia]
- silvia has joined #html-wg
- 21:50:01 [tinkster]
- tinkster has joined #html-wg
- 21:55:30 [myakura]
- myakura has joined #html-wg
- 22:43:10 [tobie]
- tobie has joined #html-wg
- 22:47:12 [jeffh]
- jeffh has joined #html-wg
- 22:51:07 [chaals]
- chaals has joined #html-wg
- 23:00:18 [mjs]
- mjs has joined #html-wg
- 23:03:26 [tinkster1]
- tinkster1 has joined #html-wg
- 23:07:41 [mjs]
- mjs has joined #html-wg
- 23:41:25 [silvia]
- silvia has joined #html-wg
- 23:46:59 [plh]
- plh has joined #html-wg
- 23:55:53 [myakura]
- myakura has joined #html-wg
- 23:58:15 [jeffh]
- jeffh has joined #html-wg