[Odrl-version2] ODRL Relation attribute for an Asset

David Martin david at polecat.dircon.co.uk
Wed Feb 23 02:26:20 EST 2011

>> 2.  Is the definition of "target" still correct?  Through your recent 
>>exchanges with Francis, I think we have now established that a Policy 
>>can include several Permissions relating to different target Assets. 
>>should the definition refer to "Permission or Prohibition", not 
>>"Policy"? And "primary object" is not a very exact form of words. 
>>Does it mean "The Asset upon which a permitted or prohibited Action is 
>>performed"? Or are there use cases which require a looser definition?
>Since these relations are also used for Duties, we could say "The Asset 
>upon which the Action applies" ?

I take your point, but I would be inclined to prefer "The Asset upon 
which an Action is performed".

>> 3.  Should the definition for "output" be more consistent with the 
>>definition of "target"?  Something like "The Asset which is output 
>>from a permitted Action"?

But just in case this crops up in a Duty rather than a Permission 
(though I can't think of a use case at the moment), it might be better 
to generalise it in the same way, to "The Asset which is output from an 

David Martin
david at polecat.dircon.co.uk

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