20:59:30 RRSAgent has joined #svg 20:59:30 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/11/08-svg-irc 20:59:32 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:59:32 Zakim has joined #svg 20:59:34 Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG 20:59:34 ok, trackbot; I see GA_SVGWG(SVG1)4:00PM scheduled to start in 1 minute 20:59:35 Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference 20:59:35 Date: 08 November 2012 21:00:16 GA_SVGWG(SVG1)4:00PM has now started 21:00:23 +[IPcaller] 21:00:33 Oh, it's UTC, not GMT, so it doesn't care about the seasonal adjustment. kk. 21:00:36 Zakim, [IP is me 21:00:36 +ed; got it 21:01:03 + +61.2.980.5.aaaa 21:01:12 Zakim, +61 is me 21:01:12 +nikos; got it 21:01:43 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2012OctDec/0020.html 21:01:56 Tav has joined #svg 21:01:57 +Tab_Atkins 21:02:17 + +1.415.832.aabb 21:02:59 krit has joined #svg 21:03:20 zakim, who is on the phone? 21:03:20 On the phone I see ed, nikos, Tab_Atkins, +1.415.832.aabb 21:03:24 +??P7 21:03:32 zakim, aabb is me 21:03:33 +krit; got it 21:04:34 zakim, +??P7 is me 21:04:34 sorry, Tav, I do not recognize a party named '+??P7' 21:05:39 zakim, P7 is me 21:05:39 sorry, Tav, I do not recognize a party named 'P7' 21:05:43 ScribeNick krit 21:05:53 ScribeNick: krit 21:06:37 topic Ambiguities in fill:url() / stroke:url() syntax 21:07:24 TabAtkins: browsers use different code paths for getting resources if it is an image or an external resource 21:07:29 TabAtkins: this is fine currently 21:07:44 TabAtkins: mask is the first property where we may define both 21:08:05 TabAtkins: so we need to find a solution how we can differ between the two kind of code paths 21:08:23 TabAtkins: talked with roc and krit and came up with a simple rule that works in most cases 21:08:39 TabAtkins: the rule is: for most css properties a URL is always an image 21:08:53 +cabanier 21:09:07 TabAtkins: fill and stroke would interprete a URL with hash as resource instead of an image by default 21:09:24 TabAtkins: this would apply to the mask property as well 21:09:47 TabAtkins: if URL has an hash, it will point to an resource, otherwise image 21:10:26 TabAtkins: we would differ on property base if the default would be an image (like background) or a resource like on fill stroke 21:10:52 TabAtkins: hopefully this does not have a lot of compat problems 21:11:29 TabAtkins: it might be diffcult on mask, where things would be interprete as image currently, which would be interpreted as resource in the future 21:11:41 TabAtkins: this is a very low risv 21:11:44 risc 21:11:59 TabAtkins: to force an image load you need to take an image() function 21:12:09 ed: for opera this sounds fine 21:12:34 ed: mask would be the only property where it could cause problems 21:12:36 TabAtkins: yes 21:13:24 ScribeNick: TabAtkins 21:13:46 krit: Tab asked me if there is a technical reason why I'm opposed to this behavior for mask-image. 21:14:03 krit: The problem on webkit is that we interpret as resoruce or image solely on the property basis. 21:14:13 krit: Currently on -webkit-mask-image it's only an image. 21:14:27 krit: Changing things would mean a decent bit of refactoring, which realisticaly speaking is not happening. 21:15:53 TabAtkins: So, ignoring legacy, if we introduced a brand new property that accepted both refs and images, and used this rule to distinguish, you're saying it would be a problem? 21:16:19 krit: Yes, becasue of the necessary refactoring in our CSS Parser. 21:16:51 TabAtkins: Okay. If it's just a matter of lack of resources for webkit on SVG, not a problem of actual technical difficulty, I'm okay with still accepting this rule. 21:16:55 ScribeNick: krit 21:17:23 krit: not technical difficulty speaking of web point of view 21:17:33 krit: just implementation point of view on webkit 21:18:35 krit: the compat problems could be SVG fragments like view box 21:18:58 krit: these could still be used with image() in the future, but would be incompatible at the moment 21:19:26 thorton_ has joined #svg 21:19:30 TabAtkins: right but roc fantaai and me thought it would be easier to make the rule for parsing easier 21:19:39 TabAtkins: and introduce image() instead 21:19:50 by view box I assume you mean something like: #svgView(...) 21:20:09 TabAtkins: with image() the user can force the parser to interpret as image 21:20:13 +Doug_Schepers 21:20:30 TabAtkins: yes, that is what i mean 21:22:37 krit: I would like to delay the decision until looking into this more in webkit 21:22:50 TabAtkins: If it is parser relaed, I can take a look as well 21:23:07 krit: it is parser and structure related 21:23:55 ed: where shold such a rule get to? 21:24:16 krit: maybe CSS images or units and values, propably the later. But also SVG 21:24:28 TabAtkins: units and values would be fine 21:24:55 krit: this is just related to CSS at the moment 21:25:30 thorton has joined #svg 21:25:32 krit: what about attributes unrelated to CSS like xlink:href 21:25:38 TabAtkins: should not effect these 21:25:46 ed: agree, is different 21:26:28 ed: what about aching behavior 21:26:40 ed: came up on mailing list, should we consider that 21:27:06 ed: should we cache the URL once and reuse it on all the places 21:27:14 s/aching/caching/ 21:27:21 krit: this is difficult if you have different properties 21:28:01 krit: background would be an image and mask would be a resource, this should affect caching 21:28:41 ed: mask property links to an elmeent in an svg and a fill to the same document but different id, you could cache the same document 21:29:33 krit: Firefox would not load a resource if it is from a different domain 21:30:43 krit: I would like to move this topic to the agenda in two weeks 21:30:46 ed: fine for me 21:30:50 topiuc Cross domain resources in resource documents 21:30:53 topic Cross domain resources in resource documents 21:30:57 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2012Oct/0025.html 21:32:25 krit: Boris said that FF does not load external resources from different domains, I wonder if we specify that 21:32:43 doug: if browsers do it anyway then I am fine to follow CORS 21:33:02 ed: what about the same domain 21:33:10 krit: is there a problem for same domain 21:33:17 ed: depends 21:34:02 ed: you send an image and get a ping back, so you could get some notification from other users 21:35:41 shepazu: we should be mindful about riscs, but don't see it for ed's scenario 21:36:18 ed: Opera does download cross domain resources but does not execute scripts 21:37:25 krtlets say you load an external resource which has an onLoad event, should this onload event fire? 21:37:41 s/krtlets/krit: lets/ 21:38:15 ed: for Opera all scripts are disabled on external resources. 21:38:24 krit: the same for internal resources? 21:39:00 s/ for Opera all scripts are disabled on external resources./ for Opera the onload events won't be fired in the document that has scripting disabled 21:40:24 krit: 21:40:43 krit: 21:40:57 krit: this does not fire on opera 21:41:05 ed:I think this is right 21:41:43 krit: could scripts lead to any security issues on external resources? 21:42:00 TabAtkins: disabling should not lead to security issues 21:42:29 ed: not sure if we had security concerns or it was easier to implement it 21:43:31 krit: first, should external resources (corss domain), be dependent on CORS headers if they are loaded or not? 21:43:31 s/it was easier to implement it/it was made our implementation simpler (we did execute scripts in external use documents before, as required by tiny 1.2) 21:43:51 krit: this is the current behavior of FF 21:44:18 krit: I think we have the same rules on WebKit like FF 21:44:32 ed: I think it makes sense to use CORS for external resources 21:46:05 krit: I think we did not implement it that way in WebKit because of security concerns initially, but because of our handling of resources in general 21:46:35 ed: and imv? 21:46:43 s/imv/img/? 21:46:48 krit: img is different 21:46:50 s/ed/shepazu/ 21:47:01 krit: we don't run scripts but declarative animations on it 21:47:10 krit: img does not contribute to hit testing 21:47:56 krit: even if I am not sure if we follow SVG spec here 21:48:46 krit: if you want hit testing use iframe, object or inline SVG 21:50:01 ed: we just need to make sure that ing and image are allowed to download external cross domain resources 21:50:47 krit: I had in mind to specify it explicitly for use, mask, filter, clip-path and paint servers 21:50:54 krit: not image resources 21:51:00 s/ing and image/html:img and svg:image/ 21:52:48 resolution: use, mask, filter, clip-path and paint servers should check CORS before downloading external cross domain resources 21:53:53 shepazu: you run into problems if you disallow JS execution on external resources 21:56:01 krit: I don;t want to disallow more then needed. If there are no security problems, I am fine with keeping JS 21:56:40 shepazu: SVG deployment basis would not be to bad on compat issues if we CORS scripts as well 21:57:02 shepazu: SVG could be more restrictive 21:58:28 ed: I would personal like to let scripts apply the same as for HTML 21:59:55 shepazu: Should we also restrict script to be the same origin with cors exceptions 22:00:18 TabAtkins: sounds good for now 22:00:27 shepazu: ed is the only one with concerns 22:00:56 ed: we should verify that it does not break things 22:01:17 shepazu: do you want to revisit later? 22:01:38 ed: yes and let SVG not differ to much from HTML, that is my concern 22:03:26 action dirk to follow up with this security model on webappsec 22:03:26 Created ACTION-3399 - Follow up with this security model on webappsec [on Dirk Schulze - due 2012-11-15]. 22:04:41 ed: would be useless if CORS jsut applies to svg:script but not on html:script elements 22:04:53 krit: I am not only talking about script elements 22:06:25 topic Should MAsking and Filter Effects normatively reference SVG2 22:06:49 agenda+ should element be in SVG 2 or Connectors? 22:07:18 krit: I am using the DOM interface model of SVG2 on both specs, because WebIDL is just supported with SVG2 22:07:36 krit: We ahve an agreement that ne DOM interfaces should use WebIDL 22:08:55 krit: this is actualy not a big deal but means that both specs can not leave CR until SVG2 is in CR 22:09:05 ed: why does it need to be SVG2? 22:09:18 s/be/reference/ 22:09:28 krit: because the DOM interface would be incompatible with SVG1.1 and WebIDL 22:09:35 krit: this is resolved in SVG2 22:09:50 krit: does anyone problems with that 22:09:56 TabAtkins: fine with that 22:10:10 ed: can leave it until it gets critical 22:10:36 krit: any other concerns 22:10:38 silence 22:10:56 krit: do we need a resoultuion 22:11:08 ed: don't think we need a resolution 22:11:44 topic point element 22:11:56 shepazu: defined SVGPointElement for SVG connectors 22:12:23 shepazu: ther might be other parts in the spec that need this point element 22:12:36 shepazu: I need to define how it works in connectors anyway 22:13:12 TabAtkins: we should go ahead and lets connectors define Point element at the moment 22:13:26 TabAtkins: if we need it somewhere else, we can move it to SVG2 core 22:13:36 krit: absolutely fine for me 22:13:55 shepazu: would like to hear camerons opinion on that 22:14:28 cyril has joined #svg 22:15:26 krit how far is mesh gradients and star element? 22:15:34 Tav: waiting for feedback from Adobe 22:15:44 cabanier: I'll look into that 22:15:53 shepazu: nothing new on star 22:16:22 -Tab_Atkins 22:16:24 -ed 22:16:26 -krit 22:16:27 -??P7 22:16:29 -Doug_Schepers 22:16:40 -nikos 22:16:51 chair: ed 22:17:55 -cabanier 22:17:57 GA_SVGWG(SVG1)4:00PM has ended 22:17:57 Attendees were [IPcaller], ed, +61.2.980.5.aaaa, nikos, Tab_Atkins, +1.415.832.aabb, krit, cabanier, Doug_Schepers 22:18:26 ed: ping 22:19:04 cyril_ has joined #svg 22:19:09 krit, yes? 22:19:29 trackbot, make minutes 22:19:29 Sorry, ed, I don't understand 'trackbot, make minutes'. Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help. 22:19:38 rrsagent, make minutes 22:19:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/11/08-svg-minutes.html ed 22:19:44 ed: yes, that was my problem, making minutes 22:19:49 ed: thanks 22:19:59 TabAtkins: please fix this: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=160101 22:20:30 krit, will you send them out, or should I? 22:21:17 ed: sure, can you say how to get to the pure text version 22:21:53 krit, just add a ,text to the end of the url - e.g http://www.w3.org/2012/11/08-svg-minutes.html,text 22:22:01 cyril has joined #svg 22:22:01 awesome, will send 22:22:06 ed: thanks 22:22:24 np 22:24:01 cyril_ has joined #svg 22:26:57 congratulations cyril_ !!! 22:27:22 cyril_: How often did you celebrate your birthday already? ;) 22:30:28 :) yes i've been absent often sorry... but it is really my only birthday today 22:32:00 sorry i've been absent lately but this is really my only birthday today 22:32:37 shepazu: That link 403s for me. 22:35:38 rrsagent, pointer 22:35:38 See http://www.w3.org/2012/11/08-svg-irc#T22-35-38 23:10:04 TabAtkins has left #svg