13:20:54 RRSAgent has joined #ontolex 13:20:54 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/05/03-ontolex-irc 13:21:04 Zakim has joined #ontolex 13:21:20 zakim, this will be Telco 03.05.2012 13:21:20 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, jmccrae 13:22:13 Topic: Discussion of semiotics model 13:22:20 Agreement on class names 13:22:31 Not on property names 13:23:27 name of concept/synset? 13:24:22 Paul: "synset" is too specific 13:24:53 unionist model of SKOS and OWL? 13:26:55 is a lexical concept different from a synset? 13:28:20 Paul: The key denotation of meaning is between lexical entry and ontology entity 13:30:46 matching to linguistic resources involves an "explosion" of semantic objects 13:33:13 Paul: model captures different levels in the semantics, is this core to the ontolex model? 13:33:55 Paul: Core of the group is adding morphosyntactic information to ontologies 13:35:05 Lupe: Concept is conflux of different models: WordNet FrameNet etc. 13:39:57 Lexical Entry and Ontology entity is core, Lexical Sense is required for annotation of word+meaning simultaneously 13:40:44 Concept is non-core, and captures annotation that is not in formal logic and not given to a word 13:41:50 Francesa: How do we find senses? 13:42:13 Philipp: Senses are defined by concepts in legacy resources/ontology entities used for each word 13:43:00 Not in the group to define the process for defining senses 13:48:22 "synset" is too technical and only part of WordNet 13:49:00 Lupe: Not happy with "lexical" (word) and "concept" (representation) 13:49:24 Alessandro: "lexical concept" is a concept with a lexicalization 13:49:52 Armando: "lexicalized concept" is better (?) 13:52:29 Other options "meaning" or "intention" 13:53:54 Philipp: concepts may not always be lexicalized 13:54:11 Lupe: What about the combinations "syn-con" or "con-set" 13:54:32 Philipp: Intention is perhaps closest to what we mean 13:54:41 *Intension 13:58:58 Philipp: link between sense and concept is similar to FrameNet's evokes property 14:04:57 Armando: Properties in other direction 14:06:15 yes, they should be included by formula, e.g., "sense" to "isSenseOf" 14:06:40 zakim, bye 14:06:40 Zakim has left #ontolex 14:06:48 rrsagent, make log public 14:06:56 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:06:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/05/03-ontolex-minutes.html jmccrae 14:09:22 rrsagent, bye 14:09:22 I see no action items