IRC log of mlw-lt on 2013-03-27
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 12:50:54 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #mlw-lt
- 12:50:54 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 12:50:58 [fsasaki]
- meeting: MLW-LT WG
- 12:51:00 [fsasaki]
- chair: felix
- 12:51:18 [fsasaki]
- agenda:
- 12:52:05 [dF]
- dF has joined #mlw-lt
- 12:53:30 [fsasaki]
- present+ fsasaki
- 12:53:35 [fsasaki]
- topic: roll call
- 12:53:39 [fsasaki]
- checking attendance ...
- 12:53:43 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate fsasaki
- 12:54:00 [kfritsche]
- present+ Karl
- 12:54:09 [daveL]
- daveL has joined #mlw-lt
- 12:55:28 [dF]
- present+ dF
- 12:59:54 [Jirka]
- Jirka has joined #mlw-lt
- 13:00:07 [Jirka]
- present+ Jirka
- 13:00:23 [pnietoca]
- pnietoca has joined #mlw-lt
- 13:00:40 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate fsasaki
- 13:00:47 [pnietoca]
- present+ pnietoca
- 13:01:05 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate fsasaki
- 13:02:06 [leroy]
- leroy has joined #mlw-lt
- 13:02:50 [chriLi]
- chriLi has joined #mlw-lt
- 13:03:01 [chriLi]
- present+ chriLi
- 13:03:36 [fsasaki]
- present+ olaf-michael
- 13:03:45 [daveL]
- present+ daveLewis
- 13:04:05 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate fsasaki
- 13:04:22 [Yves_]
- Yves_ has joined #mlw-lt
- 13:04:35 [Yves_]
- present+ Yves
- 13:04:40 [leroy]
- leroy has joined #mlw-lt
- 13:04:40 [philr]
- philr has joined #mlw-lt
- 13:04:56 [philr]
- present+ philr
- 13:05:13 [daveL]
- present+ AnuarSerikov
- 13:05:29 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate fsasaki
- 13:05:37 [leroy]
- present+ leroy
- 13:06:03 [Jirka]
- scribe: Jirka
- 13:06:03 [fsasaki]
- scribe: Jirka
- 13:06:15 [fsasaki]
- 13:06:54 [Jirka]
- David ask for adding ISSUE-113 into agenda
- 13:06:59 [fsasaki]
- topic: Meeting time
- 13:07:08 [Jirka]
- Topic: Meeting time
- 13:07:52 [Ankit]
- Ankit has joined #mlw-lt
- 13:07:52 [philr]
- +1 for 13:00 on Wednesdays
- 13:07:55 [Jirka]
- Proposal is Wed, 2pm CET
- 13:08:08 [Ankit]
- present+ Ankit
- 13:09:09 [fsasaki]
- action: felix to write a mail about call time - 1 p.m. Irishi time, 2 pm CET
- 13:09:12 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-464 - Write a mail about call time - 1 p.m. Irishi time, 2 pm CET [on Felix Sasaki - due 2013-04-03].
- 13:09:27 [fsasaki]
- topic: Issues that need review
- 13:10:37 [kfritsche]
- 13:11:15 [fsasaki]
- 13:12:52 [Jirka]
- Dave volunteers to check issues 70-92
- 13:13:07 [Jirka]
- action: dave to check issues 70 to 92
- 13:13:08 [trackbot]
- Error finding 'dave'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
- 13:13:16 [Jirka]
- action: daveL to check issues 70 to 92
- 13:13:16 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-465 - Check issues 70 to 92 [on David Lewis - due 2013-04-03].
- 13:14:10 [Jirka]
- action: Jirka to check issues 100 to 121
- 13:14:10 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-466 - Check issues 100 to 121 [on Jirka Kosek - due 2013-04-03].
- 13:14:18 [fsasaki]
- topic: regex for allowed characters
- 13:14:26 [Jirka]
- 13:14:44 [fsasaki]
- 13:15:12 [fsasaki]
- 13:15:32 [fsasaki]
- 13:15:57 [Jirka]
- Pablo was assigned to this issue instead of Shaun
- 13:16:29 [fsasaki]
- topic: comments related to "domain"
- 13:16:44 [fsasaki]
- 13:17:22 [fsasaki]
- close issue-75
- 13:17:23 [trackbot]
- Closed ISSUE-75 Comments related to "domain".
- 13:17:26 [Jirka]
- Issue-75 can be closed
- 13:17:43 [leroy_]
- leroy_ has joined #mlw-lt
- 13:17:58 [fsasaki]
- topic: standoff direction
- 13:18:00 [Clemens]
- Clemens has joined #mlw-lt
- 13:18:08 [fsasaki]
- 13:18:11 [Clemens]
- present +Clemens
- 13:18:30 [fsasaki]
- close issue-120
- 13:18:30 [trackbot]
- Closed ISSUE-120 standoff direction.
- 13:18:35 [leroy_]
- leroy_ has joined #mlw-lt
- 13:18:44 [fsasaki]
- topic: provenance in HTML needed globally?
- 13:19:05 [fsasaki]
- 13:19:27 [leroy]
- leroy has joined #mlw-lt
- 13:19:33 [pnietoca]
- 13:19:40 [fsasaki]
- 13:20:33 [Jirka]
- Felix: should we fix spec or testsuite?
- 13:20:53 [fsasaki]
- 13:20:59 [fsasaki]
- (three implementations for html global)
- 13:21:24 [Jirka]
- DaveL: As we already have implementations we should align spec.
- 13:21:50 [Yves_]
- +1 to change the spec
- 13:22:03 [philr]
- +1 to change spec
- 13:22:06 [fsasaki]
- action: felix to make change for issue-123
- 13:22:06 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-467 - Make change for issue-123 [on Felix Sasaki - due 2013-04-03].
- 13:22:07 [pnietoca]
- +1 to change the spec
- 13:22:22 [fsasaki]
- topic: need of its:version at standoff markup?
- 13:22:30 [fsasaki]
- 13:23:13 [fsasaki]
- 13:23:45 [fsasaki]
- 13:23:56 [fsasaki]
- <its:provenanceRecords xml:id="pr2" xmlns:its="" version="2.0">
- 13:27:25 [fsasaki]
- 13:27:39 [fsasaki]
- 13:28:43 [fsasaki]
- jirka: allow version attribute on standoff elements in XML
- 13:28:47 [Yves_]
- mmm but the parsers see the content of script as XML so the version should be there
- 13:28:57 [fsasaki]
- .. be silent about what to do in HTML, because such attributes are ignored in HTML
- 13:29:37 [fsasaki]
- jirka: this is for XML parser, but the HTML parser will see content of script as a string
- 13:30:06 [Yves_]
- yes as Felix described
- 13:30:35 [fsasaki]
- jirka: add the version attribute to standoff element in spec, and remove them from HTML examples
- 13:30:43 [Yves_]
- fine with me