[Odrl-version2] RE: ODRL-Version2 Digest, Vol 9, Issue 7

Alapan Arnab aarnab at cs.uct.ac.za
Tue Aug 30 02:48:02 EST 2005

> <S>
> We thought about this "and" "or" expressiveness in our model in Lissabon but
> did not really find a nice solution. Any proposals?
> <V>
> Can you give some examples of what you'd want to do with the "and" and "or"
> constraint containers?  Do you remember which solutions were proposed and
> what people didn't like about them? 
IIRC, I was one of the proponents for and & or containers. The example I
gave used credentials as an example, but should be possible to craft
other examples. Credentials could be part of the data dictionary as a

Take a piece of music - the rights holders may allow for unlimited
reproductions of the music if the user is:
a) A student at University of Cape Town (UCT)
b) An academic staff member at UCT
c) A journalist from Rolling Stones Magazine

using the notation you used earlier, this can be stated as:
\forall x (
	MemberOf(x, pu) AND
	Credential ((rolling_stone_magazine & journalist) ||
		 	(UCT & (student || staff)))
	=> Perm(x, copy, a))

Yes, this can be simplified to a statement using just one container, but
using both an and and an or container would be more useful.

Containers could also be used to define choices in rights - you can
either have unlimited printing of an e-book or make a backup of the
e-book once.
> <S>
> We have to assume our members are known. Which would also be the case in a
> real implementation.
> <V>
> Suppose that the Cornell library signs an agreement with the ACM.  The
> agreement is that any member of the Cornell community (student, faculty, or
> staff) can print any ACM article up to 5 times.  Could such an agreement be
> written in ODRL?  If the answer is yes, what happens to next year's incoming
> class?  At the time the agreement was made, they were not members of the
> Cornell community nor were their identities known, but intuitively they
> should be able to make copies once they join Cornell.  With this example in
> mind, I think membership should be determined at the time a request is made
> (e.g., when Alice asks to copy an ACM article) and not assumed to be known
> when the agreement is signed.  What do you think?   
This is a scenario dependent on the ID manager rather than the DRM
system itself. This scenario could easily be dealt with credentials for
example - the license can be used by anyone who presents a valid
credential from Cornell. However, for this to work, the DRM controller
itself needs to be able to handle credentials.
> <V1> (paraphrasing and polishing a bit)
> Consider the statements "if Alice has made less than 5 copies of h, she is
> permitted to copy f" and "if Alice has made at least 5 copies of h, she is
> permitted to copy f".  Should we conclude that Alice may copy f, even if we
> do not know how many times she copied h?  The intuitive answer (at least to
> me) is that Alice may copy f because either she has made fewer than 5 copies
> of h, in which case the first statement implies the permission, or she has
> made at least 5 copies, in which case the second statement implies
> permission.  An alternative is to say that a permission is granted iff it
> follows from a single statement, in which case Alice may not necessarily copy
> f because neither statement alone gives her permission.  Two slight
> modifications to the alternative approach are (1) assume that all relevant
> environment facts are known, in which case we know how many times Alice
> copied h and we can conclude either from the first or second statement alone
> that she may copy f and (2) allow the application (i.e., the parties in the
> agreement) to define when a permission follows from a set of statements based
> on whether it follows from each statement individually.  
> <S>
> That seems to be a good approach [alternative approach + 2]:  Do I understand
> that correctly: In our case above, in case the rule is "permissions are
> granted if it follows from a single statement" then the permission is
> granted.  Then a second iteration may start with the rule "permissions are
> granted if it follows from 3 statements." then the permission would be
> denied.  After, the second iteration we have an indicator for statements
> whose constraints cancel out. The interpretation process of each individual
> party might decide how to deal in these cases...no?
> <V2>
> I didn't understand your response, so I suspect we're not together.
> Hopefully, my rewrite above helped.  Let me reiterate the key points here.
> Suppose we say that a set S of statements imply a permission p iff there is
> an s in S such that s implies p.  Then, according to the definition, the
> statements "if Alice has made less than 5 copies of h, she is permitted to
> copy f" and "if Alice has made at least 5 copies of h, she is permitted to
> copy f" do not imply that Alice my copy f.  The permission doesn't follow
> from the first statement, because Alice might have made more than 4 copies,
> and the permission doesn't follow from the second statement, because Alice
> might have made less than 5 copies.  In general, I don't see how we could
> efficiently detect statements whose constraints "cancel out" based on whether
> the statements individually imply a permission.  
Surely, the state of no_copies must be checked at the implementation
level - i.e. at the DRM controller, the license is translated to:
if ((no_copies < 5) || (no_copies >= 5)) then copy f;
A smart compiler could condense this down to always true; but I would
not expect such features from a DRM controller. From a DRM controller,
it should check the state of no_copies and then allow copy f.

Hope these comments have some use.

Alapan Arnab
Data Networks Architecture (DNA) Laboratory
Department of Computer Science
University of Cape Town
Rondebosch, 7700
South Africa

Tel: +27 21 650 3127
Web: http://people.cs.uct.ac.za/~aarnab/
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Juan Manuel Fangio

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