IRC log of html-media on 2013-03-26

Timestamps are in UTC.

15:07:56 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #html-media
15:07:56 [RRSAgent]
logging to
15:07:58 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
15:08:00 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be 63342
15:08:00 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see HTML_WG()11:00AM scheduled to start 8 minutes ago
15:08:01 [trackbot]
Meeting: HTML Media Task Force Teleconference
15:08:01 [trackbot]
Date: 26 March 2013
15:08:08 [johnsim]
zakim, who is on the phone?
15:08:08 [Zakim]
I notice HTML_WG()11:00AM has restarted
15:08:09 [Zakim]
On the phone I see glenn, johnsim, Bin, [IPcaller], ddorwin, pladd, joesteele, Plh, markw, +1.425.868.aacc, MartinSoukup, BobLund, adrianba
15:08:10 [Zakim]
15:08:16 [Zakim]
15:08:20 [adrianba]
15:08:24 [pal]
pal has joined #html-media
15:08:25 [Zakim]
15:08:26 [plh]
scribe: plh
15:08:33 [Zakim]
15:09:02 [johnsim]
zakim, who is on the phone?
15:09:02 [Zakim]
On the phone I see glenn, johnsim, Bin, [IPcaller], ddorwin, pladd, joesteele, Plh (muted), +1.425.868.aacc, MartinSoukup, BobLund, adrianba, Aaron_Colwell, pal, ??P39
15:09:19 [Zakim]
15:09:39 [adrianba]
zakim, aacc is jdsmith
15:09:39 [Zakim]
+jdsmith; got it
15:09:40 [markw]
Zakim, +??P9 is me
15:09:41 [Zakim]
sorry, markw, I do not recognize a party named '+??P9'
15:09:47 [plh]
Present+ Henri
15:09:52 [markw]
Zakim, ??P9 is me
15:09:52 [Zakim]
+markw; got it
15:10:01 [adrianba]
zakim, who is on the phone?
15:10:01 [Zakim]
On the phone I see glenn, johnsim, Bin, [IPcaller], ddorwin, pladd, joesteele, Plh (muted), jdsmith, MartinSoukup, BobLund, adrianba, Aaron_Colwell, pal, ??P39, markw
15:10:31 [johnsim]
zakim, ??3P9 is markw
15:10:31 [Zakim]
sorry, johnsim, I do not recognize a party named '??3P9'
15:10:37 [plh]
Topic: previous minutes
15:10:43 [plh]
15:10:44 [johnsim]
zakim, ??P39 is markw
15:10:44 [Zakim]
+markw; got it
15:10:51 [plh]
minutes are approved
15:10:59 [plh]
Topic: Action items
15:11:10 [plh]
15:11:13 [Zakim]
+ +1.720.279.aadd
15:11:16 [plh]
15:11:16 [trackbot]
ACTION-10 -- Adrian Bateman to discuss bug 19208 with johnsim -- due 2013-04-08 -- OPEN
15:11:16 [trackbot]
15:11:21 [glenn]
zakim, [IPCaller] is hsivonen
15:11:21 [Zakim]
+hsivonen; got it
15:12:11 [plh]
15:12:17 [plh]
Keymessage event not needed when Key System already has Key
15:12:19 [adrianba]
Keymessage event not needed when Key System already has Key
15:12:32 [plh]
Adrian: John and I talked about it last week
15:12:38 [plh]
... need a bit more time
15:13:00 [plh]
... the proposal we'll make is related to a discussion we had a few weeks ago avbout the lifetime of a session
15:13:10 [plh]
... there are some suggestions we want to make about session management
15:13:17 [plh]
... different from what the spec is suggesting at the momnet
15:13:18 [joesteele]
15:13:28 [plh]
... so we'll need to come back on this
15:13:31 [plh]
ack joe
15:13:49 [plh]
Joe: I did update a related bug...
15:13:58 [plh]
... [never mind]
15:14:03 [joesteele]
15:14:24 [plh]
Topic: Baseline documents
15:14:30 [plh]
Adrian: those are just links
15:14:47 [plh]
... no update since the previous discussion
15:15:22 [jasonlforbes]
jasonlforbes has joined #html-media
15:15:32 [plh]
... not sure where the Chairs are at for the moment
15:15:40 [plh]
... waiting on feeback from Paul
15:15:57 [plh]
plh: I don't know the status from the Chairs point of view either
15:16:13 [plh]
Topic: Progression to FPWD
15:16:17 [plh]
Adrian: see above
15:16:31 [plh]
Topic: Discussion of outstanding bugs
15:16:38 [plh]
15:16:38 [adrianba]
15:16:46 [plh]
Adrian: David made a proposal
15:17:26 [adrianba]
15:17:30 [plh]
15:17:36 [adrianba]
SessionID may be assigned asynchronously in MediaKeys.createSession
15:18:01 [plh]
Mark: we already have a mention that the sessionID may be assigned by the CDM
15:18:14 [plh]
... we want it to be async
15:18:35 [plh]
... so the sessionId might not be assigned when the MediaKeySession
15:18:45 [plh]
... you'll get it on the first event instead
15:18:55 [MartinSoukup]
+1 to require assignment of session ID prior to event firing
15:19:07 [plh]
?: is there proposed language?
15:19:12 [plh]
Mark: not yet
15:19:39 [adrianba]
15:19:54 [glenn]
s/when the MediaKeySession/when the MediaKeys.createSession returns/
15:19:59 [plh]
Martin: I understand that the proposal that the sessionId might be assigned before the first event
15:20:02 [plh]
Mark: that's right
15:20:33 [plh]
Adrian: this might be related that John and I have an action on
15:20:55 [plh]
... if you already have the information about the keys in the init state, that might have an impact on when the sessionId gets set
15:21:12 [ddorwin]
15:21:15 [plh]
Mark: right, you want to do that async. the spec implies otherwise at the moment
15:21:22 [plh]
ack dd
15:21:58 [plh]
David: if we do go to reusing sessions, then we would already have the info.
15:22:12 [plh]
Adrian: should there be a serie of events that fire before the progress event
15:22:18 [plh]
... that reuse MSE
15:22:34 [plh]
... we could have an event that fires that says that the session is open and running
15:23:00 [plh]
... if Mark proposal is before the first event, that would mesh with any proposal we would make about progress event
15:23:18 [plh]
John: the important part is that we make it async
15:23:26 [plh]
... we can figure out the relationship later
15:23:58 [plh]
15:24:10 [plh]
EME should be explicit about its relationship with Web Platform APIs that allow video frames and audio samples to be extracted from an HTMLMediaElement
15:25:05 [plh]
Henri: it seems there are at least two classes of CDMs. one that gives the pixel data back to the browser, and one that gives it to the GPU
15:25:26 [plh]
... for the later, painting on canvas wouldn't work
15:25:53 [plh]
... for the former, it seems we wouldn't want it to work either
15:26:05 [plh]
... we need to be more explicit about the expected behavior
15:26:11 [plh]
... ie we should cover both cases
15:26:26 [plh]
... if you're writing JS, you should be able to know the expected by looking at the spec
15:26:33 [joesteele]
15:26:37 [plh]
ack joe
15:27:08 [plh]
Joe: agreed. I propose that we never pass back the data to the JS layer
15:27:15 [glenn]
15:27:23 [ddorwin]
15:27:24 [plh]
... that would introduce too much complexity to the CDM layer
15:27:27 [pal]
15:27:31 [plh]
... so let's not have that use case
15:27:51 [plh]
Glenn: what API currently exist to allow video frame access?
15:28:10 [plh]
Henri: pixels can be extracted using canvas. not quite sure about the Web Audio API
15:28:11 [adrianba]
15:28:27 [plh]
15:28:47 [plh]
... there are restrictions on canvas due to same origin policy
15:29:10 [pal]
15:29:24 [plh]
... it seems simpler to say that painting to a canvas with a non-null media key fails in some fashion
15:29:27 [acolwell] allows audio samples to be exported to JS
15:29:27 [markw]
15:29:44 [plh]
Glenn: you're referring to createPattern?
15:29:45 [adrianba]
drawImage ->
15:29:59 [pal]
15:30:06 [adrianba]
15:30:12 [adrianba]
ack glenn
15:30:13 [plh]
ack gl
15:30:17 [plh]
ack dd