IRC log of gld on 2012-10-25
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 14:00:49 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #gld
- 14:00:49 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 14:00:54 [cygri]
- zakim, who is on the phone
- 14:00:55 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'who is on the phone', cygri
- 14:00:56 [DaveReynolds]
- DaveReynolds has joined #gld
- 14:00:57 [PhilA]
- zakim, this is GLD
- 14:00:58 [Zakim]
- ok, PhilA; that matches T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM
- 14:01:01 [cygri]
- zakim, who is on the phone?
- 14:01:01 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see davidwood, MHausenblas, George, ??P7, +
- 14:01:05 [fadmaa]
- fadmaa has joined #gld
- 14:01:07 [cygri]
- zakim, mhausenblas is temporarily me
- 14:01:07 [Zakim]
- +cygri; got it
- 14:01:26 [PhilA]
- zakim, code?
- 14:01:26 [Zakim]
- the conference code is 45394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200, PhilA
- 14:01:31 [George]
- George has joined #gld
- 14:01:31 [atemezin]
- Zakim, + is me
- 14:01:32 [Zakim]
- +atemezin; got it
- 14:01:33 [MacTed]
- MacTed has changed the topic to: Gov't Linked Data WG -- -- current agenda
- 14:01:37 [Zakim]
- -??P7
- 14:01:44 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 14:01:46 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller.a]
- 14:01:50 [PhilA]
- zakim, IPcaller is me
- 14:01:50 [Zakim]
- +PhilA; got it
- 14:01:51 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 14:02:08 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 14:02:22 [james]
- zakim, who's here?
- 14:02:22 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see davidwood, cygri, George, atemezin, PhilA, [IPcaller.a], DaveReynolds, [IPcaller]
- 14:02:24 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see George, fadmaa, DaveReynolds, RRSAgent, Zakim, PhilA, cygri, james, atemezin, martinAlvarez, jmynarz, agipap, MacTed, bhyland, sandro, trackbot
- 14:02:30 [agipap]
- zakim, IPcaller is me
- 14:02:30 [Zakim]
- +agipap; got it
- 14:02:44 [james]
- zakim, who's on the call?
- 14:02:44 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see davidwood, cygri, George, atemezin, PhilA, [IPcaller.a], DaveReynolds, agipap
- 14:02:51 [james]
- zakim, IPcaller.a is me
- 14:02:52 [Zakim]
- +james; got it
- 14:02:55 [olyerickson]
- olyerickson has joined #gld
- 14:03:17 [Zakim]
- +??P22
- 14:04:04 [jmynarz]
- Zakim, P22 is me
- 14:04:04 [Zakim]
- sorry, jmynarz, I do not recognize a party named 'P22'
- 14:04:14 [jmynarz]
- Zakim, ??P22 is me
- 14:04:14 [Zakim]
- +jmynarz; got it
- 14:04:15 [Zakim]
- +Sandro
- 14:04:15 [Zakim]
- + +3539149aabb
- 14:04:25 [fadmaa]
- Zakim, +353 is me
- 14:04:25 [Zakim]
- +fadmaa; got it
- 14:05:11 [bhyland]
- great!
- 14:05:27 [Zakim]
- -fadmaa
- 14:05:39 [bhyland]
- Nothing like grabbing the new recruits as they walk in the door PhilA!
- 14:05:40 [DruidSmith]
- DruidSmith has joined #gld
- 14:05:57 [Zakim]
- +Mike_Pendleton
- 14:06:08 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Mike_Pendleton has joined #GLD
- 14:06:23 [Zakim]
- + +1.202.566.aacc
- 14:06:38 [DruidSmith]
- zakim, aacc is me
- 14:06:38 [Zakim]
- +DruidSmith; got it
- 14:06:57 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 14:07:11 [olyerickson]
- Zakim, [ipcaller] is me.
- 14:07:11 [Zakim]
- +olyerickson; got it
- 14:07:15 [bhyland]
- zakim, who is on the call?
- 14:07:15 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see davidwood, cygri, George, atemezin, PhilA, james, DaveReynolds, agipap, jmynarz, Sandro, Mike_Pendleton, DruidSmith, olyerickson
- 14:07:25 [olyerickson]
- zakim, mute me.
- 14:07:25 [Zakim]
- olyerickson should now be muted
- 14:07:27 [bhyland]
- zakim, davidwood is me
- 14:07:27 [Zakim]
- +bhyland; got it
- 14:07:36 [martinAlvarez]
- martinAlvarez has joined #gld
- 14:08:19 [cygri]
- fadmaa, feel free to join me upstairs if your phones are borken :-)
- 14:08:22 [bhyland]
- Scribe: mpendleton
- 14:08:24 [bhyland]
- chair: bhyland
- 14:08:36 [cygri]
- Agenda:
- 14:08:38 [PhilA]
- Mike_Pendleton++
- 14:08:43 [Zakim]
- + +3539149aadd
- 14:08:50 [fadmaa]
- Zakim, +353 is me
- 14:08:50 [Zakim]
- +fadmaa; got it
- 14:08:55 [bhyland]
- Please confirm last week's minutes:
- 14:09:13 [fadmaa]
- Zakim, mute me
- 14:09:13 [Zakim]
- fadmaa should now be muted
- 14:09:29 [bhyland]
- Please see
- 14:10:02 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Org Vocab reviewed last week; has gone to last call, thanks to Dave Reynolds
- 14:10:06 [PhilA]
- yay!
- 14:10:12 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Next up is DCAT
- 14:10:18 [DaveReynolds]
- +1 to minutes
- 14:10:28 [atemezin]
- +1 to last week minutes
- 14:10:29 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Minutes accepted
- 14:10:32 [martinAlvarez]
- martinAlvarez has left #gld
- 14:10:45 [bhyland]
- zakim, who is on the call?
- 14:10:46 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see bhyland, cygri, George, atemezin, PhilA, james, DaveReynolds, agipap, jmynarz, Sandro, Mike_Pendleton, DruidSmith, olyerickson (muted), fadmaa (muted)
- 14:10:47 [fadmaa]
- Zakim, unmute me
- 14:10:49 [Zakim]
- fadmaa should no longer be muted
- 14:10:50 [PhilA]
- +1 to DCAT as primary topic today
- 14:11:24 [bhyland]
- Tracker for DCAT
- 14:11:49 [fadmaa]
- 14:11:59 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Fadi on DCAT for runthrough on issues list
- 14:12:06 [PhilA]
- Editor's draft of DCAT is at
- 14:12:34 [fadmaa]
- using literal formatted as xsd;language
- 14:12:56 [martinAlvarez]
- martinAlvarez has joined #gld
- 14:13:26 [olyerickson]
- Q+
- 14:13:28 [cygri]
- PROPOSAL: recommended values of dcterms:language for DCAT are literals like "en"^^xsd:language
- 14:13:32 [olyerickson]
- zakim, unmute me.
- 14:13:32 [Zakim]
- olyerickson should no longer be muted
- 14:13:42 [Zakim]
- +??P36
- 14:13:50 [bhyland]
- Fadi proposed the following:
- 14:13:51 [martinAlvarez]
- zakim, ??p36 is me
- 14:13:51 [Zakim]
- +martinAlvarez; got it
- 14:13:59 [martinAlvarez]
- zakim, mute me
- 14:13:59 [Zakim]
- martinAlvarez should now be muted
- 14:14:03 [olyerickson]
- "literal" was one of the choices
- 14:14:05 [bhyland]
- Fadi suggests the following:
- 14:14:05 [bhyland]
- 14:14:05 [bhyland]
- 1) drop dcat:dataQuality and dcat:granularity
- 14:14:05 [bhyland]
- 2) format of distribution
- 14:14:05 [bhyland]
- 3) size of distribution
- 14:14:05 [bhyland]
- 4) Distribution subclasses
- 14:14:05 [bhyland]
- 5) range of dc:language
- 14:14:11 [olyerickson]
- Currently it says to use
- 14:14:23 [fadmaa]
- +1
- 14:14:29 [bhyland]
- q?
- 14:14:32 [GofranShu]
- GofranShu has joined #GLD
- 14:14:35 [PhilA]
- ack olyerickson
- 14:15:25 [fadmaa]
- zakim, GofranShu is with me
- 14:15:25 [Zakim]
- +GofranShu; got it
- 14:15:42 [Mike_Pendleton]
- John Erikson: clarify - it is inconsistent with Dublin Core; John's recommendation be that it is easy for implementers; use a typed literal as the choice
- 14:15:45 [bhyland]
- olyerickson: The issue is inconsistency between how Dublin Core specifies range of dcterms.
- 14:16:04 [PhilA]
- PROPOSED RESOLUTION: The we recommend that the value of dcterms:language be given as a typed literal, e.g. en^^xsd:lang
- 14:16:40 [PhilA]
- q+
- 14:16:45 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Accepted
- 14:16:57 [olyerickson]
- zakim, mute me.
- 14:16:57 [Zakim]
- olyerickson should now be muted
- 14:17:37 [PhilA]
- ack me
- 14:17:50 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Question from Phil: Are we knowingly making an inconsistency?
- 14:18:18 [bhyland]
- … This is incorrect according to the DC spec which gives the range as - i.e. a resource.
- 14:19:45 [bhyland]
- DaveR: Has no problem with what is proposed but isn't sure that it is consistent with the spirit of what DC language as a resource.
- 14:19:49 [atemezin]
- 14:20:26 [james]
- see
- 14:20:38 [jmynarz]
- rapper -i rdfxml -o turtle > dcterms.ttl
- 14:21:04 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Bernadette: We can't close issue 26. We need to get it right.
- 14:21:44 [bhyland]
- ACTION: PhilA to get clarification from Maxx Deckers on what DC meant in what they specified.
- 14:21:44 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-83 - Get clarification from Maxx Deckers on what DC meant in what they specified. [on Phil Archer - due 2012-11-01].
- 14:21:48 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Phil will take an action item to resolve this with Max from the Dublin Core
- 14:22:23 [jmynarz]
- This is how dcterms:language is used in practice:
- 14:22:50 [DaveReynolds]
- Agree with Richard, not inconsistent with letter of spec but worth checking with expert about spirit of DC spec
- 14:22:54 [james]
- +1
- 14:23:00 [Yigal]
- Yigal has joined #gld
- 14:23:08 [fadmaa]
- remove dcat:dataQauality, dcat:granularity
- 14:23:18 [cygri]
- PROPOSAL: Drop dcat:dataQuality and dcat:granularity
- 14:23:20 [bhyland]
- TOPIC: DCAT (continued)
- 14:23:21 [bhyland]
- 1) drop dcat:dataQuality and dcat:granularity
- 14:23:43 [olyerickson]
- + to nuking data quality
- 14:23:45 [atemezin]
- +1 to drop
- 14:23:49 [fadmaa]
- +1
- 14:24:23 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 14:24:24 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Phil: The issue is not going away, but we can close it here
- 14:24:34 [Yigal]
- zakim, IPcaller is me
- 14:24:34 [Zakim]
- +Yigal; got it
- 14:24:45 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Phil: We need this, but this is not the place for it
- 14:24:48 [olyerickson]
- +0 to granularity (it's not wrong)
- 14:24:49 [cygri]
- RESOLUTION: Drop dcat:dataQuality and dcat:granularity
- 14:24:50 [bhyland]
- To close Issue-10, We agreed to remove but the issue doesn't go away. This isn't the place for it.
- 14:25:04 [olyerickson]
- +1 to resolution
- 14:25:14 [bhyland]
- 2) format of distribution
- 14:25:54 [olyerickson]
- "Proposal: define dcat:mediaType as a sub-property of dc:format. Publishers should use dcat:mediaType to provide a Media Type as defined by IANA. if this is not available, then publishers may use dc:format"
- 14:26:15 [bhyland]
- +1
- 14:26:17 [PhilA]
- +1
- 14:26:18 [olyerickson]
- +1
- 14:26:20 [DaveReynolds]
- +1
- 14:26:22 [George]
- +1
- 14:26:22 [martinAlvarez]
- +1
- 14:26:23 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Thanks John!
- 14:26:23 [cygri]
- +1
- 14:26:24 [fadmaa]
- +1
- 14:26:35 [bhyland]
- Next, 3) size of distribution
- 14:26:44 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Issue 12 proposal accepted
- 14:27:00 [cygri]
- RESOLUTION: define dcat:mediaType as a sub-property of dc:format. Publishers should use dcat:mediaType to provide a Media Type as defined by IANA. if this is not available, then publishers may use dc:format
- 14:27:29 [PhilA]
- q+
- 14:27:43 [fadmaa]
- :dist dcat:size [dcat:bytes 1024; rdfs:label 1k]
- 14:27:43 [PhilA]
- q-
- 14:29:40 [olyerickson]
- cygri's proposal on dist. size: "...Replace dcat:size and dcat:bytes with a single property dcat:byteSize, range is xsd: decimal, stating that the value can be approximate..."
- 14:30:05 [bhyland]
- q?
- 14:31:37 [olyerickson]
- RE: dcat:byteSize I very much like this, esp. that the size is "approximate." There can be platform-specific ways to document exact size, digital signatures, etc which we won;t get into
- 14:31:48 [olyerickson]
- Please re-state the resolution
- 14:32:13 [cygri]
- RESOLUTION: define dcat:mediaType as a sub-property of dc:format (in the old DC namespace). Publishers should use dcat:mediaType to provide a Media Type as defined by IANA. if this is not available, then publishers may use dc:format
- 14:32:29 [Mike_Pendleton]
- PROPOSAL: replace properties dcat:size and dcat:bytes with one property dcat:byteSize
- 14:32:32 [bhyland]
- 14:33:13 [bhyland]
- … byteSize can be approximate
- 14:33:25 [olyerickson]
- value is "guidance"
- 14:33:36 [bhyland]
- +1
- 14:33:39 [cygri]
- for example: </dataset123/distribution1> dcat:byteSize 547000.
- 14:33:46 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Bernadette: point is that you verify you have the right file
- 14:33:49 [atemezin]
- +1
- 14:33:52 [cygri]
- +1
- 14:33:52 [martinAlvarez]
- +1 (easier to use)
- 14:34:16 [fadmaa]
- +1+1
- 14:34:19 [Mike_Pendleton]
- RESOLUTION: replace properties dcat:size and dcat:bytes with one property dcat:byteSize
- 14:34:30 [DaveReynolds]
- DaveReynolds has left #gld
- 14:35:19 [fadmaa]
- 14:35:29 [bhyland]
- Two issues re: distribution subclasses, see Distribution subclasses
- 14:35:41 [fadmaa]
- 14:35:45 [fadmaa]
- 14:36:03 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Fadi has one more; related to issues 8 and 9
- 14:36:27 [DaveReynolds]
- DaveReynolds has joined #gld
- 14:36:50 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Fadi discussed DCAT examples
- 14:36:51 [atemezin]
- s/Fadi/fadmaa
- 14:37:08 [bhyland]
- Some examples:
- 14:37:08 [bhyland]
- -> Direct: accessURL points to a WebService, RSS, XLS, or XML, which
- 14:37:08 [bhyland]
- offers the distribution directly.
- 14:37:08 [bhyland]
- -> Indirect: accessURL points to a REST WebService or API
- 14:37:08 [bhyland]
- documentation (how to use it, parameters, etc) | an XML zipped
- 14:37:22 [fadmaa]
- 14:37:53 [Mike_Pendleton]
- bernadette: This goes to issues around ADMS if I understand correctly; Phil, is this DCAT distrubution related to ADMS?
- 14:37:54 [olyerickson]
- fadmaa's proposal on distribution sub-typing makes sense to me
- 14:38:26 [bhyland]
- 1++ Fadi
- 14:39:07 [bhyland]
- Discussed: Does dcat:Distribution address one of the use cases of ADMS, i.e., 4 x zipped PDF files ...
- 14:39:37 [bhyland]
- Fadi: I think of DCAT describing raw data, not PDF
- 14:39:43 [cygri]
- q+
- 14:40:05 [PhilA]
- ack cygri
- 14:40:37 [bhyland]
- Cygri: this is all pretty complicated, we all 'know' what a data catalog is, but we really aren't defining it explicitely.
- 14:40:52 [bhyland]
- … thus hard to make hard & fast rules about what is "in" vs "out" of a data catalog
- 14:41:07 [cygri]
- 14:41:12 [bhyland]
- … everyone has different views of what can & cannot go in a data catalog using DCAT
- 14:41:53 [bhyland]
- Per the ED, "DCAT is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between data catalogs published on the Web. This document defines the schema and provides examples for its use.
- 14:41:54 [bhyland]
- 14:42:23 [atemezin]
- @cygri: could we *exclude* those type of *things (eg PDF) in the spec ?
- 14:42:26 [bhyland]
- … whether a zipped file can be described using DCAT, it isn't currently addressed by DCAT sufficiently
- 14:43:18 [bhyland]
- Sounds to me like we need to review DCAT & ADMS in context of common use cases
- 14:44:14 [bhyland]
- cygri: I have yet so see handling of archive files sufficiently handled by gov data catalog sites … it is a case that hasn't been fully addressed.
- 14:44:49 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Bernadette: we need a dedicated session on goes to the heart of ADMS too.
- 14:45:58 [bhyland]
- cygri: Invoked Rufus Pollock in relation to use of DCAT for CKAN. There are use cases where there is a desire to describe associated documentation of a given dataset, or scripts that were used to create a dataset, or representative sample data from a dataset that isn't a data set per se.
- 14:46:25 [bhyland]
- … DCAT as designed currently doesn't describe supplementary documentation. We need to figure out how to do this.
- 14:46:27 [Mike_Pendleton]
- cygi: core issue (also addressed by Rufus P.) CKAN use cases also describe other things (e.g., scripts used to create the dataset). DCAT doesn't discuss decribing these things.
- 14:46:46 [fadmaa]
- is an example that uses dc:reference for an example which is too generic
- 14:46:47 [PhilA]
- Is DCAT for 3* + and ADMS for 1 and 2 star?
- 14:46:52 [bhyland]
- … This gets to the core of ADMS and DCAT, issues around interoperability of downloadable resources.
- 14:47:22 [Mike_Pendleton]
- cygi: if we had the answers to this; things would fall into place
- 14:47:40 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Bernadette: This makes the point that we need a separate session on this.
- 14:47:53 [fadmaa]
- +1 to a dedicated session
- 14:48:07 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Bernadette: This is at the core of 3, 4, and 5 star data we are trying to publish
- 14:48:32 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Bernadette to Fadi: any other issues that need to be addressed to move DCAT forward?
- 14:48:59 [PhilA]
- q+
- 14:49:10 [bhyland]
- Issues 8,9 and 43 all related to bigger distribution topic that we want to follow up with in a focused DCAT WG call.
- 14:49:12 [bhyland]
- q?
- 14:49:58 [bhyland]
- PhilA: We can move FPWD to LC even with a handful of open issues.
- 14:50:00 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Phil: Some of these issues may be left open and we can still publish
- 14:50:02 [bhyland]
- Propose: Move DCAT to LC
- 14:50:45 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Phil: you can get a new version out w/o closed issues; but we can't move to LC with open issues
- 14:50:46 [bhyland]
- s/can/cannot
- 14:51:01 [Mike_Pendleton]
- LC is last call
- 14:51:34 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Phil: would like a new version published with open issues
- 14:52:01 [cygri]
- q+
- 14:52:04 [PhilA]
- q-
- 14:52:06 [Mike_Pendleton]
- fadmaa: can do this Monday
- 14:52:07 [bhyland]
- ACTION: Fadi to update DCAT FPWD with revisions from this past 2 weeks discussion
- 14:52:07 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-84 - Update DCAT FPWD with revisions from this past 2 weeks discussion [on Fadi Maali - due 2012-11-01].
- 14:53:27 [Mike_Pendleton]
- bernadette: Next
- 14:54:16 [bhyland]
- cygri: Recommends that distribution issues be solved before next PWD.
- 14:54:19 [PhilA]
- PROPOSED RESOLUTION: That we aim to resolve to publish a new version of DCAT in 2 weeks' time. Whether that is LC or not remains open
- 14:54:34 [atemezin]
- +1 to solve the distribution issue before the next working draft
- 14:55:06 [cygri]
- +0.5
- 14:55:39 [bhyland]
- Fadi & Cygri agreed to talk over the next two weeks and edit the DCAT FPWD so we can publish another working draft within 3 weeks.
- 14:55:42 [bhyland]
- +1
- 14:56:05 [atemezin]
- +1
- 14:56:50 [olyerickson]
- +1...I wasn't opposed to the previous proposal, and I think we will either solve this quickly or we need to rethinking it
- 14:56:58 [olyerickson]
- s/rethinking/rethink/
- 14:57:32 [bhyland]
- Topic: Linked Data Glossary, W3 Working Note or wiki?
- 14:57:41 [Mike_Pendleton]
- RESOLUTION: resolve to publish a new version of DCAT in 2 weeks' time; another draft in the next 2-3 weeks
- 14:57:41 [fadmaa]
- Zakim, mute me
- 14:57:44 [Zakim]
- fadmaa should now be muted
- 14:58:11 [bhyland]
- Last week mhausenblas mentioned glossary going here
- 14:58:32 [sandro]
- +1 Working Group NOTE
- 14:58:43 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Bernadette requesting opinion on glossary as working note or wiki
- 14:58:46 [sandro]
- (not strong opinion)
- 14:58:52 [bhyland]
- Question: Should it be a Working Note or wiki
- 14:59:21 [DaveReynolds]
- No strong opinion. Weak preference for Wiki to simplify future update.
- 14:59:26 [bhyland]
- cygri: suggested that language will evolve with current usage
- 14:59:37 [sandro]
- q+
- 14:59:57 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Richard: There will be updates after the WG terminates; language will evolve;
- 15:00:42 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Bernadette: I've not gotten input since June
- 15:01:09 [bhyland]
- q?
- 15:01:14 [cygri]
- ack me
- 15:01:14 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Bernadette: There will always be new things, I propose the working note
- 15:01:15 [bhyland]
- ack cygri
- 15:01:29 [PhilA]
- ack sandro
- 15:01:39 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Sando: there is not rule about who owns a note once published
- 15:02:14 [bhyland]
- Sandro: Procedurally, there is no reason another WG or even say eGov IG couldn't take on editing the Note.
- 15:02:18 [bhyland]
- q?
- 15:02:19 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Sandro: Semantic Web Interest Group could take over the Note (not WG Note)
- 15:02:39 [PhilA]
- I prefer a Note personally
- 15:02:46 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Bernadette: Objections to a Note?
- 15:02:51 [bhyland]
- No objection to the Linked Data Glossary being published as a Note.
- 15:02:52 [DaveReynolds]
- No objection, still mild preference for wiki.
- 15:03:10 [atemezin]
- No objection
- 15:03:56 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Bernadette: Thanks for your time; send projects announcements around publishing LOD by today for tomorrow; Bernadette leaves for France Monday.
- 15:04:03 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Adjourned
- 15:04:12 [olyerickson]
- olyerickson has left #gld
- 15:04:20 [DaveReynolds]
- DaveReynolds has left #gld
- 15:04:20 [martinAlvarez]
- thanks, bye
- 15:04:22 [Zakim]
- -bhyland
- 15:04:22 [Mike_Pendleton]
- Not meeting next week; next meeting Nov 8.
- 15:04:23 [Zakim]
- -atemezin
- 15:04:23 [Zakim]
- -Sandro
- 15:04:24 [Zakim]
- -agipap
- 15:04:24 [Zakim]
- -jmynarz
- 15:04:25 [Zakim]
- -olyerickson
- 15:04:26 [Zakim]
- -cygri
- 15:04:28 [Zakim]
- -DruidSmith
- 15:04:28 [Zakim]
- -PhilA
- 15:04:28 [Zakim]
- -fadmaa
- 15:04:28 [Zakim]
- -Yigal
- 15:04:28 [Zakim]
- -George
- 15:04:29 [Zakim]
- -DaveReynolds
- 15:04:29 [Zakim]
- -martinAlvarez
- 15:04:31 [bhyland]
- thanks all & safe travels.
- 15:04:32 [Yigal]
- Yigal has left #gld
- 15:04:35 [Zakim]
- -james
- 15:04:57 [Zakim]
- -Mike_Pendleton
- 15:04:58 [Zakim]
- T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has ended
- 15:04:58 [Zakim]
- Attendees were George, cygri, atemezin, PhilA, DaveReynolds, agipap, james, jmynarz, Sandro, +3539149aabb, fadmaa, Mike_Pendleton, +1.202.566.aacc, DruidSmith, olyerickson,
- 15:04:58 [Zakim]
- ... bhyland, +3539149aadd, martinAlvarez, GofranShu, Yigal
- 15:05:13 [bhyland]
- RRSAgent, set logs world-visible
- 15:05:18 [PhilA]
- PhilA has left #gld
- 15:05:20 [bhyland]
- RRSAgent, generate minutes
- 15:05:20 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate bhyland
- 15:05:24 [agipap]
- agipap has left #gld
- 15:08:18 [bhyland]
- Minutes published here
- 15:12:18 [martinAlvarez]
- martinAlvarez has left #gld
- 15:17:30 [bhyland]
- If you looked at agenda:
- 17:13:53 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #gld