20:58:37 RRSAgent has joined #svg 20:58:38 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/04/11-svg-irc 20:58:39 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:58:39 Zakim has joined #svg 20:58:41 Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG 20:58:41 ok, trackbot, I see GA_SVGWG(SVG1)5:00PM already started 20:58:42 Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference 20:58:42 Date: 11 April 2013 20:59:14 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2013AprJun/0056.html 20:59:31 Zakim, who is on the call? 20:59:31 On the phone I see no one 21:00:49 present+ ed, heycam 21:00:58 present+ dirk, brian 21:01:50 regrets+ thomas, cyril 21:02:10 present+ rich 21:02:20 Scribe: Cameron 21:02:22 ScribeNick: heycam 21:03:10 Topic: how to handle Document object 21:03:16 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2013AprJun/0015.html 21:03:55 richardschwerdtfeger: it appears that Gecko really has a full Document object 21:04:06 … they have a reduced one for SVGDocument but that has activeElement in it 21:04:13 … their version of Document has activeElement 21:04:18 … but the W3C standard does not 21:04:29 … what's the right answer for SVG? 21:04:35 present+ nikos 21:04:48 heycam: when you say the spec doesn't have activeElement which are you talking about? 21:04:48 chair: ed 21:04:50 richardschwerdtfeger: DOM4 21:05:03 … we sent a note to Anne, and he suggested using the HTML5 Document 21:06:09 heycam: the HTML5 Document interface augments the DOM one 21:07:59 richardschwerdtfeger: so HTML should define what activeElement means for all documents? 21:08:01 heycam: yes 21:08:53 krit: the HTML5 editors said that we should define the behaviour for SVG 21:09:01 … which I don't agree with 21:09:45 richardschwerdtfeger: when we have SVG as a standalone document, do we still want to use the HTML5 Document object? 21:09:57 … and still address activeElement etc.? 21:11:08 krit: yes 21:11:20 birtles: what about for standalone SVG viewers? 21:12:25 heycam: it's a good question 21:12:26 birtles: boris had two proposals 21:12:38 … one was to have SVG say for these implementations that they just implement activeElement from HTML 21:12:44 … the other was to move activeElement up to Document 21:13:05 s/up to Document/to DOM4/ 21:13:14 richardschwerdtfeger: Anne wasn't in favour of moving activeElement 21:13:40 richardschwerdtfeger: I'll work on it 21:13:46 Topic: telcon time 21:13:49 http://doodle.com/wsru9ykt2u8nqbin 21:14:17 ed: Chris wasn't super happy with any of these times, and I think Cyril didn't like the late times 21:14:34 … but if you look at everyone reponding here, the time that best fits everyone is Thursday 11pm in GMT+1 21:14:40 … the second column 21:15:25 ed: the only other option is to split the telcon in two 21:15:29 … have two separate times every other week 21:15:33 (I will abide by any times) 21:15:50 heycam: would it do the same topics? 21:16:02 s/the only other/another/ 21:16:03 krit: I don't think that's helpful 21:16:09 birtles: another possibility is half an hour earlier 21:16:13 … 10:30pm in Europe 21:16:41 heycam: so that would be 6:30am for me/Nikos, 5:30am for brian? 21:17:06 heycam: I could do that 21:17:12 ed: fine for me too 21:17:16 birtles: it might help, would have to ask them 21:18:16 got to drop. I will look at the minutes 21:18:34 heycam: how about we leave it at this current time, which is the one selected in the Doodle poll, and during the week ask Chris/Tav/Cyril to see if 30 mins earlier would help 21:18:46 ACTION: Cameron to mail public-svg-wg with 30 min earlier telcon proposal 21:18:46 Created ACTION-3485 - Mail public-svg-wg with 30 min earlier telcon proposal [on Cameron McCormack - due 2013-04-18]. 21:19:01 krit has joined #svg 21:19:23 Topic: SVG Integration 21:19:26 zakim, who is on the phone? 21:19:26 On the phone I see no one 21:20:03 Topic: Firefox unprefixing context-fill and context-stroke 21:20:27 scribenick: nikos 21:20:39 heycam: as part of the SVG in OpenType work 21:20:45 ... we originally had different names for these values 21:21:18 ... there was something like moz-object-fill and moz-object-stroke. We discussed in Switzerland and decided to go with ContextFill and ContextStroke 21:21:28 ... As part of the renaming work, Edwin is wondering if we can drop the prefixes 21:21:40 ... are people happy that the functionality of these won't change? 21:22:01 ... Currently they don't have an effect on other elements - e.g. markers 21:22:05 krit: can we have more time to review? 21:22:31 heycam: that's fine. The other alternative is to keep those values behind a pref - there is already a pref for the font support, we could place them behind that. 21:22:34 ... to avoid the problem 21:22:41 krit: Is it specified in SVG 2 or in the OT spec? 21:22:47 heycam: In SVG 2. 21:22:58 krit: I'm not sure if it is part of SVG 2 21:23:05 ... if you can use it in other places then maybe 21:23:06 https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/painting.html#SpecifyingPaint 21:23:19 heycam: there was an SVG requirement talked about before the font stuff 21:23:46 nikos: They'll be useful for use as well 21:23:54 krit: is it supported in FireFox already? 21:24:01 heycam: no 21:24:32 ... The plan is for them to also apply to marker 21:24:48 krit: I'm fine with it 21:26:43 Resolution: SVG working group don't want ContextFill and ContextStroke unprefixed in Mozilla yet, but behind a pref is ok. 21:27:09 Scribe: Cameron 21:27:13 ScribeNick: heycam 21:27:28 Topic: backpointing pointer-events:boundingBox from SVG 1.2T to SVG 2 21:27:29 ed: do we want this functionality in SVG 2? 21:27:32 … just adding this keyword 21:27:35 q+ 21:27:51 ed: the feature itself allows to more easily get pointer events on text 21:27:57 … but also for other shapes 21:28:02 ack 21:28:13 krit: what's the difference for text? 21:28:36 ed: I saw someone with lots of tspans, and the bbox of all those parts be clickable 21:28:43 … to avoid computing the rect that covers the whole thing 21:28:54 … and if the text changes, you have to recompute 21:29:09 … so this is telling the UA to automatically generate that clickable region from the bbox 21:29:48 krit: I think you've already got this behaviour with WebKit and Blink? 21:29:58 shepazu: there's a couple of different scenarios 21:30:13 … if the text is really large, and you want to click through the circle in the middle of the O 21:30:47 … so there's the glyph cell 21:30:57 … and then what if you have a really big line height 21:31:11 … do you want the space between the lines to respond to pointer events? 21:31:28 … those are two scenarios where you might want to control this 21:31:40 … there's already behaviour for making it not hittable, pointer-events:none 21:31:46 … there should be a way of getting these two different things 21:31:55 … (a) are the hole in the glyphs hit tested? 21:32:08 … (b) also with the line height 21:32:10 s/saw someone with/recently saw an example where someone had a that contained/ 21:32:19 … I don't think we should do any of this in SVG 2, we should push this forward as a CSS module 21:32:32 … it was removed from CSS UI 3, deferred to 4 21:32:39 … UI 3 hasn't had much progress 21:32:52 … I propose we find someone to do a hit testing for the web spec in CSS 21:32:56 … I have some notes on that 21:33:16 … and I propose that we do it in that spec, and not in SVG, although there might be SVG specific behaviour 21:33:33 krit: I spoke with Tantek and he says it'll be in CSS UI 4 21:33:45 shepazu: it was also going to be in 3 21:34:00 krit: the CSS WG didn't know how to solve some of the problems with it applying to HTML content 21:34:58 shepazu: so I'm proposing we defer this to some CSS spec 21:35:01 krit: I agree with that 21:35:15 shepazu: I think we should make this use case clear to the CSS WG so they can specify it similarly 21:35:30 ed: not just similarly, but with the exact same keywords 21:35:38 shepazu: I respect that 21:35:41 krit: we can special case anything 21:35:47 … but we should specify things in a general manner 21:36:40 heycam: I'm wondering whether this new value should be dash separated rather than camel case 21:36:50 ed: making this use case clear to CSS WG would be good 21:37:02 ACTION: Erik to talk to CSS WG about the use cases for pointer-events in SVG 21:37:02 Created ACTION-3486 - Talk to CSS WG about the use cases for pointer-events in SVG [on Erik Dahlström - due 2013-04-18]. 21:37:15 ed: does this spec exist yet? CSS UI 4? 21:37:19 krit: no, just talked about 21:38:58 Topic: SVG Integration 21:39:14 heycam: I moved the spec here https://svgwg.org/specs/integration/ 21:40:46 (see element table: https://svgwg.org/specs/integration/#svg-elements) 21:42:17 shepazu: it looks tidier, but it requires JS to interact/read the table 21:43:09 … we could have three different tables, one for each spec 21:43:13 … or maybe different subrows 21:44:15 … like you have with "For SVG 1.1", "For SVG 1.2T", ... 21:44:47 shepazu: you could, on top of that, have a script that hides and shows this presentation 21:45:11 … so why do we have this table in the first place? 21:45:14 … it's sort of a master table 21:45:27 … the motivation was that, at the time, Hixie wanted to white list certain SVG elements for the parser 21:46:30 … has that motivation gone by the wayside? 21:47:52 heycam: it might well have 21:48:04 … we did discuss not coming up new camelcase names from now on 21:48:22 shepazu: the Integration spec was intended for any other specs that reference SVG 21:48:32 … one of the motivations for making the spec in the first place, was I was on the ODF TC 21:48:55 … and there was a real sense at the time, that they'd be moving on to ODF.next any day now, and they wanted to fix the way they used SVG 21:49:19 … but ODF has lost steam, and I'm not convinced at this point that there's going to come along a similar thing that wants to reference SVG like that 21:49:33 … HTML has re-taken over, and I'm trying to think of other specs that want to reference SVG 21:49:39 … another one at the time was Widgets 21:49:57 … that spec wanted to reference SVG for icons, but not enable JS 21:50:16 … and I can see wanting to have a set of features that might be considered part of those individual profiles 21:50:22 s/profiles/referencing modes/ 21:50:46 … when thinking about the table, think about which of these features are enabled in which referencing mode 21:51:05 … if people are trying to make SVG just for Inkscape, static, or maybe static and animated but not with JS ... 21:51:25 … or if people are making a Filter that they upload to a website, should certain elements be restricted ... 21:51:34 … SVG Integration could be useful for defining these things 21:51:58 … that could make the use of SVG consistent 21:52:04 … across different applications 21:53:11 heycam: I think the spec needs to still exist 21:53:19 … I want to reference it from the fonts stuff 21:53:28 s/fonts/SVG OpenType Fonts/ 21:53:35 ed: I think it make sense to have a list of static elements, or elements that can reference things 21:53:43 … not sure how easy it would be to generate these tables 21:54:13 shepazu: if we decide upon a list of these things, we could simply have a or , and those classes could be colour coded 21:54:48 … to identify which things are allowed in which referencing mode 21:56:40 … as a way to not balloon out the table 21:56:52 … but we could also have the referencing mode sections list the allowed elements/attributes too 21:58:53 shepazu: we should go through the referencing modes to see if they're still accurate 21:59:08 … implementations do allow animations even though the "in " referencing mode doesn't allow it 21:59:25 birtles: for the use case we talked about on public-fx, an SVG avatar 21:59:32 … so you're including an SVG image from a third party site 21:59:45 … is it enough to say in that context that you can't use these elements and you can't have interactivity? 21:59:51 … you'd still need to do some content filtering 22:00:38 krit: I think this should be specified, it should not rely on the server filtering these things 22:00:45 … the browser implementations should enforce the modes 22:00:55 shepazu: there might be some things that are easier and some harder 22:01:08 … enforcing reasonable coordinate spaces is a harder one 22:01:29 birtles: if the content uses some feature in a way that makes the browser run slowly, is that something that should be specced? 22:01:38 shepazu: maybe it uses a whole bunch of clip paths for example 22:02:18 … I don't know if it's the kind of thing we should specify 22:02:37 ... I think at least for V1 we should worry just about the security problems 22:03:15 birtles: it's almost a security problem; someone can post a message to your forum with an avatar that has s with ridiculous values, and suddenly people can't read your page any more 22:04:25 shepazu: I'm going to take a stab at revising Integration to address the things we talked about 22:04:42 … and put in a section about element/attributes restrictions in different modes 22:05:18 shepazu: what if there were an attribute that could restrict these features? refmode='secure animated'? 22:05:42 heycam: sounds similar to iframe sandbox 22:05:47 ed: I think WICD had something like that too 22:06:02 … I think Opera implemented that at one point, but don't think it took off 22:07:21 s/it took off/the params part (for controlling interactivity/scripting etc) was much used/ 22:10:40 heycam: ping? 22:11:44 RRSAgent, make minutes 22:11:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/04/11-svg-minutes.html heycam 22:11:44 GA_SVGWG(SVG1)5:00PM has ended 22:11:45 Attendees were 22:12:13 present+ rik 22:12:18 RRSAgent, make minutes 22:12:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/04/11-svg-minutes.html heycam 22:13:31 glenn, pong 22:13:34 krit has joined #svg 22:14:10 could you comment on https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=114465#c3 22:14:47 there seems to be some misunderstanding about why a non-callback interface object is a Function object but a callback interface is not 22:15:08 intuitively one would think the converse holds 22:16:12 was there confusion between "callback interface" and "callable interface"? 22:16:34 callback interfaces never get reflected with interface objects on window 22:16:45 probably 22:17:01 anyway, if you could add a brief comment to that bug it would be helpful 22:17:04 sure 22:17:25 i can't say i have internalized the difference between callback interface and callable interface for that matter 22:22:46 I've commented, let me know if that makes sense 22:24:12 thanks, yes, that helps me at least, we'll see about Erik 22:25:20 cool 22:25:42 what's it, about 8am there? 22:26:10 cabanier has joined #svg 22:27:10 yeah coming up on 8:30 22:27:35 have a good weekend... cheers mate 23:02:46 birtles has joined #svg 23:08:47 cabanier1 has joined #svg 23:38:18 krit has joined #svg