14:02:06 RRSAgent has joined #eval 14:02:06 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/05/16-eval-irc 14:02:08 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:02:08 Zakim has joined #eval 14:02:10 Zakim, this will be 3825 14:02:10 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_ERTWG(Eval TF)10:00AM scheduled to start 2 minutes ago 14:02:11 Meeting: WCAG 2.0 Evaluation Methodology Task Force Teleconference 14:02:11 Date: 16 May 2013 14:02:26 hello 14:02:59 richard has joined #eval 14:03:05 zakim, this is eval 14:03:05 ok, shadi; that matches WAI_ERTWG(Eval TF)10:00AM 14:03:06 zakim, who is on the phone? 14:03:07 On the phone I see +1.301.975.aaaa, +49.404.318.aabb, Peter_Korn, ??P17, [IPcaller] 14:03:13 zakim, ipcaller is me 14:03:13 +shadi; got it 14:03:25 zakim, aabb is Detlev 14:03:25 +Detlev; got it 14:03:30 +[IPcaller] 14:03:31 zakim; aaaa is Liz 14:03:33 Zakim, aabb is Detlev 14:03:33 sorry, Detlev, I do not recognize a party named 'aabb' 14:04:02 zakim, aaaa is Liz 14:04:02 +Liz; got it 14:04:03 Zakim, aabb is Detlev 14:04:04 sorry, Detlev, I do not recognize a party named 'aabb' 14:04:16 +??P24 14:04:19 -Detlev 14:04:26 Zakim, p17 is ericvelleman 14:04:26 sorry, ericvelleman, I do not recognize a party named 'p17' 14:04:29 zakim, ??irpcall is richard 14:04:29 sorry, richard, I do not recognize a party named '??irpcall' 14:04:52 zakim, ipcaller is richard 14:04:52 +richard; got it 14:04:54 Zakim, P24 is me 14:04:57 sorry, MartijnHoutepen, I do not recognize a party named 'P24' 14:05:04 Zakim, ??P24 is me 14:05:04 +MartijnHoutepen; got it 14:05:05 zakim, who is on the phone? 14:05:05 On the phone I see Liz, Peter_Korn, ??P17, shadi, richard, MartijnHoutepen 14:05:07 +Detlev 14:05:07 Zakim, P17 is ericvelleman 14:05:07 sorry, ericvelleman, I do not recognize a party named 'P17' 14:05:17 Zakim, ??P17 is ericvelleman 14:05:17 +ericvelleman; got it 14:06:19 + +1.313.322.aacc 14:07:19 zakim, aacc is Mike 14:07:19 +Mike; got it 14:08:28 Zakim, mute me 14:08:28 Detlev should now be muted 14:08:42 Mike_Elledge has joined #eval 14:09:15 OK 14:09:27 scribe: richard 14:09:45 Topic: Current State of Comments 14:10:53 Eric: we are trying to group comments - should be ready by next week 14:10:56 zakim, mute me 14:10:56 MartijnHoutepen should now be muted 14:11:01 zakim, who is making noise? 14:11:12 shadi, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: Peter_Korn (45%), ericvelleman (17%), richard (31%) 14:12:39 14:12:39 Topic; Test run 14:12:57 Topic: test run 14:14:05 Eric: How do we input comments to eval? 14:15:13 q+ 14:15:18 ack me 14:16:02 MartijnHoutepen: Perhaps we can share the load, each take on section 14:16:15 zakim, mute me 14:16:15 MartijnHoutepen should now be muted 14:16:22 regrets: Kathy, Sarah, Alistair, Moe 14:17:18 korn has joined #eval 14:17:42 Peter: can the evaluators take on teh task as they know what was beeing done 14:18:07 +Tim_Boland 14:19:11 Eric: We asked people to do the evaluation - but we need to know whether it was clear and does it relate properly to WCAG - perhaps we should ask them first 14:19:23 q+ 14:19:27 q+ 14:19:40 ack me 14:20:34 Detlev: Suggest go through the questions one by one, ask the people who did it 14:20:41 Zakim, mute me 14:20:41 Detlev should now be muted 14:21:51 +Peter_Korn.a 14:21:55 -Peter_Korn 14:22:01 Liz: Not done it before - so new to the exercise. I would be good to say if it was clear instructions. I would like to hear from an evaluator first - can they follow 14:22:01 q+ 14:22:26 I can take over scribing for Richward 14:22:53 q- 14:23:19 Richard: A volunteer should compile results from different people, focussing on the quality of the Evaluation procedure 14:23:49 q+ 14:24:28 Richard: comparing different approches to Website #2 between Detlev and Richard 14:24:34 ack me 14:25:17 q- 14:25:32 i would like to do the second one as well, probably able to do this this week 14:26:42 q+ 14:27:14 Detlev: One person is best, can we wait for more responses. I would like yo do test 1 - how many others can do something? 14:27:30 Richard: I agree - one is best. 14:27:51 -shadi 14:27:52 Detlev: I will be at the workshop - but might be able to do it by Wednesday 14:28:34 +1 for survey next week 14:28:39 shadi_ has joined #eval 14:29:03 +shadi 14:29:16 Eric: can we discuss the first survey next week - richard to summarise when Detlev has input. 14:29:31 q? 14:29:51 Shadi: Only Detlev & Shadi at workshop. 14:30:03 q+ 14:30:05 ack me 14:30:11 Eric: Richard to set up summary 14:30:20 q? 14:31:13 ACTION: Richard to provide summary of test 1 results for next telco 14:31:13 Created ACTION-10 - Provide summary of test 1 results for next telco [on Richard Warren - due 2013-05-23]. 14:31:57 q? 14:32:10 Detlev: Can we have clearer instructions for the test - identify better what is to be covered. 14:32:11 Zakim, mute me 14:32:13 Detlev should now be muted 14:32:26 ack me 14:32:59 MartijHoutepen: Can you open the tests again - second test 14:33:10 zakim, mute me 14:33:10 MartijnHoutepen should now be muted 14:33:14 ACTION: Eric to re-open the tests 14:33:14 Created ACTION-11 - Re-open the tests [on Eric Velleman - due 2013-05-23]. 14:33:26 q? 14:34:26 Mike: How soon doe we need to have our comments in the tests? I would like to go through it more thoroughly 14:35:19 q? 14:35:28 q- mike 14:35:35 Eric: It can we have comments by Tuesday midnight? 14:36:09 ACTION: All comments to be updated to test 1 by Tuesday midnight 14:36:10 Error finding 'All'. You can review and register nicknames at . 14:36:19 didn'r Ricxhard just offer to compile results for #2 ?? 14:36:46 q+ 14:37:07 q- 14:37:42 Richard: Yes I am doing summary for test #1 14:38:35 Topic: Test run - Agenda Item 4 14:39:27 Eric: we will discuss test #1 next week. I will ask next week for volunteer to do test#2 14:39:28 then lets call it a day... 14:40:26 Shadi: Lets ask everyone to do some work on the tests as we have finished the meeting !! 14:40:47 Bye 14:40:48 -Peter_Korn.a 14:40:48 bye! Ta! 14:40:49 Eric: Good idea, everyone spend teh spare time 14:40:55 -Detlev 14:40:56 ack me 14:40:58 -ericvelleman 14:40:59 -shadi 14:41:01 -MartijnHoutepen 14:41:03 -Liz 14:41:04 bye 14:41:04 -Mike 14:41:08 -Tim_Boland 14:41:11 -richard 14:41:13 WAI_ERTWG(Eval TF)10:00AM has ended 14:41:13 Attendees were +1.301.975.aaaa, +49.404.318.aabb, Peter_Korn, shadi, Detlev, Liz, richard, MartijnHoutepen, ericvelleman, +1.313.322.aacc, Mike, Tim_Boland 14:41:15 Bye! 14:43:34 trackbot, end meeting 14:43:34 Zakim, list attendees 14:43:34 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 14:43:42 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 14:43:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/05/16-eval-minutes.html trackbot 14:43:43 RRSAgent, bye 14:43:43 I see 3 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2013/05/16-eval-actions.rdf : 14:43:43 ACTION: Richard to provide summary of test 1 results for next telco [1] 14:43:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/05/16-eval-irc#T14-31-13 14:43:43 ACTION: Eric to re-open the tests [2] 14:43:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/05/16-eval-irc#T14-33-14 14:43:43 ACTION: All comments to be updated to test 1 by Tuesday midnight [3] 14:43:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/05/16-eval-irc#T14-36-09