22:00:01 RRSAgent has joined #webappsec 22:00:02 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/01/29-webappsec-irc 22:00:04 ekr has joined #webappsec 22:00:17 zakim, who is here? 22:00:17 sorry, ekr, I don't know what conference this is 22:00:19 On IRC I see ekr, RRSAgent, Zakim, nilemato_, gopal, jeffh, erlend, gmaone, rrware, abresee, bhill2, bhill, mkwst_, tobie, timeless, yoav, trackbot, caribou 22:00:28 zakim, this is 92794 22:00:28 ok, bhill; that matches SEC_WASWG()5:00PM 22:00:33 zakim, who is here? 22:00:33 On the phone I see abresee, +1.650.488.aaaa, ekr_, bhill2 22:00:34 On IRC I see ekr, RRSAgent, Zakim, neil, gopal, jeffh, erlend, gmaone, rrware, abresee, bhill2, bhill, mkwst_, tobie, timeless, yoav, trackbot, caribou 22:01:05 + +358.718.00aabb 22:01:14 +??P10 22:01:32 zakim, aaaa is mkwst 22:01:32 +mkwst; got it 22:01:35 +??P8 22:01:42 Zakim, ??P10 is gmaone 22:01:42 +gmaone; got it 22:01:45 + +1.866.317.aacc 22:01:54 jimio has joined #webappsec 22:01:57 zakim, aacc is jeffh 22:01:57 +jeffh; got it 22:02:02 Meeting: WebAppSec Teleconference, January 29, 2013 22:02:04 -??P8 22:02:07 Chair: ekr, bhill2 22:02:09 + +1.260.226.aadd 22:02:11 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webappsec/2013Jan/0053.html 22:02:17 Scribe: Brad Hill 22:02:22 Scribenick: bhill2 22:02:36 zakim, aadd is neil 22:02:36 zakim, who is here? 22:02:37 +neil; got it 22:02:37 On the phone I see abresee, mkwst, ekr_, bhill2, +358.718.00aabb, gmaone, jeffh, neil 22:02:37 On IRC I see jimio, ekr, RRSAgent, Zakim, neil, gopal, jeffh, erlend, gmaone, rrware, abresee, bhill2, bhill, mkwst_, tobie, timeless, yoav, trackbot, caribou 22:02:42 + +1.503.712.aaee 22:02:48 +??P8 22:02:51 zakim, aaee is rrware 22:02:51 +rrware; got it 22:02:58 zakim, ??P8 is erlend 22:02:58 +erlend; got it 22:03:33 + +1.415.426.aaff 22:03:48 zakim, aaff is jimio 22:03:48 +jimio; got it 22:05:19 bhill2: Minutes up since yesterday 22:05:25 Objections to approving minutes? 22:05:51 gopal has joined #webappsec 22:06:04 anyone else having poor audio reception? 22:06:30 ekr: actually link to Dec 18 minutes is broken 22:06:31 +[IPcaller] 22:06:44 ekr: any additions to agenda? http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webappsec/2013Jan/0053.html 22:07:19 CORS is now at CR 22:08:18 bhill2: need to add test cases for 308 status code, currently only implemented in FF 22:08:23 bhill2: before we go to PR 22:08:27 ekr: next: tracker 22:08:35 http://www.w3.org/2011/webappsec/track/ 22:09:11 ISSUE-15 : http://www.w3.org/2011/webappsec/track/issues/15 22:09:11 Notes added to ISSUE-15 How to handle srcdoc, blob:, di: and ways of directly creating content. 22:09:25 +[Mozilla] 22:10:12 http://www.w3.org/2011/webappsec/minutes/webappsec-minutes-18-Dec-2012.html 404's for me (?) 22:11:04 ACTION abarth to raise ISSUE-15 on the mailing list 22:11:04 Created ACTION-115 - Raise ISSUE-15 on the mailing list [on Adam Barth - due 2013-02-05]. 22:11:19 Associate ACTION-115 with ISSUE-15 22:11:19 ACTION-115 (Raise ISSUE-15 on the mailing list) associated with ISSUE-15. 22:12:07 dveditz has joined #webappsec 22:12:20 Zakim, who is here 22:12:20 dveditz, you need to end that query with '?' 22:12:25 Zakim, who is here? 22:12:25 On the phone I see abresee, mkwst, ekr_, bhill2, +358.718.00aabb, gmaone, jeffh, neil, rrware, erlend, jimio, [IPcaller], [Mozilla] 22:12:28 On IRC I see dveditz, gopal, jimio, ekr, RRSAgent, Zakim, neil, jeffh, erlend, gmaone, rrware, abresee, bhill2, bhill, mkwst_, tobie, timeless, yoav, trackbot, caribou 22:12:37 tanvi has joined #webappsec 22:12:40 Zakim, IPcaller is dveditz 22:12:40 +dveditz; got it 22:12:48 Zakim, who is here? 22:12:48 On the phone I see abresee, mkwst, ekr_, bhill2, +358.718.00aabb, gmaone, jeffh, neil, rrware, erlend, jimio, dveditz, [Mozilla] 22:12:51 On IRC I see tanvi, dveditz, gopal, jimio, ekr, RRSAgent, Zakim, neil, jeffh, erlend, gmaone, rrware, abresee, bhill2, bhill, mkwst_, tobie, timeless, yoav, trackbot, caribou 22:13:19 Zakim, [Mozilla] is tanvi_and_imelven 22:13:19 +tanvi_and_imelven; got it 22:13:28 imelven has joined #webappsec 22:14:01 bhill2: action 91 proposed as part of joint F2F at PayPal week of April 24-27, will resolve with email to list 22:15:06 action 94 - mkwest just proposed something to the list, will keep open until replies there 22:15:06 Error finding '94'. You can review and register nicknames at . 22:16:07 dveditz: is anyone actually still interested in policy-uri? 22:16:14 mkwest: should probably ask on the list 22:17:13 re: 101, part of blob of updates to do to test environment 22:17:29 mkwest: 102 not done yet, hope to have done soon 22:18:35 re: 105, bhill to move due-date out, not needed until new WD of UI Security 22:18:46 mkwst: re 106, text just sent out to the list 22:19:47 re: 107, relevant to testing of UI Security, not done yet by bhill 22:20:47 re: 109, may need to be raised to list 22:20:53 mkwst: yes, META in general needs work 22:21:28 Sent http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webappsec/2013Jan/0045.html to the list 22:23:57 + +1.415.832.aagg 22:24:18 puhley has joined #webappsec 22:26:43 mkwest: issue 33, vaguely remember doing something like that 22:27:44 remaining issues are depenent on bhill to assign appropriate actions to abarth to raise on list 22:27:54 Topic: violation types for default-src 22:28:00 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webappsec/2013Jan/0036.html 22:28:39 neil: in violation reports, we could not tell what the violation was because it was triggered under default-src 22:29:07 mkwest: that makes sense, we should give you the granularity, default-src is same as creating multiple directives, I will update the spec if nobody objects 22:29:28 ACTION mkwst to update CSP 1.1 spec to indicate violation type for default-src violations 22:29:28 Error finding 'mkwst'. You can review and register nicknames at . 22:29:31 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webappsec/2013Jan/0034.html 22:29:36 mwest2 22:29:53 ACTION mwest2 to update CSP 1.1 spec to indicate violation type for default-src violations 22:29:53 Created ACTION-116 - Update CSP 1.1 spec to indicate violation type for default-src violations [on Mike West - due 2013-02-05]. 22:30:19 Topic: CSP and HSTS breaking http src URIs 22:30:21 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webappsec/2013Jan/0034.html 22:30:46 imelvin: just an issue to be aware of, HSTS creates implicit redirects 22:31:01 imelvin: proposal at Mozilla that http sources implicitly also include same source as https 22:31:45 imelvin: if a site turns on HSTS, your resource using http sources in CSP will stop working 22:33:11 bhill: previously leaving out the scheme implied automatic upgrades possible 22:33:39 bhill: but now that we support paths, we may want to re-visit auto-upgrade policy since src URIs now require a scheme to be well-formed 22:34:29 dveditz: if there are redirects, you want the failure, HSTS is an implicit redirect without the initial request 22:34:59 (was that Jim?) 22:35:01 yes 22:35:12 (i think) 22:35:20 yeah, 'twas me 22:35:25 jimio: we use both CSP and HSTS at Twitter, we never want to allow overrides of HSTS, we want CSP to break 22:35:32 jeffh: yes, that is my concern as well 22:35:41 jeffh: probably worth mentioning this scenario in the CSP spec 22:36:09 ACTION mwest2 to mention HSTS in implementation note as a reason things might stop working 22:36:09 Created ACTION-117 - Mention HSTS in implementation note as a reason things might stop working [on Mike West - due 2013-02-05]. 22:36:20 dveditz: there are other reasons for the same 22:36:22 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webappsec/2013Jan/0045.html 22:37:38 dveditz: cannot comment before trying to implement, will take Giorgio's experience since he has 22:38:33 bhill: defaults seem sane for what we (PayPal) would want to set, can refine as we have more impls and test cases 22:39:26 ekr: any objections to this? does it seem reasonable? 22:39:27 puhley has joined #webappsec 22:39:35 dveditz: seems reasonable, can't commit until we try it 22:39:45 ekr: any schedule for implementations? 22:39:57 dveditz: no idea when we will get to this, will require arguing with lots of people 22:39:58 http://www.w3.org/TR/UISafety/ 22:40:43 ekr: issue 2 asks whether we should be allowed to have multiple values in Frame-Options directive? 22:41:03 dveditz: when we had original frame-ancestors, we allowed multiple values from the beginning 22:42:40 bhill: concern was about large lists of sites (from Tobias and David Ross) 22:42:53 bhill: but CSP already has parsers to handle multiple values 22:43:13 dveditz: multiple values also allows nested iframes in a more comprehensive value 22:43:35 dveditz: not enough list discussion, this call should be to ratify discussions that take place in a less time-constrained fashion 22:44:05 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webappsec/2013Jan/0044.html 22:44:06 ACTION bhill2 to email list on UISecurity issue 2 - multiple values for Frame-Options ALLOW FROM 22:44:06 Created ACTION-118 - Email list on UISecurity issue 2 - multiple values for Frame-Options ALLOW FROM [on Brad Hill - due 2013-02-05]. 22:45:08 I stepped out for a second, did I miss 22:37 - 22:40 Line #s in CSP reports only for same-origin, CORS? 22:45:22 any other topics? 22:45:39 imelvin: what about line numbers in CSP violations? 22:45:48 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webappsec/2013Jan/0004.html 22:46:26 -erlend 22:46:42 that wasn't me actually :) 22:47:04 puhley has joined #webappsec 22:47:05 mkwst: in WebKit we are currently stripping out GET parameters 22:47:29 dveditz: concerned about sending content/context, that's a cross-origin data leak 22:47:38 dveditz: but line numbers should be ok 22:47:48 who was just speaking? 22:47:55 that's neil 22:48:13 neil: original concern was line numbers for in-line scripts to get some context where it is happening 22:48:23 -jeffh 22:48:25 -ekr_ 22:48:27 -jimio 22:48:27 -mkwst 22:48:28 -neil 22:48:32 -dveditz 22:48:34 ACTION mwest2 to update CSP 1.1 to indicate line number reports for in-line scripts 22:48:34 Created ACTION-119 - Update CSP 1.1 to indicate line number reports for in-line scripts [on Mike West - due 2013-02-05]. 22:48:35 -tanvi_and_imelven 22:48:39 zakim, list attendees 22:48:39 As of this point the attendees have been abresee, +1.650.488.aaaa, ekr_, bhill2, +358.718.00aabb, mkwst, gmaone, +1.866.317.aacc, jeffh, +1.260.226.aadd, neil, +1.503.712.aaee, 22:48:43 ... rrware, erlend, +1.415.426.aaff, jimio, dveditz, tanvi_and_imelven, +1.415.832.aagg 22:48:43 - +1.415.832.aagg 22:48:44 -abresee 22:48:46 rrsagent, make minutes 22:48:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/01/29-webappsec-minutes.html bhill 22:48:54 -gmaone 22:48:54 rrsagent, set logs public-visible 22:49:01 - +358.718.00aabb 22:49:14 -bhill2 22:50:34 -rrware 22:50:36 SEC_WASWG()5:00PM has ended 22:50:36 Attendees were abresee, +1.650.488.aaaa, ekr_, bhill2, +358.718.00aabb, mkwst, gmaone, +1.866.317.aacc, jeffh, +1.260.226.aadd, neil, +1.503.712.aaee, rrware, erlend, 22:50:36 ... +1.415.426.aaff, jimio, dveditz, tanvi_and_imelven, +1.415.832.aagg 23:50:22 dveditz has joined #webappsec