The Open Digital Rights Language Initiative

  ODRL Projects and Implementations  


If you are using ODRL in any form, then please email contactatodrl.net with the details. You are welcome to use the ODRL Logo on any web site/software using the ODRL language.

Open Source Projects

The ODRL Initiative is a supporter of open-source projects to provide open and equitable access to all stakeholders in the community:

  • Ruby-odrl - library for creating and evaluating ODRL documents as a policy decision point
  • OpenSDRM - digital object rights management solution based on open-source components and open standards
  • OpenIPMP - Open source DRM project utlising numerous standards

Current implementations and projects include:

arrow Mapping ODRL to the IEEE LTSC Requirements (Includes a large number of ODRL code examples.)
arrow District Architecture for Networked Editions (DAFNE)
arrow Dublin Core and ODRL
arrow UNIVERSAL Project and ODRL at Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
arrow Open Archives Initiative and ODRL
arrow The Le@rning Federation SOCCI Project
arrow COLIS Project
arrow ODRL and Higher Education



For general questions about the ODRL site please send email to infoatodrl.net

Last Updated on 2010-06-03