10:00:32 RRSAgent has joined #mbui 10:00:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/06/21-mbui-irc 10:00:40 meeting: MBUI telecon 10:00:45 UW_MBUI()6:00AM has now started 10:00:45 chair: Fabio 10:00:50 scribe: Dave 10:00:52 +[IPcaller] 10:00:56 scribenick: dsr 10:01:04 +Dsr 10:02:16 +Klaus/Johannes/Thomas 10:02:46 Present: Dave, Jaroslav, Paolo 10:03:05 Regrets: Joelle 10:03:13 +??P2 10:03:31 Present+ Cristina 10:03:32 + +39.050.621.aaaa 10:03:53 Present+ Fabio 10:04:38 Topic: attendance at Munich F2F 10:04:51 Jaroslav: yes, I will now be able to come 10:05:14 + +30231125aabb 10:05:15 Fabio: anyone else (other than already on the page) 10:05:44 Topic: Review of changes 10:06:03 See Paolo's email http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mbui/2013Jun/0021.html 10:06:42 This covers proposed modifications for device, platform and 10:06:42 peripheral. 10:06:46 Nick_Kaklanis has joined #mbui 10:07:11 Present+ Nick_Kaklanis 10:07:28 UCL has joined #mbui 10:07:53 Paolo: the notion of platform covers quite a wide spectrum. 10:07:56 UCL is coming. Sorry for the delay. 10:08:44 Jaroslav: do we agree that a screen is a peripheral rather than a device? 10:09:20 Paolo: yes. A device could be a tablet, where the use thinks he is interacting with a screen, but is really interacting with a computational system. 10:09:27 +??P5 10:10:13 Jaroslav is concerned with wording about individual units for "device". 10:10:27 Paolo: perhaps functional unit would be clearer. 10:12:26 Jaroslav talks about the relationship between device and system. 10:13:45 Paolo: it is a question of whether to be more or less specific. 10:15:29 Jaroslav: functional unit sounds good. 10:15:47 Paolo asks Fabio what he thinks. 10:16:19 Fabio: do we need the last part of the platform definition? 10:17:04 Perhaps we should add some examples for platform? 10:17:09 Paolo: okay 10:17:37 Fabio: e.g. smart phone, tablet for platform, and iPhone and Samsung Galaxy III for devices. 10:18:55 It should be interesting to provide a new column with example instead to be inside de definition? 10:19:14 Paolo: I would suggest removing elementary platform etc. 10:20:20 Yes, the contrast is very difficult to read, :-) 10:20:24 We update the glossary entries live ... 10:25:03 Fabio: should we now remove the old definition? (for platform) 10:25:08 Paolo: yes, I would remove it 10:25:33 Jaroslav: my suggestion would be to put the new definition into a new row. 10:25:46 Fabio: this would make the document hard to manage 10:29:25 Present+ Jean 10:30:05 Jean: you can have different kinds of platforms, e.g. software platforms or hardware platform 10:30:34 Jaroslav: a smart phone is combination of both 10:30:57 platform = shortcut for computing platform? 10:31:08 ok with def 10:34:21 Jaroslav: it is quite common to talk about platform independence in terms of interaction modes, which is related to the type of peripheral, which seems to be missing here. 10:34:44 Jean asks whether we should adopt the terminology from OMG? 10:36:23 Fabio: we just had a small earthquake! We left the building, but have just returned. 10:36:55 Paolo: I've changed interaction modality, and we could relate this to interaction modality. 10:37:09 Jaroslav: I will think on this and provide a proposal for next week 10:37:40 A small remark should we explain the term "effector" here. 10:38:04 Effector is less commonly used than actuator. 10:38:52 Fabio: vibrating the phone is an example of an embedded effector 10:39:41 Paolo: effectors are part of the interaction process. 10:40:32 Paolo: I would prefer to use "effector" to "actuator" to avoid the robotics domain 10:41:05 However wikipedia notes that the two terms have essentially the same meaning. 10:41:26 Jaroslav: I agree with that. 10:42:18 Fabio: we should try to remove entries that we no longer feel are significant 10:42:48 Paolo: we need to aim for consistency across entries. 10:43:19 Jaroslav: should the glossary be ready for final review at the Munich F2F? 10:43:35 Fabio: yes and we plan to publish it very soon after that meeting. 10:44:11 For the next call, we need to check for consistency and for which entries we could remove 10:44:34 Jaroslav: please don't drop entries immediately, rather mark them as obsolete. 10:44:48 Topic: Abstract UI 10:45:03 Fabio: do we have time to discuss this now? 10:45:19 Paolo: we could perhaps review the email thread on the AUI 10:45:34 Fabio: let's cover tha next week 10:45:40 s/tha/that/ 10:46:05 -??P2 10:46:06 -[IPcaller] 10:46:07 - +39.050.621.aaaa 10:46:09 - +30231125aabb 10:46:09 -Klaus/Johannes/Thomas 10:46:16 rrsagent, set logs public 10:46:16 -Dsr 10:46:25 rrsagent, make minutes 10:46:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/06/21-mbui-minutes.html dsr 10:48:28 Regrets+ Gerrit 10:48:30 rrsagent, make minutes 10:48:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/06/21-mbui-minutes.html dsr 10:49:24 -??P5 10:49:25 UW_MBUI()6:00AM has ended 10:49:25 Attendees were [IPcaller], Dsr, Klaus/Johannes/Thomas, +39.050.621.aaaa, +30231125aabb 10:49:45 UCL has left #mbui 11:51:17 UCL has joined #mbui 12:07:45 Zakim has left #mbui 13:50:37 hbraun has joined #mbui