15:02:04 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:02:04 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/10/09-hcls-irc 15:02:33 +mscottm 15:02:35 + +1.206.732.aabb 15:02:56 michel has joined #hcls 15:03:03 +michel 15:04:02 Zakim, +1.206.732.aabb is Michael 15:04:02 +Michael; got it 15:04:11 +EricP 15:04:23 Zakim, +1.414.955.aaaa is Tomasz 15:04:23 +Tomasz; got it 15:06:05 Erik, how do you define Mapped Data? 15:07:49 michael has joined #HCLS 15:08:10 + +44.122.383.aacc 15:08:50 https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/expressionrdf/j5I8Tqwr3Dc 15:09:54 + +44.785.552.aadd 15:10:07 https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1ZFA72YBEcc6BQp31GsAJI1L6WK0mPuNltIkpp8WMcSk/edit 15:10:38 Zakim, +44.785.552.aadd is Simon 15:10:38 +Simon; got it 15:11:20 James has joined #HCLS 15:12:13 Zakim, +44.122.383.aacc is James 15:12:13 +James; got it 15:12:54 +[IPcaller] 15:13:48 jupp has joined #HCLS 15:13:50 Zakim, +[IPcaller] is Chisato 15:13:50 sorry, mscottm, I do not recognize a party named '+[IPcaller]' 15:14:03 Zakim, [IPcaller] is Chisato 15:14:03 +Chisato; got it 15:14:20 Zakim, Simon is jupp 15:14:20 +jupp; got it 15:15:01 https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1ZFA72YBEcc6BQp31GsAJI1L6WK0mPuNltIkpp8WMcSk/edit 15:20:36 michel, do you have an SVG of this image? 15:20:52 Basic idea is that experiments are composed of a number of steps (e.g. sample preparation, bioassay, data processing) each of which have inputs and outputs 15:21:13 i'd like to play with it a bit to change the direction and label of the has_input arcs so you can visually see a data flow 15:21:27 you can save it as svg 15:22:59 in general output is used to model processes and things they produce 15:23:05 has_output that is 15:23:08 authoritative version is google? 15:24:54 what type of thing is experiment michel? 15:26:35 SIO diagram (refines last one) https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1pn86hwXfF87oz2tQr2r5pb95CB_Q-kmCMe2AGs3dxHw/edit 15:27:25 james -> an experimetn is a process 15:28:50 ok tnx 15:28:58 http://wwwdev.ebi.ac.uk/fgpt/efosemweb.html 15:30:25 so every gene list is generared using pairwise comparisons 15:32:19 http://www.ebi.ac.uk/gxa/experiment/E-GEOD-1659 15:34:37 the other thing to say is that this will change with the new stats for atlas 15:34:43 michel, what's the relationship between "has input" and "is source of" (latter connecting "test sample" and "gene expression value" to "test-control differential gene expression value" 15:34:47 ) 15:36:44 'has input' is between a process and an object 15:37:08 ahh, it runs through "gene expression value", but the the actual terminus is the "control sample" 15:37:09 'is source of' is between an object to another object 15:37:17 q-value: A quantitative confidence value that measures the minimum false discovery rate that is incurred when calling that test significant. To compute q-values, it is necessary to know the p-value produced by a test and possibly set a false discovery rate level. 15:38:51 i'd agree michel - we're sold on the pattern 15:49:31 created a multi-color version of michel's figure: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1xIvQzFPWYbioqs-k9-u8veP7zmW1_b6RRFE1FMbKS1Q/edit 15:49:35 in an effort to track the flow of material and data, i reversed some arrows and changed their labels: s/has input/input for/ and s/is derived from/material for/ 15:50:15 of course, this favors user comprehension over accurately conveying the ontology 15:50:25 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A5-3tOsifPWPpETBKU-ZA9d7O7wK_nBzTFUBEe-0Bzo/edit?authkey=CK-y8Y8C&authkey=CK-y8Y8C# 15:51:11 expression RDF note draft: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A5-3tOsifPWPpETBKU-ZA9d7O7wK_nBzTFUBEe-0Bzo/edit?authkey=CK-y8Y8C&authkey=CK-y8Y8C# 15:52:00 michael, it's left as an exercise for the reader 15:52:05 like fermat's last theorum 15:54:20 michel, (noting that you are viewing the image i created) should the material channel (the blue at the bottom) be a different color from the process channel? 15:54:24 like maybe blood red? 16:02:11 sorry i have to run as have call at 5 16:02:37 -James 16:11:26 -EricP 16:11:47 -Michael 16:11:48 -Tomasz 16:11:50 -jupp 16:11:51 -michel 16:11:53 -mscottm 16:12:03 -Chisato 16:12:04 SW_HCLS()11:00AM has ended 16:12:04 Attendees were mscottm, michel, Michael, EricP, Tomasz, James, Chisato, jupp 16:21:42 mscottm has joined #hcls 16:21:47 Zakim, please generate minutes 16:21:47 I don't understand 'please generate minutes', mscottm 16:22:44 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:22:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/09-hcls-minutes.html mscottm 16:23:44 [michel, all]Discussion of cleaning up tables of key concepts and their mappings. 16:24:49 michel: 16:25:20 Scott: wary of adding new items before shipping the note 16:25:30 Eric: You can always version it. 16:26:29 Scott: Would prefer to version it. Time is right to publish what we've discussed. But maybe it's possible to put the demo together by the time the rest of the doc is ready. 16:26:45 Michel: What will the note look like? 16:27:59 Scott: The way it does now + rewrite + some of the GXA specifics that have recently been settled. 16:28:16 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:28:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/09-hcls-minutes.html mscottm 16:28:23 rrsagent, make log world-visible 17:04:07 mscottm has joined #hcls 18:33:34 egonw__ has joined #HCLS 18:38:17 Zakim has left #hcls