IRC log of svg on 2013-05-16

Timestamps are in UTC.

20:29:37 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #svg
20:29:37 [RRSAgent]
logging to
20:29:39 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
20:29:39 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #svg
20:29:41 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG
20:29:41 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see GA_SVGWG(SVG1)4:30PM scheduled to start in 1 minute
20:29:42 [trackbot]
Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference
20:29:42 [trackbot]
Date: 16 May 2013
20:30:34 [richardschwerdtfeger]
richardschwerdtfeger has joined #svg
20:30:40 [Zakim]
GA_SVGWG(SVG1)4:30PM has now started
20:30:47 [Zakim]
20:31:07 [Zakim]
20:31:09 [heycam]
Zakim, [ is me
20:31:09 [Zakim]
+heycam; got it
20:31:34 [Zakim]
20:31:45 [ed]
Zakim, [IP is me
20:31:45 [Zakim]
+ed; got it
20:32:29 [Cyril]
Cyril has joined #svg
20:32:47 [ed]
20:33:44 [Zakim]
20:33:52 [Cyril]
zakim, P3 is me
20:33:52 [Zakim]
sorry, Cyril, I do not recognize a party named 'P3'
20:33:57 [Cyril]
zakim, ??P3 is me
20:33:57 [Zakim]
+Cyril; got it
20:34:04 [Zakim]
20:34:09 [Zakim]
20:34:23 [Cyril]
Cyril has changed the topic to:
20:35:49 [Zakim]
+ +1.425.373.aaaa
20:36:02 [Thomas_Smailus]
Thomas_Smailus has joined #svg
20:36:34 [heycam]
Scribe: Cameron
20:36:37 [heycam]
ScribeNick: heycam
20:36:40 [heycam]
Chair: Erik
20:37:01 [heycam]
Topic: SVG 2 Requirement Commitments
20:37:01 [Thomas_Smailus]
20:37:10 [krit]
Zakim, aaaa is Thomas_Smailus
20:37:11 [Zakim]
+Thomas_Smailus; got it
20:37:22 [heycam]
CM: I'd like to know what things people think they can get done for the next publication of SVG 2
20:37:24 [Thomas_Smailus]
they are rebuilding the floor below, so lots of drilling and hammering so I shift in and out of mute
20:37:33 [heycam]
… and discuss when a good publication date aim would be
20:37:45 [heycam]
20:38:29 [heycam]
CM: I think I can get the stroke dash adjustment done for the next draft
20:38:37 [heycam]
… we discussed ideas for it a couple of years ago
20:39:18 [heycam]
Tav: I have the hatches almost ready to go in, just need a couple more examples
20:39:36 [heycam]
… we'll still have to discuss how to have multiple paint servers
20:39:47 [heycam]
… we talked about that in Switzerland, but we never came up with a way to do it
20:39:55 [heycam]
… to have crosshatching, or on top of other paints
20:40:36 [heycam]
ED: The non-scaling stroke is done
20:42:56 [heycam]
CM: Dirk, the transforms on <svg>
20:44:10 [heycam]
Dirk: there are a couple of issues to decide, what it means to put transform="" on the root <svg>
20:44:17 [heycam]
CM: would be good to have an example showing transform="" on <svg> too
20:44:49 [heycam]
Dirk: I plan to do it before/during the F2F
20:45:41 [heycam]
CM: what about a mid-July next draft?
20:45:54 [heycam]
Dirk: that would be fine
20:48:07 [heycam]
CM: I'll mail the list with a plan
20:48:38 [heycam]
Topic: foreignObject
20:48:39 [ed]
20:48:55 [heycam]
ED: In SVG, it's listed as neither a graphics element nor a container element
20:49:04 [heycam]
… that means that some properties that normally apply to SVG elements don't apply to foreignObject
20:49:06 [heycam]
… which is a bit strange
20:49:24 [heycam]
… I think it would be good to state in the spec that things like filter, mask, clip-path, etc. all apply to foreignObject
20:49:31 [heycam]
… the easiest way to do that would be to make it a graphics element
20:49:36 [heycam]
… that'd make all of those properties apply
20:49:54 [heycam]
… and from the SVG point of view, I think foreignObject should be treated like an opaque or bitmap area anyway
20:50:05 [heycam]
… even though it contains foreign content, SVG should still apply to the output of rendering that content
20:50:10 [heycam]
CM: I think that makes sense
20:50:24 [heycam]
ED: I can take an action do to that change
20:50:32 [heycam]
ACTION: Erik to make foreignObject a graphics element
20:50:32 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-3492 - Make foreignObject a graphics element [on Erik Dahlström - due 2013-05-23].
20:52:04 [heycam]
CM: I think we should define in the spec how HTML child content of foreignObject works
20:53:27 [heycam]
… we don't say anything about it at the moment
20:53:43 [heycam]
ED: what you do with multiple child HTML elements of <foreignObject> is a good issue
20:55:37 [heycam]
ACTION: Erik to define how HTML in foreignObject works
20:55:37 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-3493 - Define how HTML in foreignObject works [on Erik Dahlström - due 2013-05-23].
20:55:53 [ed]
20:55:57 [heycam]
Topic: view element content model
20:56:06 [heycam]
ED: I'd like to include animation elements inside <view>
20:56:13 [heycam]
… the <view> element has a number of animatable attributes
20:56:27 [heycam]
… doesn't really make sense to disallow <animate>, <set>, etc. children
20:56:31 [heycam]
Dirk: how is it restricted?
20:56:39 [heycam]
ED: the content model says only descriptive element children
20:56:45 [heycam]
… you can still target the animation from outside...
20:56:55 [heycam]
Dirk: the <view> element inherits from SVGElement, yes?
20:56:56 [heycam]
CM: yes
20:57:19 [heycam]
ED: I wouldn't think there are any implementations that don't handle animation elements here
20:57:24 [heycam]
CM: sounds fine to me
20:57:34 [heycam]
ACTION: Erik to allow animation element children of <view>
20:57:34 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-3494 - Allow animation element children of <view> [on Erik Dahlström - due 2013-05-23].
20:59:53 [Thomas_Smailus]
OK, gotta go to my staff meeting.. dropping off. Cheers.
21:00:01 [Zakim]
21:03:00 [richardschwerdtfeger]
are we on now?
21:03:18 [richardschwerdtfeger]
21:03:22 [richardschwerdtfeger]
I am off an hour
21:03:30 [heycam]
s/in a/for the/
21:04:34 [Zakim]
21:04:52 [richardschwerdtfeger]
zakim, +[IPcaller is Rich
21:04:52 [Zakim]
sorry, richardschwerdtfeger, I do not recognize a party named '+[IPcaller'
21:05:31 [richardschwerdtfeger]
21:05:47 [Zakim]
21:06:43 [Zakim]
21:09:49 [heycam]
Topic: tabindex
21:10:23 [heycam]
RS: I created a section in the Interaction chapter of SVG 2 that deals with sequential focus navigation
21:10:34 [heycam]
… I intentionally grabbed the text from HTML5 so the processing was the same
21:10:45 [heycam]
… we're a bit different in the way we specify our attributes, we have a table format
21:11:08 [heycam]
… I took the HTML spec bits and adapted it for our needs
21:11:15 [heycam]
… there are a couple of issues I need to resolve in terms of definitions
21:11:22 [heycam]
… don't know whether we just want to put those in our spec
21:12:35 [heycam]
… there are "in a document" and "document being rendered" terms that are used in HTML
21:12:40 [ed]
21:12:44 [heycam]
… we could have our own definitions that match theirs
21:14:26 [heycam]
CM: I think I should have a read through of the changes to get an idea of whether to link to HTML or define in SVG
21:14:36 [heycam]
RS: I haven't gotten to the Document object changes yet
21:14:40 [heycam]
… probably we'd want that for the next WD
21:14:49 [heycam]
… do we have a focus method?
21:14:54 [heycam]
CM: no, SVG doesn't have one
21:15:09 [heycam]
RS: when you do tabindex="-1", it means the author can focus the element with a method
21:15:23 [Zakim]
21:15:36 [heycam]
… we also discussed making the handlers match HTML5
21:15:44 [heycam]
… e.g. we don't have onblur etc.
21:15:47 [heycam]
… we have DOMFocusOut
21:16:26 [heycam]
… so we discussed deprecating those
21:16:32 [ed] does have some methods for setting focus
21:16:46 [heycam]
ACTION: Cameron to review tabindex changes
21:16:46 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-3495 - Review tabindex changes [on Cameron McCormack - due 2013-05-23].
21:16:55 [heycam]
ED: SVG Tiny 1.2 does have some DOM methods for setting focus
21:16:59 [heycam]
… not sure how much we should care about that though
21:17:20 [heycam]
… one of them takes a motion argument
21:17:36 [heycam]
… I think in Opera we just internally mapped them to HTML ones, with minor changes on top
21:17:50 [heycam]
RS: so you'd do .focus() internally?
21:17:51 [heycam]
ED: yes
21:17:59 [heycam]
RS: I think we'll need to do something like that to be consistent, so that makes sense
21:18:17 [heycam]
… I talked with Doug the other day, he was going to start working on the SVG Tiny navigation
21:19:08 [heycam]
ED: in SVG Tiny you have to get the root <svg> element, then call setFocus() with the element you want to focus
21:19:14 [heycam]
… which is a bit backwards compared to HTML's ones
21:19:21 [heycam]
… I think it's nicer to have the HTML one
21:19:46 [heycam]
CM: I think we shouldn't integrate the SVG Tiny methods
21:20:01 [heycam]
ED: at least we shouldn't have methods on SVGSVGElement like this
21:21:48 [Zakim]
21:21:49 [Zakim]
21:21:49 [Zakim]
21:21:51 [Zakim]
21:21:53 [Zakim]
21:21:53 [Zakim]
21:21:54 [Zakim]
GA_SVGWG(SVG1)4:30PM has ended
21:21:54 [Zakim]
Attendees were Krit, [IPcaller], heycam, ed, Cyril, Tav, nikos, +1.425.373.aaaa, Thomas_Smailus, Rich
21:22:15 [heycam]
Zakim, who is on the call?
21:22:15 [Zakim]
apparently GA_SVGWG(SVG1)4:30PM has ended, heycam
21:22:16 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Cyril, Zakim, RRSAgent, krit, cabanier, heycam, TabAtkins, Tav, ed, trackbot, plinss, pdr, nikos, stearns
21:22:29 [heycam]
trackbot, end telcon
21:22:29 [trackbot]
Zakim, list attendees
21:22:30 [Zakim]
sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is
21:22:37 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
21:22:37 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate trackbot
21:22:38 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, bye
21:22:38 [RRSAgent]
I see 4 open action items saved in :
21:22:38 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Erik to make foreignObject a graphics element [1]
21:22:38 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
21:22:38 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Erik to define how HTML in foreignObject works [2]
21:22:38 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
21:22:38 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Erik to allow animation element children of <view> [3]
21:22:38 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
21:22:38 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Cameron to review tabindex changes [4]
21:22:38 [RRSAgent]
recorded in