18:17:28 RRSAgent has joined #dnte 18:17:28 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/02/11-dnte-irc 18:18:33 dwainberg has joined #dnte 18:18:51 rigo has joined #dnte 18:21:57 wseltzer has joined #dnte 18:28:47 fielding has joined #dnte 18:35:09 npdoty has joined #dnte 18:40:13 RichardatcomScore_ has joined #dnte 18:40:25 hwest has joined #dnte 18:40:39 Hey all - waiting on the phone connection before we get started 18:43:38 Anyone on the phone? 18:44:36 tlr has joined #dnte 18:44:45 zakim, call thomas-skype 18:44:45 sorry, tlr, I don't know what conference this is 18:44:56 zakim, this will be conf5 18:44:56 ok, tlr; I see Team_(dnte)18:30Z scheduled to start 14 minutes ago 18:44:59 zakim, who is on the phone? 18:44:59 Team_(dnte)18:30Z has not yet started, tlr 18:45:00 On IRC I see tlr, hwest, RichardatcomScore_, npdoty, fielding, wseltzer, rigo, RRSAgent, Zakim 18:45:04 zakim, call thomas-skype 18:45:04 ok, tlr; the call is being made 18:45:06 Team_(dnte)18:30Z has now started 18:45:06 +Thomas 18:45:32 we can do skype if there's anybody remote. 18:45:37 Right now, I'm not sure there is anybody 18:46:38 RRSAgent, set log public 18:46:45 RRSAgent, pointer? 18:46:45 See http://www.w3.org/2013/02/11-dnte-irc#T18-46-45 18:47:02 Team_(dnte)18:30Z has ended 18:47:03 Attendees were Thomas 18:47:10 RvE: red orange and green logs 18:47:24 zakim, move TRACK to here 18:47:25 ok, tlr; that matches Team_(dnt)15:30Z 18:47:29 zakim, who is on the phone? 18:47:29 On the phone I see MIT-Star, Jonathan_Mayer 18:47:34 red have lots of identifying and precious information e.g. TomTom with geolocation stuff in it 18:47:51 tlr has changed the topic to: please use zakim code TRACK to dial into this room 18:48:25 in TomTom, they had id and changed it to pseudonymous ID within 24 hours you could translate and after 24 hours, they will break that link 18:48:45 +tlr 18:48:54 unlink data and maintain data that can be only de-identified on behavioral patterns 18:49:01 -tlr 18:49:04 so 1/ de-identification 18:49:20 Anyone on the phone? 18:49:21 2/ and manage the risk of re-identification 18:49:30 zakim, who is here? 18:49:30 On the phone I see MIT-Star, Jonathan_Mayer 18:49:31 On IRC I see tlr, hwest, RichardatcomScore_, npdoty, fielding, wseltzer, rigo, RRSAgent, Zakim 18:50:29 wanted to have speed average information in aggregate, did not want to throw data away 18:50:53 +tlr 18:50:54 SW: de-identification being bundled, technical operational and administrative 18:51:01 -tlr 18:51:42 === 18:52:32 RvE: de-identification by ?? In order to have it work. Can only work if the time the link is active is limited. To get from orange to green you have to de-link it 18:53:16 ... if you want to list all the people used, it will get very difficult. Establish de-identification by throwing away the SALT 18:53:59 ... wanted to proove that red-orange-green works well. Full URI == red 18:54:19 ... URI + link to identifiable data == orange 18:54:31 ... throw away the link == green 18:55:41 JeffWilson (JW): did you do final analysis and result 18:55:45 +[Nielsen] 18:56:00 RvE: did so after investigation, was able to quantify the risk, risk was low 18:56:11 peterswire has joined #dnte 18:57:07 rrsagent, make record world 19:00:58 SW: APEC most stringent things in Japan and South Korea. Most what we discuss would satisfy APEC 19:01:05 rvaneijk has joined #dnte 19:02:17 RW: so finding consensus on something that satisfies Art. 29 would allow us to play everywhere 19:02:37 SW: yes, would have worded it differently, we have to try to find common ground 19:03:24 RvE: color scheme, green is mostly unintersting to DPA as normally also accompagnied with safeguards 19:04:07 HW: hashing throw away the SALT, how often should the SALT be rotated? 19:04:45 RvE: if you do not throw away the SALT, it remains in orange 19:05:21 BillScannell____ has joined #dnte 19:05:30 SW: as soon as you break the SALT to chunks. In the chunks we do not want to be prescriptive. 19:05:41 RvE: agree, depends on the purposes of processing 19:10:37 RW: what does that mean? 19:11:17 Jeff: all contextual as to what the right period here would be or when something carries personal information 19:12:03 FW: only for permitted uses, we have already identified concrete purposes there. Can have different things. Web analytics could be days, some traffic measures need less 19:12:15 peterswire has joined #dnte 19:12:34 HW: recapitulates discussion to peterswire 19:14:29 SW: we haven't created consensus on security. There we can not do de-identification. There retention periods are longer and not de-identify 19:15:05 ... there you would rely on technical operational and administrative measures 19:17:30 rob: if you want to store data because you're worreid about click fraud 19:17:38 it would be good to just store the data you need 19:17:48 Rob: look at history of data retentio ndirective in EU 19:17:55 there was long discussion about what was necssary to retain 19:17:59 and it was separate from how long 19:18:19 rob the whole question of you acutally need to accomplish your goal is a relevant one 19:18:35 what i don;t hear in the dnt discussion often is taking account what i really need to acomplish that 19:18:50 Jeff: Rigo mentioned AOL data incident 19:18:56 there was small number of people xposed with a data set that large 19:19:04 RvE: Security is not a green card to do whatever. Clickfraud e.g. long discussion about data retention Directive showed that we needed for 6month - 3years. Relevant discussion. Real need and necessity for security data collection should be discussed 19:19:15 Even PHI released for public analsis and research is a higher treshold 19:19:34 I want to make sure that if we're saying that there is something to learn, that it was far under the radar 19:19:41 that should count as deidentified data. 19:19:58 Rigo - m,y point is procedural. 19:20:14 Theoretically in the fufutrre decrypting could take one sefcond 19:20:27 the standard we are doing can't provide this - we can only have a momentarily how to fix this for now 19:20:30 so that it's workable 19:20:36 because we are having in my opinion 19:20:47 we are sitting between 2 extremes - do nothing and run the cart in the wall 19:20:53 how do you do usable privacy with concrete technical hints 19:21:08 You need to go into the red-tape field and ask technicians 19:21:20 our client is the average website provider 19:21:22 fwagner has joined #dnte 19:21:39 I'm concerned that we identify rules that requre certification, then that's the end of it 19:21:42 Shane - I agree 19:21:47 with that sentiment 19:21:51 deID is not a simnply problem. 19:22:12 All concepts of DeID - we have today's staet where there is none. Typically, small to medium size comapnies don't know what to do with that 19:22:22 They don't try to address the data 19:22:26 They probably don't even know what they have 19:22:43 Asking them to rotate keys, do admin controls, etc. - small companies won't know what dto do 19:22:50 They can just delete the data. 19:22:56 They can choose not ot implement DNT 19:23:02 peterswire has joined #dnte 19:23:04 or I do think that this will spawn a new bujsiness and there will be fcompanies 19:23:14 that igve you a server plugin that will do deidentification for server users 19:23:21 I think it's iomportant to keep small and medium size businesses in mind 19:23:51 Rigo - we have a good ujnderstanding of what we could do 19:24:04 I would, on the risk of creating some kind of error, I would compare this to envrionemnt moment 19:24:09 where 30 years ago they were laughed at 19:24:14 and today this creates a billion dollar business. 19:24:27 If we are laying boudnaries for businesses, we should be aware of it. This should be workable for businesses. 19:24:43 Shane - we have Small Biz at Yahoo 19:24:50 we host hundreds of thousands of sites today 19:25:07 There are store systems, payment systems, etc. 19:25:29 Rigo - where is the pain point 19:25:36 Heather - The pain wil lbe around waht is appropriate 19:26:05 Let's note down that we have agreement on Rob's plan - w 19:26:12 we needto drill down on Rob's approach for three color plan 19:26:16 Heather - we need more context 19:26:27 Rigo - we can go to the main grroup about Rob's appraoch 19:26:42 We think this as an approach that coudl be supported 19:26:57 the trouble is now defining how the links would be cosntructed - how they would be thrown away. 19:27:03 How is the risk assesment done? 19:27:09 Heather - i would go further 19:27:21 For now, we can work with the hash, throw away the salt technical mechanism, 19:27:28 we shoujld talk about thje policy 19:27:49 Rigo - I am against that because once you get a tech solution that everyone agrees to, policy people will bicker and wash away the tech side 19:28:13 Heather - in my mind, we are here to ediscuss the policy stuff 19:28:18 talk through the definitions 19:28:28 'if we are going to address lifetime browisng histroy, then what is the policy that shoudl be implemented 19:28:39 Becaues otherwise, there will be differences 19:28:47 Rob - it's about accountability - 19:28:53 RvE: time is accountability 19:29:45 Shane - a lot of people see DeIDed and delinked to be the same 19:29:47 SW: don' t like colors, need new names 19:29:51 depends on your definitoion 19:30:03 => discussion on names for the three buckets we have 19:30:06 Rob - there is a misconception in the US about what is anonymous and pseudonymous 19:30:28 RvE: we should not talk about anonymous/pseudonymous 19:30:36 stage 1 /2/ 3/ 19:30:59 JW: raw, transition, de-identified 19:34:54 red == raw data 19:36:28 orange == obfuscated 19:37:45 green == de-identified (that includes de-identified event data and completely aggregated data) 19:38:20 orange still change 19:40:55 line between orange and green is whether it is still considered personal data anymore. If re-identification is too hard, it goes green 19:41:08 schunter has joined #dnte 19:42:16 red: all of data of red exists also in orange, replace all identifiers with a lookup table. In rotating hash with SALT as orange. You still have the knowledge of SALT and key. Can link in your domain 19:43:08 Ok, so raw event data -> managed data -> deidentified data 19:44:00 orange == managed data 19:48:16 managed data: all characteristics of raw plus some new 19:49:00 -Jonathan_Mayer 19:49:43 JW: we could have permitted uses depending on what kind of data is the object. So Security should remain raw. Once it is managed, change requirements 19:50:03 Is anyone on the phone? 19:51:51 zakim, who is here? 19:51:51 On the phone I see MIT-Star, [Nielsen] 19:51:53 On IRC I see schunter, fwagner, BillScannell____, rvaneijk, tlr, hwest, RichardatcomScore_, npdoty, fielding, wseltzer, rigo, RRSAgent, Zakim 19:53:03 RvE: start with raw. managed, de-identified and then talk about permitted uses 19:53:17 rrsagent, please draft minutes 19:53:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/02/11-dnte-minutes.html rigo 19:54:05 q? 19:55:57 Rigo: Several axes - one is time and one is restrictions and one is sensitivity 19:56:07 Rigo: The more sensitive it is, the more restrictions we apply. 19:58:36 SW: managed means striping 19:58:48 RW: what stripping is not clear yet 20:00:06 peterswire has joined #dnte 20:03:02 HW: some data will remain high level (gives scoring example) 20:03:18 RvE: this is augmentation of identity data 20:06:25 RW: We have a rather clear understanding of raw and de-identified, but we have a range of possibilities and hash them out 20:11:47 JW: orange data could be stripped to have it less rich than the raw data you got. 20:11:56 rrsagent, please draft minutes 20:11:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/02/11-dnte-minutes.html rigo 20:12:31 fwagner has joined #dnte 20:17:02 + +1.215.480.aakk - is perhaps WaltM_Comcast 20:18:21 -WaltM_Comcast 20:18:53 + +1.215.480.aall - is perhaps WaltM_Comcast 20:19:39 -WaltM_Comcast 20:20:00 +Fielding 20:20:14 + +1.215.480.aamm - is perhaps WaltM_Comcast 20:20:51 Team_(dnt)15:30Z has been moved to #dnt by fielding 20:56:01 peterswire has joined #dnte 20:57:51 fwagner has joined #dnte 21:16:49 schunter has joined #dnte 21:33:15 schunter has joined #dnte 21:38:52 rrsagent, draft minutes 21:38:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/02/11-dnte-minutes.html tlr 21:54:27 peterswire has joined #dnte 22:04:56 schunter has joined #dnte 22:06:36 Zakim has left #dnte 22:13:33 rrsagent, bye 22:13:33 I see no action items