13:59:37 RRSAgent has joined #gld 13:59:38 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/04/25-gld-irc 13:59:39 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:59:39 Zakim has joined #gld 13:59:41 Zakim, this will be GLD 13:59:41 ok, trackbot, I see T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM already started 13:59:42 Meeting: Government Linked Data Working Group Teleconference 13:59:43 Date: 25 April 2013 13:59:51 DeirdreLee has joined #gld 14:00:00 +DeirdreLee 14:00:04 +??P5 14:00:27 BenediktKaempgen has joined #gld 14:00:33 topic: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20130425 14:00:33 +gatemezi 14:00:38 zakim, who is there? 14:00:38 I don't understand your question, BenediktKaempgen. 14:00:42 zakim, who is here? 14:00:42 On the phone I see +1.440.389.aaaa, DeirdreLee, ??P5, gatemezi 14:00:43 On IRC I see BenediktKaempgen, DeirdreLee, Zakim, RRSAgent, danbri, gatemezi, james, HadleyBeeman, TallTed, cygri, sandro, trackbot 14:00:50 zakim, aaa 14:00:51 I don't understand 'aaa', HadleyBeeman 14:00:54 zakim, aaaa is me 14:00:54 +HadleyBeeman; got it 14:01:00 zakim, ??P5 is BenediktKaempgen 14:01:00 +BenediktKaempgen; got it 14:01:19 fadmaa has joined #gld 14:01:47 olyerickson has joined #gld 14:01:52 Zakim, DeirdreLee has fadmaa 14:01:52 +fadmaa; got it 14:02:02 PhilA has joined #gld 14:02:33 DaveReynolds has joined #gld 14:02:36 zakim, code? 14:02:36 the conference code is 45394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), PhilA 14:02:43 +Jutta 14:02:44 JoaoPauloAlmeida has joined #gld 14:02:48 +[IPcaller] 14:02:55 zakim, ipcaller is me 14:02:55 +PhilA; got it 14:02:57 +MHausenblas 14:03:03 zakim, mhausenblas is me 14:03:03 +cygri; got it 14:03:35 +[IPcaller] 14:03:36 +Sandro 14:03:46 Zakim, [ipcaller] is me. 14:03:46 +olyerickson; got it 14:03:52 zakim, mute me. 14:03:52 olyerickson should now be muted 14:03:53 +??P18 14:04:01 Zakim, ??P18 is me 14:04:01 +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it 14:04:03 +[IPcaller] 14:04:26 agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20130425 14:04:31 http://jenit.github.io/linked-csv/ 14:05:09 subtopic: Phil giving a summary of the #ODW13 workshop 14:05:18 s/Phil/PhilA 14:05:30 BartvanLeeuwen has joined #gld 14:05:52 (comment) Several of the points PhilA just raised --- PID persistence, data quality, etc --- were topics of discussion at the Research Data Alliance meeting in Gothenburg a couple weeks ago 14:07:30 CVS spec http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180 14:08:22 s/CVS/CSV 14:08:37 And if only the tools to create those features in PDF didn't cost $$$$$$ 14:08:46 ;) 14:08:56 danbri has joined #gld 14:09:07 what about vocabularies? is there more on a follow-up working group that is going to work on vocabularies? 14:09:11 OL 14:09:14 OL 14:09:30 zakim, who is here? 14:09:30 On the phone I see HadleyBeeman, DeirdreLee, BenediktKaempgen, gatemezi, Jutta, PhilA, cygri, olyerickson (muted), Sandro, JoaoPauloAlmeida, DaveReynolds 14:09:34 DeirdreLee has fadmaa 14:09:34 On IRC I see danbri, BartvanLeeuwen, JoaoPauloAlmeida, DaveReynolds, PhilA, olyerickson, fadmaa, BenediktKaempgen, DeirdreLee, Zakim, RRSAgent, gatemezi, james, HadleyBeeman, 14:09:34 ... TallTed, cygri, sandro, trackbot 14:10:05 scribe: PhilA 14:10:07 http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20130425 14:10:13 scribenick: PhilA 14:10:20 Last week's minutes http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2013-04-18 14:10:31 +1 14:10:31 PROPOSAL: Accept last week's minutes 14:10:36 +1 14:10:36 +1 14:10:36 +1 14:10:42 +1 14:10:43 PhilA, thanks for the pointer to the linked-csv, interesting. 14:11:06 RESOLVED: Accept last week's minutes 14:12:16 zakim, unmute me. 14:12:16 olyerickson should no longer be muted 14:12:34 danbri has joined #gld 14:12:38 editing DCAT timetable: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/DCAT_Timetable 14:12:45 HadleyBeeman: Do you, Fadi or Joh,m want to talk about DCAT last call? 14:13:00 fadmaa: I'm getting requests for extensions of DCAT 14:13:17 fadmaa: I'm not sure whether that means we need a 2nd last call or not 14:13:25 ... Richard and I need to go through 14:13:35 danbri has joined #gld 14:13:39 ... but I think we prob will need a 2nd last call 14:13:49 ... editorial changes made. More substantive ones remain 14:14:00 danbri has joined #gld 14:14:03 ... sorry for not updating timetable yet. Not sure when we'll be done 14:14:16 ... I'll update it in the next 2 days 14:14:20 HadleyBeeman: Richard? 14:14:24 cygri: Yes 14:14:43 HadleyBeeman: It sounds like you and Fadi need to work out what to do. Is that going to be one in the 2 days or not?> 14:14:48 Question: Is the request for more time to accommodate editorial requirements? 14:15:03 cygri: There are quite a few issues, some in tracker, some still need raising 14:15:24 olyerickson: no. editorial requirements are easy and almost done 14:15:29 cygri: We can raise the issues and then the WG need to work through - that needs WG time and attention 14:15:55 So the extension is required to deal with legitimate issues raised 14:15:57 s/olyerickson: /olyerickson, / 14:15:57 cygri: Hard to pridict how long that will take? 14:16:04 HadleyBeeman: How about next week's call? 14:16:28 cygri: WE can start next week, but it might take longer. Several tech issues 14:16:37 ... it will take more than one week's call 14:17:24 cygri: We can put the issues in the tracker before the next call 14:17:24 Current DCAT Issues http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/products/2 14:17:39 HadleyBeeman: I can work with that 14:17:39 (but there are issues that haven't been added to tracker) 14:18:27 HadleyBeeman: Hmm.. Ok, we'll try and put it on the agenda for next week but it might be the following week 14:18:34 cygri: It would be good if we can go through a few of the issues 14:18:57 HadleyBeeman: So the timetable looks about right still? 14:19:09 cygri: Works for me 14:19:10 Maybe some discussion of the issues and proposed approaches could go on the mail list to make max use of the call time? 14:19:11 -JoaoPauloAlmeida 14:19:11 fadmaa: +1 14:19:18 topic: Data Cube 14:19:21 Data Cube timetable: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Data_Cube_Timetable 14:19:22 Zakim, mute me. 14:19:22 olyerickson should now be muted 14:19:29 danbri has joined #gld 14:19:40 +??P16 14:19:50 Zakim, ??P16 is me 14:19:50 +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it 14:19:54 DaveReynolds: No change from last week. All editorial comments have been made. Just need to check that cygri is happy 14:20:19 DaveReynolds: The only non-editorial comment we decided not to accept and the commenter has accepted that 14:20:43 ... currently have the timetable down for 9 May draft for pub after that, which sounds doable 14:20:52 MariosMeimaris has joined #gld 14:21:21 HadleyBeeman: Half our documentation says it's half and half with Richard. Who's taking the lead? 14:21:30 +[IPcaller] 14:21:42 zakim, IPcaller is me 14:21:42 +MariosMeimaris; got it 14:21:45 DaveReynolds: We're joint editors but at the moment it's more in my RAM cf. Richard's disk drive 14:22:00 -Jutta 14:22:06 HadleyBeeman: So for QB things can stay the way they are 14:22:10 topic: Org 14:22:30 ORG emails on CR exit http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-gld-wg/2013Apr/0051.html 14:22:36 DaveReynolds: Similar, no change from last week. Only editorial changes, all done. It's the CR Exit criteria 14:22:59 DaveReynolds: had useful info from sandro on what the bar might be for CR for vocabs. I'll aim to make progress on that in the coming weeks 14:23:14 +[IPcaller] 14:23:15 HadleyBeeman: Are exit criteria for org more complex than others? 14:23:50 DaveReynolds: It's a more complex thing than QB, but QB has an idea of constraints that org doesn't which makes conformance easier to test 14:24:07 s/makes conf/ makes QB conf/ 14:24:41 DaveReynolds: If people can publish cubes that conform then we can say it works. Org is more fuzzy 14:24:49 HadleyBeeman: Situation for DCAT? 14:24:54 cygri: It's between the 2 14:25:17 cygri: More similar to org - we have hte notion of the catalogue that is compliant which implies following the structure 14:25:39 ... but it doesn't have explicitly define constraints, so closer to org than for QB for CR 14:25:44 q+ 14:25:52 ack phil 14:26:19 PhilA: Can we use ISA programme DCAT application work as evidence of ORG being useful? 14:26:35 … If they don't have to define anything new, then that's evidence that DCAT is fit for purpose. 14:27:08 … That will require them to come up with a "this is how you use DCAT in the EU" specification 14:27:21 s/of ORG being useful/of DCAT being useful/ 14:27:22 cygri: That sounds like a possibility 14:28:26 cygri: If we want to lower the bar for vocabs then one way would be to consider a vocab as a bag of useful terms and if we can point to existing efforts that have defined something like a schema for a data catalogue and show that existing efforts can be mapped cleanly to DCAT and vice versa then that might show that the terms in DCAT are sueful 14:28:43 ... and a profile of DCAT is clear evidence that the stakeholders find it useful 14:29:36 ... we can use it to show that people interested in modelling a catalogue find DCAT useful nad the smae might work for ORG 14:30:12 HadleyBeeman: That helps assess how much longer we need 14:30:21 topic: JSON-LD 14:30:22 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-gld-wg/2013Apr/0058.html 14:30:58 HadleyBeeman: The is a community group looking at how to link JSON, now have 2 specs in LC and have specifically asked us to look at those specs 14:31:01 q+ 14:31:06 http://json-ld.org/ 14:31:30 q- 14:31:35 q+ 14:31:45 JSON-LD Specs: http://json-ld.org/spec/latest/ 14:31:48 sandro: This was a chartered deliverable of the RDF WG but it don't have the people to do it 14:32:12 ... so it was spun off to a CG, they did the work and then spun back to RDF WG - so it's a hybrid 14:32:28 ... so the CG could be seen as a task force of the RDG WG 14:32:33 s/RDG/RDF/ 14:33:04 q? 14:33:06 ack dave 14:33:11 DaveReynolds: My understanding of the charter was that there was another proposal in the charter that could have been an alternative. 14:34:53 PhilA, thanks 14:34:59 -JoaoPauloAlmeida 14:35:19 +??P8 14:35:25 Zakim, ??P8 is me 14:35:25 +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it 14:36:03 scribe note - scribing suspended for a short conversation at request of WG member 14:36:31 Q: What is the time frame 14:36:46 A: 10 May 14:36:50 HadleyBeeman: LC period finished 10 May 14:36:58 ... so who in the WG can pick this up? 14:37:03 crickets 14:37:23 sandro: Maybe we know of someone we could ask? 14:37:27 +Mike_Pendleton 14:37:31 sandro: Someone like Sunlight? 14:37:46 Mike_Pendleton has joined #gld 14:37:46 danbri has joined #gld 14:37:50 HadleyBeeman: OKFN spent 2 days saying how the rigour of LD gets in the way of buolding things 14:38:02 HadleyBeeman: Can we delegate our response? 14:38:07 zakim, unmute me. 14:38:07 olyerickson should no longer be muted 14:38:10 q+ 14:38:30 sandro: We can pass on reviewing but we could perhaps find someone at OKFN then we could go back to them with a +ve anser 14:38:32 ack olyerickson 14:39:37 olyerickson: I just wanted to clarify what Sandro was saying. You want someone who is not LD but who is JSON, you're looking to bring some JSON people in - so we're not reallythe people to review? 14:40:36 sandro: if there's no one in the group ready to do this, then, OK, let's not do it. But if we can't then maybe we might find someone who does and can 14:40:39 q+ 14:40:45 ack me 14:41:10 q+ 14:41:50 PhilA: We could suggest some lists the JSON-LD could approach 14:41:53 The Last Call announcement email: "It would also be nice if the Linked Data Platform and the Government Linked Data groups could do a review of both specifications." 14:42:10 HadleyBeeman: We've been asked to review them as a WG 14:42:33 HadleyBeeman: We could explain our starting point as being RDF and therefore make that clear 14:43:27 PhilA: We should only talk about what we know 14:43:46 HadleyBeeman: Yep. we can include lots of caveats on what we say and just cover what we know 14:43:52 ... which brings us back to who 14:44:22 HadleyBeeman: So in terms of process, it means looking at it, drafting a response and then approving it as a WG in a future meeting 14:44:28 ... maybe an hour or so at most 14:44:32 I can give it a go 14:44:33 I will check internally with those of our developers who have previously done JSON LD in an adhoc hoc way 14:44:43 Sorry I'm having problems with my mic 14:44:57 HadleyBeeman: That would be good, thank you olyerickson and MariosMeimaris 14:45:25 action: MariosMeimaris to draft a review of JSON-LD by 2013-05-09 14:45:25 Error finding 'MariosMeimaris'. You can review and register nicknames at . 14:45:27 Will do...I'll try to have something for GLD 9 May 14:45:31 Sounds good! 14:46:12 action: olyerickson to investigate whether a student can review JSON-LD and draft a possible response from a LD perspective by 2013-05-09 14:46:12 Created ACTION-123 - Investigate whether a student can review JSON-LD and draft a possible response from a LD perspective by 2013-05-09 [on John Erickson - due 2013-05-02]. 14:46:30 topic: Best Practices 14:46:39 q+ 14:46:48 ack gate 14:46:50 ack me 14:46:54 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/bp/index.html 14:47:08 ### Proposal for Vocabulary conformance ### [[ A set of classes and properties *conform* to a {GIVEN-VOCAB} if: It reuses *all* the mandatory terms defined. It follows entirely the scope and objectives of the {GIVEN-VOCAB} . The contents of all metadata fields that are included in the RDF description, are expressed using the appropriate classes and properties from the {GIVEN-VOCAB}, except where no such class or property exists. All classes and properties[CUT] 14:47:14 HadleyBeeman: Given that Bernadette is on a plane and got a load of input from yesterday's bar camp, we can't do too much 14:50:26 PhilA: That's old text, I wouldn't propose that now. We have a generalised version 14:50:36 Proposed action: Update best practices timetable for next week? http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/BP_Timetable 14:50:41 -JoaoPauloAlmeida 14:50:43 PhilA: Makes more promises to spend time on BP and RegOrg and ADMS... 14:50:58 +??P8 14:50:59 HadleyBeeman: So can you, gatemezi update the timetable please? 14:51:07 gatemezi: Sure 14:51:09 Zakim, ??P8 is me 14:51:09 +JoaoPauloAlmeida; got it 14:51:17 topic: Timetable 14:51:35 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/data-cube-ucr/data-cube-ucr-20130227/index.html 14:51:46 HadleyBeeman: Are we on schedule, BenediktKaempgen for 2nd May for QB? 14:51:54 s/QB/QB UCR 14:51:59 BenediktKaempgen: Dave propsoed to be a review of the QB UCR 14:52:24 ... but is he still able to do it ro could someone else pick it up? 14:52:58 DaveReynolds: I'm on the hook for 2 things here, for reviewing and for looking at ISO standards on observations ??? - it would make sense if someone else could take care of he reviewing 14:53:20 HadleyBeeman: Call for reviewers for QB 14:53:36 s/observations ???/Observations & Measurements/ 14:53:37 BenediktKaempgen: Needs someone who has familiarity with QB 14:53:49 HadleyBeeman: Slience suggests the ideal candidate is not on the call 14:54:05 HadleyBeeman: So BenediktKaempgen can you put out a message on the list to ask for a reviewer please? 14:54:46 BenediktKaempgen: Currently the UCR is stable and has been for a year. I got feedback from Richard and implemented. I passed most of the pub rules 14:54:55 PhilA: says ask Sandro about pubRules - he loves it 14:55:12 BenediktKaempgen: If we don't open up any new requirements we should be fine 14:55:19 HadleyBeeman: Include that in the email 14:55:24 BenediktKaempgen: OK 14:55:32 Topic: DCAT UCR 14:55:47 HadleyBeeman: So where are you on reviewers for this? 14:56:37 cygri: It's a pretty small document. My main concern. I don't know how essential the document really is given that most of the work has been done. What's driving DCAT now is the feedback we're getting. The doc has already served its purpose 14:56:58 ... I'm happy if we publish it as a note but at the same time I'd rather spend time on getting the Rec done 14:57:32 cygri:So how much interest is there in the group to push it forward/ If we want to push it out I'd be pleased just to push it out as it is now 14:57:39 PhilA: I'm happy to read through it 14:57:54 +1 to focus on feedback rather than perfecting use case document 14:58:06 cygri: And see whether it serves any purpose and therefore whether it's worth publishing 14:58:30 fadmaa: It was done a long time ago. If the content is OK and just needs a bit of editorial work then OK I can do it 14:58:56 HadleyBeeman: So can relevant folk read through and come up with a recommendation for how to proceed? 14:58:57 I will also have a read-through of the document... 14:59:46 cygri: Yep, if John and Phil can read through and send a mail to the list what you think then that would be good. If it needs work, we probably won't do it. If not, we may as well publish it. 14:59:52 -olyerickson 14:59:58 Thanks! 15:00:00 olyerickson has left #gld 15:01:27 topc: RegOrg and ADMS 15:01:50 PhilA: I should be able to make progress on these two by next week - with help from Marios 15:02:05 Topic: Extension 15:02:38 sandro: We'll need to write a proposal, making the argument as to why we should have an extension and the WG should sign off on that 15:02:46 ... and that the relevant people will stick around 15:02:54 ... and that then goes to Thomas -> Management 15:03:10 ... W3M Meets on Wednesdays so they need to see it on a Wednesday in May 15:03:17 HadleyBeeman: That's it for today 15:03:41 DaveReynolds has left #gld 15:03:42 -cygri 15:03:43 -HadleyBeeman 15:03:44 -Mike_Pendleton 15:03:44 -JoaoPauloAlmeida 15:03:46 -DeirdreLee 15:03:46 -james 15:03:47 -PhilA 15:03:47 -DaveReynolds 15:03:50 -BenediktKaempgen 15:03:51 -MariosMeimaris 15:03:52 -Sandro 15:04:29 -gatemezi 15:04:30 T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has ended 15:04:30 Attendees were +1.440.389.aaaa, gatemezi, HadleyBeeman, BenediktKaempgen, fadmaa, Jutta, PhilA, cygri, Sandro, olyerickson, JoaoPauloAlmeida, DaveReynolds, MariosMeimaris, james, 15:04:30 ... Mike_Pendleton 15:04:33 MariosMeimaris has left #gld 15:04:48 zakim, aaaa was me 15:04:48 I don't understand 'aaaa was me', HadleyBeeman 15:04:53 zakim, aaaa is me 15:04:53 sorry, HadleyBeeman, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa' 15:05:01 ah well. :) 15:05:29 Should I worry that http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2013-04-25 gives me a 500 sandro? 15:05:35 we know you were here Had 15:05:41 :) cheers, philA 15:05:43 s/Had/Hadley/ 15:09:21 sandro? 15:11:28 rrsagent, make logs public 15:11:42 HadleyBeeman has left #gld 15:40:31 danbri has joined #gld 16:47:09 PhilA has left #gld 17:21:49 Zakim has left #gld 18:46:38 danbri has joined #gld