Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group Teleconference

Minutes of 11 February 2013

Andy Seaborne, Arnaud Le Hors, Ashok Malhotra, Cody Burleson (Base22), Eric Prud'hommeaux, Erik Wilde, Henry Story, John Arwe, Kevin Page, Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, Raúl García Castro, Roger Menday, Sandro Hawke, Serena Villata, Sergio Fernández, Steve Battle, Steve Speicher, Ted Thibodeau, Yves Lafon
Cody Burleson (Base22)
Arnaud Le Hors
Steve Battle
Original and Editable Wiki Version
  1. Minutes of February 4, 2013 approved link
  2. Close Issue-10, accepting Raúl's proposed change link
  3. Close ISSUE-34 Aggregation proposals selecting John's proposal as the basis moving forward. link
  4. Close ISSUE-11 Server-managed properties accepting Raúl's proposed change. link
  5. close ISSUE-36, leaving to the editors to propose some text clarifying how this is done in the spec link
<Arnaud> Guest: Cody Burleson, Base22
<Arnaud> Chair: Arnaud
15:00:32 <RRSAgent> logging to

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to

15:00:34 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs public

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs public

15:00:36 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be LDP

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be LDP

15:00:36 <Zakim> ok, trackbot, I see SW_LDP()10:00AM already started

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot, I see SW_LDP()10:00AM already started

15:00:37 <trackbot> Meeting: Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group Teleconference
15:00:37 <trackbot> Date: 11 February 2013
15:00:50 <Zakim> +Arnaud

Zakim IRC Bot: +Arnaud

15:01:03 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

15:01:09 <Zakim> +[IPcaller.a]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller.a]

15:01:13 <Zakim> +TallTed

Zakim IRC Bot: +TallTed

15:01:36 <TallTed> Zakim, mute me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, mute me

15:01:36 <Zakim> TallTed should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: TallTed should now be muted

15:01:39 <TallTed> Zakim, who's here?

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, who's here?

15:01:39 <Zakim> On the phone I see +1.214.537.aaaa, JohnArwe, Arnaud, [IPcaller], [IPcaller.a], TallTed (muted)

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see +1.214.537.aaaa, JohnArwe, Arnaud, [IPcaller], [IPcaller.a], TallTed (muted)

15:01:39 <sergio> Zakim: [IPcaller] is me
15:01:41 <Zakim> On IRC I see dret, rgarcia, RRSAgent, antonis, Zakim, JohnArwe, stevebattle, Ashok, TallTed, SteveS, sergio, cygri, bblfish, AndyS, bhyland, oberger, Arnaud, betehess, trackbot,

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see dret, rgarcia, RRSAgent, antonis, Zakim, JohnArwe, stevebattle, Ashok, TallTed, SteveS, sergio, cygri, bblfish, AndyS, bhyland, oberger, Arnaud, betehess, trackbot,

15:01:41 <Zakim> ... Yves, sandro, ericP

Zakim IRC Bot: ... Yves, sandro, ericP

15:01:44 <Ashok> zakim, IPcaller is me

Ashok Malhotra: zakim, IPcaller is me

15:01:44 <Zakim> +Ashok; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Ashok; got it

15:01:51 <Zakim> +??P13

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P13

15:01:59 <sergio> Zakim: [IPcaller.a] is me
15:02:03 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

15:02:12 <Zakim> +[IBM]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IBM]

15:02:13 <Zakim> +??P17

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P17

15:02:16 <dret> zakim, [IPcaller] is me

Erik Wilde: zakim, [IPcaller] is me

15:02:16 <Zakim> +dret; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +dret; got it

15:02:18 <SteveS> zakim, [IBM] is me

Steve Speicher: zakim, [IBM] is me

15:02:18 <Zakim> +SteveS; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +SteveS; got it

15:02:25 <Zakim> +SteveBattle

Zakim IRC Bot: +SteveBattle

15:02:28 <AndyS> zakim, who is on the phone?

Andy Seaborne: zakim, who is on the phone?

15:02:28 <Zakim> On the phone I see +1.214.537.aaaa, JohnArwe, Arnaud, Ashok, [IPcaller.a], TallTed (muted), ??P13, dret, SteveS, ??P17, SteveBattle

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see +1.214.537.aaaa, JohnArwe, Arnaud, Ashok, [IPcaller.a], TallTed (muted), ??P13, dret, SteveS, ??P17, SteveBattle

15:02:30 <rgarcia> zakim, ??P17 is me

Raúl García Castro: zakim, ??P17 is me

15:02:30 <Zakim> +rgarcia; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +rgarcia; got it

15:02:43 <AndyS> zakim, ??P13 is me

Andy Seaborne: zakim, ??P13 is me

15:02:43 <Zakim> +AndyS; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +AndyS; got it

15:02:45 <sergio> Zakim: [IPcaller.a] is me
15:02:49 <AndyS> (maybe)

Andy Seaborne: (maybe)

15:03:40 <sergio> I guess [IPcaller.a] is me, but Zakim is ignoring my commands

Sergio Fernández: I guess [IPcaller.a] is me, but Zakim is ignoring my commands

15:03:48 <Arnaud> zakim, who is here?

Arnaud Le Hors: zakim, who is here?

15:03:48 <Zakim> On the phone I see +1.214.537.aaaa, JohnArwe, Arnaud, Ashok, [IPcaller.a], TallTed (muted), AndyS, dret, SteveS, rgarcia, SteveBattle

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see +1.214.537.aaaa, JohnArwe, Arnaud, Ashok, [IPcaller.a], TallTed (muted), AndyS, dret, SteveS, rgarcia, SteveBattle

15:03:50 <Zakim> On IRC I see roger, dret, rgarcia, RRSAgent, antonis, Zakim, JohnArwe, stevebattle, Ashok, TallTed, SteveS, sergio, cygri, bblfish, AndyS, bhyland, oberger, Arnaud, betehess,

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see roger, dret, rgarcia, RRSAgent, antonis, Zakim, JohnArwe, stevebattle, Ashok, TallTed, SteveS, sergio, cygri, bblfish, AndyS, bhyland, oberger, Arnaud, betehess,

15:03:50 <Zakim> ... trackbot, Yves, sandro, ericP

Zakim IRC Bot: ... trackbot, Yves, sandro, ericP

15:04:07 <JohnArwe> zakim, aaaa is Cody

John Arwe: zakim, aaaa is Cody

15:04:07 <Zakim> +Cody; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Cody; got it

15:04:19 <Zakim> +roger

Zakim IRC Bot: +roger

15:04:56 <sergio> zakim: [IPcaller.a] is me
15:05:23 <sergio> zakim, [IPcaller.a] is me

Sergio Fernández: zakim, [IPcaller.a] is me

15:05:24 <Zakim> +sergio; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +sergio; got it

15:05:33 <Zakim> -TallTed

Zakim IRC Bot: -TallTed

15:06:33 <Arnaud> zakim, who's here?

Arnaud Le Hors: zakim, who's here?

15:06:35 <Zakim> On the phone I see Cody, JohnArwe, Arnaud, Ashok, sergio, AndyS, dret, SteveS, rgarcia, SteveBattle, roger

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Cody, JohnArwe, Arnaud, Ashok, sergio, AndyS, dret, SteveS, rgarcia, SteveBattle, roger

15:06:38 <Zakim> On IRC I see nmihindu, krp, roger, dret, rgarcia, RRSAgent, antonis, Zakim, JohnArwe, stevebattle, Ashok, TallTed, SteveS, sergio, cygri, bblfish, AndyS, bhyland, oberger, Arnaud,

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see nmihindu, krp, roger, dret, rgarcia, RRSAgent, antonis, Zakim, JohnArwe, stevebattle, Ashok, TallTed, SteveS, sergio, cygri, bblfish, AndyS, bhyland, oberger, Arnaud,

15:06:38 <Zakim> ... betehess, trackbot, Yves, sandro, ericP

Zakim IRC Bot: ... betehess, trackbot, Yves, sandro, ericP

15:06:38 <Zakim> +??P12

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P12

15:07:33 <stevebattle> I'm happy to volunteer

Steve Battle: I'm happy to volunteer

15:07:36 <TallTed> apologies; pulled into an urgent call.  *may* be able to rejoin later.

Ted Thibodeau: apologies; pulled into an urgent call. *may* be able to rejoin later.

15:07:49 <dret> thanks, stevebattle!

Erik Wilde: thanks, stevebattle!

15:08:33 <stevebattle> scribe: stevebattle

(Scribe set to Steve Battle)

15:08:51 <Zakim> +??P27

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P27

15:08:53 <Ashok> scribenick: stevebattle
15:09:06 <stevebattle> topic: Minutes from last week

1. Minutes from last week

15:09:08 <krp> zakim, ??P27 is me

Kevin Page: zakim, ??P27 is me

15:09:08 <Zakim> +krp; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +krp; got it

15:09:14 <stevebattle> Proposed accept minutes

Proposed accept minutes

15:09:21 <SteveS> +1

Steve Speicher: +1

15:09:21 <dret> +1

Erik Wilde: +1

15:09:26 <sergio> +1

Sergio Fernández: +1

15:09:34 <stevebattle> Resolved: Minutes of February 4, 2013 approved

RESOLVED: Minutes of February 4, 2013 approved

<stevebattle> topic: Tracking of actions and issues

2. Tracking of actions and issues

15:09:59 <stevebattle> No open actions closed

No open actions closed

15:10:09 <stevebattle> No pending issues

No pending issues

<stevebattle> No raised issues

No raised issues

<stevebattle> topic: Open issues

3. Open issues

15:10:13 <nmihindu> Zakim, ??P12 is me

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: Zakim, ??P12 is me

15:10:13 <Zakim> +nmihindu; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +nmihindu; got it

15:10:20 <stevebattle> subtopic: Issue-10 Guidance around ETags

3.1. ISSUE-10 Guidance around ETags

15:10:35 <sergio> issue-10

Sergio Fernández: ISSUE-10

15:10:35 <trackbot> ISSUE-10 -- Include clarifications and guidance around ETags -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-10 -- Include clarifications and guidance around ETags -- open

15:10:35 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

15:10:49 <JohnArwe> +1

John Arwe: +1

15:10:51 <rgarcia> +1 :)

Raúl García Castro: +1 :)

15:10:51 <stevebattle> Propose that we accept Raúl's change

Propose that we accept Raúl's change

15:10:55 <roger> +1

Roger Menday: +1

15:10:55 <SteveS> +1

Steve Speicher: +1

15:10:56 <stevebattle> +1


15:10:57 <dret> +1

Erik Wilde: +1

15:11:01 <Ashok> +1

Ashok Malhotra: +1

15:11:05 <sergio> +1

Sergio Fernández: +1

15:11:09 <krp> +1

Kevin Page: +1

15:11:10 <nmihindu> +1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1

15:11:12 <Arnaud> +1

Arnaud Le Hors: +1

15:11:56 <cody> +1

Cody Burleson: +1

15:11:57 <Zakim> +Yves

Zakim IRC Bot: +Yves

15:12:01 <JohnArwe> (from agenda) link to change proposal

John Arwe: (from agenda) link to change proposal

15:12:04 <dret> all issues can be found here:

Erik Wilde: all issues can be found here:

15:12:33 <Yves> +1

Yves Lafon: +1

15:12:35 <stevebattle> proposal carried: issue-10 closed

proposal carried: ISSUE-10 closed

<stevebattle> Resolved: Close Issue-10, accepting Raúl's proposed change

RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-10, accepting Raúl's proposed change

15:12:43 <dret> specific ones on the agenda usually are linked from the agenda, such as]

Erik Wilde: specific ones on the agenda usually are linked from the agenda, such as]

15:12:53 <stevebattle> subtopic: Issue-34: Aggregation proposals

3.2. ISSUE-34: Aggregation proposals

15:12:49 <sergio> issue-34

Sergio Fernández: ISSUE-34

15:12:49 <trackbot> ISSUE-34 -- Adding and removing arcs in weak aggregation -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-34 -- Adding and removing arcs in weak aggregation -- open

15:12:49 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

15:13:39 <Zakim> +bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: +bblfish

15:13:57 <stevebattle> Arnaud: We should use John's proposal as a reference. 3 pages with different concept is too difficult.

Arnaud Le Hors: We should use John's proposal as a reference. 3 pages with different concept is too difficult.

15:14:06 <stevebattle> I'd like to narrow the scope.

I'd like to narrow the scope.

15:14:21 <stevebattle> Maybe we can even close issue 34?

Maybe we can even close ISSUE-34?

15:14:35 <Arnaud> q?

Arnaud Le Hors: q?

15:14:35 <stevebattle> The ontology is still up for discussion

The ontology is still up for discussion

15:14:47 <Arnaud> PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-34 Aggregation proposals selecting John's proposal as the basis moving forward.

PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-34 Aggregation proposals selecting John's proposal as the basis moving forward.

15:14:55 <SteveS> +1

Steve Speicher: +1

15:14:58 <Arnaud>

Arnaud Le Hors: ISSUE-34">

15:15:11 <SteveS> Direct link:

Steve Speicher: Direct link: ISSUE-34:_Back_to_Basics">

15:15:17 <rgarcia> +q

Raúl García Castro: +q

15:15:31 <Arnaud> ack rgarcia

Arnaud Le Hors: ack rgarcia

15:15:45 <stevebattle> Raul: This proposal doesn't entail any chnage in the specification right now?

Raúl García Castro: This proposal doesn't entail any change in the specification right now?

15:15:56 <roger> I just think that the unresolved topics will just continue in the refinement of Johns proposal, or they will spill over into issue 37 ...

Roger Menday: I just think that the unresolved topics will just continue in the refinement of Johns proposal, or they will spill over into ISSUE-37 ...

15:15:58 <stevebattle> s/chnage/change/
15:16:04 <rgarcia> +1

Raúl García Castro: +1

15:16:06 <stevebattle> That's correct

That's correct

15:16:06 <AndyS> +1

Andy Seaborne: +1

15:16:09 <sergio> +1

Sergio Fernández: +1

15:16:22 <dret> +1

Erik Wilde: +1

15:16:26 <nmihindu> +1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1

15:16:27 <Ashok> +1

Ashok Malhotra: +1

15:16:32 <Arnaud> +1

Arnaud Le Hors: +1

15:16:34 <krp> +1

Kevin Page: +1

15:16:55 <JohnArwe> @roger: certainly some things unresolved.  just in the course of doing the wiki page I found a couple (listed at bottom) and said they're follow-ons

John Arwe: @roger: certainly some things unresolved. just in the course of doing the wiki page I found a couple (listed at bottom) and said they're follow-ons

15:17:16 <cody> 0 (unfamiliar with details of the issue)

Cody Burleson: 0 (unfamiliar with details of the issue)

15:17:31 <bblfish> What is resolved?

Henry Story: What is resolved?

15:17:32 <JohnArwe> ...the old tradeoff of solving all problems with it vs some useful subset + further evolution

John Arwe: ...the old tradeoff of solving all problems with it vs some useful subset + further evolution

15:17:35 <stevebattle> Issue Resolved

Issue Resolved

15:17:36 <Arnaud> RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-34 Aggregation proposals selecting John's proposal as the basis moving forward.

RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-34 Aggregation proposals selecting John's proposal as the basis moving forward.

15:17:43 <bblfish> ah

Henry Story: ah

15:17:44 <bblfish> ok

Henry Story: ok

15:17:45 <stevebattle> The issue is resolved

The issue is resolved

15:18:41 <stevebattle> Ta


15:19:26 <stevebattle> Arnaud: One of the main differences is the class hierarchy - this might be a separate issue we can open. If you have a separate proposal please submit.

Arnaud Le Hors: One of the main differences is the class hierarchy - this might be a separate issue we can open. If you have a separate proposal please submit.

15:19:46 <stevebattle> subtopic : LDP Model

subtopic : LDP Model

15:19:58 <JohnArwe> issue-37?

John Arwe: ISSUE-37?

15:19:58 <trackbot> ISSUE-37 -- What is the LDP data model and the LDP interaction model? -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-37 -- What is the LDP data model and the LDP interaction model? -- open

15:19:58 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

15:20:41 <stevebattle> Arnaud: I didn't see much discussio. EripP drafted material for the spec to introduce the model. Henry added additional material. We need to choose one rather than accumulating more text.

Arnaud Le Hors: I didn't see much discussio. EripP drafted material for the spec to introduce the model. Henry added additional material. We need to choose one rather than accumulating more text.

15:21:07 <bblfish> I think it's probably ok for the moment, there was a lot of discussion

Henry Story: I think it's probably ok for the moment, there was a lot of discussion

15:21:47 <bblfish> Sorry, I don't hear much from here.

Henry Story: Sorry, I don't hear much from here.

15:22:00 <stevebattle> Arnaud: (To bblfish) what was your motivation in adding the text?

Arnaud Le Hors: (To bblfish) what was your motivation in adding the text?

15:22:09 <Arnaud> we hear you fine

Arnaud Le Hors: we hear you fine

15:22:46 <stevebattle> bblfish: We agree that creating a container is possible - may need an issue for container creation.

Henry Story: We agree that creating a container is possible - may need an issue for container creation.

15:23:05 <cody> Thanks, @John. This is very educational so far. I already have some good ideas of things to go offline and review/study after this call (throughout the week).

Cody Burleson: Thanks, @John. This is very educational so far. I already have some good ideas of things to go offline and review/study after this call (throughout the week).

15:23:10 <stevebattle> Aranud: Was this a choice between your's and EricP's text?

Arnaud Le Hors: Was this a choice between your's and Eric's text?

15:23:39 <stevebattle> bblfish: Yes it was another proposal (we couldn't edit the original at that time).

Henry Story: Yes it was another proposal (we couldn't edit the original at that time).

15:23:59 <stevebattle> s/Aranud/Arnaud/
15:24:30 <stevebattle> s/EricP/Eric/
15:24:36 <Arnaud> q?

Arnaud Le Hors: q?

15:24:48 <stevebattle> s/Eric/dret/
15:24:50 <JohnArwe> the text we're talking about is right?

John Arwe: the text we're talking about is ISSUE-37#Proposed_Spec_Section_.28for_the_LDP_Spec.29"> right?

15:25:04 <dret> ok, will do.

Erik Wilde: ok, will do.

15:25:16 <bblfish> yes that's the text

Henry Story: yes that's the text

15:25:17 <SteveS> JohnArwe: right

John Arwe: right [ Scribe Assist by Steve Speicher ]

15:25:20 <stevebattle> subtopic: Issue-11 Server-managed properties

3.3. ISSUE-11 Server-managed properties

15:25:21 <sergio> issue-11

Sergio Fernández: ISSUE-11

15:25:21 <trackbot> ISSUE-11 -- Do we need to define server-managed properties or do we leave them to applications? -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-11 -- Do we need to define server-managed properties or do we leave them to applications? -- open

15:25:21 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

15:25:45 <Zakim> +??P30

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P30

15:25:49 <dret> AndyS, i will send my comparison/combination of the two porposals to the list. this is how we should get convergence.

Erik Wilde: AndyS, i will send my comparison/combination of the two porposals to the list. this is how we should get convergence.

15:25:57 <svillata> Zakim, ??P30 is me

Serena Villata: Zakim, ??P30 is me

15:25:57 <Zakim> +svillata; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +svillata; got it

15:26:10 <stevebattle> Arnaud: Should we close or have a discussion?

Arnaud Le Hors: Should we close or have a discussion?

15:26:16 <dret> all, if you have more comments/alternatives/criticisms, please send them to the list, and it will be my task to address them

Erik Wilde: all, if you have more comments/alternatives/criticisms, please send them to the list, and it will be my task to address them

15:26:18 <Arnaud> PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-11 Server-managed properties accepting Raúl's proposed change.

PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-11 Server-managed properties accepting Raúl's proposed change.

15:26:25 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

15:26:33 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

15:26:55 <sergio> q+

Sergio Fernández: q+

15:26:56 <stevebattle> bblfish: This is about the Atom model. Is metadata in the content or the header.

Henry Story: This is about the Atom model. Is metadata in the content or the header.

15:27:24 <SteveS> creating a container is a different open issue

Steve Speicher: creating a container is a different open issue

15:27:25 <stevebattle> bblfish: I'm not sure about this anymore.

Henry Story: I'm not sure about this anymore.

15:27:29 <Arnaud> ack sergio

Arnaud Le Hors: ack sergio

15:28:05 <stevebattle> sergio: I'd prefer to keep both options open at this stage.

Sergio Fernández: I'd prefer to keep both options open at this stage.

15:28:15 <Zakim> +EricP

Zakim IRC Bot: +EricP

15:28:33 <stevebattle> sergio: I don't want to confuse the status of the server with the content.

Sergio Fernández: I don't want to confuse the status of the server with the content.

15:29:08 <SteveS> +1 (to accept Raúl's proposal)

Steve Speicher: +1 (to accept Raúl's proposal)

15:29:26 <sergio> q+

Sergio Fernández: q+

15:29:31 <stevebattle> I don't see how these could be confused.

I don't see how these could be confused.

15:30:04 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

15:30:07 <stevebattle> Arnaud: The spec says the server SHOULD ignore these values. Raúl wants to leave it open.

Arnaud Le Hors: The spec says the server SHOULD ignore these values. Raúl wants to leave it open.

15:30:20 <Arnaud> ack sergio

Arnaud Le Hors: ack sergio

15:30:45 <JohnArwe> Arnaud said MUST, not SHOULD, ignore.  Which, aside from caps, is what the spec copy/paste says in the issue body.

John Arwe: Arnaud said MUST, not SHOULD, ignore. Which, aside from caps, is what the spec copy/paste says in the issue body.

15:30:55 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

15:30:57 <stevebattle> sergio: These properties aren't intended for server data, only resource metadata.

Sergio Fernández: These properties aren't intended for server data, only resource metadata.

15:31:39 <Zakim> +sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: +sandro

15:31:46 <stevebattle> bblfish: Is there a requirement that these metadata properties should be synchronized with the content?

Henry Story: Is there a requirement that these metadata properties should be synchronized with the content?

15:31:49 <bblfish> ok

Henry Story: ok

15:31:50 <Yves> and what about properties in the headers and in the content diverging?

Yves Lafon: and what about properties in the headers and in the content diverging?

15:32:43 <stevebattle> bblfish: You shouldn't be able to change properties such as time?

Henry Story: You shouldn't be able to change properties such as time?

15:33:21 <stevebattle> SteveS: The relationship with link headers needs a new issue.

Steve Speicher: The relationship with link headers needs a new issue.

15:34:01 <dret> i think i'd even say MAY ignore, or "MAY choose to manage server-side". we should just list those that clients SHOULD be prepared to see, because they are designated as part of the LDP protocol.

Erik Wilde: i think i'd even say MAY ignore, or "MAY choose to manage server-side". we should just list those that clients SHOULD be prepared to see, because they are designated as part of the LDP protocol.

15:34:15 <dret> +1

Erik Wilde: +1

15:34:20 <cody> +1

Cody Burleson: +1

15:34:21 <rgarcia> +1

Raúl García Castro: +1

15:34:22 <roger> +1

Roger Menday: +1

15:34:22 <svillata> +1

Serena Villata: +1

15:34:23 <SteveS> +1

Steve Speicher: +1

15:34:23 <bblfish> It's certainly more efficient. Otherwise servers have to look at the whole content

Henry Story: It's certainly more efficient. Otherwise servers have to look at the whole content

15:34:28 <JohnArwe> +1

John Arwe: +1

15:34:31 <sergio> +1

Sergio Fernández: +1

15:34:32 <stevebattle> Proposal: Close - accept Raúl's proposal. The server May use these heaader properties

PROPOSED: Close - accept Raúl's proposal. The server May use these heaader properties

15:34:34 <stevebattle> +1


15:34:37 <nmihindu> +1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1

15:34:37 <bblfish> +0

Henry Story: +0

15:34:44 <krp> +0

Kevin Page: +0

15:34:49 <Yves> +0, bordeline -1

Yves Lafon: +0, bordeline -1

15:35:15 <stevebattle> yves: What if you have properties that conflict between header and content?

Yves Lafon: What if you have properties that conflict between header and content?

15:35:39 <stevebattle> q+


15:35:54 <bblfish> ah I see

Henry Story: ah I see

15:36:05 <Arnaud> ack stevebattle

Arnaud Le Hors: ack stevebattle

15:36:06 <dret> if we define the protocol to even allow conflicting location of data, then we really should say which one has preference. but in the end, maybe it's safer to simply not allow data in different locations.

Erik Wilde: if we define the protocol to even allow conflicting location of data, then we really should say which one has preference. but in the end, maybe it's safer to simply not allow data in different locations.

15:36:33 <ericP> stevebattle: it's important to be able to permit the metadata to disagree with the headers

Steve Battle: it's important to be able to permit the metadata to disagree with the content [ Scribe Assist by Eric Prud'hommeaux ]

15:36:43 <ericP> s/headers/content/
15:36:50 <Yves> as dret says

Yves Lafon: as dret says

15:36:55 <Yves> avoid conflict, or be explicit

Yves Lafon: avoid conflict, or be explicit

15:37:06 <stevebattle> dret: We should have a clear model for which takes precedence.

Erik Wilde: We should have a clear model for which takes precedence.

15:37:14 <dret> i'd prefer to avoidn conflict. adds conmplexity and brittleness.

Erik Wilde: i'd prefer to avoidn conflict. adds conmplexity and brittleness.

15:37:22 <Yves> yep

Yves Lafon: yep

15:37:22 <AndyS> On GET, return both? One over the other? Add a "meta" flag to request?

Andy Seaborne: On GET, return both? One over the other? Add a "meta" flag to request?

15:37:50 <dret> AndyS, return both what?

Erik Wilde: AndyS, return both what?

15:38:10 <AndyS> dret - property values

Andy Seaborne: dret - property values

15:38:32 <stevebattle> Arnaud: close issue-11

Arnaud Le Hors: close ISSUE-11

<Arnaud> Resolved: Close ISSUE-11 Server-managed properties accepting Raúl's proposed change.

RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-11 Server-managed properties accepting Raúl's proposed change.

15:38:38 <bblfish> q+

Henry Story: q+

15:38:42 <stevebattle> close issue-11

close ISSUE-11

15:38:42 <trackbot> Closed ISSUE-11 Do we need to define server-managed properties or do we leave them to applications?.

Trackbot IRC Bot: Closed ISSUE-11 Do we need to define server-managed properties or do we leave them to applications?.

15:38:48 <svillata> q?

Serena Villata: q?

15:38:51 <dret> zakim, pick an issue

Erik Wilde: zakim, pick an issue

15:38:51 <Zakim> I don't understand 'pick an issue', dret

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'pick an issue', dret

15:39:21 <bblfish> Issue-36

Henry Story: ISSUE-36

15:39:21 <trackbot> ISSUE-36 -- Can applications create new containers? -- open

Trackbot IRC Bot: ISSUE-36 -- Can applications create new containers? -- open

15:39:21 <trackbot>

Trackbot IRC Bot:

15:39:25 <stevebattle> bblfish: what about issue 36

Henry Story: what about ISSUE-36

15:39:28 <sergio> +1 to issue-36

Sergio Fernández: +1 to ISSUE-36

15:39:30 <stevebattle> subtopic: Issue-36 Can applications create new containers?

3.4. ISSUE-36 Can applications create new containers?

15:39:56 <stevebattle> Arnaud: I believe the answer is Yes - but doesn't specify how it is done.

Arnaud Le Hors: I believe the answer is Yes - but doesn't specify how it is done.

15:40:04 <bblfish> q?

Henry Story: q?

15:40:26 <Arnaud> ack bblfish

Arnaud Le Hors: ack bblfish

15:40:29 <stevebattle> Arnaud: Just create a resource with the right type.

Arnaud Le Hors: Just create a resource with the right type.

15:40:55 <stevebattle> bblfish: Sounds reasonable. Use a POST with content of type container, or content with link type Container?

Henry Story: Sounds reasonable. Use a POST with content of type container, or content with link type Container?

15:41:26 <dret> i'd prefer POSTing a container representation that contains all the metadata that's required to create a container

Erik Wilde: i'd prefer POSTing a container representation that contains all the metadata that's required to create a container

15:41:45 <stevebattle> Arnaud: This header link type isn't in the spec right now?

Arnaud Le Hors: This header link type isn't in the spec right now?

15:41:49 <Zakim> -sergio

Zakim IRC Bot: -sergio

15:41:55 <stevebattle> SteveS: confirms

Steve Speicher: confirms

15:41:59 <sergio> q?

Sergio Fernández: q?

15:42:03 <sergio> q+

Sergio Fernández: q+

15:42:10 <SteveS> I prefer POSTing a container representation, just like any other resource type

Steve Speicher: I prefer POSTing a container representation, just like any other resource type

15:42:11 <Arnaud> ack sergio

Arnaud Le Hors: ack sergio

15:42:46 <stevebattle> sergio: The issue is - Do you want to introspect the data when creating the container?

Sergio Fernández: The issue is - Do you want to introspect the data when creating the container?

15:43:58 <SteveS> q+

Steve Speicher: q+

15:44:07 <stevebattle> Arnaud: 1) The spec allows it job done 2) Make it explicit in the spec

Arnaud Le Hors: 1) The spec allows it job done 2) Make it explicit in the spec

15:44:19 <bblfish> ?

Henry Story: ?

15:44:22 <dret> what's the implementation impact of "data introspection"? you have to process and validate the incoming data against protocol errors anyway, so spotting some simple pattern to dispatch to "container creation" is not such a big deal.

Erik Wilde: what's the implementation impact of "data introspection"? you have to process and validate the incoming data against protocol errors anyway, so spotting some simple pattern to dispatch to "container creation" is not such a big deal.

15:44:33 <stevebattle> AndyS: It all works until you want to create a container in a container.

Andy Seaborne: It all works until you want to create a container in a container.

15:45:08 <Arnaud> ack steves

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steves

15:45:08 <stevebattle> AndyS: We're approaching a solution; this is just about the details.

Andy Seaborne: We're approaching a solution; this is just about the details.

15:45:23 <dret> i think we shouldn't constrain conatiners to always being hierarchical. many things on the web are sets/bags of things, and not trees.

Erik Wilde: i think we shouldn't constrain conatiners to always being hierarchical. many things on the web are sets/bags of things, and not trees.

15:46:11 <stevebattle> SteveS: I'm thinking along the lines of no special mechanism. It's the same as for resources. Do we need to say anything - it might be helpful to introduce informative text to explain how containers are 'born'.

Steve Speicher: I'm thinking along the lines of no special mechanism. It's the same as for resources. Do we need to say anything - it might be helpful to introduce informative text to explain how containers are 'born'.

15:46:15 <dret> i think we should have examples around container creation. people will want to know.

Erik Wilde: i think we should have examples around container creation. people will want to know.

15:46:30 <dret> +1 to what SteveS said

Erik Wilde: +1 to what SteveS said

15:46:39 <bblfish> +1

Henry Story: +1

15:46:48 <bblfish> yes, we should clarify. It's a cool feature

Henry Story: yes, we should clarify. It's a cool feature

15:47:10 <stevebattle> Aranud: SHould we close, requesting editors to explain the birds & the bees?

Arnaud Le Hors: SHould we close, requesting editors to explain the birds & the bees?

15:47:28 <stevebattle> s/Aranud/Arnaud/
15:47:56 <Arnaud> q?

Arnaud Le Hors: q?

15:47:59 <stevebattle> Arnaud: Do you want to make a proposal (Henry)? (about linke headers)

Arnaud Le Hors: Do you want to make a proposal (Henry)? (about link headers)

15:48:07 <stevebattle> s/linke/link/
15:48:36 <Arnaud> PROPOSED: close ISSUE-36, leaving to the editors to propose some text clarifying how this is done in the spec

PROPOSED: close ISSUE-36, leaving to the editors to propose some text clarifying how this is done in the spec

15:48:43 <stevebattle> +1


15:48:53 <SteveS> +1

Steve Speicher: +1

15:48:55 <bblfish> +1

Henry Story: +1

15:48:58 <krp> +1

Kevin Page: +1

15:49:12 <Arnaud> +1

Arnaud Le Hors: +1

15:49:13 <svillata> +1

Serena Villata: +1

15:49:15 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

15:49:17 <nmihindu> +1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1

15:49:20 <rgarcia> +1

Raúl García Castro: +1

15:49:21 <sergio> +1

Sergio Fernández: +1

15:49:23 <roger> +1

Roger Menday: +1

15:49:26 <dret> +1

Erik Wilde: +1

15:49:47 <stevebattle> close issue-36

close ISSUE-36

15:49:47 <trackbot> Closed ISSUE-36 Can applications create new containers?.

Trackbot IRC Bot: Closed ISSUE-36 Can applications create new containers?.

<Arnaud> Resolved: close ISSUE-36, leaving to the editors to propose some text clarifying how this is done in the spec

RESOLVED: close ISSUE-36, leaving to the editors to propose some text clarifying how this is done in the spec

15:50:11 <stevebattle> SteveS: What about issue-33

Steve Speicher: What about ISSUE-33

15:50:22 <stevebattle> subtopic: Issue-33 Pagination for non-container resources

3.5. ISSUE-33 Pagination for non-container resources

15:51:39 <stevebattle> Arnaud: People wanted containers for the pagination mechanism. Should we move pagination to LDP Resource (Containers would inherit it).

Arnaud Le Hors: People wanted containers for the pagination mechanism. Should we move pagination to LDP Resource (Containers would inherit it).

15:52:11 <dret> paging is always "page by", right? how would that work when you cannot "page by member"?

Erik Wilde: paging is always "page by", right? how would that work when you cannot "page by member"?

15:52:36 <stevebattle> SteveS: Simply change restriction on the predicate used.

Steve Speicher: Simply change restriction on the predicate used.

15:52:39 <JohnArwe> @dret, are you asking "what are the units of paging"?

John Arwe: @dret, are you asking "what are the units of paging"?

15:52:58 <dret> yes, AnyS. hard to imagine what to even page by.

Erik Wilde: yes, AnyS. hard to imagine what to even page by.

15:53:08 <dret> s/Anys/AndyS/

Erik Wilde: s/Anys/AndyS/ (warning: replacement failed)

15:53:22 <sergio> q+

Sergio Fernández: q+

15:53:39 <JohnArwe> by "triple" seems the obvious answer

John Arwe: by "triple" seems the obvious answer

15:53:40 <stevebattle> Arnaud: The history is amusing because we had pagination for all resources in the original. We felt it needed simplification.

Arnaud Le Hors: The history is amusing because we had pagination for all resources in the original. We felt it needed simplification.

15:53:43 <Arnaud> ack sergio

Arnaud Le Hors: ack sergio

15:54:01 <stevebattle> sergio: This rule breaks general linked data principles.

Sergio Fernández: This rule breaks general linked data principles.

15:54:20 <ericP> your factoring it out had the desired effect of making LDBP easier for people to understand and use as a starting place

Eric Prud'hommeaux: your factoring pagination out had the desired effect of making LDBP easier for people to understand and use as a starting place

15:54:22 <stevebattle> q+


15:54:29 <Arnaud> ack stevebattle

Arnaud Le Hors: ack stevebattle

15:54:32 <dret> paging often is a URI Template driven process with: page size, page number, or it is driven jyst by opaque URIs for prev and next. what to page by is almost always implicit. how is that specified in the generlized model?

Erik Wilde: paging often is a URI Template driven process with: page size, page number, or it is driven jyst by opaque URIs for prev and next. what to page by is almost always implicit. how is that specified in the generlized model?

15:54:32 <ericP> s/it out/pagination out/
15:54:33 <SteveS> q+

Steve Speicher: q+

15:55:12 <JohnArwe> in the spec it is opaque; just next (and optionally prev) links

John Arwe: in the spec it is opaque; just next (and optionally prev) links

15:55:14 <bblfish>  Agree: this does not seem to break Linked Data principles

Henry Story: Agree: this does not seem to break Linked Data principles

15:55:15 <stevebattle> stevebattle: The Linked Data API supports pagination.

Steve Battle: The Linked Data API supports pagination.

15:55:34 <stevebattle> What do you page by?

What do you page by?

15:55:43 <AndyS> LDA does not paginate graphs - it paginates by the (list) results

Andy Seaborne: LDA does not paginate graphs - it paginates by the (list) results

15:55:47 <Arnaud> ack steves

Arnaud Le Hors: ack steves

15:56:00 <AndyS> LDA is not only graphs out.

Andy Seaborne: LDA is not only graphs out.

15:56:01 <stevebattle> Arnaud: Page on the entire content of the resource, not a specific predicate.

Arnaud Le Hors: Page on the entire content of the resource, not a specific predicate.

15:56:17 <dret> you just page by triples in a pretty much random bag of triples?

Erik Wilde: you just page by triples in a pretty much random bag of triples?

15:56:38 <JohnArwe> I think there is a pageSize URI query parm, that's where units would arise.

John Arwe: I think there is a pageSize URI query parm, that's where units would arise.

15:56:46 <stevebattle> SteveS: The server is often best placed to know how to page the content.

Steve Speicher: The server is often best placed to know how to page the content.

15:57:25 <ericP> i'd qualify arnaud's explaination with the caveat is possible when there are some logical partitions within the data. even if it's triples with a predicate starting with a, and b, ...

Eric Prud'hommeaux: i'd qualify arnaud's explaination with the caveat is possible when there are some logical partitions within the data. even if it's triples with a predicate starting with a, and b, ...

15:57:34 <stevebattle> Arnaud: The first and subsequent pages have different URIs so this is consistent with the model.

Arnaud Le Hors: The first and subsequent pages have different URIs so this is consistent with the model.

15:57:34 <ericP> dret, does that make sense to you?

Eric Prud'hommeaux: dret, does that make sense to you?

15:57:59 <dret> how is that going to be stable over time, when the triples are more or less randomly arranged? i must be missing something here?

Erik Wilde: how is that going to be stable over time, when the triples are more or less randomly arranged? i must be missing something here?

15:58:06 <bblfish> I am happy with a general mechanism

Henry Story: I am happy with a general mechanism

15:58:26 <Arnaud> PROPOSED: close ISSUE-33: adding pagination for non-container resources

PROPOSED: close ISSUE-33: adding pagination for non-container resources

15:58:33 <stevebattle> +1


15:58:35 <dret> ericP, i see a lot of tight coupling ot brittleness in there, but i still think i must be missing something.

Erik Wilde: ericP, i see a lot of tight coupling ot brittleness in there, but i still think i must be missing something.

15:58:36 <bblfish> +1

Henry Story: +1

15:58:37 <SteveS> +1

Steve Speicher: +1

15:58:41 <svillata> +1

Serena Villata: +1

15:58:42 <sergio> +0

Sergio Fernández: +0

15:58:50 <AndyS> +0

Andy Seaborne: +0

15:59:01 <Arnaud> +1

Arnaud Le Hors: +1

15:59:06 <krp> +1

Kevin Page: +1

15:59:07 <dret> and ot course there's always HTTP, if you really just want to serve partitions of bigger resources. HTTP does support this natively...

Erik Wilde: and ot course there's always HTTP, if you really just want to serve partitions of bigger resources. HTTP does support this natively...

15:59:08 <JohnArwe> @dret, "stable" paging was server impln choice.

John Arwe: @dret, "stable" paging was server impln choice.

15:59:11 <AndyS> (unclear on paginating graphs - triples, entities, random?)

Andy Seaborne: (unclear on paginating graphs - triples, entities, random?)

15:59:11 <JohnArwe> +1

John Arwe: +1

15:59:13 <rgarcia> +1

Raúl García Castro: +1

15:59:13 <nmihindu> +1

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya: +1

15:59:16 <dret> -1

Erik Wilde: -1

15:59:20 <sergio> same than AndyS

Sergio Fernández: same than AndyS

15:59:26 <sandro> +1

Sandro Hawke: +1

15:59:28 <roger> sorry, too much to decide on that right now. -1

Roger Menday: sorry, too much to decide on that right now. -1

15:59:31 <sergio> q+

Sergio Fernández: q+

15:59:41 <ericP> q+ to propose that the next step is a use case

Eric Prud'hommeaux: q+ to propose that the next step is a use case

15:59:47 <stevebattle> dret: I don't understand how this is supposed to work.

Erik Wilde: I don't understand how this is supposed to work.

15:59:57 <Arnaud> ack ericp

Arnaud Le Hors: ack ericp

15:59:57 <Zakim> ericP, you wanted to propose that the next step is a use case

Zakim IRC Bot: ericP, you wanted to propose that the next step is a use case

16:00:19 <cody> +0 (kind of agree with Eric. need to see how this is useful in a scenario)

Cody Burleson: +0 (kind of agree with Eric. need to see how this is useful in a scenario)

16:00:24 <stevebattle> EricP: The next step should be a use-case, to ensure that we undertstand how to use pagination in a non-container.

Eric Prud'hommeaux: The next step should be a use-case, to ensure that we undertstand how to use pagination in a non-container.

16:00:30 <Zakim> -[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: -[IPcaller]

16:00:38 <sergio> q-

Sergio Fernández: q-

16:00:40 <dret> if it's just serving big data, we really should look at HTTP: it can do this out of the box.

Erik Wilde: if it's just serving big data, we really should look at HTTP: it can do this out of the box.

16:00:40 <sergio> ok

Sergio Fernández: ok

16:00:47 <SteveS> If a server or app can't do paging, it don't need to

Steve Speicher: If a server or app can't do paging, it doesn't need to

16:00:51 <bblfish> thanks

Henry Story: thanks

16:00:54 <svillata> thanks

Serena Villata: thanks

16:00:54 <stevebattle> adjourned


16:00:55 <Zakim> -roger

Zakim IRC Bot: -roger

16:00:57 <Zakim> -sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: -sandro

16:00:58 <Zakim> -bblfish

Zakim IRC Bot: -bblfish

16:00:58 <Zakim> -EricP

Zakim IRC Bot: -EricP

16:00:59 <dret> thanks everybody!

Erik Wilde: thanks everybody!

16:00:59 <Zakim> -Yves

Zakim IRC Bot: -Yves

16:00:59 <Zakim> -Ashok

Zakim IRC Bot: -Ashok

16:00:59 <SteveS> s/it don't/it doesn't/
16:01:00 <Zakim> -Cody

Zakim IRC Bot: -Cody

16:01:02 <Arnaud> meeting adjourned

Arnaud Le Hors: meeting adjourned

16:01:03 <Zakim> -krp

Zakim IRC Bot: -krp

16:01:04 <Zakim> -rgarcia

Zakim IRC Bot: -rgarcia

16:01:04 <Zakim> -svillata

Zakim IRC Bot: -svillata

16:01:05 <Zakim> -dret

Zakim IRC Bot: -dret

16:01:05 <Zakim> -SteveS

Zakim IRC Bot: -SteveS

16:01:06 <Zakim> -AndyS

Zakim IRC Bot: -AndyS

16:01:07 <stevebattle> Thanks Arnaud, bye

Thanks Arnaud, bye

16:01:08 <Zakim> -JohnArwe

Zakim IRC Bot: -JohnArwe

16:01:11 <Zakim> -Arnaud

Zakim IRC Bot: -Arnaud

16:01:15 <Zakim> -SteveBattle

Zakim IRC Bot: -SteveBattle

16:01:16 <Zakim> -nmihindu

Zakim IRC Bot: -nmihindu

16:01:18 <Zakim> SW_LDP()10:00AM has ended

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_LDP()10:00AM has ended

16:01:18 <Zakim> Attendees were +1.214.537.aaaa, JohnArwe, Arnaud, TallTed, Ashok, dret, SteveS, SteveBattle, rgarcia, AndyS, Cody, roger, sergio, krp, nmihindu, Yves, bblfish, svillata, EricP,

Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were +1.214.537.aaaa, JohnArwe, Arnaud, TallTed, Ashok, dret, SteveS, SteveBattle, rgarcia, AndyS, Cody, roger, sergio, krp, nmihindu, Yves, bblfish, svillata, EricP,

16:01:18 <Zakim> ... sandro, [IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: ... sandro, [IPcaller]

Formatted by CommonScribe

This revision (#2) generated 2013-02-11 22:25:45 UTC by 'alehors', comments: 'Added missing topic'