13:58:07 RRSAgent has joined #sparql 13:58:07 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/10/16-sparql-irc 13:58:09 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:58:09 Zakim has joined #sparql 13:58:11 Zakim, this will be 77277 13:58:11 ok, trackbot; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 2 minutes 13:58:12 Meeting: SPARQL Working Group Teleconference 13:58:12 Date: 16 October 2012 13:58:45 SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has now started 13:58:52 +pgearon 13:59:10 MattPerry has joined #sparql 14:00:00 +kasei 14:00:16 +??P9 14:00:20 zakim, ??P9 is me 14:00:20 +cbuilara; got it 14:00:22 +Sandro 14:00:23 zakim, mute me 14:00:23 cbuilara should now be muted 14:02:00 +??P22 14:02:00 + +1.603.897.aaaa 14:02:05 - +1.603.897.aaaa 14:02:06 chimezie has joined #sparql 14:02:12 zakim, aaaa is me 14:02:12 sorry, MattPerry, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa' 14:02:22 Zakim, ??P22 is me 14:02:22 +bglimm; got it 14:02:32 Zakim, mute me 14:02:32 bglimm should now be muted 14:02:53 + +1.603.897.aabb 14:03:07 zakim, aabb is me 14:03:07 +MattPerry; got it 14:04:14 +Chimezie 14:05:26 Zakim, unmute me 14:05:27 bglimm should no longer be muted 14:06:10 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0070.html 14:06:12 unofficial meeting -- no chair -- no agenda 14:09:11 close action-518 14:09:12 ACTION-518 Add missing test cases to improve http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/TestSuiteCoverage#Entailment closed 14:09:58 close action-637 14:09:58 ACTION-637 Reach out to Entailment implementers about status/schedule of their implementations, tell them that we plan within a month closed 14:10:24 close action-659 14:10:25 ACTION-659 Review query with particular focus on BIND / VALUES closed 14:11:02 close action-684 14:11:02 ACTION-684 Send an update on http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/docs/tests/README.html regarding Entailment tests. closed 14:11:31 close action-694 14:11:31 ACTION-694 Mark approved tests in http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/docs/tests/data-sparql11/entailment/manifest.ttl closed 14:12:09 AndyS? 14:13:44 sandro: lets leave 701 open until confirmed. 14:13:50 all my open ACTIONS have been dealt with (631, 678, 683, 686, 695) 14:14:06 action-631? 14:14:06 ACTION-631 -- Gregory Williams to work with Andy (and possibly Lee, others) to check validator with existing protocol implementations pending completion of ACTION-630 -- due 2012-06-05 -- OPEN 14:14:06 http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/track/actions/631 14:14:34 kasei: we have two, that's enough 14:14:39 close action-631 14:14:39 ACTION-631 Work with Andy (and possibly Lee, others) to check validator with existing protocol implementations pending completion of ACTION-630 closed 14:14:45 action-678? 14:14:45 ACTION-678 -- Gregory Williams to fix comments on test cases :dawg-delete-using-02a and :dawg-delete-using-06a and remind us to reapprove -- due 2012-09-25 -- OPEN 14:14:45 http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/track/actions/678 14:15:13 action-683? 14:15:13 ACTION-683 -- Gregory Williams to make changes in the manifest on newly approved tests, also cleaning up commented test cases replaced. -- due 2012-10-02 -- OPEN 14:15:13 http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/track/actions/683 14:15:22 kasei: Done. 14:15:27 close action-683 14:15:27 ACTION-683 Make changes in the manifest on newly approved tests, also cleaning up commented test cases replaced. closed 14:15:36 action-686? 14:15:36 ACTION-686 -- Gregory Williams to sync with Lee on drafting a response to RC-2 -- due 2012-10-02 -- OPEN 14:15:36 http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/track/actions/686 14:15:42 close action-686 14:15:42 ACTION-686 Sync with Lee on drafting a response to RC-2 closed 14:15:53 action-695? 14:15:53 ACTION-695 -- Gregory Williams to align wording of SD and protocol wrt. terminology and implement wording as per http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0066.html -- due 2012-10-16 -- OPEN 14:15:53 http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/track/actions/695 14:16:04 action-696? 14:16:04 ACTION-696 -- Chimezie Ogbuji to review changes as per ACTION-695 -- due 2012-10-16 -- OPEN 14:16:04 http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/track/actions/696 14:16:35 close action-695 14:16:35 ACTION-695 Align wording of SD and protocol wrt. terminology and implement wording as per http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012OctDec/0066.html closed 14:18:36 q+ 14:19:01 action-678? 14:19:01 ACTION-678 -- Gregory Williams to fix comments on test cases :dawg-delete-using-02a and :dawg-delete-using-06a and remind us to reapprove -- due 2012-09-25 -- OPEN 14:19:01 http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/track/actions/678 14:19:07 close action-678 14:19:07 ACTION-678 Fix comments on test cases :dawg-delete-using-02a and :dawg-delete-using-06a and remind us to reapprove closed 14:21:55 chimezie_ has joined #sparql 14:22:28 -Chimezie 14:22:29 -bglimm 14:22:29 -MattPerry 14:22:31 -Sandro 14:22:33 -kasei 14:22:34 ending informal meeting. 14:22:36 -pgearon 14:22:37 -cbuilara 14:22:37 SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has ended 14:22:38 Attendees were pgearon, kasei, cbuilara, Sandro, +1.603.897.aaaa, bglimm, +1.603.897.aabb, MattPerry, Chimezie 14:22:43 chimezie, can you let me know when you restart your endpoint? 14:42:40 AndyS has joined #sparql 15:43:57 kasei, I'm ready to restart it now, but the server on my web host (webfaction) is down and I'm working through a support ticket. 15:44:19 as soon as it gets back up it should be available at: http://metacognition.info/yijing/sparql 16:08:36 chimezie: that's a different url than before? 16:09:02 fwiw, in the future if you wanted to store a static version of the test results to avoid this issue, just send me a new url of the results file. 16:09:59 yes, I consolidated GSP implementation and RDF protocol service and it required a new URL. 16:10:20 ok, I will make a static version of the results available as well 16:10:51 great, thanks. i'm running the report now using the live url, but will update whenever you send me a new url. 16:16:28 ok 16:21:35 chimezie_ has joined #sparql 16:29:36 chimezie has joined #sparql 16:42:26 Zakim has left #sparql 16:49:26 sandro: trimming the html tables turned out to be easier than I had thought: http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/implementations/ 17:28:46 preyalone has joined #sparql 17:29:18 How could I search for records for which an attribute like rdfs:labels contains a certain phrase? 17:29:21 http://www.reddit.com/r/semanticweb/comments/11kqhi/how_do_i_match_records_which_have_a_certain_entry/ 17:30:06 On dbpedia, the rdfs:labels attribute appears to contain several entries in some kind of list format, but I can't find an IN or :contains operator. 18:30:46 MacTed has joined #sparql 19:07:00 preyalone - on DBpedia, you can use Virtuoso's bif:contains predicate, e.g., { ?s rdfs:labels ?labels } FILTER { ?labels bif:contains "string" } 19:07:00 on other SPARQL endpoints, you may have to use regex matching, which is much slower 20:19:12 MacTed, could you help me rewrite my query? http://www.reddit.com/r/semanticweb/comments/11kqhi/how_do_i_match_records_which_have_a_certain_entry/ 21:55:09 there's no query there to rewrite... 21:55:09 anyone who notices this could point preyalone to http://boards.openlinksw.com/support/ or http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=dbpedia-discussion or freenode #openlink-virtuoso or #swig or ... 22:19:58 preyalone has joined #sparql 22:20:05 anyone here NOT idling? 22:35:05 preyalone has left #sparql