[Odrl-version2] New ODRL v2.0 Model

Alapan Arnab aarnab at cs.uct.ac.za
Wed Feb 1 02:43:36 EST 2006

Hi Susanne,
Thanks a lot for the clarification - I understand the subtle difference
now and it makes a lot more sense. 

But from purely an implementation point of view - if payment is an
action, wouldn't both the following code fragments be correct?

<duty id="1" relaxed="true">
      <amount currency="EUR">1</amount>

      <amount currency="EUR">1</amount>

The second one does not make much sense, but I think all validity checkers 
will pass it.  From an implementation point of view, this could raise some 

On Mon, 2006-01-30 at 00:29 +0100, Susanne Guth wrote:
> Hi Alapan,
> one comment to our discussion:
> Maybe there is still a misunderstanding, what the action element is.
> It simply "names" the action that always comes with a permission or duty or
> prohibition.
> For example a duty to pay some amount would look like that:
> o-ex20:duty id="d01" relaxed="true">  
>           <o-ex20:payment>
>              <o-ex20:amount currency="EUR">0,50</o-ex20:amount>
>           </o-ex20:payment>
>           <o-ex20:hasConstraint id="c02"/>
> </o-ex20:duty>
> where "payment" is the action element. There is no duty without an action or
> "if there's no action defined then there is not duty".
> And after all: when expressing a prohibtion the duty element is optional
> (and implicitly the action element too).
> Does that make sense to you or is still something unclear?
> Susanne
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Mail history:
> 4.5.4 Parties & Duties
> <sg> I need some more information on this issue because I don't understand
>  the conflict that you have. Is it because the Duty always refers to an
>  Action?
> <aa> Yes - a duty requires an action. However, you might want a prohibition
>  license that allows everything - hence there will be no action to link
>  with the duty.
Alapan Arnab
Data Networks Architecture (DNA) Laboratory
Department of Computer Science
University of Cape Town
Rondebosch, 7700
South Africa

Tel: +27 21 650 3127
Web: http://people.cs.uct.ac.za/~aarnab/
Blog: http://idiots-mind.blogspot.com
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