Use Case#1 - Online videos sharing scenario


Alice is watching a video online on a local social video sharing platform. Alice is able to watch the video, because she in the UK. Only clients with an UK IP adress can watch the video. However Alice does not know that the video is published under a usage policy which defines that everyone inside the UK (bound constraints: spatial) has the usage permission (play video) and reuse permissions (modify, excerpt, annotate, aggregate).

Alice marks the video on the site and uses her favorite reblogging tool to republish the video on her blog. The policy which is related with the video is interpreted by the reblogging tool. The reblogging tool informs Alice about the policies which are related with the selected asset (i.e. the video) and ensures that the video is republished together with its policy. Alice republished the video on her blog. Her blog software detects that the newly published asset is protected by certain policies. It interprets the policies and proofes if it can enforce them or not. That means the blog sofwtare proofes if it can ensure that the video is only be played by clients with a UK IP address. As the blog software is not able to ensure this it warns Alicy that she might compromise the usage policy under which the asset is published if she republishes the video on this blog. Now Alice knows that if she still decides to publish the video on her blog, she may violate the policies of the video and can be held accountable for that.

Key license conditions:

  • Usage Permission: play video
  • Reuse Permissions: modify, excerpt, annotate, aggregate
  • Bound Constraints: spatial: only in UK

(Possible) RDFa Snippet:

  • ocm: ODRL 2.0 Core Model namespace
  • ocp: ODRL 2.0 Core Profile namespace
<p typeof="ocm:Permission"> 
  You are allowed to
  <span rel="ocm:has_action" property="ocp:play" typeof="ocm:Action"> play </span> and
  <span rel="ocm:has_action" property="ocp:modify" typeof="ocm:Action"> modify </span>
  <span rel="ocm:has_asset" resource=""> this video. </span>
  <span rel="ocm:has_constraint">
<p typeof="ocm:Constraint">
       Only if
       <span rel="ocm:name" property="ocp:spatial"> the country </span> you are located in
    <span rel="ocm:operator" resource="ocp:equals"> is </span> the
       <span rel="ocm:rightOperand" resource="urn:iso:3166:uk"> UK. </span>